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The Club

Page 7

by A. L. Brooks

  Mandy shrugged. “I didn’t have to think about it, really. You needed me, and I wasn’t not going to be here for you, was I?” It had been hard, but her mum didn’t need to hear that. She’d stayed with her mum at the family home in the Cotswolds for these past few months, getting her through the worst of her grief and helping her sell up the old house and find this one.

  Her mother pulled her in for a quick hug, something they rarely shared, and it touched Mandy.

  “Well, thank you. I couldn’t have done this without you.” She paused and pulled back slightly to look at her daughter. She had crystal-blue eyes and pinned her with a piercing gaze. “Now, as much as I am grateful, I’m also a little worried.”


  “Well, you’ve been here, with me, for five months now. You don’t have a job or a partner, and you never really mention any friends. I certainly don’t expect you to stay here forever looking after me, so what are you going to do? I worry that you think you need to stay, but that isn’t a life you should lead. You could always go back to Australia, you know. I have my friends close by to keep an eye on me.”

  Mandy smiled, touched by her mother’s concern. She’d never really expressed it before, always shaking her head at Mandy’s fierce independence, but never commenting one way or another on what Mandy did with her life.

  “Don’t worry, Mum. I do have a plan. I was getting ready to talk to you about it tomorrow, actually.”

  Her mum smiled and gestured to the chairs around the small table in the centre of the room.

  “Well,” continued Mandy once they’d sat down. “The guy I worked for in Australia, he knows some people here who run bigger clubs than his. He thinks he might be able to set me up a job, and he’s arranged for me to meet a guy next Friday. He runs a club in the centre of the city.”

  “So, you’ll stay in the UK now?”

  Mandy nodded. “Yeah, I think so. I know you’ve got your friends to look out for you, but you are my only family. Suddenly being on the other side of the world seems too far away.”

  Her mum smiled. “Well, I can’t say I’m upset about that. I like having you nearer.” She hesitated a moment before clearing her throat. “And this job that your friend has organised, what will it be?”

  “Managing the bar, just like I was doing in Melbourne. Only it’s a bigger club, with more staff working for me, so I’ll get much more experience.”

  Her mum looked away and back again. “And is this what you want to keep doing? Managing bars?”

  Mandy picked up on the slight disparagement in her mother’s tone and sighed.

  “I know you don’t think it’s much of a job, Mum. But I really enjoy it. And I’m good at it. I do have a dream to open my own club one day, and I can’t do that without a bit more experience of working in them. It’s a step towards something bigger for me. I…I hope to use the money Dad left me to help set up my own place one day.”

  Her mum nodded, and smiled more brightly than Mandy had seen her do in months. “I think he would have liked that—having a daughter who ran her own business. He would be proud of you.”

  Tears formed behind her eyelids, and Mandy blinked them back.

  “Thanks, Mum. That means a lot.”

  * * *

  God, she hated the pricks that came to this club on a Saturday night. Fridays weren’t so bad, but somehow on Saturdays, every tosser in the north-west who had a bit of money walked through those doors and into her bar, and Mandy detested every single one of them. But like the good professional she was, she plastered that fake smile on her face and made sure the champagne fridge was stocked for when they wanted to flash their cash.

  It had been a year now. Although she would have preferred to work in London, no jobs had been forthcoming there. She had, however, been pleasantly surprised by Manchester. There was a good vibe to the city and a great little Gay Village with plenty to keep her amused for a while. She hadn’t done too well on the sex front since she’d been here, but she didn’t have the energy for it. Dealing with death and grief had left her little enthusiasm for anything else.

  In the last three months, she’d had two...interludes. Hidden in the shadows of a gay club that didn’t get that many gay women visiting, neither of the experiences had been at all satisfactory. She hadn’t been able to come—something held her back from really letting go. So now she’d pretty much given up on all that for a while. Instead, she was focused on doing this job as best she could, getting a reputation established here and building her experience for the future.

