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Dark Cotillion (First in the Brenna Strachan Series)

Page 20

by Hadena James

  Chapter Nineteen

  I concentrated, sending energy into the earth. I could feel the magic flickering. I didn’t have a spell to cast or ingredients to mix. All I had was power, and it didn’t seem to be reliable. I sent another surge. It hit the earth and traveled out. Nothing. I needed more. I desperately needed more magic. I looked around the room for anything and found only the book.

  “Ezra, how do I get more magic? Mine is fading with the Maturing.”

  “I don’t know. More Witches would be my guess.”

  “Thanks, you’re so helpful.” I was nearly in tears. I could hear the zombies now. Not just their feet but also their voices. They were getting a lot closer.

  I unzipped the jacket and touched the mark. It glowed a faint blue color. It had worked for Fenrir, maybe it would work for me. I pushed on it as hard as I could and felt it start to bring magic together. It was filling me up. I pushed until I thought I would explode from it. I slammed both hands into the ground, willed the power into the earth, and felt a tree come alive.

  I repeated the process, pushed more magic into the ground. A couple of more lumbering giants awoke. They shook themselves. Their leaves rattling noisily. I could feel them and hear them somewhere in my mind. Suddenly, the mark made sense. I dealt with spirit magic and the mark amplified the magic of the soul. It called out the Demon and I felt myself pulling in even more magic. I pushed it into the earth. Someone upstairs began running. Their feet hit the floor with amazingly loud thuds. They were coming in my direction. I pushed more magic into the earth and felt more trees wake up.

  “Brenna, the trees are moving. They are tearing themselves from the ground. Any suggestions?” It was Jonathan.

  “Get everyone inside. I’m waking up the spirits in the trees, and bring me an Overlord. Morgana would be great, but if she isn’t here, Ba’al.”

  “Uh, right.” I felt another surge of power fill me. I emptied it into the ground. The grass became alive.

  “Brenna, whatever you’re doing, keep it up.” Ba’al’s voice came to me from the top of the stairs.

  “Get down here, I need more magic.” I told him.

  “For what?”

  “For whatever I’m doing.” I yelled at him. He came and sat down next to me. I touched him. I felt his energy begin to fill me. I touched the mark and felt it increase by a thousand. I screamed with the pain of it and shoved it into the earth. I collapsed. I couldn’t do anymore. It had worked. The trees surrounding the house were alive. They were moving. They weren’t souls, but spirits of the living. I had awoken them. My mother would be so proud.

  “Brenna, we need you up here,” Marcus called from the doorway.

  “Not happening,” I was exhausted. Suddenly, I wondered how the fuck I was going to put them back to sleep. “Oh fuck, I really need some Fey. I really need Morgana.”

  “As long as there are Chimeras, there is no electricity,” Ba’al told me.

  “I can’t put the trees back to sleep. I don’t have the energy it’s going to require. I think when they finish with the zombies; we are going to have a whole bunch of living trees trying to eat us.”

  “Maybe they will be full after the zombies.”

  “I don’t think trees get full.”

  “Probably right,” Ba’al stood up, lifted me, hefted me into his arms, and we went upstairs.

  The living room was crowded. There were probably fifty or sixty Gargoyles, all the guards, and the four Overlords. Everyone seemed to be bleeding. John was running around like a mad man trying to assess damage.

  “The trees are eating the Zombies,” Anubis looked at me, “and the Chimera are now concerned with tearing apart the trees.”

  “Great.” That sort of solved a problem or two.

  “Eventually, something is going to win,” Anubis told me. “I don’t think Demonnation can get to us. I think we are cut off.”

  “We need The Fey,” I told him as Ba’al sat me down.

  “We really need The Fey and their Earth Magic,” I repeated to no one specific.

  “On it,” Marcus flew out the window. The others took flight after him. He was going to need help. Trees were grabbing for him and Chimeras were shooting balls of fire at him. There was chaos outside. This was the problem with uncontrolled magic.

  “While the plan was brilliant, it could have been thought out a little better,” Gabriel said. He was lying on the floor in a puddle of blood. New wounds were on his body.

  “I was winging it.” I told him, trying not to sound too snide considering the extent of his injuries.

  “I believe Demonnation has arrived,” Anubis said as he peeked out one of the windows.

  “That’s useful,” I walked over and joined him. There was an orange glow over the trees and smoke above it. The Chimeras were moving, ignoring the moving trees. They were flanking the front of the house. Something inside me was hoping that Demonnation was prepared.

