Exception (Cambria University Series Book 1)

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Exception (Cambria University Series Book 1) Page 18

by Sadie T. Williams

  I’m startled awake around eight by Kiernan struggling to get out of bed.

  “Babe? What are you doing?” She looks like a baby giraffe trying to walk. My heart sinks to my stomach.

  “I just need to use the bathroom,” she says as she sways back and forth, trying to gain some sort of composure.

  “Let me help,” I offer. I start to get up and walk to her, but she stops me.

  “I got it. I need to work through this,” she replies. Fuck. She doesn’t want my help. She may not want anything to do with me, and I don’t blame her.

  I sit down on the edge of the bed and I can feel my body slump lower and lower as I watch her struggle to take the few steps to the bathroom. I may cry again. I have cried more in the last six hours than I have in my entire life. The last time I cried I was six and my grandma had just died.

  She’s taking a long time in the bathroom. I’m sure it isn’t easy for her. I want to go in there to help her, but I know she doesn’t want that. So I sit. And wait.

  I check my phone. There are hundreds of text messages from people at the party. They all heard what happened. Kiernan is going to be so embarrassed. She hates being the center of attention, and this is in the worst possible way. I decided to just text my boys.

  “Hey, long night. Everything is ok now though.” I don’t really know what to say. How do you start a text string after your favorite person in the world was almost raped? Raped because of you. After a few moments the responses start.

  Rhodes: “WTF, man? That was the craziest shit I’ve ever seen. We fucked Robbie up good. He thought if he fucked her he would like take your place or some shit. On the team. On campus. Who knows? He’s fucked in the head. He won’t be coming back to any team related shit. I can guaranfuckingtee you that. I’m glad she’s ok.”

  Blake: “We made him walk out of the party with his limp dick in his hand. Covered in blood. I stapled a note to his chest. Everyone knows he’s a fucking rapist. Is Kiernan feeling ok? I’ve heard that date rape shit can mess you up.” I’m glad Blake is my friend. He’s a fucking psycho.

  “Thanks, guys. He deserves worse. Yeah, she’s better. She was fucked up for a long time. Shaking and puking and shit. It was hard to watch.”

  Bateman: “Blaire is freaking the fuck out. She didn’t know what happened and heard it from some chick at the party. Can you have Kiernan text her or something?”

  “Yeah, later. This whole thing is so fucked. This is all my fault. Fucking Carli.”

  Bateman: “Bro, not your fault. Not even close to your fault. No one thinks that except you.”

  Rhodes: “Oh she got fucking lit up after you ran out. Some chick punched her in the face. Told her she’s a fucking whore and she should drop out of school and shit. Some other chick threw a drink at her.”

  “Good. She fucking deserves it. You guys need to get the word out. No one and I mean NO ONE is allowed to talk to her. She is not a part of this school anymore, period. No more parties. No more fucking hook ups with our teammates and friends. She is fucking DONE.”

  Blake: “On it, bro. We’re here for you and K. Anything you need.”

  Bateman: “^^^ditto.”

  Rhodes: “Love you man. We got your back and hers.”

  I have good fucking friends. Just then the bathroom door opens and Kiernan shuffles over to me.

  “I’m so sorry, Kiernan,” I whisper.

  She tries her best to reassure me that this isn’t my fault, but this whole thing has shaken me to my core. I’ve heard stories of girls being drugged and raped. We all have. Unfortunately, it happens at colleges all over the place. But not here, not to my – what is she? Best friend, girlfriend, both?

  She pauses for a beat to gauge my reaction, and when I don’t reply she stuns me with three little words.

  “I love you,” she says as she lays her head on my shoulder.

  Fireworks shoot through my whole body. Girls have told me they love me before, but it was never genuine. They were in love with the image of Brooks McCarthy. The future number-one draft pick. They weren’t in love with me. Kiernan is in love with me. The real me. Is she serious? After all that happened?

  This is not how I expected this day to go. Nothing ever goes the way I expect with Kiernan though. She is my sexy, intelligent, athletic girlfriend. Rule number one has officially been broken, and I’ve never been happier. Fuck the rules. This is what I want. What I need. She is everything. My exception.