  What she really wanted next was to get into one of Robbie Chapman’s clubs—biggest club owner in the north-west, and rumoured to be looking to set up another huge club in the city centre, for which he would need experienced staff. Working in one of his places, and being good at it, would set her up nicely for the future. But she wasn’t stupid. She hadn’t been in this game, or this city, nearly long enough to set her own place up just yet. No, a few more years of learning from the best, and then she’d be ready to make her move.

  Raised voices came from the end of the bar, and she glanced up. One of the tossers was leaning across the bar with his finger in Chris’s face. She was one of her youngest—and best—barwomen. Mandy reached for the small radio attached to her waist and thumbed the mike.

  “Pete, meet me at the main bar, please.”

  Pete gave an affirmative response as she moved down to the trouble spot.

  Putting a hand gently on Chris’s shoulder, she stepped past her to face the angry man across the bar.

  “Good evening, sir, what seems to be the trouble?”

  His eyes, glazed from a clear case of overconsumption of alcohol, moved from staring at Chris to staring at Mandy. He took the time to leeringly look her up and down, and she resisted the urge to shudder. God, what a fucking snake.

  “The trouble,” he started, his voice slurred, “is that your bitch here won’t serve me anymore.”

  “I’ll ask you to refrain from abusing my staff, sir,” said Mandy in her firm but hey-let’s-all-just-take-it-easy voice that she reserved for occasions such as this. She held up a hand to him when he made to speak again and turned to Chris.

  “Why did you refuse to serve the gentleman?” She hoped Chris could read enough in Mandy’s eyes and face to know that this wasn’t a telling-off. Chris had quite rightly refused to serve him.

  “I’m afraid the gentleman used some abusive language when placing his order, and I wasn’t comfortable with that.”

  “Stupid fucking cunt bitch!” His voice was almost a scream. Clearly, this was a man used to getting his own way, and he definitely didn’t like being told no.

  Before Mandy needed to respond, Pete was there.

  “Thank you, sir,” said Pete loudly. “That’s enough of that.” And before the drunk knew what had happened, he was frogmarched away from the bar and out of the club.

  Mandy and Chris looked at each other and chuckled.

  “Saturday fucking night,” said Mandy quietly, and Chris grinned. Mandy patted her on the shoulder and walked back to retake her station at the rear of the bar.

  She took a deep breath and watched the room again. Oh yes, another three months, and she was definitely out of here.


  Manchester, present day

  “Come on, baby, come for me now,” whispered Jacky hoarsely as she drove her fingers deeper into her wife’s gorgeously hot cunt.

  Tania groaned, and her walls closed in with the throb of her orgasm. She cried out, arching upwards and thrusting her hips towards Jacky, giving her a prime view of her fingers buried in Tania’s cunt. As long as she lived, Jacky would never tire of that view. She’d known from the first time she’d fucked Tania that she’d never want another woman in her bed. Tania had taken everything Jacky gave her and still begged for more, and Jacky, butch as she was, wept silent tears as she plunged ever deeper, ever harder.

  They’d married after only a year together. Jacky had be
nt down on one knee, mindless of the few other people sharing the beach in Norfolk that cold March day. Tania had cried and shouted, “Yes!” Then they’d kissed and laughed, and Toby, Jacky’s four-year-old beagle, had hopped around between them in excited confusion.

  After much discussion, they had mutually decided they couldn’t handle the fuss of a big wedding and had quietly organised the briefest of ceremonies at the local registry office. They’d made it official only a month later in front of their two closest friends. Kath had stood as witness for Jacky, and Tania’s oldest friend from school, Marie, had signed the register for Tania. This earned the wrath of their families for having been excluded from the celebration. Jacky didn’t blame them for wanting to be a part of the celebration, but they couldn’t wait. Jacky and Tania simply belonged together. They were a perfect fit except for one minor thing.

  Despite the incredible sex they had on a very regular basis, there was one thing Jacky couldn’t give Tania. Although Tania usually hid it well, she clearly struggled with it. Despite how happy Jacky was to lick Tania’s pussy all day, she could never bring herself to let Tania reciprocate. Only one woman had ever had her mouth on Jacky’s pussy, and after the excruciating embarrassment and shame of that event, no other woman had ever been allowed near there again. And no matter how much she loved and trusted Tania, she just couldn’t do it.