  The Chimeras had their backs to us. Ignoring us. I looked at Anubis for answers.

  “Beats me,” he shrugged. “Everything seems to be ignoring us at the moment. I don’t know why.”

  “As long as we are all in the dark,” I whispered, thinking that if the Chimeras heard us, they might remember we existed.

  “Literally, we are in the dark,” Gabriel said from behind us. “I’m keeping the lights on.”

  “Interesting,” I responded. “What do you think they are doing?”

  “I think they have a mission and the arrival of Demonnation doesn’t help their cause,” Gabriel said. “If we can get Demonnation and the Gargoyles, we might have a chance.”

  “Oh goody, when are the Gargoyles coming back?” I asked.

  “Considering they went to fetch The Fey,” Ba’al shrugged.

  “I think they are getting closer.” Anubis pointed. The flames were now visible over the trees and the Chimeras were starting to howl to one another.

  “Doesn’t matter, Demonnation is getting a lot closer. We are going to have to attack from the rear,” Anubis said. “Do you think you can handle this?”

  “Sure, I have some skills. I woke up the trees didn’t I?” I was actually quaking in my boots. Chimeras, Zombies, and trees, seemed like a lot of ways to die.

  We could now hear whoever was leading Demonnation. His voice was loud and booming. It was my uncle, not Beezel but Levi. If I had to pick a favorite bloodline uncle, Levi was it.

  Anubis grabbed me and pulled me out through the damaged door.

  “Turn up the flames, stoke the fires,” Levi yelled. I could just make out his shadow. The Chimeras were unhappy. They were growling and howling to one another.

  “Mortal!” Levi shouted as he saw me. “I will be really pissed if you flambé my niece!”

  I didn’t react to Levi’s shout. I was at the back of one of the large beast. I swung the Claymore. It did what it wanted to do and cleaved easily through the tail. The tail twitched on the ground. The Chimera turned on me. He growled in my face, close enough to spit on me. I hefted the Claymore again. The Chimera moved back and away from me.

  It spit on me, growled, and lunged. The Claymore hit bone, went through, and brought out a single fang from the mouth of the creature. Fire blasted the Chimera from behind.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” Levi was suddenly at my side. One hand was throwing flames at the Chimera, the other was grabbing for me.

  “Fighting.” I huffed at him.

  “Fucking mortals,” he wrapped an arm around my waist and tossed me backwards as if I was made of feathers. I hit the ground with an audible thud and just lay there for a few moments. The Chimera was lunging again. Levi seemed ready for it. He shot more flames, this time from both hands and drove his long horns into the creature’s head.

  The Chimera fell to the ground. It gave a final whine and a twitch before it stopped moving. Levi was on me then,
grabbing hold, and jerking me off the ground. He dashed into the house.

  “What on earth?” He just looked at the doorway and missing window.

  “It’s been a long day.” As I spoke, a tree thudded against the wall of the house, its leafy branches coming in the window.

  “Obviously. How did the trees come to life? I don’t see any Fey.”

  “I did it. I’m an enchantress as well as a Demon.” I reminded him.

  “And you thought it was a good idea?”

  “They are eating Zombies, so yeah I thought it was a good idea.”

  “Trees eating Zombies, that’s a new one on me.”

  “Me too,” I shrugged. “It was all I could think of.”

  “Fire works best on the nasty buggers.”

  “I have no Demon powers at the moment, and fire was never in my skill set anyway.”

  “None at all?”

  “None that seem to be working today.”

  “That sucks,” Levi stretched. “I was hoping for some help with the healing process. We are going to have a lot of injured.”

  “I think once the Zombies and Chimera are gone, we are going to have a problem with the trees.”


  “Oh, I think they might try to eat us when all the dead flesh is gone. I shoved a lot of magic into the ground and had no spells to use.”

  “Why don’t you just put them back?”

  “I’m sort of out of magic.” I shrugged again. “I put all I had into the ground. It’s going to take a miracle to get enough to put the spirits of the trees back to sleep. The Gargoyles are currently out fetching The Fey, but…”

  “We have time. It’s going to take us forever to kill these damn Chimera. We’ll also need to mop up the Zombies that are left.”

  “They don’t seem that hard.”

  “That’s because they haven’t even started yet.”

  “I don’t know what that means.”

