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Player Reached the Top. LitRPG series. Book I

Page 7

by Rick Scar

  “Ghrr…” Watching the stranger leave, the Horgh tilted to one side, then the other. “Stop! Walk here.”

  The expression on Lekhor’s face resembled a smile. Will could not discern the meaning behind it, but the way he was waving his pick hammer implied friendliness. Raven smirked. He didn’t know what good could come from talking to the monster, except learning something about the location.

  “What your name, stranger?”

  “White Raven.”

  “Rav-aghr-ah. Ghrr. Me, Lekhor. You beat small beard too?”

  “Sometimes,” lied the young man. “So, what are you guarding?”

  “Monster snoops here around, small, but nimble. Bad for work, attack sudden. Me guard.”

  “Hmm. Can I help, Lekhor?” Will flashed a devious smile.

  “Ghrr… You weak, stranger, but me, like you say, we strong warriors. You not die first fight, we fight together.”

  “Brave Warrior Help Defend.

  Help the Horgh protect his fellow miners until the end of his shift.

  Reward: +23000 XP

  +30 gold

  +6.5 lb Marts ore

  +4.5 lb Emerald stone

  Accept? Yes/No.”

  “I’m in! It’s an honor to fight side by side with a mighty Horgh!”

  Will felt a thrill course through him, though he had no intention of participating. His plan was to look busy during the fight, maybe score a few hits at the very end to gain more XP. The only flaw with this plan was that the game might not approve of his inaction.

  Two hours after Will accepted the quest, the true monster appeared. It was thin, and resembled a mosquito with two long cords for wings.

  “Blood-runner: level???

  HP: ???”

  “Time to go viral.” said Will, and entered Stealth.

  Record video.

  “Beware, weak stranger! Beware cord and needle sting!” cried Lekhor, and attacked the parasite.

  By needle sting he obviously meant the proboscis. The mosquito was nimble indeed, and fast too. It used its cords to push off the ground, and to swiftly change its body orientation, making its moves sudden and unpredictable. The wing-like structures on its back were particularly handy for when the gnat tried to get behind the Horgh. But Lekhor was no rookie — he saw that maneuver a mile away. He rolled over to the side and swung his tool, nailing one of the cords to the ground.

  The Blood-runner shrieked, and yanked its bloody limb. Raven seized the chance and threw his dagger, aiming for the back of mosquito’s head. It was Will’s lucky day — the five-second stun followed the attack, but, since the monster’s level far exceeded Raven’s, the effect only lasted for one second. Thankfully, this was enough time for Lekhor to smash the monster over the head with his pick hammer.

  The Blood-runner collapsed and shook its flattened head. In the meantime, the dagger returned to Will, and he attacked the monster from behind. The damage from Raven paled in comparison with Lekhor’s heavy attacks, so it physically couldn’t trigger aggro.

  Raven successfully evaded the wounded monster's attacks. He even used the Twilight Walker, hiding in Horgh’s own shadow. Eight minutes later, the Blood-runner was dead.

  Chapter 19. A new place for leveling

  Will sighed heavily, remembering how long he had been fighting with Level 40 rats. Nobody could help him there. But he had managed on his own.

  “Level Up…

  Level Up…

  Level Up…

  Congratulations! You have killed a monster 50+ levels above you.

  Awarded title: David and Goliath, V level.

  +8 Strength

  +9 Stamina”

  “Awarded title: The Irrepressible, for killing high level monsters.

  Got a rare skill, Giant Aura


  Passive (Apprentice). The mysterious aura emanates from you. Monsters, your level and below, will not attack you if you do not attack them.”

  This fight, won only because of the Horgh, awarded Raven with two levels and a good passive. He got from the message that the monster was nearly level 85. It did not scare a novice rogue, but it made him think about mob gradation on the Floors.

  The lowest level he had seen was 40. What was the limit when a non-elite boss was above 80? He would get the answer, once he reaches the gates.

