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Breathless for the Billionaire

Page 2

by Gia Blackwood

  I hang up the phone and look over at Jack. “I’ve gotta go.” The small part of me that isn’t deathly afraid for my sister revolts at the thought of leaving this hot bartender—even if he is an ass. That small part also starts to blame my sister before I shut it down.

  Damn. I can’t let this man’s poisonous thoughts and hot body invade my mind. Katie is family. And I need to find her. I grab my purse and make for the door. Before I can leave I’m stopped by a firm grip on my arm.

  “Wait,” Jack says. “I’m coming with you.”

  “What? Why?” I have no time to stop and argue with him. I look down at his hand on my arm until he lets me go. Then I keep walking.

  “You’re going to the Palace, right? That’s no place to go alone.”

  “You’re working. You should go back if you don’t want to be fired.”

  “Right,” he says. I’m walking fast, but the man is easily keeping pace with his long legs. I ignore the slight thrill that runs through me at the sight of him so close to me. Wasn’t I supposed to hate him? “I’ll handle that.” I look back at him as he pulls out his phone and brings it to his ear. “I had to split,” he says. “Have someone fill in stat.”

  Simple as that. Wow. “Is it really that easy?”

  He nods and that slight curve comes over his lips. “Yep.”

  “No one ever wants to fill in that quickly in the service industry. That must be a great place to work if it’s so easy to cover a shift.”

  “I like to think it is.”

  We walk on in silence, but my heart is beating so loud I feel like my unexpected companion must be able to hear it. I stop at a corner, anxiously waiting for the cars to pass so I can dash across the street. Katie’s in trouble and this is taking way too long. I might just have to call a cab after all.

  Focusing on Jack helps though. I won’t admit it but I’m glad he came along. He’s giving me something to think about other than my current predicament. If only he would say something. “You’re not very forthcoming, are you Just Jack?” I ask him finally.

  “Afraid not.”

  “That’s not fair, since you know so much about me.”

  “Fine. What do you want to know?”

  “Why are you really following me? We just met like five minutes ago.”

  He stays silent for a while. Finally we get a chance to keep walking—or at least he’s walking. I’m running the best I can in my pencil skirt. “I won’t let you go to a place like that alone. That’s the truth. No woman should, especially not one so attractive as you.”

  “Ha ha,” I say. “There’s no need for empty compliments, man. But I appreciate the help. I know that place has a bad reputation.” Soon we’re stopped once again at a crosswalk and I practically scream in frustration.

  “That was not an empty compliment, Violet,” he says. The sound of my name on his tongue brings a surge of desire coursing through me. I look at him to see his face buried in his phone, fingers typing away at some message. Figures.

  “Texting your ladies the minute you get off work?” I ask. I can’t help it. I don’t even know him but the idea of him talking to other women drives me insane. It’s an absurd feeling. I never get jealous.

  Just then he walks out into the street, right towards a speeding black car. “Whoa, what are you doing? I was only—” I try to grab hold of him but there’s no need. The car slows to a stop beside him and he opens the back door like he owns it.

  “Hop in,” he says. “I called a ride.”

  I nod, shaken to my core. Guess he wasn’t texting other women after all.

  Who is this man?



  I know I come across as rude, but I don’t like the idea of anyone taking advantage of this woman who walks into my bar. There’s just something about her that immediately draws me in, makes me wants to protect her. So when I hear mention of her working so hard to support a sister who doesn’t sound so great, I can’t hide my displeasure.

  I know I can come off as bad-tempered, but that’s just how I am. Especially when someone I care about is being hurt. I did piss her off though. Better try to avoid that from now on. Not only is Violet insanely attractive, but she’s also a firecracker. She nearly bit my head off for grunting.

  Still, I kind of like it. Violet is sexy, one of those rare ladies who turn heads as soon as they walk into a room. And she doesn’t even notice. She has a careless charm, a rousing personality with the hips to match it. I want to latch onto them like they’re a honey-baked ham.