  “It means that for all of those that are only about half dead, they are going to come back bigger and badder.”

  “Half dead?”

  “Yeah, like the one I just killed. He is going to wake up pissed as hell.”

  “As long as there’s something to look forward to…” I frowned. “Shouldn’t you be out there helping?”

  “Shouldn’t someone be protecting you?” He frowned at me. “I don’t know what Anubis was thinking letting you out to face Chimeras.”

  “He was thinking she has a sword and we need the help.” Anubis came back into the house.

  “Still, sending a mortal to face a Chimera?” Levi looked at him doubtfully.

  “She is capable of handling herself and I wouldn’t have sent her if I had thought otherwise.”

  “I find it unlikely that she is capable of handling a bunch of Chimeras and Zombies. Even with Demon magic, Chimeras are a pain in the ass to kill,” Levi retorted.

  “Chimeras are a pain, but they can be killed. Easier than some of the other things, she might have to face. Had it been Wyverns or Dragons, I would have locked her away somewhere. Since it wasn’t…”

  “Not acceptable.” Levi shook his head.

  “I’m in charge of her guard, not you.” Anubis raised his voice.

  “And how many Calls got made when they attacked? Just hers?” Levi raised his voice.

  “We all sent Calls. Three, maybe four went out, including Demonnation.” Anubis was now shouting.

  “Is this productive? We have a whole bunch of badass monsters outside trying to kill us and you two are fighting amongst yourselves.” I pointed out.

  “Butt out, Brenna,” Levi spat the words at me.

  “No, no, no,” I responded, “this is so not happening. Do not tell me what to do. I’m a Demon and I’m not just some weakly little Demon, I’m Brenna Strachan, Demon Lieutenant, and Daughter of Lucifer. I am also a Great Witch and Daughter of Elise Strachan. I’m the second most powerful Witch in the world. I will not be treated like some child meant to be handled with kid gloves. This is just as much my fight as anyone else’s. More so when you consider it is I that is Maturing.”

  “This is bad,” Anubis frowned at Levi, “she doesn’t seem to do so well when she is angry.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, we should either calm her down or back away.” Anubis looked at me.

  “Don’t start with me, Ani. I am not in the mood. I have had a really bad fucking day and the two of you are making it that much worse. Like it isn’t enough that we have all this shit to deal with, oh no, the two of you want to fight in the middle of it. Now you want me to calm down. I’m not allowed to have emotions or react to anything you guys do. I’m just supposed to sit down, shut up, and stay out of the way. It doesn’t work like that.”

  The energy was starting to grow. I could feel it expanding inside of me, turning into magic. Anubis was probably right. I did need to calm down, but I was tired of being calm. I was tired of just sitting around and waiting for shit to happen to me.


  “Uh-uh, Uncle, you aren’t off the hook either. I sent the Call because we needed help. We, plural, not me, but a large group of us. I did what I had to do before you arrived, and if that meant waking up the spirits of some fucking trees to eat a few goddamn Zombies, then so be it. Was it stupid? Probably. Can I fix it? Probably not, but I know someone who can and they are currently on their way. So, back the fuck off me. I realize I’m mortal and I get it. I have the fucking bite mark to prove it. Does that mean that I can just sit back and watch as others try to defend me? No, it doesn’t. I’m not built that way. How could you even expect it of me?”

  It was too late and I knew it. All the anger and frustration was getting to me. The magic was strong, stronger than I could contain and I knew it. So did Levi and Anubis. They began to back away from me. I closed my eyes, tried to squelch it, tried to send it back down and make it disappear.

  “This is going to be bad,” Anubis ran out the door. I could feel him running in my mind. Levi was with him. They were both shouting orders. I didn’t know to whom they were shouting at and I didn’t think it mattered. All that mattered was the magic. The energy had to be released. It wanted to be released.

  The world around me became more chaotic. I didn’t know what was about to happen. My last coherent thought was, “God, forgive me.”

  I felt it leave me. I felt the shockwave of the magic as it hit the protective spells and burst through them. I could see it. It was green. It raced towards the world and I couldn’t stop it. The spells on the house couldn’t stop it.

  The magic fields surrounding the Chimeras shattered. I watched their magic be absorbed by my own. It grew stronger and wilder somehow.

  The world slowed down and then stilled. Nothing seemed to move. I frowned. I was less angry. Anger replaced by pure terror. I didn’t know what the magic would do, only that I couldn’t control it.

