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The Gangsta That Stole My Heart 2

Page 9

by Nique Luarks

  “I’d love that,” Granny cheesed. “True, you ready for another girl?”

  I stood next to Chance to rub her belly. “Hell yeah.” I kissed the top of Chance’s head. “She gon’ be spoiled like her mama.”

  “Hey, Channy.” Love bounced into the kitchen. “What y’all having?”

  “A girl,” Granny blurted with excitement. “We getting a boy and girl all over again.”

  “Slow ya roll, Granny.” Love hugged Chance. “How we know that’s my brother’s baby Nisha is carrying.”

  “Don’t start that mess,” Granny sighed.

  “I’m just saying.”

  “Baby...” Some young cat stood at the entrance of the kitchen. “Make me a plate so I can go.”

  “You’re not staying?” Love crossed her arms. “I wanted you to stay and eat.”

  “Nah, I gotta go.”

  I stared at them as Love tried to talk him into staying.

  “Why you begging this li’l nigga? Let him go.” I’d seen enough.

  “True, stop.”

  “Nah, Granny. I don’t even know what she sees in this bum.”

  Love’s boyfriend spun around and left the kitchen, and she chased after him.

  “True... really?” Chance shook her head. “That was uncalled for.”

  I shrugged, making my way to the cabinet to get plates. “I don’t want her fuckin’ wit’ that nigga anyway.”


  We could do better…


  Love refused to talk to any of us while we ate. True didn’t seem to care, though. Once she finished her meal, she pushed away from the dining room table with an attitude. That was thirty minutes ago. True had left to make a quick run, and I stayed behind to spend quality time with Granny.

  “So how long has Love been messing with him?” I asked, placing a plate in the dishwasher.

  Granny sighed. “Not long, but she really likes him. He takes her car for hours, and I found out through Delaney, he’s been borrowing money.”

  I frowned.

  “He’s always rude when he does come around.”

  “Hopefully, she comes to her senses.” It wasn’t like Love didn’t know how to be treated by a man. True treated her like a princess. He’d been a father figure to her long before he had his own kids.

  Granny passed me another plate after she rinsed it off. “Something has got to give because he’s affecting her attitude.”

  “What y’all talkin’ ’bout?” True entered.

  “Your sister,” Granny answered. “You need to have a long conversation with that one. And what you did earlier was not okay.”

  “I ain’t do shit.”

  Granny cut the faucet off and dried her hands off. “I’ll let you deal with that. I’m going to get ready to go. My ride should be here any moment.”

  I started the dishwasher as she left the kitchen.

  “Where you goin’?” True called after her.

  “To mind my business. I’m grown.”

  “Yeah, a’ight,” he chuckled. “You ready?”

  “Yes,” I said, washing my hands. “I’m tired now.”

  “Cool, let me take a piss, then we out.”

  Nodding, I took a seat at the island and reached for my phone.

  Rel: I wanna see you.

  I ignored his text and went to Erin’s. It was a picture of Ezias in a cute little Puma outfit. I cheesed as I replied. He was only a few weeks, and every day, he looked more and more like Tone. Baby Ezias’ eyes were the exact same hazel. Their youngest daughter, Toni, was the only one who hadn’t inherited them, but she was one of the prettiest babies I’d ever seen, nonetheless.

  “Alrighty, baby, I’m gone,” Granny shouted from the front of the house.

  “Kay!” I called back.

  Erin: So, what are we having?

  I smiled.

  Me: Girl.

  “Let’s go.” I looked up to True, leaning against the threshold. “You need to stop somewhere before I drop you off?”

  “Nope.” I grabbed my purse.

  My phone pinged.

  Morg: I need to talk to you.

  Surprised, I walked past True, grimacing. Morgan and I hadn’t talked in months. It wasn’t that I didn’t miss my best friend, but I felt betrayed. Then her constant smart remarks about True were beginning to annoy me. I didn’t blame Morgan for Drew or True, but her mouthpiece was ridiculous.

