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Alpha Rising: Book 12 of the Grey Wolves Series

Page 15

by Quinn Loftis

  “Have you heard back from Ciro’s pack?” Vasile asked Wadim.

  The historian shook his head. “He’s the only one who hasn’t responded.”

  Alina sat down in the chair next to Vasile. “Isn’t he one of the alphas working with Perizada?”

  “I have no clue,” Wadim said with a growl. “I’m the pack historian, and I know nothing.”

  Vasile watched as Zara placed a hand on Wadim’s shoulder. She leaned into him, and he saw the younger wolf relax a bit. “You are doing what you can, just like the rest of us,” Vasile told him. “I will call the Italy pack and see if the historian can find anything. They are an old pack. They might have something.”

  Vasile pulled out his cell phone. He didn’t bother to consider what time it was in Spain. He tuned out the group around him as he heard a voice answer his call.

  “This is Vasile Lupei,” he said, speaking quickly. He spoke flawless Italian; it was easy to become fluent in many languages when you lived a very long time.

  “How can I help you, Alpha?” the man on the other end asked. “Our alpha is indisposed at the moment.”

  “I’m aware of Ciro’s situation,” Vasile assured him, though he didn’t mention it was only because his amazing mate had her head on straight and remembered what he hadn’t. “I need to speak with your pack historian. We need whatever information she might have on the Order of the Burning Claw.”

  There was silence and then a cough that sounded strained. “O-of course, Alpha. Let me get her.”

  A moment later, a female voice came through the line. “Alpha Vasile,” the woman said. “This is Selena. I’m the pack historian here. What can I do for you?”

  Vasile gave a quick rundown of the situation. “I would ask that you be discrete about this until Ciro returns, please. We do not need other packs reacting to this information out of fear or some need to prove themselves capable of removing a threat.”

  “Of course. I will keep this between us. I will search our archives immediately.

  “Wadim is our historian. Please relay the information to him.” Vasile gave her the historian’s personal phone number. “Thank you, Selena. I appreciate your help and discretion.”

  “Absolutely,” the she-wolf said and then hung up. Vasile appreciated that she didn’t ask a million questions. His patience was running thin, and he didn’t want to bark at someone who didn’t deserve it.

  “What do we do now?” Drake asked as he pulled his mate closer to him.

  Vasile was about to answer, but his phone rang. He saw the name on the screen and knew they were out of time. “Andora,” he spoke the sprite queen’s name into the phone without preamble.

  “The seers have informed me that you have trouble headed your way,” she replied, also without wasting time on small talk. As she was speaking, fae began flashing into the room, ferrying other supernatural beings. In a matter of minutes, their Arizona army was standing in the gathering room of the Keep.

  “I see you sent assistance,” Vasile said.

  “You know we are only allowed to intervene so much, and we’ve likely already exceeded what is allowable,” the sprite queen said. “There are consequences for wielding our power, and they will be dire.”

  He paused as he considered what she was saying. “I am aware, and I am in your debt.”

  “We cannot join you in this battle, Vasile,” Andora said solemnly. “That is part of the payment for sharing the future with you. You have a battle coming. You must hurry. You need to fight with a brutality of which I’m not sure all of your people are capable. You must not lose this fight.”

  “What are you keeping from me, Andora?” Vasile heard his phone crack under the pressure of his grip.

  “I’ve already said too much. May the Great Luna be with you.” The line went dead.

  Vasile took several deep breaths. His wolf was growing quiet, which was not a good sign.

  “We will get through this,” Alina’s voice came from beside him a moment before her hand slid into his. “We have an army ready to fight with us. Lead them, my love, as you have led many others to victory.”

  He turned to her and pressed a kiss to her forehead. Then he lifted his eyes to the room that had moments ago only held a handful of people. He saw Cypher and Lilly, along with around twenty warlock warriors. Chris Morgan was also back. Jeff Stone, the Coldspring alpha, and at least ten of his pack members were present. Jareth the djinn was there, which was the equivalent of the entire room. Nissa, the high fae had returned as well as Riven and Vale, the fae warriors who seemed to lead the others, and at least twenty or more fae who had brought everyone. Thalion and Cyn and around a score of elf warriors stood ready. Tyler, the Missouri alpha, and fifteen of his pack members were present.

  Vasile couldn’t help but let his eyes roam looking for Lucian and Perizada, but they weren’t there. These, along with his own pack, would have to be enough. He had no idea what the Order was bringing, but he knew everyone in this room was willing to die to keep the Order from taking power.

  “It appears we are out of time,” Vasile said, raising his voice so that everyone could hear him. The room went silent, and all eyes turned toward him. “We are in your debt for coming and defending our pack.”

  “We are all pack,” the king of the warlocks said. “Pack is family. Family. They are the people we are willing to lay down our lives and bear our swords for.”

  There was a rumble of agreement throughout the hall. Vasile nodded. “You are right, Cypher. We are pack. We don’t have to be Canis lupus to be pack. And I will fight proudly beside you all.