  “Brenna,” it was Gabriel’s voice, “I know you couldn’t control that, but I don’t think you helped our cause.”

  His body was completely healed. Dried blood decorated his clothing. Holes were still visible in them, but no more blood ran through the holes and the skin beneath was unmarred.

  I looked out into the world in front of me. The chaos had stopped. Nothing was moving. The Chimera that had been lying on the ground in front of my parents’ door was on its feet and staring at me. It didn’t have a scratch on it.

  “Oh fuck,” I lowered my head and waited for it to charge. I hadn’t just healed the Elders; I had also healed the Chimeras.

  It didn’t charge. It didn’t move. It stood frozen.

  “Well? He isn’t moving.” I told Gabriel.

  “True, I’m not sure why he isn’t moving.” Gabriel returned my frown. “He seems confused.”

  “Maybe you should try to kill it now.”

  “It’s illegal
to kill a Chimera if it isn’t attacking. There are less than 100 of them left in the world.”

  “The Elder version of an endangered species.” I nodded once. The Chimera mimicked the gesture. “What’s it doing?”

  “I don’t know. It appears to be nodding at you.”

  “Wondering if I taste good with bar-be-cue sauce?”

  “Nah, they don’t like spicy food or fire. They prefer to eat raw meat.”

  “He still isn’t charging. Earlier, they couldn’t wait to get in. Now, he is just staring at us.”

  “I think it’s still confused. I doubt it’s ever been healed by a Demon before. Usually, when Elders and Chimeras cross paths, one of them is severely injured.”

  “What do I do?” I stepped further back from the doorway. The Chimera stepped one step forward.

  “I don’t know. He seems to be focused on you though. Do something interesting.”

  “Like what?” I turned to look at Gabriel. Levi and Anubis came into the room. They skirted the Chimera without a problem. They were no longer snarling, growling, and howling.

  “I don’t know, anything,” Gabriel said as they came into the house.

  “The Chimeras have completely stopped fighting, which is good since they are completely healed.” Anubis told me.

  “Gabe thinks they are confused.”

  “You healed all of them. It is a confusing situation. You should be the enemy,” Levi told me.

  “And I’m not because I healed them?” I frowned harder.

  “You frown a lot,” Anubis said.

  “Do you think that’s relevant at the moment?”

  “Just an observation.” He shrugged. I shrugged back.

  The Chimera attempted to shrug. It looked weird and wrong, but it was still a shrug of sorts. I frowned so hard I thought my face would break.

  “It’s mimicking me.”

  “I don’t think they are smart enough to use that as an attack ploy,” Anubis told me.

  “Okay, but why is it mimicking me?”

  “Are you sure that’s what it’s doing?” Gabriel asked.

  “No, but I think it is. It shrugged.”

  “Do something complex and interesting and we’ll see if it tries to do it.” Gabriel pushed me forward. The Chimera bulled up.

  “Uh,” I swallowed hard.

  “I think it was a reaction to my pushing you forward, not you stepping forward. I won’t touch you with it standing there. I think it likes you.”

  “You think it likes me? Perhaps we should test that out some way other than me stepping forward and petting it. I don’t want to be dinner.”

  I waved at it. It was the only thing I could think to do besides breaking the other horn and shooting fire at it. It picked up one huge paw and waved back.

  “The Chimera waved at you,” Anubis said from behind me.

  “I waved first,” I told him. “Think that’s a good thing? I wave, it waves?”

  “Never seen one do it,” Anubis told me.

  “Okie dokie then, so, we think it’s a good thing?”

  “Yeah, we think it is,” Levi answered.

  “What do I do now?”

  “Ask it to leave?” Anubis said.

  “Okay,” I took a step forward, the Chimera didn’t move. “I’m sorry, but do you think you could leave? You are making a mess of the house and lawn.”

  The Chimera cocked its head to the side. I took a deep breath.

  “Do Chimeras speak English?” I asked.

  “Not a clue,” Levi answered.

  “What do we know about them?”

  “They are carnivores and they like to eat Elders from time to time. When they aren’t trying to digest us, they eat Wyverns, Sirens, Harpies, fish, or anything else they can catch.”

  “Not helpful.”

  “They have their own magic.”

  “Also, not helpful.” I took another step forward. The Chimera lay down on the ground, his large eyes staring at me. “If it eats me, I’m going to be unhappy.”