  Me: You can come by in an hour.

  True followed close behind. “Ass lookin’ real nice, Jelly.”

  Baffled by his remark, I spun around. “What?”

  He chuckled. “Yo’ ass.” True reached behind me and gave my booty a nice, firm squeeze.

  “One, that’s inappropriate.” I frowned at his raunchiness.

  “And two...?” He stepped closer. The longing in his eyes caused my heart rate to speed.

  “Two, you need to move back.”

  True smiled, shaking his head. “Yo’ ass done got mean.” He bent forward, grabbed me by the back of my thighs, and swooped me up.

  “True...” I pouted. “Put me down.”

  “Or what?”

  I felt a small kick and giggled. True must’ve felt it too because he laughed.

  “Damn, my own baby cock-blockin'.” He kissed the side of my neck. “I should give yo’ mean ass a hickey,” he mumbled.

  “No, you should put me down.”

  True chuckled gently, placing me down on my feet. “Let’s go, meany.”

  “Hey...” Morgan stared back at me.

  I opened the door all the way to let her in. “Hey.” Closing the door, I made sure it was locked before leading the way to my balcony. “You want something to drink?” I offered.

  “No, I’m good.”

  I nodded. Once we got outside, I took a seat on the balcony furniture. Picking up my iced tea, I faced Morgan.

  “Look at you, showing and shit,” she laughed. “I still can’t believe your ass is pregnant.”

  Me either.

  I took a sip of tea.

  “How have you been?” Morgan asked, placing her purse on the glass table, then sitting down.

  I shrugged. “I’ve been okay. You?”

  “Same. Been going through this divorce. Saint’s been really upset about it.”

  “Sorry to hear that. I know how hard you’ve been fighting to keep your marriage, Morg.”

  She sighed softly. “It is what it is. That nigga will never find another bitch like me.”

  I silently agreed.

  “But that’s not why I came to talk to you.” Morgan relaxed into her seat. “I wanted to apologize. I’ve been really insensitive to your situation. I know how you feel about True, I just hate to see him dog you.”

  “True isn’t dogging me, though.” Her choice of words were about to get her put out. I needed a quick nap anyway.

  “You know what I mean.”

  “I don’t,” I corrected her. “The relationship I have with True is not for you or anybody else to understand. When I talk to you about him, I’m not looking for your approval. As my friend, all I need is for you to listen, not judge.”

  “I can’t help it when I know you deserve better.”

  “But you have no room to tell me how to live my life.” I frowned at her. “I respect and appreciate your concern, but just like I accept your decisions, you need to accept mine.”

  Morgan’s head bobbed up and down slowly.

  “I apologize for how I acted,” I continued. “I should’ve communicated how you made me feel better.”

  She smiled. “We both could’ve.” Morgan reached over and rubbed my stomach. “I’ve been so miserable without you, best friend,” she pouted.

  Giggling, I shook my head. “Then your ass should’ve been called,” I joked.

  She flung herself back playfully. “Girl, this nigga been stressing me out. He’s so damn spiteful. Talkin’ ’bout we should get joint custody of Saint.”

  I looked up at the sky. Sil
as knew damn well he didn’t want joint custody. He knew how close Morgan and Saint were, so he was trying to break her. I was sure the only reason he even had a relationship with his son was because they lived together.

  “His ass is so stupid and irritating.”

  “Sounds like you might need that drink,” I joked.

  Morgan laughed. “I think you might be right.” She kicked her sandals off. “So, can I name your baby?”

  And just like that, I had my best friend back.


  “There go them niggas right there,” Drake pointed.

  “I see ’em.” I stared at the group of niggas hanging around a beat-up Honda. Pulling my ski mask over my face, I rolled my window down. I quickly counted five heads.

  Small fuckin’ world.

  I shook my head at Love’s boyfriend. He sat on the hood of the car, laughing.