  Having scattered the awarded characteristics points, he put a skill point in Dodge, looted the corpse, and continued to inspect the enemy.

  “Gr-rkh. Your not coward person. My respect you.” The Horgh approached and tapped the rogue on the shoulder.

  “Great, so you're some crazy genius. I don't stand a chance, son of the tribe. Your pick-axe bears death to any enemy.”

  “Gr-ro-ho-ho”, after these words Lekhor hurled the pick-axe onto his shoulder, putting on airs, and struck his great abs with his left hand. “My like you speech! I to invite you in the tribe house.”

  “You’ve won the affections of the Horgh with flattery and your behavior in the fight.

  Current relationship with the Horghs Tribe, 14/100 – neutral.”

  “Surely. I’ll pay you a visit one day. Where is it situated?”

  “Three thousand steps to walk right there.” The guard pointed towards the mountains in the distance.

  Time passed, Blood-runners came one by one every two to three hours. Seven hours later, the workers began to leave the mine, chatting and laughing.

  “Gr-rkh, Lekhor! Yours is still alive!” one said. “Well done! How much enemy to die?” He carried not a pick-axe, but a dagger and a sword.

  ​He must have been the second frontier of the guard. But why did one have a pick-axe, while the other was properly armed? Hmm… Maybe that fact was important?

  “Only four, Gikhor. Was not enough for me for warm-up.” Lekhor sighed. “Look who helped to hang out”, Horgh pointed at Raven. “He said his name White Raven, he brave but weak as a child.”

  “Gr-rkh, him to help you. He really frail.” After examining the thief from head to toe, Gikhor growled, “It’s high time to home, Lekhor.”

  Without stopping, Gikhor moved in the direction shown earlier by the guard.

  “Farewell, White Raven. If yours can come tomorrow, I’ll wait. I like listen your words about my tribe great. And here it is my to promise award.” Having said this, Lekhor gathered some pieces of ore from the miners, gave them to Raven, and followed his brethren.

  “Oh my dear, cute friend. I’ll be here, of course,” whispered Will, smiling.

  He went into the cave, brought up the list and scanned the gained levels and the items gained from the mosquito-like monster.

  “I'll definitely be here.”

  “Name: White Raven

  Level 39”

  Chapter 20. The First Guard

  He gleaned only three gold coins, six vials of stomach acid and two eyes from the dead Blood-runners. He wondered what he might do with these reagents. He had space in his inventory, so he did not throw them away. He would sell them in the village. While he was investigating his PREY, he received a message.

  “Your auction lot was purchased. Your money, less than the commission, has been tied to your account due to lack of storage.

  As soon as storage is available, the system will automatically transfer your money to your chest.”

  “It’s about time. I’m not going to rent a room. Money is worth saving. Why hasn’t Pak written back yet?”

  “Hi, Horror! Any good news? If the price confuses you, just say so.

  P.S. I recall you once telling me you were familiar with a person adept at video cutting. Can you send me his contact info?”

  ​After solving the problems, Raven left the game. He had nothing else to do there. The tasty aroma of home-made pastries filled the apartment.

  “Hello! How are you doing?” His mouth was watered, making his speech slurred and imprecise.

  “Much better than you.” Leah smiled, looking well-rested and quiet.

  “I’m gl
ad for you. Honestly. But if you insist on changing the subject… When will you be done cooking?” Will cast greedy eyes through the oven window, anticipating a feast of baked goods.

  “Oh, you sly fella! I’m not gonna change the subject. On the contrary, I’ve got something to share with you.” Leah shot him a gloomy look, her akimbo.

  “Surely. But before we chat, tell me when the food will be ready.”

  “Oh…” She shook her head. “A bit later.”

  After a delicious meal of listening to his sis talk about the following day, Will searched through online forums. The most popular subject was “Found the First Guard!”

  Will, interested, followed the link.