  Even if this situation with her sister hadn’t popped up, I wasn’t going to let her leave without me. When I hear that she’s going to the Palace, I’m definitely not letting her out of my sight. The lounge will be fine once I call in someone to cover me. And my employees are very loyal so that won’t be a problem.

  I make an effort to match her pace even though it means I’m only walking while she jogs along beside me. Regardless of how I feel about this little sister, the Palace is bad news. I know first-hand that anyone who’s there is up to no good.

  Fuck. I stem my guilt at the thought of that club, pushing aside old memories, and stop in my tracks.

  I can’t believe Violet plans on walking all the way to the damn place. As long as I’m around, she won’t be walking anywhere else unless it’s for recreation. I send for a ride as soon as I get the chance. I forget how strange it must seem to walk straight out into the road until the car pulls up beside me and I turn around to see her mouth hanging open.

  “Hop in,” I say. “I called a ride.”

  She nods, surprisingly quiet, and climbs into the car. I slide in beside her, unable to resist a peak at her creamy cleavage as she unbuttons the top of her blouse, no doubt trying to cool off. By her outfit alone I can tell she’s in the service industry. That black pencil skirt hugs her hips and her white blouse enfolds her every curve all the way to the soft mounds of those breasts.

  My cock twitches in my pants and I’m grateful for the darkness of the car. “Take us to the Palace,” I tell the driver. We’re soon on our way.

  Violet is staring at me strangely. “This isn’t a cab, is it?”

  I shake my head. “Afraid not.” She nods and looks out the window. “I have to say I’m surprised you’re not asking more questions.”

  “You’re not ready to tell me.” She says it so matter-of-factly that I’m taken aback. How can this woman know me so well when we just met? I’m slow to open up—I have to be when people are constantly after me for my money—and she gleaned that from our brief interactions.

  “We’ll be at the Palace shortly,” I say. Without thinking, I reach forward and brush a stray lock of hair away from her face. “Do you know where your sister is?”

  “No,” she says quietly. Her voice is thick with worry. “I couldn’t really understand what she was saying.” She buries her face in her hands. “Oh God. She better be okay.”

  At the sound of her voice, I can’t stop myself from holding her. I bring her into my arms and she lets herself fall against my chest. I stroke her soft hair in what I hope is a soothing manner. “She’s fine,” I say confidently. “We’re going to find her. Tell me what she looks like.”

  I feel her nod. “She’s short. About five feet tall with long blonde hair. Very petite,” she adds. “And she’s probably wearing a mandala necklace. She wears that thing all the time.”

  “Got it. We’re almost there. Just hold tight, Vi.”

  Even though we just met, I don’t think I ever want to let Violet go.



  I don’t know who this guy is, but he’s obviously not just a bartender. He’s able to just leave work and call in a replacement at the drop of a hat. He has a personal car and driver. He walks like a boss. And I mean that literally. His stride is confident and measured, like every step is bringing him unerringly closer to the next goalpost.

  My conclusion: He owns that bar. It would explain a lot.

  I la
y against his chest all the same, grateful to have someone with me. If Jack wasn’t here, I would be an anxious mess, probably blubbering all over myself as I walked down the street alone. And even though I’m worried about my sister, the feel of his hard chest against me just does something to me. My skin feels like it’s on fire. I want to relax against him but I’m too turned on. I almost don’t want this car ride to end.

  I don’t want to break the spell. For this brief moment, there’s an implicit trust between us. He doesn’t want to talk about himself. That’s okay. He has his reasons and I won’t push it. Just like he won’t let me worry myself to death. He strokes my hair calmingly until we reach the Palace.

  It’s a club with a shady reputation despite its shiny white exterior. I’ve heard that people come here only when they’re looking for a good time—whether that be through drugs or sex. There’s also a rumor that you can pay for that good time on the upper floors of the club.