  Every now and again, Tania would broach the subject by suggesting counselling, books, or whatever it would take. Unable to explain, Jacky walked away from the conversation, and Tania would feel guilty for pushing. For a few days, things would be awkward between them, but eventually it smoothed out. They repeated this cycle every few weeks.

  To say it was causing a rift in their relationship was overstating it. But it was always present. The elephant in the room.

  Tania flopped down on the bed after riding out the aftershocks of her orgasm, panting heavily. Jacky lay down beside her, draped an arm over her rounded belly, and pulled her in for a tender kiss. Tania’s body was luscious and beautifully curvy, and the soft glow of the bedside lamp accentuated all those curves. Tania complained about being at least ten pounds overweight; Jacky said she was perfect just the way she was.

  “Okay, babe?”

  Tania nodded and smiled and kissed her again. All was good, this week.

  * * *

  Jacky walked into the pub, clapping her hands together to take the chill out of them. October was kicking in with a definite bite. The Soldier’s Arms was quiet tonight, and she nodded a hello to Tim, the barman, as she walked further into the main room. This place had been her favourite haunt for many years. It was a good old-fashioned pub that had a few tasteful modernisations in place that didn’t detract from the original character. The old wooden floor, polished smooth from years of workmen’s boots clumping over it each day, was paired with modern comfy chairs and tables. Plus, it was close to her work and was convenient as a meeting point for her regular—or, lately, not so regular—catch-ups with Kath.

  Kath was already there, leaning against the far end of the curved bar, wearing her trademark long leather coat, and nursing a pint of lager. Jacky strolled over and slugged Kath in the arm.

  “Hey, what’s that for?” asked Kath with a smile. She had dark circles under her eyes.

  “That’s for not calling me in forever,” replied Jacky, slugging her again, but gentler this time. She ordered herself a pint of Guinness and then demanded, “Where the fuck have you been?”

  “Yeah, I know, sorry about that. It’s been a bit of a crazy time.” Kath’s face clouded over, and Jacky cringed at her insensitivity.

  “Shit, your mum again?”

  Kath nodded and took a big gulp of her beer.

  “Sorry, I suppose I should have realised that.”

  “Hey, don’t worry. You weren’t to know. How’s the lovely Tania?”

  Jacky couldn’t help it—her eyes glazed over as she thought about her beautiful wife, and Kath chuckled.

  “Oh my, what a softie,” she said, laughing as Jacky made to slug her again.

  “I can’t lie; I’m beyond happy.” Jacky’s big butch exterior turned to mush at the mention of her wife.

  “So, where is she tonight?”

  “Home, planning on a long call with her sister to catch up. So, want to order some food and grab a table?”

  “Oh yes, I’m in need of a big burger. With all the trimmings.”

  “Mate, you are speaking my language.”

  An hour later, stuffed to the gills with a second pint in hand, Jacky sat back in her chair and groaned.

  “Overdone it, my friend?” Kath winced as she eased back in her own chair.

  “You and me both, by the looks of it,” replied Jacky, grinning.


  “So, given that things have been tricky with your mum again, I guess there’s still no love life of yours to speak of? No juicy goss you can share with me?”

  Kath smiled mysteriously and shifted in her chair a little.

  Jacky sat up straighter.

  “What?” she asked. “Come on, spill the beans, you bitch!”

  Kath laughed but blushed a little too, her gaze darting away from Jacky’s and back again.

  “Come on, bud. What’s going on?” Jacky pushed. “Anyone I know?”

  “Ah, it’s… Well, it’s not quite what you might imagine.” Kath took another big gulp of beer and then let out a sigh. She leaned forward onto her forearms. “Okay, I’m going to tell you, but I’d really appreciate it if you didn’t get too judgmental on me. Please, just accept that what I’ve found really works for me and I’m in a good place with it, okay?”

  “Fuck. Okay. But now I really am wondering what is going on.”