  “Hi, everybody! I’m not a member of any clan. I’m an ordinary gamer. My nick is Lost in Time. Yesterday I leveled in the swamp. Many guys know where it is. This location is for 8-12 level players. Well, busy killing Drownings and Leeches, when I saw a huge serpent, about 100 feet away. It was really weird. I don't know how long it was. I got its name.”

  “Wild Serpent Nabaugh

  (Guard): Level 35”

  Then lots of weird stuff happened. It’d better to see on your own. Please visit.

  Will clicked the link, which sent him to a ten-second posted long video. Despite its short length, it had already earned a thousand comments.

  He played the video, taking note of the incredibly long serpent. It crawled on its belly, then suddenly morphed into a leech-like monster. Its name had changed too.

  “Swamp Leech: Level 9

  HP: 750”

  “How will they seek it?” Will asked himself, puzzled. The Boss could change its appearance even though it was just a first Floor mob.

  The next popular subject, created before this one, was entitled “Who’s that gamer?”

  Many people were apparently interested in his speedy leveling. Thus, the subject had moved into second place in the links search.

  The comments were total rubbish. Every other forum member wrote they could show where they had seen him if three gold coins were deposited into their account.

  Were gamers really so gullible to fall for that? Will mused “Good luck to the idiot who takes that deal!”

  Chapter 21. Crimson Runner

  The next morning greeted Will with an empty apartment. There were no tempting aromas coming from the kitchen, only a message in the capsule.

  “Bro, I know you keep disappearing into this thing. Please eat more healthily. I’ll try to drop by every couple of weeks.

  P.S. Better find a girlfriend, who will cook for you☺. Good luck.”

  “All right then, we don’t need money. It time to level up! Ha-ha.”

  When Raven logged into the game, work in the mine was in full swing. He met the dear Horgh, standing in the same spot as yesterday, his pick-axe on his shoulder.

  “I am particularly pleased to greet the best of the miners and warriors of the Horgh tribe! When did you get here?”

  “Gr-rh! Frail, brave Raven. Hello yours.” -- The Horgh’s grin stretched from ear to ear.-- “Our Squad here since the morning. I to kill two running monsters. Have time to warm the corpse. Can help, or you go on your own?”

  “Of course, I can help you,”--The merry rogue gave the Horgh a pat on the shoulder.

  “Gr-rh,” the Horgh reacted in similar fashion.

  “You can no longer assist the Horgh. New quests are now available. Taking part in the battle will bring experience according to your damage.”

  Will closed the message. Getting 5% XP from an 80+ level monster was much better than nothing. He did not know how long the Horghs would work in the tunnels, but he didn’t want to miss his chance.

  Raven spent much of the day performing the same acts as the day before: he poked enemies from behind, dodged to escape being struck, and used Twilight Walker when necessary. Easy enough, but he needed total concentration.

  The monster waved its harnesses so Will had a chance to be hit. He used his active skills so as not to waste time.

  In one battle, he lost concentration, and a Bloodrunner hooked him with a harness. His health plummeted to 3%, forcing him to leap to safety, and hide in the shallow. Unfortunately, he had no healing abilities or health potions. All he could do was eat the bread stored in his inventory.

  Lekhor finally finished off the enemy by, cutting off its head with his pick-axe. The moment the battle ended, his regeneration accelerated the healing process.

  He was having a word with the guard when the next victim ran up to them. Holed up behind Lekhor’s back, Will observed the new enemy. The only thing his identification skill allowed him to see, was the mob’s name, as his skill level was still too low of a level to get more than that. But the name in itself proved more than enough for him to understand the guard would not be able to cope.

  “Crimson Runner (Baron)

  Level: ???

  HP: ???”

  “It’s high time to get aid, in the form of a sword,” Will said to himself. He shouted a warning to Lekhor to hang in for a couple of minutes, then rushed into the mines.

  Chapter 22. Soul Cry

  Will nearly collided with Gikhor, who stood in the center of the tunnel with his arms crossed over his broad chest.