  Drake put the whip in drive and crept down the street. The street light they were underneath gave me a good visual of my target. Grabbing my AR off the floor, I hung out the window. One cat noticed me first and didn’t even warn his boys before he took off running. I let off on him first, and his body hit the pavement.

  I then sprayed into the small group, and they started dropping like flies. One nigga hopped into the driver’s seat, and as soon as he shut the door, I put a bullet through his dome. Drake stopped the car and put it in park. We hopped out simultaneously, and I finished a nigga that was laid out on his back, begging for his life. Drake’s Glock sounded off as he stood over the dude who was standing on the passenger side.

  He then went around to each body until his clip was empty. Once he was satisfied, we ran back to the stolo and peeled off.

  Later that night...

  “Look at your damn face!” Granny screamed as I shut the front door. “And you still got the nerve to stick up for him?”

  “Granny, I love him,” I heard Love cry. “You don’t understand.”

  “Baby, this ain’t love.”

  I rounded the corner to the family room. “Fuck is goin’ on?” When my sister faced me, everything around me stopped.

  The entire right side of her face was swollen. Her eye was damn near closed, and her bottom lip still had blood residue on it. Disheveled hair sat on the top of her head.

  “True, let me tell you what happened before you flip.” Love jumped up. “I hit him first.”

  I stared at her.

  “Please don’t do anything to him.” She started sobbing.

  I walked towards her. Once I got to her, I lifted her chin to examine her more closely.

  “True...” Love whimpered, pissing me off further. “Promise you won’t do nothing to him.”

  Granny began praying lowly.

  I was still at a loss for words. I’d never seen my sister look like this. She didn’t even sound like herself. This brainwashed, dumb bimbo role she was playing wasn’t how I had raised her to be. Love standing in my face, trying to protect a nigga who had beat her ass had me feeling like I had failed her.

  “That nigga dead.” I glared down at her.

  “No!” she screamed, pushing me hard in my chest. “Just leave it alone. He knows he was wrong. I’ll call him right now to prove it.” Her teary eyes pulled at my heartstrings.

  “True...” Granny sat down. “I don’t approve of what he did, but don’t do anything irrational.”

  I frowned, facing her. “Irrational? You see her fuckin’ face.”

  Love snatched her phone up. “I’ll call him right now.” She placed it to her ear.

  “He ain’t gon’ answer,” I smirked. The universe was looking out on that one.

  Love looked confused. “What?”

  “I just told you that nigga dead. You thought I was playin’?”

  Her face dropped. “What did you do?” She hung the phone up. More tears sprang from her puffy eyes as she rushed me. “What did you do?!” Love started punching and clawing at me.

  Restraining her, I hugged her body tight.

  “What did you do? What did you do?” she yelled. “You’re lying!”

  “Love, calm down,” Granny begged through her own tears.

  She wasn’t trying to hear it, though. When she bit the middle of my chest, I shoved her onto the floor hard. Granny rushed to her aid.

  “Baby, please calm down before you make yourself sick.”

  Love cried harder.

  “You might as well start mourning now, shorty, ’cause that nigga is gone.” I widened my stance and crossed my arms.

  “Granny.” Love hugged her tightly. “Tell him to stop lying.”

  Granny only sighed.

  “I can’t do this alone.”

  I tilted my head in confusion.

  Love howled louder. “I don’t wanna be a single mother.”

  Her words cut through the air and stabbed me right in the heart.

  After Love’s confession, I ended up at Chance’s front door. I hadn’t gained the confidence to knock or call, though. You would think after facing a blunt, sipping lean, and downing half a bottle of Hennessy, I wouldn’t have a care in the world, but my kid sister was pregnant, and I’d killed her baby daddy. I needed something stronger than drugs and alcohol; I needed Chance.

  Balling my fist, I knocked a few times, then pressed my forehead against the door. I waited a few more seconds, then knocked again. Pushing off the door, I ran my palm across my head. Maybe it was best if she didn’t answer. We weren’t even close like that anymore.

