Exception (Cambria University Series Book 1)

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Exception (Cambria University Series Book 1) Page 17

by Sadie T. Williams

  Oh thank God! He knows the truth! He knows I wasn’t in there with Robbie by my own will. I don’t know how he knows, but he knows and he saved me.

  He closes the passenger side door, hops into the driver’s seat, and we take off. I lose consciousness again sometime during the drive. I fucking hate Halloween.

  Chapter 14: Brooks

  “Fuck the Badgers!” we shout as we enter the party. That was big fucking win today, and we’re riding high. Cheers erupt as we enter.

  The four of us head to the kitchen. Blake, Rhodes and Bateman take a few shots. Rhodes is snorting vodka out of a chick’s belly button. That dude is a special breed. I grab a beer. I’m driving tonight, so two beers is my limit for the next few hours.

  “The girls here yet?” I ask Bateman.

  Bateman checks his phone. “Should be. B said they were.” He wanders off to find Blaire.

  I check the beer pong room. “Stoner, have you seen Kiernan?” I ask.

  “Yeah, a while ago. She was Braxton’s partner, but she bailed on him. I don’t know where she went.” He shrugs and tosses a ping pong ball across the table.

  “She said she had to pee, but she never came back. She looked sick, bro,” Braxton offers.

  I check the basement. Watts and Duncan are in full-on dance mode. They haven’t seen her either.

  What the fuck?

  I walk back upstairs and check the bathroom. Nothing. Just then a hand grabs my arm. It’s one of Carli’s underlings. Hannah, maybe?

  “What?” I snap at her. I don’t mean to be that rude, but I have no desire to be hit on right now. I have no idea where Kiernan is, and this is starting to freak me out. I have a bad feeling in my gut.

  “Hey, Brooks.” She pauses and glances around the room like she’s about to get caught doing something wrong. She looks upset.

  “What? I snap again. This time I’m annoyed.

  “It’s Kiernan, Brooks. Carli did something to her,” she says as she looks around the room again. She has fear in her voice and her words scare me.

  “WHAT?!” I shout and I can hear the panic in my voice.

  “Carli put something in her drink. Kiernan passed out upstairs. I’m so sorry. I didn’t know Carli was serious when she said she wanted to do this. She’s been planning this for weeks, and Kiernan was so trusting.” She rambles on so fast I barely catch all of it over the music. “Robbie Johnson is up there with her and he is going to… going to….” She pauses, ashamed.

  “Going to what?!” I shout and grab both of her arms. I’m practically shaking the information out of her.

  “Rape her,” she says and her face loses all its color.

  The words knock the air out of my lungs and send my heart plummeting into my stomach. I drop Hannah, who I apparently picked up at some point during our exchange. “Where is she?”

  “Upstairs in the last bedroom on the left!” she shouts as I run away.

  “BLAKE, RHODES!” I yell over the music. They see the expression on my face. They immediately drop their cups and run to me. “Carli drugged Kiernan. Robbie fucking Johnson is gonna try to rape her while she’s unconscious.” They follow me as we bolt up the stairs two at a time. I see Carli and the rest of the minions hovering in front of a door. She is fucking waiting for Kiernan to be raped. Sick fuck.

  My boys and I storm down the hallway and Carli’s expression changes from one of sinister pride to fear. She looks like she’s seen a ghost. “Get the fuck away from that door, Carli,” I snarl. They all move and I turn to the door. I try the knob, it’s locked. I try it several times, like it will magically open if I shake it harder. Fuck this. Two hard kicks and the door shatters off the hinges.

  Sure as shit, Hannah was right. Robbie is hovering above Kiernan. He’s naked and his short, pencil-thin dick is sheathed in a condom. Kiernan’s pants are down around her ankles and her shirt is pulled up to her chin, but her underwear are still on. Oh thank God. I am immediately sick to my stomach. I know that vindictive bitch did this to Kiernan because I wouldn’t fuck her. I’m not sure what Robbie is getting out this, other than an ass kicking.

