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Exception (Cambria University Series Book 1)

Page 13

by Sadie T. Williams

  “So no girlfriends?”

  “There was a friend of the family who thought she was my girlfriend during my senior year. Her parents are loaded and my mom, being southern, thought I needed to be betrothed or some shit. She thought if we got married it would bring two great families together.” My words make her giggle and I love the sound. “Because of my mom, Whittier thought she was my girlfriend, but Rhett and I knew otherwise. I was being heavily recruited and I didn’t have time for a distraction. She was super pissed when nothing ever came of it.”

  “More honesty. I like it. This whole night has been enlightening and freeing, actually.”

  “Well, I don’t have a reason to lie. I’m not trying to get into your pants. At least not tonight,” I smile and let my dimples pop. Someday, maybe, I can show her how amazing sex can be.

  Chapter 11: Kiernan

  The month of September flies by. Brooks and I continue our coffee dates and sit together in bio psych. I watch his away games on TV when they’re on the road. They beat Florida 45-41, then returned home to open conference play and beat Maryland, who is unranked, 62-10. They’ve been playing really well and Brooks has been getting early Heisman buzz.

  We’ve also played a couple more fall ball games, the most important win coming against Florida at home and Georgia on the road. I’m having the best fall season of my career, and our coach is really happy with how our team is playing as well.

  Cambria beat Iowa at home by 21 points today, and we’re back at the apartment, getting ready to party at the Pi Kappa house. Blaire is curling her hair while Watts and Duncan are applying their makeup. I’m using the toilet as a chair and watching them.

  “Is Brooks going to the party, KK?” Watts asks. They now ask me questions about him as if he’s my boyfriend, since we spend most of our free time together. He comes to the RAC while I lift, we spend most Sundays on one of our couches watching football or his game tape all day, and we study together in the library. We’re pretty much inseparable, but the more time I spend with Brooks, the harder it is to contain my feelings. I’m opening myself up, which is completely terrifying, but I can’t control the feelings I have for him. They threaten to overwhelm me every minute of every day. I want to pursue more and am almost hurt that he hasn’t tried. My virginity confession may have been too much for him. He hasn’t tried to even touch me.

  “Yeah, he’s going with his boys.”

  “Are you finally going to kiss him tonight? Hasn’t he waited long enough?” Blaire asks.

  “I want to,” I reply discreetly.

  Blaire drops the curling iron in the sink and Watts and Duncan both stop applying their makeup and stand frozen, staring at me in the mirror. “WHAT?!?” they gasp in unison.


  “You’re serious?” Blaire asks.

  “Yeah. It’s been well over a month and we’re together all the time. Why not? It’s not a big deal, right?” I reply, trying to sound brave when internally my heart is racing at the thought.

  “You’re goddamn right it is a big deal, KK!” Watts shouts at me. “It’s your first one and I am so fucking excited I can’t stand it.”

  “I’m not having sex with him, Tori,” I snap to make sure she knows I’m serious. “I have kissed a guy before.”

  “When? 1984?” she replies sarcastically.

  “I wasn’t even born then, you ass. Stop making me nervous. I don’t even know if he wants to kiss me.”

  “Oh, he fucking wants to kiss you. He wants to do way more than that. Tanner told me,” Blaire pipes up. “But he’s such a good dude that he isn’t pressuring you to do anything. Not even the littlest thing. So, you better step up. I can’t believe he waited this long. You know how many girls he could have fucked in the last six weeks? A lot. You know how many he’s actually slept with? Zero.”

  “I don’t even want to think about it,” I reply, a nauseous feeling building my stomach. It bothers me that Blaire knows so much about Brooks’ sex life. But it does make me feel good to know he hasn’t hooked up with anyone since we started hanging out. I need to do this before I change my mind. “He hasn’t made a move at all. I’m starting to think he isn’t attracted to me. So, maybe it’s time I don’t wear sweats to a party.”

  A collective scream that comes from my roommates. I’m pretty sure all the dogs in a five-mile radius are now deaf.

