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Page 6

by Barb Shuler

  “I speak the truth, woman!”

  “You may be, but they don’t need to know that!” She growled.

  Laughter filled the space again.

  “I’ve got one. When these two were younger,” Ramport started, pointing his chin at Natalia and Joshua, “there was an incident in the water. I’m still unclear as to what exactly happened, but Natalia decided to be one of the boys and jump off a small cliff. She didn’t tuck herself up as they’d told her to so she busted her foot on a rock in the water. She didn’t want to tell anyone she was hurt, so for two days she hobbled around and acted as if she was fine.”

  “Was she?” Uncle Trenton asked, a bite to his voice.

  “No, it took her falling on her face three times in the garden because she couldn’t put pressure on it. Sheri fussed and, mind you, my mate is not one for foul words-”

  “But she knows how to use them. I was grounded for a week after that. I also had a broken toe and an infection. I still have that scar on the bottom of my foot,” Natalia finished for him.

  “She was always getting into trouble. Even though she heels fast, some things take a bit longer. But she learned her lesson. Mostly,” Sheri said.

  As other stories were told everyone began to relax more. It was as if we had always been together. One big happy family. Truth be told, it made me want to sit here and cry. I was happy to have my family here, I was, but things were still never going to be as they had been when my mother was still alive. The hole left in my heart from her absence will always be there.

  I looked up at the sky and I felt the worry deep into my heart more. I shifted to sit back up and stretched my arms up over my head. I needed to lay down. The worry for Daddy and Sebastian, and my fully belly, has me feeling a little funky.

  I stood and stretched a little more. After a quick word with the people around me, I made my way to the tent I’d been given. I quickly got myself situated on the mat of blankets and skins, and slowly drifted off to sleep.



  One might ask what happens when a shifter, or any supernatural for that matter, doesn’t find his or her mate. In simple terms, they go mad. In my father’s case, he’s a few fish short of a catch. In the years after I hit my teens, he’d started to decline faster and faster.

  The story of his past with my mother, the same mother to my brothers, Trenton and Alexander, is one I could tell in my sleep. Their love was not, shall we say, written in the stars. Theirs’ was a love of convenience. Don’t take that to mean their love was not real, it is or, at least, it was. Sophia, my mother, may be gone, having been killed by Trenton and Alexander’s uncle, but the love they once shared never died.

  As my feet met the frozen ground I turned to survey the rocky hill and open land around us. I raised a brow at Kelanie. Her chin pointed towards the cave to the east of our position. I took in a deep breath. His scent filled me as did a few others. A growl rumbled in my chest. I had to tread lightly.

  “No matter what happens,” I spoke as I scanned my warriors, “you are not to intervene with my father and myself. He may not be in his right mind. I will have to prove to him who I am, as with anytime I come. Do you understand? This will be my fight, and my fight alone.”

  “Yes, Alpha.” They all reply as one.

  I gave Kelanie a nod before I moved up the hill and towards the open cave entrance. I moved slowly, as to not cause alarm, but it seems I failed at that task. By the time his scent rolled across my nostrils, it was already too late. He was on me. His body slammed into mine causing us to tumble down the small cliff I had just scaled. I snarled, pushing out against him.

  “Father, it is I. Stop this!”

  My voice boomed out across the open expanse of wilderness.

  A vicious snarl rang out around me. My father’s beast had taken over. His golden eyes ringed in green pierced mine. I gripped his hand and pushed him back from my throat. His canines and claws were starting to extend. If he shifted before I made him realize it was really me… well, I’d be limping back home. It would not be the first time either.

  “FATHER! STOP! IT IS I, YOUR SON!” I punctuated each word as they escaped me.

  The growl escaped me before I could stop it. His beast was setting my bear off. I could feel the tingle in my gums and fingers. My bear was pushing itself closer to the surface. I only had a few minutes to get my bear under control or this was going to escalate into a true fight.

  I wasn’t sure I could defeat him in his true form.

  “I’m your son, you ass. Stop this!”

  I pushed him back, snarling as my hands shifted to their bear form. I gripped his shoulders and flipped us, slamming his form into the rocks and earth.


  I felt the pain burn through my side and chest as his claws raked across me. I snarled out his name again.

  We shared blows, mine less effective as I was trying to not hurt him. We rolled, the snarls of our beasts ringing across the land. He had to see it was me. He had to. This was escalating much faster than it had the last time I was here. This was why he was hadn’t seen his grandchild since she was born. I’d braved bringing her once. He’d been ever so gentle with her. Yet, the next time I came alone, he’d attacked me.

  The injuries had to be tended to by Roslyn. She let her disdain for me being injured be known but she never once tried to forbid me from seeing my father. I was his one link to reality. His sleuth was small, but even they did not try to over take the crazy alpha. Though, I sermise he was not as violent with them as he was with me.

  The curse that had been put on him by a rogue fae, one whom he had attacked because his scent had smelled off, his words not mine, only made him worse. Kelanie has tried to break the spell but she was unable. So now, I being of his blood, am cursed along with him to suffer anytime I want to see him. It’s pure torture.