  “Andora was not able to give me details, but from what I could gather from her tone, this will be bloody. Fight dirty if you must, for your enemy is not honorable and will not give you a fair fight. Strike to kill, not to capture.” He felt Alina tense beside him. His mate could be ruthless, but she had a gentle heart. Then he felt her pull her shoulders back and raise her chin. His Luna was entering battle mode.

  “The people coming for us have captured many of my pack,” Alina said. “They have my grandson, my daughter-in-law, our Beta’s mate and child, and our healer, her mate, and their son. Our enemies have no morals. They care not who they hurt. They lost their chance at mercy when they dared to lay hands on those in our care, those who are our future. Our young, who we hope will be better than ourselves. Our pups, who we raise to see value in all life and to defend those weaker than themselves.

  “We will raise our swords, our arrows, and our claws to fight this foe, and we will win because we are the only thing that stands between their evil and the rest of the world. And if any of us should fall in this battle, you go to the Great Luna knowing you gave up everything in order to help those who need you and cannot help themselves. May the Great Luna bless our sacrifice and fight alongside us in battle.”

  There was no victorious cheer or battle cry. There was too much at stake. Vasile directed Gavril, Drake, and Wadim to take anyone who might need weapons to the armory to be outfitted. Then the alpha and his mate headed for the pack’s sleeping quarters. He’d be awakening his warriors from their slumber, not merely asking them to give up a good night’s sleep, but quite possibly their lives.

  By the time they had roused the pack, the Order had showed up in force.

  Chapter 11

  “I was under the impression that the stronghold of the pack was, well, strong. But seeing as how the most precious members of the pack—the children—have been stolen right out from under us, and we are now being attacked, I feel it must be renamed. How about The Giveaway. Or maybe The Keep Nothing Out? Has a nice ring to it.” ~Zara

  “I thought the whole point of this place was that it was safe,” Zara said as she followed Wadim to the weapons room. A week ago, they’d had the little munchkins stolen right out from beneath their noses, which seemed far from safe, and now they were being attacked by the monsters who had taken them.

  “It seems our allies are falling faster and faster.” Wadim
sounded more defeated than ever. “Alina said Vasile told her that someone had warned the Order that we were coming to Phoenix. That means it was one of our own—the good guys.”

  A chill ran down Zara’s spine as she glanced around at the people gathering in the armory as they entered. Most of them she didn’t know. They were all different races of supernaturals, not just wolves and not just from their pack. She didn’t like not knowing who she could trust. She thought the whole thing about the pack was that they were family, like the warlock king had said. They were one and would always have each other’s back. At least that was the impression she’d gotten from Vasile, Alina, Wadim, and the others. And Jen sure as heck made it seem like if you were one of the pack members, then you were solid. Who in their right mind would turn their back on that and betray such loyalty?

  “People who aren’t in their right mind, Z,” Wadim answered, having heard her inner monologue.

  Wadim led her to an empty seat, and she sat down beside him. The room filled up with the female wolves who weren’t battle trained and the fae warriors who had been positioned there by Nissa, who Wadim had explained was a high fae like Peri. Alina was the last to enter. Her face was lined with worry, but her shoulders were pulled back straight, and her chin was held high. She bore the weight of her burden as an alpha female with grace and poise. Zara had to admit that following Alina into battle, even into the depths of hell, wouldn’t be a difficult thing to do. She commanded that kind of loyalty. And those who knew her, and the kind of integrity she had, happily gave it.

  “If you have been asked to stay in this room, it is not because you are weak. Do not mistake needing protection as being prey. You are precious just as every member of our pack is. Please trust Vasile and I to do what needs to be done to protect not only our family but others who need us as well. We will let you know when the threat has been neutralized. As your alpha female, I am ordering you not to leave this room until the all clear has been given.” Alina’s voice was strong and as bold as her steely gaze. She met the eyes of every person present, and when they landed on Zara, the young woman instinctively dropped her own. When she was sure the alpha female no longer stared at her, Zara raised them again.

  “Those of you who have just gotten out of bed, I will give you a brief recap while you gear up. Alston, the high fae who now stands with the Order, has the pups.” Her voice seemed strained, but Zara was in awe of how the alpha female appeared to be holding up, even with her grandson in danger.

  There was a low murmur of growls, but it was quickly silenced when Alina raised a hand to get their attention once again. “As you know, Jen, Jacque, Sally, and Costin have gone, at the request of Alston, to Arizona where the Order has made their headquarters. An army of elves, fae, and vampires that are loyal to the Order are currently marching toward us and could be here at any time.

  “Nissa, Vale, Riven, Talia, and some of the other fae have managed to use their magic to keep them from flashing into the Keep. Your alpha is currently working out the best strategy to defend the stronghold. We cannot dwell on what we could have or should have done.” Alina glanced down and Zara followed Alina’s gaze. The alpha she-wolf's hands were shaking. She clenched them into fists, lowered them to her sides, and then looked back up at her pack. “Everyone who can fight, will. There is no time for pretty words. We either fight or we die.” With that, the fae standing next to her grabbed her arm and the arm of Rachel, who was standing beside her. Gavril, Rachel’s mate, placed his hand on the fae, and then they were gone.