  “This dude must be special,” Duncan says with a smile.

  “He is. Now will you all fucking help me get ready?”

  “Hell-fucking-yes we will! We’ve been waiting for this for years!” Watts says and drags out the years just to emphasize how long it’s been.

  After rejecting several sequin and leather mini-skirt options, a strapless dress, and a pair of booty shorts, I settle on some skinny jeans, a black off the shoulder shirt that is tighter than what I normally wear, and a pair of black wedge sandals. Blaire curls my hair so it’s hanging down my back in loose waves. Watts puts on a light layer of eyeliner and mascara. Duncan lets me use her lipstick and I settle on a faint pink color called cotton candy. I look really different, but I need to make a statement. I need to let Brooks know I’m ready for more. This may be a good start.

  We arrive at the party later than usual, because it takes me a while to get ready. That’s a first. My roommates can tell I’m nervous.

  “It’s gonna be fine, KK. You look amazing.” Watts nudges me and smiles.

  “Um, thanks,” I say, trying to sound confident, but voice fails me and I squeak out the words.

  “Seriously, if Brooks doesn’t want you as soon as he sees you, I’ll fucking take you home tonight. You’re hot!” Blaire says to encourage me. “But he will. So will every other guy in the house. There’s gonna be some pressure on their zippers tonight.” She laughs.

  “Oh Jesus, don’t be gross. I don’t want to be thinking of dicks when I walk inside,” I reply.

  They’re right though. We walk inside and every set of eyes within range hits me at once. A small crowd starts to gather around us. This is my nightmare. There’s an array of whistles, and too many compliments being shouted at me – my head is starting to spin.

  “I need some liquid courage. I’m freaking out,” I shout to my girls.

  “Freaking about Brooks or your outfit?” Blaire asks.


  “Okay, well, you can’t do anything about either one of those things because he’s walking over here right now,” she says and motions behind me.


  “Hey, gorgeous,” Brooks says in a much lower voice than normal. It’s almost a growl and it makes my heart pound.

  “Hey, Mac.” I turn to face him and smile.

  “You look fucking amazing. I can’t even put into words how beautiful you are right now.” I feel my cheeks get hotter as he tucks a piece of hair behind my ear. Everyone is staring at Brooks towering over me. A group of sorority sisters audibly moans when he touches my hair.

  “Um, well, my roommates were sick of my sweats I guess. They worked their magic on me.”

  “Jesus, Kelly, are you trying to make me come in my pants with that outfit?” I hear Stoner shout over the music.

  He’s so disgusting sometimes. Is that even possible? I don’t know how men’s dicks work.

  “That’s all it takes, Stoner? I feel sorry for your future wife.” I try to play it cool when inside I’m a fucking ball of nervous energy.

  “He’s so stupid sometimes,” I say and look back to Brooks, who is glaring at Stoner.

  “He wasn’t fucking around. You’re going to make some guys spill it in their pants,” he says calmly as his mood shifts. His normally icy blue eyes are dark with a desire I haven’t seen before. He bends his neck so that our foreheads are touching and he runs a hand up each of my arms, causing my skin to flush with goosebumps. Yikes.

  “Oh my God, Mac! Stop!” I say and punch him in the arm. He knows I hate to be the center of attention, so this is a big step for me.

e never seen anything more beautiful in my life,” he says as he leans in to whisper in my ear. “I want to dance with you tonight? Cool?” More eyes are burning into my skin as the girls in the room are watching his every move.

  “Um, sure, but I am not that great of a dancer. I’m gonna need a shot first.” My roommates are going to shit their pants when they see me on the dance floor. I only dance if I’m really hammered.

  He grabs my hand and we walk through the party to several stares, more whistles, and a few whispers from the masses of girls who now hate me. Carli’s so red with anger I think she’d try to beat my ass if she wouldn’t break a nail in the process.

  We stop in the kitchen and I swallow a shot of Jack. It burns all the way down my throat, but it also soothes my nerves a bit. Brooks and I get downstairs, where Watts and Duncan immediately rush over. They scream as if they’ve just seen Justin Bieber.