  Robbie turns and sees us rush in the room. He looks terrified, and he should be. I get the first swing in and my fist connects hard with Robbie’s cheek. Fuck that stings. He stumbles backwards, but catches himself on the bed. Blake and Rhodes are going to fucking kill him for me, so I focus on Kiernan. I give my boys the nod and they pounce. They’re taking full swings at Robbie’s face and torso. They aren’t holding back. Blake is a mean motherfucker who enjoys a good fight. He will rip Robbie apart. Robbie falls to the ground with a loud thud. All I can hear is moaning coming from him as Blake and Rhodes continue to pummel his ass while I turn to the bed.

  Kiernan is lying there motionless. Whatever Carli gave her did its job. She seems semiconscious, but frozen. It’s like her muscles are Jello. She clearly can’t lift her head or her extremities, but I can see the fear in her eyes. I put her clothes back on and wrap her in a blanket. I don’t want the crowd downstairs seeing her this way, but I have no choice other than to carry her out. I nod to my boys again and they nod back. Blake’s fist connects with Robbie’s gut. “Take her out of here, bro,” Rhodes says. “We got this motherfucker.”

  They know this shit is serious. I rush past Carli and her pack of girls. I throw one last death glare at her as I blow past them. “Your reign is fucking over, Carli,” I snarl at her and she goes pale. She knows she fucked with the wrong girl.

  I’m trying to be gentle with Kiernan while making it out of this house as fast as possible. I don’t even look around. I don’t want to see the number of eyes on us right now. I can feel the tears welling up in my eyes. This is my fault. This is all my fault.

  I get to my truck and carefully set Kiernan in the front seat. She can’t move, so I set her head back on the headrest. I touch her cheek, but she remains immobile.

  “Are you okay?” What a stupid fucking question. “I’m so sorry, baby. This is my fault, all of it.” As the words come out of my mouth tears start to roll down my cheeks. If Hannah wouldn’t have had a conscience and found me. If we would have waited just ten more minutes. I don't even want to think about it. The thoughts are making me nauseous. I hope Kiernan can forgive me for this.

  “Carli is a psychotic bitch and I am so very sorry.” I apologize over and over as I rest my head on her chest. I can’t leave her alone. I need to protect her. I need to be there when she regains functionality. I need to know if she forgives me, and if we’re going to be okay. I won’t blame her if she walks away though. She doesn’t deserve this. Her virginity was almost stolen tonight because of me. “I’m going to take you back to my place. I want to make sure whatever she gave you runs its course. I will make sure you’re okay. I am so very sorry, Kiernan.”

  Robbie fucking Johnson is a dead man walking, and I will make damn sure no guy ever touches Carli again.

  Chapter 15: Kiernan

  I have no idea what time it is. The last time I checked my phone it was 11:30 p.m. and Brooks wasn’t at the party yet. It’s been several hours I’m sure, and they have been excruciating. I’ve been vomiting, convulsing, and slipping in and out of consciousness, but my body is slowing regaining its ability to move. My brain is working again, albeit a bit fuzzy.

  Brooks has been by my side the whole time. Visions of last night keep dancing in my head. The bits and pieces I can put together are disturbing at best. I remember cheersing with Carli, Robbie’s sick words in ear, and Brooks bursting through the door to save me. I don’t remember much after that. I don’t know how I got back to Brooks’ house, but I’m guessing he drove me. I don’t remember most of the night until I woke up vomiting with full body tremors. I remember Brooks leaning me over the side of his bed, holding a trash can for me to puke in. He kept my hair from falling into my vomit. How embarrassing.

  Finally, with light shining through the blinds, I fully open my eyes. This feels like the worst hangover ever. My whole body is sore and my head
still feels a little cloudy. I think getting hit by a Mack truck would feel better than this. However, I can move. I roll over and see Brooks asleep next to me. I’m wearing only his t-shirt. He must have dressed me. Shit. He has new sheets on his bed. I must have puked on it. Double shit.

  I try to scoot off the bed to go to the bathroom, but my movements are clunky and awkward. I’m still a little out of sorts with my muscle control. Brooks feels me move and wakes up.

  “Babe?” he looks at me with his blue eyes wide. “What are you doing?”

  “I just need to use the bathroom,” I reply and wobble as I try to stand up. I look like a baby giraffe learning to walk.

  “Let me help,” he offers.