  I took six steps and found myself at the doorway. The Chimera was still laying on the ground, making itself as small as possible, so roughly the size of a mountain. I took another step. It gave a small sigh that nearly made me jump out of my skin.

  For several seconds, I stood, indecisive. Should I take the next couple of steps or not? If I didn’t and we went back to trying to kill them, it would be bad if they no longer meant us harm. If I did and it ate me, that would suck. I held my breath and stepped forward.

  It didn’t move as I touched its nose. He looked at me with his big eyes and just sat there. I made an attempt to find a way to pet him without being close enough for him to eat me. Since it seemed to be mutually exclusive, I sucked it up and took the final step.

  He didn’t eat me. He nuzzled into my hand. Drool began to fall from his lips. He gave a low, deep groan that might have been a moan. The other Chimeras reacted by lying down. The Elders didn’t move, they just stood there and watched as I petted it.

  “Okay, I know you probably don’t understand me, but we have a tree and Zombie problem. Would you be willing to help?”

  It huffed out a breath that moved my hair. It sat for a few more moments, nuzzling my hand before standing up. It gave a low cry that I hadn’t heard before. The other Chimeras moved to their feet. The Elders took up position.

  “Don’t attack,” Levi yelled.

  The Chimera looked at me. I looked back.

  “Please don’t eat me,” I finally said and closed my eyes.

  “Zombies bad,” the thought popped into my mind from nowhere. I looked around for a Djinn and failed to find one. My attention turned to the Chimera.

  “Was that you?” I asked it.

  “Zombies bad, kill Zombies. Help Demon.” The thoughts were simple, yet perfect.

  “Thank you,” I told it.

  “Trees not sure about.”

  “We’ll deal with the trees and you deal with the Zombies.”

  “You not hurt us?”

  “I promise the Elders here will not hurt you anymore.”

  “Who are you talking to?” Anubis asked.

  “I think I am talking to the Chimera,” I yelled back over my shoulder.

  “Yes.” The thought was just there.

  “Okay, I know I am talking to the Chimera.”


  “Is that your name?” I asked it.


  “Gregorian, will you help us with the Zombies?”

  “Yes. Demon good. Demon heal. Gregorian lied to.”

  “You were sent here to kill me because you were told I was bad?”

  “Yes. Told Demon bad. Told Demon kill all animals on planet.”

  “I love animals, all animals. I’m sorry I killed your brethren.”

  “We attack you.”

  “Still,” I shrugged again.

  “You like Gregorian, you try to survive. We attack. You defend. You heal us.”

  “Why are Zombies bad?”

  “Zombies not alive. Zombies not trying to survive. They just eat. They eat anything. They will eat my fallen. They will eat your fallen. You can’t heal them. They not alive.”

  The other Chimeras were on the move. They were beating their way into the woods. They were battling the trees to do it. I hoped The Fey hurried. I didn’t want to kill any more Chimeras.

  “Gregorian stay here. Gregorian protect Demon. Gregorian not let Zombies eat it.”

  “Thank you, Gregorian; I appreciate you staying to protect me. Would you like to come inside? I think you will fit. You can come in the back where the glass is broken. More Elders are coming and they might not understand immediately that you are not trying to kill me. You will be safer inside with us.”

  “Demon invite inside?” He cocked his head again.

  “Yes, I am inviting you inside, Gregorian. I
am trying to help protect you as well.”

  “Other Elders not hurt Gregorian?”

  “No, the others will not hurt you.” I looked around. “The Chimeras are going to fight the Zombies. They are protected. No member of Demonnation may attack them.”

  I yelled the last loud enough to let every Demon near hear me.

  Gregorian knelt down and looked inside.

  “Gregorian does not think he will fit inside. It is small.”

  “It will be crowded, but you will fit.”

  “I will go tell the others,” Ba’al was suddenly near me. “I will intercept Marcus and The Fey and tell them the Chimeras are helping us, not attacking us.”

  “Thank you, Beal.” I touched his face lightly.

  “Demon send messenger to protect us?”

  “Yes, my name is Brenna, Gregorian.”

  “Demon is easier.”

  “Okay, Demon it is.” I touched Gregorian. “Do you have any injuries I did not heal?”

  “No. Demon heal them all.”

  Screams, moans, and bellows, began to come from the woods. I looked into them. Gregorian did as well.

  “We find Zombies.”

  “Are they hurting you?”