  “Well,” began Kath, “I’ve been visiting a club. A private club that caters to very, shall we say, special desires.”

  “A club? What, like a nightclub?”

  Kath grinned. “Well, it is a club, and it’s open at night, but it certainly isn’t the kind of nightclub you’re thinking about.”

  “Oh, come on, stop stringing me along.” Jacky was losing patience.

  Kath chuckled. “Okay, okay, I’ll tell you.” She took a deep breath and puffed it out. Then, lowering her voice, she said, “It’s a lesbian sex club.”

  Jacky was thankful she wasn’t holding her drink at that moment, as it would surely have ended up all over the floor.

  “Say that again?” she said.

  “Remember, you agreed not to judge.” Kath’s voice had an edge to it, and Jacky held her hands up in a placating gesture.

  “Sorry,” she said softly. “Please, tell me what you mean.”

  “Well, like I said, it’s a sex club. I found out about it online—remember you suggested chat rooms?”

  Jacky nodded. Kath had been pretty down after Julie left her and desperate to get out of the house for some uncomplicated fun. Jacky had thought that would mean she’d find herself a new dance club or bar to hit, not a sex club.

  “Well, I got chatting to this other woman who, like me, just wanted the odd uncomplicated…moment here and there, with no strings attached. She’d found this club; doesn’t really have a name. It’s just kind of known about. It’s amazing. It’s like if someone asked you to design the perfect place to go and meet other women who just wanted sex for the evening, you’d come up with something pretty close to this.”

  Kath’s face glowed as she talked about it, and Jacky couldn’t remember the last time she’d seen her so lit up about anything.

  “So, how does it work? I mean, you just stroll in, pick a chick you like, and get on with it, or what?” Jacky’s curiosity was rampant.

  Kath grinned again. “Well,” she said. “How much do you want to know?”

  * * *

  On the train, Jacky couldn’t stop thinking about the club. By the time she got home, a crazy plan had formed in her mind. The tricky thing would be selling it to Tania. On the short walk up the main road from the station,
she ran through the words she wanted to use, rehearsing them until they sounded just right in her own mind.

  The light from the living room spilled out between the cracks of the blinds. That meant Tania was still up and likely laid out on the sofa. Their house was small and modern, not quite what either of them had ever pictured for themselves. But it was all they could afford in their up-and-coming suburb. She didn’t care, though. It was theirs, hers and Tania’s, and that alone made it perfect to Jacky’s way of thinking.

  Jacky opened the front door to be greeted by Toby, who whined and jumped up at her until she ruffled his head and ears just the way he liked it.

  “How’s my boy, then?” she said, bending down to be eye level with him and using her special Toby voice. “Did you miss me? Yes, you did, didn’t you?” She chuckled at herself. She was such a bloody softie for that dog.

  In the living room, Tania semi-reclined on the sofa, dressed only in her red satin robe with the TV on in the background. She always loved the way Tania looked in that robe and took a moment to drink in the sight as she shrugged out of her jacket and threw her wallet and keys on the side table. Toby, content that his mistress was now home, followed her into the room and flopped down in his basket by the radiator.

  “Hey, babe,” said Tania as Jacky walked into the room. Tania turned her head to look at her wife over the top of the sofa, smiling sleepily as she did so.

  “Hey, beautiful.” Jacky walked around the sofa, knelt on the floor in front of Tania, and ran her fingers through Tania’s lustrous auburn hair. She leaned into her for a series of quick sexy kisses.

  “Hmm, feels good,” Tania whispered as Jacky let her fingertips gently graze her scalp.

  Just like that, it was there. That spark, that jolt of lust that made Jacky’s breath hitch with a desperate need to have her hands on Tania’s skin.

  It seemed the reaction was mutual, as Tania planted a lengthy, smouldering kiss on her lips. Then, as they kissed, Tania reached between them to undo her robe. Once her heavy breasts had tumbled out of the fabric, she reached for Jacky’s hand and placed it firmly over her left breast. Jacky rolled the nipple between her fingertips, bringing it to instant hardness and making Tania whimper softly.


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