  “I got it.” I hold up a hand to stop him. “I need to work through this.” I feel so unsteady on my own legs. Even in my drunkest state, I have never felt this way the day after. I’m usually very coordinated. Carli’s drugs really did a number on me.

  He sits on the edge of the bed. His head hanging as he watches me struggle to take the few steps to the bathroom. I think he may cry again.

  I close the bathroom door. I don’t want Brooks seeing me like this anymore. I check my phone after I sit down on the toilet. I have over 200 text messages. Mostly from friends. Some from people at the party who got my number somehow. Fucking great, everyone knows what happened.

  “Hey, ladies.” I try to sound normal. I’m not sure how to start a text string after what just happened to me.

  After a second my phone buzzes.

  B: “OH GOD!!!!! YOU’RE ALIVE! Are you still with Brooks? He ran out of the party so fast I couldn’t keep up. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you. I didn’t know what was happening. I’m a shit friend and I hope you can forgive me.”

  Watts: “I’m so sorry, KK. Are you ok? I’m just sick about what happened. Love you, boo.”

  Duncan: “Love you my friend. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you. I hope you’re feeling ok.”

  “Ladies, I’m ok. Promise. It’s not your job to babysit me. I shouldn’t have trusted that ho-bag, Carli.”

  Watts: “I believe the term is jersey chasing, whorebag, come-dumpster.”

  “Oh right. That’s it.”

  B: “How are you making jokes right now? Do you know how serious this is? Do you know what could have happened if Hannah didn’t grow a conscience?”

  Hannah? What did she do?

  “It is. I know that and I was fucking scared out of my mind. But I’m ok and I don’t want to dwell on it. Brooks and his boys stopped it before anything happened. It could have been worse. What did Hannah do?”

  B: “She got Brooks. Told him what was happening and where you were. If she wouldn’t have Brooks may not have found you.”

  “Holy shit. I didn’t know. I’ll have to thank her for that.”

  Duncan: “Carli and Robbie both got what they deserved. It was epic.”

  “What happened?”

  B: “Rhodes and Blake beat the living shit out of Robbie. He was a bloody mess. Then they made him leave the party naked and holding his pencil dick in his hand. Blake stapled a note to his chest *ouch* that read ‘The only way I can get laid is to rape chicks.’ I don’t think he will be back… ever.”

  “No fucking way!” I’m super embarrassed that everyone knows I was almost raped though.

  Watts: “That still isn’t enough for what he did.”

  Duncan: “The come-dumpster got punched in the face by Erika. And Megan threw a beer in her face.”

  Watts: “Also, not enough, but it’s a start. I told Decker, Braxton, Finn, Stoner, and Mackey that if any of their teammates talk to her again, invite her anywhere or even look at her I will cut their balls off.”

  “Well, I think we’ve covered all of our bases then. I'm still at Brooks’ house. He’s pretty torn up about what happened.”

  B: “Not his fault at all. He can’t control psycho.”

  “I know. I need to talk to him. I’ll see you guys later.”

  All: “Love you, KK.”

  When I finally return from the bathroom, Brooks is in the same spot as when I left.

  “I’m so sorry, Kiernan,” he practically whispers.

  “I’m okay, Mac,” I reply with a weak smile. “You saved me.”

  His eyes shoot up to me, “What?” He looks surprised.

  “If you wouldn’t have come in when you did,” I shudder at the thought, “I don’t even want to think of what would have happened.”

  “Me either,” he says. “But you were in that situation because of me. Because Carli and Robbie were trying to ruin me. You were the one thing they knew would break me and they used you.” His head lowers again and tears start running down his cheeks. His knuckles are busted on his right hand and blood is seeping through the cracks that were previously healing.

  “What’s this?” I touch his knuckles.

  “I got the first punch on Robbie before Rhodes and Blake took care of him.”

  “You better not have broken your throwing hand.” I smile to try to lighten the mood. He doesn’t respond. He’s just staring at the floor.

  I sit next to him on the bed and touch my hand to his cheek. He turns to look at me. I lean forward and press my lips to his. I need him to know I’m still here with him. The fire ignites in my body. Even though I’m not at full capacity the touch of his lips sends shivers through me. He puts his hands up to my face and kisses me deeper. He slides his tongue between my parted lips and our tongues twist and twirl around each other.