  “Zombies cannot kill Chimeras. We are too strong. We have magic.”

  “How did you get here?”


  “Yours or someone else’s?”

  “Someone else’s. Elder Magic.”

  “Do you know who?”

  “No, Gregorian got message. Gregorian told Demon bad, will kill all animals. Gregorian told he must destroy Demon. Gregorian say he not know how. Gregorian told if he would pick the strongest Chimeras in his herd, magic would bring us to the Demon. Gregorian told Demon mortal and can die. We try to kill Demon. Demon fight. Demon’s herd fights. Demon heals. Demon cannot be bad. Demon heal Chimera. Chimera never healed by Demon before.”

  “How did you get the message?”


  “Oh,” I frowned.

  “You are not happy that Gregorian doesn’t know.” The Chimera hung his head a little.

  “No, I am afraid that they will send other things to try to kill me. I am afraid they will send things that are less understanding than Chimeras to kill me.”

  “Gregorian can stay and protect you.”

  “You said you didn’t think you could fit in the house.”

  “Gregorian can sleep outside, protect Demon.”

  “Thank you, Gregorian.”

  “But Demon does not want Gregorian to stay.”

  “No, I would very much like you to stay, but your herd needs you, and you are safer on the island. You are the leader of your herd?”


  “Do you have a family? Children?”

  “I have offspring. I have mate. Honoria is mate. She has Gregorian’s offspring. Gregorian has three Chimera at home.”

  “Young or adult?”

  “Young, still suckle.”

  “Oh, then you cannot stay here, Gregorian. You must go home. Honoria will need you and your babies will need you. Who will protect them from other animals and bad Elders if you are not there?”

  “Gregorian, take Demon home. She play with offspring. Keep them all safe.”

  “I could not endanger your mate and wee ones, Gregorian, not to mention your entire herd. The Elders who want to kill me would not think anything of killing your entire herd and your children.”

  “Gregorian could eat them.”

  “You could, I’m sure. They wouldn’t taste very good and they may send Dragons or something else to do the work. I don’t know if Dragons eat Chimeras, but I do not want to take that chance. I would cry if a Dragon ate your babies.”

  “You cry for Chimera offspring?”


  “Confusing, Demon. Why?”

  “Because I believe all life, even that of an animal is special. They do not deserve to die just because we can kill them. When you leave tonight, I will cry because we killed so many Chimeras.”

  “You cry for animals?”

  “I cry for animals, I do not like to see even the tiniest bird die. It is no less important to the world than an Elder or a Human.”

  “Demon believe that?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Why they tell Gregorian you bad?”

  “Because they are mean and want to kill me. They sent Chimeras because they do not think they can do it themselves. They sent Chimeras to kill me because they do not think Chimeras are important. If the attack had continued, we probably would have killed all of you. They wouldn’t have thought anything of it. They would have planned their next attack with something just as dangerous.”

  “They use Chimera for magic and power.”

  “Yes, I’m sorry, Gregorian.”

  “Demon, if you find out who did it, will you tell Gregorian. Gregorian does not like to be used for evil.”

  “Yes, if I ever find out who did it, I will tell you Gregorian and you can get revenge for your fallen.”

  “Revenge bad Demon. It leads to death.”

  “I didn’t mean to offend you, Gregorian. I did not realize that Chimeras thought revenge was bad.”

  “Revenge very bad. Revenge led to the death of many Chimera. The Zombies almost gone.”

  “You are talking to the other Chimeras?”

  “Yes, they kill many Zombies. Zombies easy for Chimera to kill. Zombies burn.”

  “Gregorian, thank you again for your help. We will try to get you back to the Island, to your home and family as soon as we can. I do not know how magically to take you there though.”

  “Demon think of something. Demon smart. Demon nice. Demon concerned about Chimeras.”

  Wings began to sound overhead. Gregorian, the Chimera flinched, as he looked skyward. I followed his gaze. Wings and figures filled the air.

  “No, Gregorian, they will not hurt you. I sent a Gargoyle to tell them not to.”

  “They do as you say?”

  “No, but they do as the Overlords say, and the Gargoyle I sent was an Overlord.”

  “Demon friends with many Overlords. Demon daughter of Lucifer. Demon is powerful.”

  “Demon is working on becoming powerful and that is why some Elders want to kill me. They think that since I have magic, I am bad. They are afraid of me.”