  “Who is it?” Chance asked on the other end as I was walking away.

  “True.” I licked my lips.

  The locks popped, then she opened the door. “Everything okay?” She wiped her eyes.

  I shrugged.

  “Come in.” She motioned for me to enter. Chance shut and locked the door as I swaggered to the couch.

  Leaning back in the seat, I closed my eyes. “My fault for waking you up.”

  “It’s okay,” Chance said from the kitchen. “I usually get up around this time to use the bathroom and have a snack.”

  When I opened my eyes, she was standing in front of me with a bottle of water.

  “Here, drink this.”

  Taking it from her, I unscrewed the cap. “’Preciate it.”

  “No problem.” Chance plopped down next to me. “So, what’s the matter?”

  “Love is knocked up by a dead nigga that beat her ass.”

  “Oh, wow.” Chance gave me a sympathetic look. “She’s really going to need you to be there for her.”

  “She’s seventeen, Chance. The fuck she gon’ do wit’ a baby?”

  She shrugged. “Love is smart. Plus, she has an amazing support system.”

  I shook my head. “You should’ve seen her face, man. That nigga...” I took a sip from the water bottle.

  “You gotta let her make her own mistakes, so she can learn from them.”

  I nodded. “Well, that nigga is dead.”

  “Did you...” Chance sighed. “Don’t even answer that.”

  I closed my eyes again.

  “You can stay the night here if you want. You know where the guest bedroom is.” She pushed off the couch. “Please take a shower before you get in the bed.”

  I chuckled.

  “I’m about to make some popcorn and take my butt back to sleep. Goodnight,” she yawned. “Ain’t no point in stressing over something you can’t change.”


  You make it easy to love you


  “You still up?” True asked.

  Looking away from the television, I sat up on my elbows. “No, I can’t stop thinking about Love. I can’t imagine how she’s feeling right now.” I could smell the body wash he had used, even though he was standing in the doorway.

  “Yeah, she probably won’t fuck with me for a while.”

  “Give her time to calm down,” I offered.

  He nodded.

  “You wanna finish this movie with me?”

wasted no time entering all the way, then stretching out on the foot of my bed. “What you watching?”

  I tossed two pillows at him. “Escape Room. It just pretty much started, so you haven’t missed much.”

  “Cool.” He rested comfortably against the plush pillows.

  “I’m glad you came to talk to me instead of holding that in,” I admitted. I knew how easy it was for True to shut down and hurt in silence.

  “Me too,” True mumbled. “You always make shit better, though.” He shrugged nonchalantly, his eyes still on the screen.

  Tossing the covers off my body, I crawled over to him slowly. True looked over at me, confused, then smirked when I climbed on top of him. We stared at each other for a while as I contemplated my next move. I knew I was playing with fire, but it’d been so long since I’d been penetrated.

  “What you doin’, Jelly?” He licked his lips with his arms still crossed behind his head.

  I shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  I didn’t.

  But I did know I wanted to feel True in me. I wanted the intense orgasm I knew only he could give me. No toy could make me explode the way he did. A part of me felt foolish for wanting him in that way, and the other...didn’t care.

  All I knew was I wanted to cum—needed to—and True could do that for me.

  True chuckled. “Don’t start no shit you know you can’t finish, shorty.”

  Leaning forward, I kissed his lips. He kissed me back, and I could taste the toothpaste he had just used. I was sure he could taste mouthwash on me as well. When I pulled away, he grabbed two handfuls of my ass.

  “I love you,” he confessed lowly.

  I kissed him again. “I love you, too.” Staring into his eyes, I lifted a little to free his dick. He was already stiff, which only made my pussy that much hotter. I was happy with my choice to not put any panties on. True held my hips as I squatted to guide him into my opening. At first, it was a tight fit, but after bouncing on the tip for a minute, I allowed him to fill me up.


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