  The anger in me rose as he swung and his fist connected with my jaw. I rolled is again, my fist connecting with his jaw. Nothing happened. Well, other than him becoming angrier.

  It took me slamming him back into the rocks, his head rocking back and forth, before he really looked at me. His gaze flicked from golden back to green. My body heaved as I looked down at him. It had finally registered who I was. His arms wrapped around me for a moment then we were both brought to our feet.

  I hugged him again and pulled back.

  “I hurt you, again. Forgive me, my son. I do not see why you do this to yourself. When recognition takes longer and longer to come to the surface.”

  “Nothing to forgive, father. I will heal. It’s not your fault, you do not know what you're doing.” I shrugged slightly.

  “My boy.”

  He pulled me back into him. I gripped him hard and sighed. My father was part fae beast, a Polti bear, and part Kodiak bear. He was a huge bear of a man. Formidable, too. Thankfully for me, I do not think he actually wants to hurt me. Which is why I usually walk away from our meetings.

  “It’s fine, Father. I’m fine. But I need your help. Sonny is in danger as are Trenton and Alexander’s daughters. I need you to get your sleuth and come help us keep them safe.”

  “I can not help you. I would only be a danger.”

  “You would not. I need you to come with us. We need all the forces we can get. And, Father, I’ve seen what the girls can do, they have a gift that surpasses anything I’ve seen before now. They could try and heal you, break this dreadful curse.”

  His gaze wondered and I knew if he saw my warriors, he might see it as a challenge and we would have to do this all over again.

  “Father.” I tried to keep him focused on me. “They can help you, but only if you allow me and my warriors to escort you back to my lands.”

  His gaze tightened in on me and after a moment of thought, he nodded. He stepped back and brought his fingers to his lips. A shriek of a whistle had me wincing. I heard them long before I saw them. His clan was small, but the power in those he had under him was enough to choke
a mortal.

  His Beta came forward, a grin on his face as he shifted from his monstrous bear.

  I gave a slight bow to him. Trex moved closer and engulfed me in a tight embrace.

  “I knew it was you, but you know how he gets.”

  His whispered words had me nodding slightly.

  “It’s good to see you and the others.”

  “As it is you. What brings you to the land of the Poltiaks?” Trex asked. I raised a brow. The what?

  “That name is ridiculous. Do not use it again. I’ve told you this.” Father’s words had a little bite to it.

  Trex bowed slightly, yet I saw the corner of his lips curl up.

  “I came to seek Father’s help in keeping my daughter, and those of Trenton and Alexander, safe. Things on our side are not as well as they should be. The prophecy is nearing it’s time.”

  I kept my words soft so they did not travel further than my father and his beta. I didn’t need to have everyone around me lose their minds all at once. Trex’s eyes widened slightly before he started to pace.

  “Alpha, do you wish for us all to accompany you, or just a few. We might be able to get a little help from-”

  “No, we will not need help. I only wish to keep my granddaughter safe, as well as her two cousins. None of this is their faults, just their destiny. Gather the others. We should explain to them what is happening. They also need to meet my son’s sleuth as they will have to be kind and stay in line so that we can work as one to defeat this threat. If not, I will skin them where they stand.”

  Father’s voice held an edge as he spoke - one I hadn’t heard in a long time. I gave him a look. He seemed to be in complete control of not only himself but his beast as well. I could only venture to guess how long that would last. For my hides’ sake, I hope it lasted until we got to the girls.

  “If you do not, I will. I need some new blankets and such.” Kelanie’s words brought my attention back to her. It also had my father’s lips curling into a smile.

  “Ah, I new I smelled a Fae. Kelanie, a pleasure as always.” Father bowed slightly, a grin curving his lips up. This served to have a few of the men around us chuckling, myself included.

  “Spare me your theatrics, old man. I am not falling for your tricks. Shall we be going now? I need to make a ripple and I don’t want to use this one again. It will weaken the veil.”

  “Not yet. We have to gather my sleuth, then we can move to the canyon. The veil is sturdy there, it should allow you to do your voodoo.”

  Father again gave Kelanie a crooked grin. I shook my head as Kelanie first cursed him and then threatened him a time or two, just for good measure. A few of the men were coming down the hill when Kelanie’s words cut off, her face went ashen, then red with fury.

  “Kelanie, what is it?”


  “What kind of trouble?” I asked.

  “Is it Sonny and the others?” Sebastian asked, moving towards her.

  My question went unanswered as did his. She looked back over her shoulder after turning to put a hand up.

  “Be ready to move when I return!”

  The order was no sooner out of her mouth when she disappeared. I growled as I moved to where she had just stood. Had she just left us here?

  “Bart? What do we do?” Sebastian asked me, his golden eyes blazing.

  Fucking hell!

  “We be ready for her return. If we have to cross and run back to the lands, it will take us a full day if we run full out. Dammit!”

  I cursed again as I started to pace.

  What in the hell was happening now?


  Screams filled the air around me as darkness closed in. Something hit me from behind. I sat bolt upright, jolted from my dream.

  “It wasn’t real. It wasn’t real.”

  I wiped at my face, panting out the words. I was sweating, feeling out of it and confused. It was as if I were still in that forest from my dream, trying to find the others as they screamed in fear and pain. I took in a deep breath, held it and let it out slowly.