  “Elders afraid of Chimeras. Chimeras have magic. Chimeras eat Elders that are bad.”

  “Only bad Elders?” This was an interesting piece of news.

  “Yes, Chimeras see light around Elders. Light tells us if Elder is bad. If Elder is bad, we eat it.”

  “What color is the light if the Elder is bad?”

  “Elders who are bad glow yellow. Elders who are good glow purple.”

  “What color do I glow?”

  “Purple and blue.”

  “What about the Elders around me?”

  “All purple.” The Chimera made a face.


  “Gregorian should have known Elders were good. Glow purple. Not attack.”

  “We all make mistakes. We should have known that we could talk to you. If we had known, we might have been able to avoid the entire thing. You would not have attacked us and we would not have…” I spread my hands around me.

  “They will live again.” Gregorian told me.

  “No, Gregorian, they are dead.”

  “Yes, bodies dead. Spirit born again when Chimera dies. Spirit born in new Chimera.”

  “You reincarnate?”

  “We only breed when one Chimera dies. Babies take long time to grow up.”

  “How long?”

  “Seven hundred years,” Anubis answered.

  “How did you know that’s what I asked?”

  “He is broadcasting to all of us now,” Gabriel had taken a step forward.

  “Gregorian, are you talking to all of us?”
  “I talk to Demon, Angel, Vampire, Werewolf, and Gargoyle. Gargoyle in sky. Harder to talk to.”

  “Why us?”

  “Demon, Angel, Vampire, Werewolf, and Gargoyle all glow purple and blue. Gregorian think that good thing. Gregorian never sees blue.”

  “We are all bound together,” Gabriel said. “That could be what the blue is that you see.”

  “Gregorian think it is powerful magic.” The Chimera nodded its head a few times with emphasis. “Chimeras have killed Zombies. Might be few left, hard to smell them with all the dead.”

  “Uh, Anubis, Gabriel,” Morgana’s voice came from behind me.

  “It’s okay, they are on our side.” I told her without looking back. “Can you send them all back to the Island? And is there any way you can put some tree spirits back to sleep?”

  “Judging by the house, it’s been a long night,” she said. “I won’t ask for explanations just now.”

  “Is that a yes?” I asked, finally turning to look at her.

  “Yes, I can help with both.” Morgana walked towards me. “Are you sure it’s okay?”

  “They want to go back, their job is done. They killed the Zombies that were going to kill us.” I shrugged.

  “No, I meant, I’m going to have to touch them, is that all right?”

  “Gregorian? The Fey will have to touch the Chimeras to send you back to the Island. Is that okay?”

  “Yes,” he sounded almost relieved that touching was the only thing involved.

  “It’s fine.”

  “The Chimera is talking to you?” She gave me a look.

  “He’s a telepath. My brother would have a blast,” I told her.

  “Not just her either,” Anubis came to stand next to me. “He has been talking to all of us. It is a very long story, Morgana. We need to heal any wounded Chimeras and send them back to the Island. There may be a few extra Zombies still roaming around, but we can kill them easily enough. After that, once the trees are back asleep, I will explain.”

  “Sleep sounds good,” I smiled. “It feels like it has been ages.”

  “Lots of magic.” Gregorian looked at me.

  “Too much magic,” I told him. I moved close enough to touch him again. He lowered his giant jaw and placed it on the ground in front of me. “Thank you, Gregorian. I am in your debt and should you need anything of me, just ask. One day, I hope to see your offspring.”

  “I would like that, Demon.” He nuzzled against my outstretched hand.

  “She made friends with the Chimeras?” Morgana sounded stunned.

  “And so much more,” Anubis looked at me, “but that is to be told after everything is sorted. We have much to do. Even after the magic is over, we will need to do something about the missing window and busted door.”

  Anubis rounded and looked at the Chimera on the ground, “Gregorian, do you want us to send the fallen back to the Island, or give them a Warrior Burial here?”

  “It will take several to give them burial,” Gregorian looked sorrowful. “Vampire as kind as Demon?”

  “I recognize my own kind when I see them,” Anubis responded.

  “High praise from Vampire. Would you really bury with honor?”

  “It would be the least I could do for you and yours,” Anubis bowed low.

  “It would be easier for their mates.” Gregorian seemed undecided.

  “You have my word as a warrior that I will bury the fallen with honor and dignity,” Anubis countered.

  “Thank you, Vampire.” He bowed his head towards Anubis.