  Chapter 16: Kiernan


  It’s been over a month since “the incident.” Christmas is fast approaching. My girls were right. Carli is a fucking pariah. No one talks to her – not even the mindless minions that followed her around spend any time with her. The football team threatened to kick anyone’s ass who invited her anywhere, or even talked to her. It didn’t take much convincing though. Not after what Blake and Rhodes did to Robbie and when word spread about what she did. I wish I could say I felt bad for her, but I don’t. I’ve forgiven her, because holding onto the hatred I felt made me feel sick. I don’t feel sorry for her newfound social status of “lower than scum” though.

  Robbie was kicked off the football team and expelled from school. I’m not sure what happened to him after that. No one saw him again after he ran out of the party with his dick in his hand. Brooks wanted me to press charges, but I didn’t want to drag this out more than it already had been. I got a lot of support and love, but it was so awkward. Everywhere I went I was the center of attention. That buzz is finally starting to die down, but not fast enough. I just want to move forward.

  The boys beat second-ranked Ohio State and moved up to the number two spot behind LSU in November. Brooks didn’t even go out to celebrate his win even though he played a phenomenal game, throwing for over 250 yards and two touchdowns, and winning 21-13. Ohio State had averaged 35 points a game until they played us. They’re currently 13-0 and set to play number-three Oklahoma in the college football semifinal Sugar Bowl at the end of the month.

  I’m planning to stay at my apartment over winter break. I want to go to the bowl game, which will be played in New Orleans. If they win they will likely face first-ranked LSU in the Peach Bowl in January. Plus, I have zero desire to go home. I stayed on campus for Thanksgiving break. It was peaceful. I celebrated with Brooks and the boys. It was a much better time than listening to Monica and John fight. My mom and dad should just get divorced. They drive each other insane, and drive me insane in the process.

  “Are you sure you don’t want a ride home?” Blaire asks while she’s packing. “I won’t see you for almost a month!”

  “Connecticut is not on your way, B,” I reply. She’s from Barnstable, which is on the Cape Cod peninsula. Nowhere close to Greenwich, where my parents live.

  “It’s not that far out of the way.”

  “It’s like four hours in the wrong direction,” I laugh. “I appreciate it, but I’m good here. Christmas with the ‘rents would be worse than Thanksgiving with the ‘rents.”

  Blaire gives me a stern look, “I know you and Brooks want to be together. Just say it.”

  “Okay, you got me. I want to spend the holidays with my boyfriend. Is that so wrong?”

  “HA! I knew it. No, it’s not wrong. I just wanted you to admit it.” She smiles at me. My roommates have all gotten used to the fact that I have a boyfriend. And said boyfriend is the hottest shit on campus. It took a hot minute, but they all settled down after the initial shock.

  “You suck. I gotta go. My last final starts in twenty. Have a safe drive home, and I’ll see you in a few weeks. Love you,” I say.

  “Love you more,” she replies and we hug before I run out to my final.

  I can barely concentrate on my test. I’ve been working on a plan for a special Christmas surprise for Brooks. He’s been so amazing since the horrific night at the Pi Kappa house. I’ve had nightmares and he’s been there for me when I can’t sleep. We’ve been intimate, but he’s scared to push me too far and
I’m too timid to ask for more. I know I’m ready though, and I need to take what I want. My girls convinced me that I need to be the Kiernan I am on the softball field. The strong, bold, fierce one.

  Over Christmas break, the Pi Kappa house will throw their second biggest party of the year, next to the party for graduation. The party is always the first Saturday after finals are done, which is tonight. It’s an all-night rager that won’t stop until every last person is passed out. It basically turns into a giant sleepover, with bodies sprawled out all over the house. Brooks’ roommates will all be going because this is the last Sunday they will have off before their bowl game. They use it as a day to nurse their semester-ending hangovers.

  Brooks and I aren’t planning on going – we’ll have the townhouse to ourselves, and I have a very special night planned.

  I finish my last final and text Brooks. He was done Friday. I hate having Saturday finals. It’s a killer of a day, and one extra day to stress out.

  “DONE! You sure you don’t want to go out tonight?” Please say no.

  “100%. How’d it go?”