  “You’re really fucking doing this?” Watts whispers between us so Brooks can’t hear.

  “Yup, I’ve never wanted anything more.” They scream again and resume dancing with some basketball players.

  “Senorita” by Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello comes on. Brooks pulls me to his chest and wraps his right arm around me. His large hand is on the small of my back and he presses it harder against me. I feel so protected and safe, sheltered from the eyes of the world in his massive arms. We begin to move. He has great rhythm. My body ignites and a euphoric feeling spreads over me. Soon after we start dancing I can feel a bulge grow inside of his zipper and press against my hip. I’m making his dick hard. Fuck, this is hot.

  As his dick gets harder and the alcohol kicks in, I gain more confidence. I don’t care who is watching us at this point. I turn around, grab his arms and wrap them around my waist. I lift my ass a little higher and press it into the bulge. I start to move. I’ve seen the way girls dance, and I try to replicate it. I have some rhythm. I make slow, circular movements with my hips which move my ass back and forth across his zipper. I want to make him to come in his pants.

  Brooks grabs my hips and stops my movement.

  “You need to stop,” he says with a playful smile on his succulent lips.

  I immediately froze. I fucking screwed this up. I don’t know what the fuck I am doing. Maybe I embarrassed him. “Um, okay, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t ha—“ He stops me by pressing his finger to my lips.

  “No, it’s not that. That was fucking hot as hell. Too hot. If you keep that up, I’m going to have to go home and change my pants.”

  I flash my best seductive smile at him and look up at him through my lashes. I fucking turned him on so much he was going to come. This feeling is so addicting. I want more. I want to leave with him, now.

  “Do you want to get out of here?” I ask.

  Chapter 11: Brooks

  Today’s game against Iowa was huge. They’re ranked number seventeen, and the first ranked team we’ve beat since Florida almost a month ago. We’re all getting ready to head out to the postgame party. I am wearing some dark jeans, a gray fitted t-shirt, and gray city boots. My hair is tousled for the intentionally messy look, as always. We pile into Blake’s truck and head off.

  “Let’s get shitfaced!” Rhodes shouts as we enter the Pi Kappa house.

  We head to the kitchen and fill up some cups. Mackey is in there and offers us some shots. We all take a couple shots and get a round of applause from the audience that has gathered around us.

  I feel someone grab my arm. A cute blond chick in a very tight red dress is looking up at me. Her red manicured hand is stroking my bicep.

  “Hey,” she purrs. “Nice tat.” She tugs my sleeve up an inch and my tattoo peeks out from under it.


  “You played good today,” she continues, trying to sound seductive. “I enjoy watching you play. Do you like playing?”

  I know she’s no longer talking about football. Two months ago, I would have had some clever reply about playing with her, and I probably would have taken her to one of the bedrooms or the bathroom. But I have no desire for that anymore. This chick doesn’t like me. She certainly isn’t asking me if I like football in the same sense Kiernan did. She likes the image of me, which didn’t really bother me until I met Kiernan and had a meaningful connection with someone. “Yeah, I like playing football. That’s why I do it,” I reply as I peel her fingers off my arm. “See ya around.”

  I walk away as she stands there, mouth agape. I just can’t pretend anymore with these jersey chasers. Meaningless sex is just that now. Meaningless.

  Speaking of Kiernan, I haven’t seen her yet. She usually beats us here and parks herself at the beer pong table.

  “Hey, the girls here yet?” I asked Bateman.

  “Nah. B just texted me. They’re running late, but they should be here in a few minutes.”

  Just then the door opens and they walk in. I can’t see Kiernan because she’s so short, but I can see Duncan and Blaire. The whistling and hollering is almost deafening.

  “What the fuck is going on?”

  “Umm,” Blake walks over and pauses. “You should see your girl. Holy fuck, bro.”