  “White Rave? What yours forgot here?” He seemed quite unhappy that Lekhor let the intruder come into the mine.

  “Lekhor needs your help. Urgently! The Crimson Runner appeared. I think…” No sooner had he said when Gikhor broke for the entrance, brandishing a sword that appeared in his hand, seemingly out of nowhere.

  “So be it.” Will shrugged and followed him, afraid that he’d missed his chance to kill a “Baron” level monster.

  Raven exited the cave to be met by a strange scene. Both Horghs, had their weapons pointed at each other, and were circles each other slowly.

  “What are they doing? And where is the monster?”

  Will searched the area for the Crimson Runner, which seemed to have vanished. Meanwhile, the warriors confronted one another, attacking with incredible speed. Weapons clanged, sending sparks flying all over the mine. Raven could barely follow their movements. For a moment he thought he glimpsed a figure behind Lekhor, like a fleeting shadow.

  “Is that thing, whatever it is, controlling it?”

  Joining the fight would be foolhardy if not suicidal at this point. He remembered the description of one of his previous skills:

  “Soul Cry.

  Unique skill.

  Active (Apprentice).

  Produces a wave which damages the enemies in your vicinity. Causes piercing damage and ignores all armor.

  Damage: 350-400

  Attack range: 33 feet

  Sets the effect: Dismay (affected target can’t move).

  Duration: 30 seconds

  Energy required: 250

  Cooldown: 2 days.”

  He hesitated for a moment, wondering if he should interfere. Realizing he should not lose the opportunity to level, he darted toward the side of the Horghs. Both were injured, Gikhor’s left arm hanging limply at his side and Lekhor favoring his right foot.

  This would be risky, but hey, no risk, no reward.

  “Soul Cry!”

  A wave of air swept over Lekhor, morphing into a barely visible mouth.

  “F-f-s-s-s…” Crimson Runner hissed like it had been scalded and the monster materialized behind the Horgh. Slightly shaken, it came to its senses and stared at Will. This was a prime example of how the difference in levels cut down the skill characteristic.

  “Twilight Walker!” He was started to fade away, but then the monster’s cords flew in his direction.

  A cold shiver ran down Will’s back. “Damn it! It looks like I won’t get to level today…” Gikhor stood between him and Crimson Runner, understanding the monster’s was the rogue.

  “Gr-rha!” His sword cut the pedipalps without changing trajectory, then flew toward their enemy’s head. However, the Runner managed to dodge the blow by nimbly sidestepping i

  The recovered guard joined the Horgh, who seemed to be tiring. Together, they pushed the monster back, forcing it back against the rock.

  Will kept an eye on them from a safe distance, then an idea occurred to him. Another chance had presented itself.

  When assisting Lekhor, he noticed something interesting about the mosquito-like creatures. Once their HP fell to nearly 0%, its proboscis begins to jerk and twitch, as if they were searching for blood to help them regain their strength. The rogue eyed the monster, lining up a shot.

  The Horghs looked to have nearly defeated enemy, who had tried to escape several times. Its thin proboscis trembled and twitched, still searching for blood.

  Raven’s mistake was that he had not thoroughly considered the pitfalls of his plan; as for Crimson Runner – its potential meal knew its weak point. When the monster made an effort to move toward the rogue, Lekhor intercepted it and plunged his pickaxe into the Runner’s side. Raven, relying on the mercy of Lady Luck, used the skill “At Gunpoint” to try to hit the Runner’s head.

  Сhapter 23. The Scroll of ʻBack and forthʼ

  The level eight elf, playing for the magician’s Arcanum (archon wizard), cleaned a small vault, in which lived level twelve jelly like Slugs.

  They had resistance to all types of magic, but were considered to be vulnerable to physical attacks. So, he played the role of an observer more than he did that of a support wizard. His party found hidden caves near the distant town of Lucky-An two days ago.


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