  “Obviously I crushed it. I’m going home to pack a bag and I’ll see you after practice. Love you!”

  “Sounds good. See you around 6. Love you more.”

  This is perfect. He thinks I’m going to just hang out until he’s done. The boys have practice this afternoon, and after that they’ll hit the training room, so he won’t be back until dinner. I will have the townhouse to myself from two until about six to clean, make dinner, and get his room ready.

  These boys treat me like family and I want to thank them. I’m making my specialty: homemade, hand-cut ravioli alla caprese. It’s a three-cheese ravioli in a homemade red sauce, my great-grandma Rinaldi’s recipe. I get over to the townhouse just after two. I need all the time I can get – it’ll take me at least two hours to make the ravioli because I need to triple the batch to feed four football players. Plus I want to clean the townhouse first.

  After about an hour and a half of intense cleaning, I ‘m done. The house is spotless. Everything has been washed, dusted, vacuumed, and organized. These boys are relatively clean, but I’m fairly certain the bathrooms hadn't been cleaned since school started, and this place has never been dusted. I’m proud of my progress. It smells like Lysol and linen from the candles I lit in the bathrooms.

  Time to get rolling on the ravioli. I made the dough before I started cleaning because it has to sit for a bit before I can roll it out. It’s almost 4 p.m. – I’m running out of time. I quickly get the cheese mixture made and start stuffing my little pockets of deliciousness. With the ravioli ready to boil, I start the sauce. It needs to simmer for a while to let all the flavor set into the tomatoes. It’s now 5:45 p.m., and I put the first round of ravioli in to boil. When they’re done, I set them aside and continue the process until they’ve all been boiled. The boys should be getting home any minute.

  I clean the kitchen quickly, load the dishwasher and set the table for the boys. I bought a green table cloth with tiny decorated Christmas trees on it, red cloth napkins, matching silverware because they eat with plastic, candles and wine glasses. I put a bottle of red wine in the center table between the four white votive candles and turn on a Christmas music playlist from iTunes. It’s perfect.

  Just in the nick of time, too. I hear the boys laughing as they stomp up to the door.

  “What’s that smell?” I hear Rhodes ask.

  The boys walk in and freeze. Simultaneously their jaws drop to the floor. Nailed it.

  “What is this?” Bateman finally asks after he looks around the kitchen.

  “I made dinner,” I reply casually. “You guys have been so great since Halloween. I wanted to do something nice for you for Christmas. I really appreciate you always putting up with me being here and everything you’ve done since that night. I guess I just wanted to say thanks and merry Christmas.”

  They smile at me. They really are good guys.

  “Jesus, Kelly, this smells amazing.” Blake breaks the awkward silence I created with my gratitude. “You know you can chill here whenever. You don’t need to feed us, but damn, I won’t stop you if you want to. What is it?”

  “Ravioli alla caprese,” I say in my best Italian.

  “That’s fucking hot, say it again,” Rhodes purrs.

  Brooks smacks him in the back of the head with an open hand. “Knock it off, asshole,” he says, but he smiles so I know he’s kidding around.

  “Boys, stop fighting or I won’t feed you. I have ravioli, salad, breadsticks, and wine. Please sit.” I motion toward the table.

  They all take their seats and pour the wine.

  “Nice tablecloth! Wait, did we have wine glasses?” Bateman asks in surprise. It makes me laugh. They are totally men.

  “You did not. I may have upgraded your silverware as well. There’s something wrong about 21-year-old men using plastic spoons that came out of a cereal box.” I giggle.

  I bring the salad bowl over. “This is a vinegar and oil dressing that my Great-Grandma Rinaldi always made. It’s delicious.” They dig in.

  I can hear moans coming from their mouths, but they’re shoveling the salad in so fast I’m wondering if they taste it.

  “Fucking-a, Mac, I didn’t know she can cook,” Blake says with a mouthful of romaine. “She’s fucking Betty Crocker up in here.”

  “Did you clean too?” Brooks asks. The boys all look around the room. They were so distracted by the food that they didn’t even notice the house was spotless.

  “Sure did!” I yell from the kitchen. I hear some quiet conversation, but I can make out what they’re saying. I hope they’re not mad I touched their stuff.