  Why is Katie here? Someone had to have forced her. I want to jump out of the car and rush inside when we arrive, but Jack’s presence slows me down.

  “Steady there,” he says. “This isn’t a good place to draw attention to yourself.”

  “You’re right. I know you’re right. It’s just—”

  I can’t finish that sentence. Laying on the pavement in front of me is a very familiar item. A mandala necklace. My heart thumps wildly in my chest as I bend to pick it up. “Fuck. Jack, this is hers. It’s Katie’s!” She would never leave this lying around. Panic steals my breath. Every rational thought leaves my head. Before Jack can stop me again I run forward and slip beneath the bouncer’s arm. I’m so short that it’s not a difficult task.

  Inside the music is so loud I feel like my ear drums are going to burst. I clutch Katie’s necklace tightly, searching the crowd. It’s too hard to see anything with the mass of bodies though. Fuck!

  “Katie!” I start to yell her name, but only the people closest to me hear. They give me weird looks, some angry, some interested. I ignore all of them.

  A large, clammy hand clamps over my mouth to muffle my next scream. I kick out as I’m hauled backwards through the crowded room and up a flight of stairs.

  Shit. I’m too exhausted to fight back. I should have stayed with Jack. I can’t imagine this will end well. But I need to find my sister!



  How could I let her get away like that? With how tired she was just before, I wouldn’t have expected her to dash off so fast. I set off after her and almost punch the bouncer across the lawn when he doesn’t let me past him immediately. Thankfully it doesn’t come to that. When he sees me pull out my wallet with my initials engraved on it, he immediately steps aside.

  “She won’t get away with that, Noble,” he says. “Little lady’s gonna pay.”

  Tension sets in my jaw. “Not if I have any say in that.”

  My mouth turns downward in a grimace at the noise and smell as soon as I walk inside. I pull the first person I see up by the collar. “Where is she? The woman who just ran in here.”

  “Already gone, sir,” he chokes out.


  The man, just a young busser, points to a nearby stair well. I nod and release him only for him to scramble away with a sob. I may have been too hard there. But at least I got my answer. It wasn’t the answer I wanted to hear. The last thing I want Violet to see is the upper floors of this place. She would learn way too much about me that way. But it’s too late now.

  Time for damage control.

  I listen for signs of a struggle when I get upstairs. There’s no way she’s going to go quietly.

  Sure enough I hear her muffled voice not far down the hall. I follow its sound to a room with an impressive set of locks on it. I swing my leg with all the power I can muster. Which is a lot. One solid kick and its down. I know the place was cheaply made, but damn.

  My blood freezes over at the sight inside. Though my face remains unchanged, there’s no doubt in my mind…

  This is the angriest I’ve ever been.



  How had this happened? The night had seemed so normal when I got off of work and now I’m in some sort of cage. I grab hold of the floor-to-ceiling metal bars trapping me and shake them as hard as I can. They won’t budge.

  But at least Katie’s here, even if she’s in a cage, too. She’s huddled in a corner, crying. I honestly don’t even think she’s registered my presence yet. “Katie,” I say. “It’s gonna be all right, sweetie. We’re gonna get out of here.” She doesn’t seem to hear me. The sound of her frightened whimpers draws tears to my own eyes.

  Damn it. I was so stupid. I doubt even Jack could make it back her without some sort of back up. But he knows I’m here somewhere so I have to hold out hope. We’re going to get out.

  I turn my head away from Katie at the sound of a loud snap. The door is knocked off its hinges and comes flying inward with such force that I’m sure an ogre must be on the other side.

  When Jack walks in, my breath catches. Despite my current predicament, I can’t help the already familiar twinge of desire that rushes between my legs when I see him. It’s not just his looks, either.

  It’s that cold calmness as his eyes look me over, take me in right away as if to check to for injuries. Or maybe just to check me out. I don’t know. His anger isn’t loud and abrasive like a lot of men I know. You might not even realize he’s angry with how calm he looks. But one look into his eyes and I know.