  A faint rumbling could be felt in the ground. It was the first time I noticed that you could feel the giant Chimeras walk. Their heavy bodies shaking the earth with each step.

  “Your brethren return,” I moved back a bit from Gregorian. “How many hurt?”

  “A few, not serious.” Gregorian answered.

  “No matter,” I told him, “Demonnation will heal them before they return.”

  “Thank you, Demon.” Gregorian stood up. “Six injured.”

  “Uncle,” I turned to see where he was standing.

  Levi was standing about ten feet behind me. His eyebrow seemed to be raised in a permanent arch that was impossibly high. His eyes were laughing.

  “Yes, niece, I will heal the wounded Chimeras.”

  “Thank you.” I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Gregorian, I am sorry, I am so tired, I do not think I can keep my eyes open much longer.”

  “Come here, Demon.” Gregorian ordered.

  “Okie dokie,” I walked over and leaned against him.

  “Demon heal Chimera, Chimera help Demon.”

  “Help how?” I asked feeling my eyelids flutter.

  “Chimera give Demon mark, Demon have good dreams as long as mark lasts. Demon needs good dreams. Demon have tormented dreams.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Gregorian can tell. Ready for mark?”

  “Sure,” I shrugged. I was expecting a bite of some kind. Instead, Gregorian ran his long, rough tongue up my body. Of course, his tongue was nearly as big as I was, so it wasn’t hard. The saliva was sticky at first, but dried quickly. I could feel my skin absorb something from it. That something made me feel happy, but it wasn’t a normal happy. It was like some switch in my brain kicked over and I felt calm for the first time in my life.

  “Nice,” I kissed Gregorian on the nose. “Thank you, I feel better already. Still sleepy, but better.”

  “Demon sure she not want Gregorian to stay, help protect her?”

  “I’m sure, you have babies to take care of and a mate to be with. Do you love your mate?”

  “Yes. Chimeras mate for life. If mate dies, we wait for spirit to be reborn. Once old enough, we become mates again. Always the same spirit.”

  “That’s amazing,” I told him. “You really are massive.”

  If Chimeras could laugh, Gregorian did it. It was a growling, howling sound that was sort of scary and sort of soothing.

  “Chimeras big animals,” he said as the noise died down.

  The others were breaking through the tree line. Trees were following them. I closed my eyes and felt Gregorian wrap his massive paws around me. Someone was yelling at Morgana to start some Fey Nature Magic and stop the trees. Someone else was yelling for Demons to come to the aid of the Chimeras. If I had to guess, it was Levi.

  Chaos broke out. I could hear it all, but it didn’t seem to penetrate the fog I was feeling. I was warm, safe, and happy. The noises they were making should have caused me alarm. It didn’t. For some reason, I trusted all of them to take care of the situation.

  “Demon?” Gregorian’s voice pierced the fog.

  “Yes, Chimera?”

  “We are healed. It is time to go. I give you to Vampire now.”

  “Okay, thank you, Gregorian. Thank you.”

  “Thank you, Demon.” I felt my body move. Felt it being passed off to someone else. Strong arms enveloped me, pulled me into him. He smelled of orchids, copper, and fur.

  “Good bye, Gregorian, I hope to see you again.” I gave a half-hearted yell as I felt the gathering power of The Fey. I couldn’t muster anything more.

  “We will meet again, Demon. You are safe amongst the Chimera and always welcome.” His voice faded away. There were several loud, audible popping sounds. The Chimeras were gone. I snuggled into the smells of Anubis.

  “Food before you pass out,” he told me quietly.

  “Food? Okie dokie, I’m not sure I could hold a fork or spoon though. Might have to drink it through a straw.”

  “I think you might be high off magic and Chimera spit.”

  “Does being high make you want to sleep?”

  “Not normally, no.”

  “Then I’m not high, just calm and relaxed. Very relaxed. I’m not sure I can move any part of my body. It’s better than any sleep aid on the mark
et. I was tired before, but now…” I yawned as if to emphasis a point. “Food better come quick.”

  It did. I don’t know what I ate. I chewed whatever Gabriel shoved into my mouth, swallowed, and took the next bit. It seemed to last for forever. After what seemed like eternity, I pushed Gabriel’s hand away and headed to my room.

  The bed was comfortable, warm, and wonderful. Everything was wonderful. The dresser even began to sing to me. Some strange lullaby from my past, or maybe I just thought it was.


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