  Suddenly, I pull away. Not because I don’t want to kiss him, but because I remember that I have been vomiting most of the night. How disgusting.

  “I’m sorry,” I say embarrassed, “I probably taste like puke.” I used some of his toothpaste on my finger again, but I can still taste the vomit on my tongue.

  He stares at me. “You would be worried about someone other than yourself. What you’ve gone through, what I put you through. I never thought you would kiss me again. You’ve never tasted better,” he says in a low, somber tone, clearly trying to put my worries at ease. His body is slumped forward. This is far from the cool, calm, confident Brooks I've gotten to know over the last couple of months.

  “Mac.” I touch his chin to lift his eyes to mine, “This isn’t your fault. You’re not to blame for Carli’s obsession or Robbie’s jealousy. As my dad always said, ‘women want you and men want to be you.’ He was always talking about himself obviously,” I smile, “but I think it applies more to you.”

  He manages a meek smile, but I can tell he’s truly hurting for what happened to me. He cares so deeply for me, and I him. I love him. I do. His unique status in our small university universe may have been what caused Carli and Robbie to target me, but he isn’t to blame. You can’t help who you fall in love with.

  “I love you,” I say as I lay my head on his shoulder.

  His body jolts upright. I shouldn’t have said that. It’s too soon.

  “You do?” He looks at me, trying to gauge my reaction. “After everything that happened?”

  “I do,” I reply, a little embarrassed. “I have for a while, but after last night, it just reaffirms everything I’ve grown to love about you.”

  “How is that possible?”

  “Seriously? You don’t know? You make me feel safe and loved. You let me be me. You’ve seen me for who I am, not who my family is. You’re handsome, athletic, intelligent, and so kind. You’re my unicorn,” I say, using his own word to describe him. “Men like you only exist in fairytales. You found me last night and saved me. You took care of me all night, from what I can remember. You never left me.”

  “And I never will.”

  “You’re the best person I know, inside and out,” I continue. “And, maybe it's too soon, but I don’t care. I love you. With every fiber of my being.”

  He raises his head and looks at me. His ice blue eyes seem calmer now. “Did you know that’s rule number one? A rule I never thought I would ever break.”

  “Don’t fall in love?” I reply. I don’t know what else to say. He doesn’t love me. He can’t. I didn’t know what rule number one was, and now I’m sorry I do.



  “I love you too.” He smiles. “Will you officially be my girlfriend?”

  My heart explodes, butterflies come alive in my stomach, and my body feels rejuvenated.

  “YES!” Of course I will. He grabs my face and presses his lips to mine. We lock in an embrace and kiss each other passionately. The kiss of being in love.

  Chapter 15: Brooks

  I carry Kiernan into my bedroom from the truck and lay her on my bed. I pull her Robbie-sweat-soaked clothes off and slide one of my t-shirts over her head. She’s small, but completely dead weight at this point. As I lift her, her body starts shaking uncontrollably. What the fuck is happening? I lay her back down on the bed. I start to panic, but after a few seconds her body calms. Then she heaves and vomits all over my bed. I carefully roll her side to side as I change the sheets. The shaking starts again. I run to the bathroom to grab the trash can because I know what’s coming next. Sure enough, the convulsions stop and she vomits.

  This routine continues over and over and over. I can’t watch this anymore – it’s breaking my heart. Her body is thrown into convulsions about every thirty minutes. When her body isn’t in a spasm, she’s vomiting. She can’t hold her own head up, so I am holding her over the side of my bed while she vomits into my trash can, trying like hell to not let her hair fall in it. She’s in and out of consciousness. Every once in a while, she yells my name and a look of pain flashes across her face. Then she stills. This cycle continues for the next five hours. It is almost 6 a.m. when she finally sleeps soundly.

  I leave her side only to pee, throw my sheets in the wash, and empty the trash can. By the time she’s quieted down and it seems the worst has passed, I’m exhausted. I still can’t believe what transpired just hours earlier. My tear-filled eyes grow heavy and I pass out from sheer exhaustion next to Kiernan.


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