  I really hated these kinds of dreams. I felt jittery as I got to my knees, then to my feet. It was a feeling that I knew all too well. Something bad was coming. If my dream was any indication, we were in trouble.

  I made my way out of the tent and moved towards the fire pit. Marissa was sitting with Demetrius and a few of the wolves. I didn’t see Natalia, nor did I see Pyper. I turned to look over the clearing we were using as a campsite. I saw my guards, two of Sebastian’s warriors, come alert as I moved towards where Marissa was.

  “Where is Natalia and Pyper?” My voice rose and I had to bite back the panic that rose in me.

  “They’re- What's wrong?” She said her tone changing quickly. She stood and moved towards me. Thor at her side.

  “I don’t know… I had a dream. Something's coming.”

  That had the wolves around the fire standing, their eyes turning gold as their beasts push forward. There was something on the air that had my skin prickling.

  “We- we need to get Natalia back here, now!”

  Two of the wolves before me shifted mid-stride. One, I believe his name was Rock, tossed his head back and howled. The sound of it alerted the others to danger.



  My heart raced as I turned to the forest. I could hear the little footfalls coming my way. I moved closer to the path that was cut into the trees. The prickle of energy against my skin grew as I got closer. Pyper ran towards me, her little face lit up as she held onto a flower of some sort.

  “I gots a Floweeeeeer!”

  Pyper’s big grin was contagious. I scooped her up and kissed her cheek.

  The palpitations beating in my chest slowed slightly when I saw that Natalia and Joshua in his wolf form come into the clearing. I looked around for a moment and counted wolves.

  “Where are the others? Where are Uncle Trenton and Alexander?” I spun again to look the clearing over.

  “What’s wrong with you? You’re as skittish a long-tailed cat in a room full of mouse traps.”

  I gave Marissa a look and she shrugged, laughing slightly at herself.

  “I told you. I had a dream… something is wrong. I just can’t-” I was cut off by a loud clap of thunder. The prickle against my skin increased. “Pyper, why don’t you go to-”

  “What is that?” Marissa asked.


  “Pyper, go to Kayla, please,” Natalia said, her eyes too were scanning the area.

  “I have to?” she asked. Natalia nodded at her.

  “I go,” Pyper said. I sat her on her feet. She took off running towards Kayla’s tent, her flower still gripped in her hand.

  Clouds above us rolled, the thunder rolled across the sky again, causing the ground to rumble.

  “What’s happening here? What did you see?” “Marissa asked me, concern finally gracing her face.

  The wind around us picked up, blowing trees left then right, causing the small debris around us to whirl. The sky lit up with lightning. The sound of thunder once again rolled across the plains. Before anyone processed what was happening, there were a dozen men, dressed in black battle gear and swords in their hands on the edge of the clearing. My hackles went up instantly.

  I was seeing part of my dream unfolding into reality. My heart pounded, my breathing increased to a rapid bearing. I shook myself and whispered, “them.” I moved to stand before everyone else. I knew what they were… mother had told me one day they’d come for me.

  We had to take them down or we were all dead.

  “There are people, creatures in this world that are not as they seem.”

  She pulled me closer to her and pushed my hand from my face. I had been playing with my hair as she spoke. My eyes met hers and I could see the worry in them.

  “I thought we could trust the ones here?”

  “You can, my sweet girl. But, you won’t always be here. We won’t always be here to he
lp you. You will have to know who to trust and who not to trust. You will have to learn how to use your intuition, let it guide you.”

  “Okay. But how do I know what it is saying to me? What do I look for?”

  “It’s going to be hard but you will know. There are so many…”

  “Why? Why would someone want to hurt me? Or anyone for that matter?”

  “As I said, some are not good. There are three sides to this world. Good, evil and the in-between. Some that you will think of as being.. Will have a dark side. Angels. Some of them… When you see the men in battle garb, be weary. They are not all on the side of good. Some angels fell when God cast them from the Heavens. Others chose to leave, succumbing to the temptations of evil. They are known as the Assassins of the Guild. They are vile, unfeeling bastards.”

  “Are there good Angels? I mean, like you and I? Or are we different, since we are shifters as well, Mama?”

  “The Angels that fight for the side of good are called the Angels of Angelicus. They are a band of Battle Angels that were charged with protecting the humans, and others from the fallen. Even they can be assholes, though.” She sighed before cupping my cheek in her hand. “My sweet girl, you will find things in life are not always as they seem. I wish I could protect you from all of this, but there will come a time that I can not. You will know what to do, and you will not be alone.”

  “How will I know?” I asked as my head tilted further towards her hand, pressing the warmth of her palm into my cheek more.

  She smiled as she moved her hand to run a finger across my forehead.

  “You will know. Listen to the light inside of you. The light will always be there to be your guide. You will feel all angels. Good or bad. You may see them before they come to you. Heed the warnings you see. Trust yourself.”

  I shook off the memory and looked over the assembled angels. They were the ones Mama had warned me of. Something inside of me sparked. I rested my hand on my stomach for a moment. I had to get myself together.


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