  I bring the ravioli out and their faces are priceless. They look like kids on, well, Christmas actually.

  “If that tastes half as good as it smells, babe,” Brooks smiles.

  I serve them their first round and they devour it. “I only made 96 of these, pace yourselves,” I joke.

  “Are you going to eat? This must have taken you hours.” Brooks asks.

  “No, probably not. I want to make sure you guys eat. This is for you.”

  He pulls me down onto his lap and lifts his fork to my mouth. “At least try your hard work.”

  I take the bite off of his fork and it is fucking delicious. I did it. “Great-Grandma Gianna would be proud.”

  “Your grandma is Gianna Rinaldi?” Rhodes asks.

  “Yeah, why?”

  “That explains why you’re so fucking tan and have perfect skin. Good Italian genes.” Rhodes says and winks at me. Brooks shoots him a sharp glare. He’s really uncomfortable with the way Rhodes talks to me sometimes. Rhodes is the only one of the boys that ever comments on my looks. It’s getting a little weird, and has gotten more aggressive in the last month.

  After the boys eat their fill – the final total is 92 ravioli and a dozen breadsticks – I eat the remaining four ravioli while I clean the kitchen. The boys are sprawled out in the living room watching ESPN. They’re all in food comas. I think Blake may be snoring.

  At about 9:30, Rhodes, Blake and Bateman need to get ready for the Pi Kappa party. A loud groan escapes Blake’s mouth. He stretches and scratches his balls.

  “I need to make sure my balls are washed tonight.” Blake yawns again. “That Kylie chick has been all over my ass the last two parties. Tonight may be the night I give her what she wants. Thanks for dinner, Kiernan. That was fucking amazing. You can cook here anytime.” He winks at me as he walks off toward his bathroom.

  “You’re very welcome, Blake.” I roll my eyes towards Brooks. “I love that they speak freely, as if I’m not here.” I laugh.

  “Thanks, Kiernan,” Bateman says as he walks off upstairs. “Teach Blaire. She burns popcorn.”

  “I know! She’s the worst cook.” I chuckle.

  Now it’s just Rhodes, Brooks and I watching TV. I am getting antsy for these guys to leave.

  When the shower shuts off after B
lake’s turn, Rhodes stands to go. Before he leaves, he walks over to where I’m sitting with Brooks. He grabs my arms and pulls me off the couch and into a big hug. My feet are dangling off the ground and his face is inches from mine. “Thanks for the dinner. You’re the fucking best,” he says as he plants a kiss on my cheek.

  I can feel my cheeks flush and I glance down at Brooks, who looks like he’s going to come unglued. I quickly wiggle out of Rhodes’ embrace and sit back down on the couch. I want to calm Brooks down before he freaks out on Rhodes.

  “No problem, Rhodes. Enjoy the party.” I try to play it off that it wasn’t a big deal. What the shit is he doing? Does he have a death wish?

  Rhodes shoots me a smile, which is dazzling – I can see why girls fall all over him – and walks down the same hallway that Blake did fifteen minutes ago.

  I try to snuggle into Brooks’ side, but he stands shortly after Rhodes leaves and walks towards the bathroom. Fuck. I hear the door open and close. I can’t hear anything over the sound of the shower. I don’t want this to ruin our night.

  After a few minutes Brooks returns and sits back down next to me. He doesn’t look pissed, but I can’t tell what he is thinking.

  “All good?” I ask.

  “All good.”

  I fucking hope so. Our more is coming tonight.

  Chapter 16: Brooks

  It’s finally Christmas break and Kiernan is finishing one last final. Just like Thanksgiving, she’s going to be staying with us. We can’t go home because of football and she doesn’t want to go home to her dad. I can’t blame her. I usually stay here on breaks too, to avoid seeing my mom shitfaced and so my dad can’t analyze my whole football career over a catered turkey dinner. I couldn’t tell you the last time my family actually cooked a meal at home.

  Her roommates are all heading home for the three weeks we have off. I love having her around. The house feels warm and I’m so relaxed when she stays with me. Since August, she has turned my whole world upside down. I thought I was happy with my life. Star quarterback. Chick magnet. Most popular guy on campus. But after being with her, I know what true happiness really is. It’s her.


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