  Just then she comes into view. Fuck me. I’ve never seen anything so hot in my whole life. Her shirt is exposing one of her shoulders and is tight against her body. Her perky tits are on full display through it. I desperately want to smash my face between them. Her small waist flows into her thick hips and as she turns around to talk to her friends, I see her caramel hair flowing down her back. The most perfectly shaped apple-bottom ass I’ve ever seen is bursting out of her skinny jeans. Little Mac is pressing against my zipper. She’s making me hard just looking at her. I have to casually adjust my junk because it’s almost painful. A small crowd is gathering around her, and I am insanely hot with jealousy right now. She’s mine, fuckers.

  I walk up behind her. “Hey, gorgeous.” She blushes and her cheeks turn the prettiest shade of pink. She can’t fucking take a compliment. I want to get my hands on her. Dance with her. Feel her move. By the grace of God, she agrees.

  I grab her hand, we stop in the kitchen for a shot, then walk toward the stairs. Everyone is staring at this public display of affection, on my part and hers. Her friends spot us and rush over. They whisper something to her, scream, smile at me, and continue to dance.

  “Senorita” begins to play and I pull her close to me. Our legs intertwined and we began to grind. She’s a fucking great dancer. Her rhythm and mine are perfectly in sync, just as I knew they would be. Her touch is making me hard again. She has to be able to feel Little Mac pressing on her hip. I can’t help it.

  She spins around, grabs my arms and wraps them around her waist. She presses her ass into my groin and begins seductive, slow, circular movements. Oh my fucking… I am so hard right now it physically hurts. I’ve only manually blown my load in the last six weeks and her sensual movements against my dick are going to make me come in my pants. I want this girl more than I have ever wanted anything in my whole life, but I don’t want to blow my load in my own pants at a Pi Kappa party.

  I grab her hips to stop her before I can’t hold it back anymore. “You need to stop,” I growl into her ear. If we weren’t in front of all these people I wouldn’t stop her. I would let Little Mac blow under the movements of her luscious ass.

  She immediately tenses her whole body. “Um, okay, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t ha—“ she begins. Oh shit no. She thinks I’m stopping her because she crossed a line or something. I stop her words by pressing my finger to my lips. Her lips are soft and desirable. I catch myself thinking about what they would feel like on mine.

  “No, it’s not that. That was fucking hot as hell. Too hot. If you keep that up I am going to have to go home and change my pants.”

  She looks up at me through her long lashes, and she’s has an expression on her face I’ve never seen before. “Do you want to get out of here?” she asks.

  Fucking right I do.

  Chapter 12: Kiernan

bsp; Brooks got the keys from Blake and we left the party together again. There were a lot of sneers from the jersey chasers, but I’m starting to get used to it. We hop into the truck and Brooks starts the drive back to the townhouse. As he drives, he reaches over and grabs my hand. I turn to look at him and he flashes me a brilliant smile. The touch of his hand on mine reignites the fire that was surging through my body while we were dancing.

  I don’t know what I expect to happen tonight, but I know I’m ready for something. I need something. He’s been patient with me. He hasn’t pressured me, and now that I’m finally ready for something, I want it to be with him.

  Brooks parks the truck and we walk hand in hand into his house. I’m so nervous.

  “I don’t know what to do,” I admit as I slip off my shoes. My voice is so shaky.

  He smiles, puts his hands on my cheeks and leans down so our lips are millimeters apart. I can feel his breath on my mouth. His ice colored eyes are staring into mine. My whole being is on fire.

  “Can I kiss you?” All I manage is a nod.

  His lips graze softly over before he presses them harder against me. The surge that runs through my body almost knocks me over. I feel his lips part and his tongue moves along my lips, searching for an opening. Instinctively, I part my lips for him and his tongue slips into his mouth. He tastes like mint and Jack Daniels. Our tongues begin to dance around each other. His hands stay on my face as his tongue continues to roll and spin around in my mouth, seducing me with every flick and lick. I can feel the bulge in his pants begin to grow again and press against my stomach, and a dampness in my underwear that I’ve never felt before. Our bodies are responding to each other, and I love it. He pulls his tongue out of my mouth and sucks my bottom lip into his mouth for a quick nip as we part.


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