  Jack is livid.

  “Looks like this place got even shittier,” he says. Hands in his pockets, he’s the picture of masculine poise and elegance.

  “Noble?” my captor asks. “That you?” The fat, balding man turns around in his chair like some kind of movie villain. It would be funny if my life wasn’t in danger.

  “Just Jack,” he says. “And I’m not here for a reunion.”

  “Oh yeah? What brings you around? Other than breaking my door, I mean.”

  “Sorry about that,” Jack says in a way that makes it clear he is not sorry. His eyes turn toward me and sear me with their intensity. “I believe you have something that’s mine.”

  I shiver. I know he’s talking about me. His? Does he think he can treat me like his possession? And why is that exactly what I want him to do?

  My captor only laughs, loudly and annoyingly. “You’re a funny man, Jack. I’m told this little bird ran right in here. Didn’t even pay. Can you imagine that?”

  “Release her now, Boris.”

  I grip the bars of the cage. “Katie, too!” I say. “My sister. She’s right over there.” I point at the corner where Katie is huddled.

  Jack looks where I’m pointing, noticing my sister for the first time. “Her as well.”

  “I’m afraid that’s a lot to ask. Even for you.” Boris leans forward on his desk and temples his fingers.

  “I’m not asking.” Jack’s voice is steel. The sound of it makes me very glad he’s on my side.

  The old man stays silent for a moment, looking between Jack and me. “Does she know, I wonder?” he drawls at last. “About this place…”

  Confused, I look at Jack. I mean, it’s obvious he has some connection to this place, but it doesn’t seem like a friendly one. Jack meets my eyes. “I created this place,” he says. “But I left it behind long ago when I realized what I’d done. What a hellhole it is.”

  “You made this place what it is. You threw millions in our laps to build it.”

  “I didn’t know what it would become.”

  The man laughs again. “Maybe so, but you are solely responsible for its existence.” He turns to me. “Isn’t that funny, dear?”

  “No. Eat shit, slimeball,” I tell him automatically. I can’t stop myself. I don’t fully understand what’s happening, but not even Jack could hide the way this Boris guy’s words are hurting him.

  Boris’s eyes rage at my words. He snaps a finger and the man standing outside my
cage moves to hit me. I cringe but the blow never comes. I open an eye tentatively to see Jack holding onto the man’s arm. His grip is so tight the man screams. My would-be assailant collapses to the ground in pain.

  Jack walks up to the desk now and stands tall before it. All I see is the outline of his broad back. Something goes on that I can’t see. A wordless exchange. Whatever it is, it makes Boris relent at last.

  “I’m just having a bit of fun with you, Jackie,” he says carefully. “Harmless fun. You will have your woman back now.”

  “Both women,” Jack says.

  “Yes, yes.” Boris snaps his fingers again and the sound makes me flinch. Thankfully, the man only unlocks our cages, releasing us. I don’t fail to notice the way he’s cradling his arm. I wonder if it’s broken.

  No matter. I rush over to the next cage and pull Katie into my arms. She’s sobbing like a baby, no doubt still unaware of what’s happening. She reeks of alcohol so it’s no wonder. A quick body check tells me she isn’t hurt, at least not externally. Thank God. I’ll have to check her out more thoroughly later on. For now I just hold her close.

  After a few moments she finally seems to realize who I am and she cries into my chest even harder, telling me how scared she was. I comfort her with soft tones and reassurances before finally looking at Jack. It’s just the three of us in this room now. I don’t know when the others left. All I know is that I owe Jack a lot after tonight. From the look in his eyes, I get the feeling he already knows what he wants in return.

  Heat travels down to my core when I realize I want it too.



  I drop Violet off at her apartment with an anxious feeling I just can’t let go. This night has left the both of us shaken. With Violet it’s understandable. Her sister had been kidnapped for who knows what despicable purposes and she herself almost fell into the same trap.


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