  Zara had asked Wadim why Gavril, an obviously strong male and old, which meant he had to be a good fighter, had not gone with the others to Arizona. Wadim had smirked at her and answered, “Gavril doesn’t leave his healer’s side. Ever.” He’d told her a little of their history, and after spending so much time alone together in hiding, she imagined it would be hard to be separated. She didn’t want to be separated from Wadim, and they’d only been together a short while.

  Gradually, fae warriors began flashing wolves from the room. When one appeared next to Wadim and placed a hand on his shoulder, Zara’s eyes widened.

  “I have to fight,” Wadim told her. “I don’t want to leave you, but you aren’t ready to do battle yet. You haven’t trained.”

  Zara knew his words were true and not meant to hurt her, but she hated being helpless. She didn’t want to be protected inside while those she cared for were fighting for their lives. She wanted to be next to her mate, fighting alongside him. She wasn’t weak.

  “I don’t think you’re weak, Z,” he said, answering her unspoken thoughts. “You’re the strongest woman I know, but you aren’t a battle-tested warrior yet. Trust me, please.” His gaze was earnest as he stared down into her eyes. His hands cupped her face, and his thumbs ran gently across her cheeks. She had grown to love his touch, but only his.

  Finally, she nodded. “I do. I’ll wait. But if you die, I’ll be pissed.”

  His lips twitched up in a crooked smile, and his eyes smoldered at her. “You’re kind of hot when you’re pissed.”

  “Then do something besides dying to piss me off,” she said dryly.

  He leaned down and bit her lip gently before kissing her. “As much as it pains me to say it, if I die, you will join me. We’re a bonded pair. Even if the bond isn’t entirely complete, we’ve performed the Blood Rites.”

  “I wouldn’t want to be here without you,” Zara said, completely serious.

  “I don’t deserve you, my sweet Zara, but I wouldn’t give you up even to save the world.”

  Before Zara could respond, Wadim and the fae, who’d stood there silently while they’d had their private moment, flashed from the room, and she was left to wait. Wait and wonder and worry. The three W’s every female hated.

  Bethany stood in the farthest corner of the armory. Alina had just flashed with one of the fae warriors, and the room was steadily emptying as more fae warriors took the fighters out to confront the enemy who had gathered at their door. She could see the room around her, but that wasn’t her focus. Her mind was centered inward, on the voice speaking to her.

  “Are you safe?” Drake’s voice rumbled through the bond and filled her head. She trembled as she felt his touch on her face and wished he were right there in front of her.

  “I’m in the weapons room with those in the pack who aren’t fighting.” She looked around and noticed Zara on the other side of the room. “Zara is here.” When the other woman glanced her way, as if she’d heard her name, Bethany motioned her over.

  “I’ll be with you soon. I’m outside fighting with the others. I need you and our child safe.”

  “I love you.” Bethany needed him to hear the words even though he already knew.

  “And I love you. See you soon.” Then he was gone, and the bond closed.

  “You okay?” Zara asked as she took a seat next to her on the bench.

  Bethany started to answer, but the other female held up a hand to stop her.

  “And I’m asking because I really want to know. I’m not looking for the sweet, simple answer that keeps me from actually needing to care about someone besides myself,” Zara continued.

  The stern words of the girl, who looked to be a little younger than Bethany, made her smile. “Thank you, Zara. I appreciate your honesty, and yes, I am okay. I mean, as okay as any pregnant, dormant, newly mated werewolf can be.”

  Zara laughed. “You sound like someone who needs to be on one of those outrageous talk shows. Imagine bringing out one of the pack members on stage. ‘I’m sorry, Mr. Werewolf, but you are not the father!’”

  “We could keep one of those shows running for several seasons.” Bethany sighed and rested one arm on the table in front of her while her other hand laid on her flat stomach.

  “Are you excited?” Zara asked as she nodded toward the resting hand.

  “I’m not sure if excited is the right word.” Bethany narrowed her eyes a little as she realized that the woman she was talking to was
the only other person on earth who could possibly understand what she was feeling. She sat forward, leaning closer to Zara as she basically word vomited everything that had been building inside of her since the moment Sally had told her she was having a child. “You thought you would die with them, didn’t you?”

  “The vampires?” Zara asked and then quickly nodded. “Absolutely. I was trying to figure out a way to kill myself.” Bethany noticed the girl’s eyes widened as though realizing she’d admitted that out loud. “I mean, there was, I just—”

  Bethany quickly interrupted her. “No judgement. We lived in hell, Zara. No one gets to judge our actions or decisions. I wanted to die, too. I thought I would. I never imagined I would see the light of day again, let alone another human being. So, to be honest, with this whole baby thing, I’m freaking out just a little.” She pinched her thumb and forefinger together as she said this but knew the look in her eyes made it clear that her freak-out had gone way past “just a little.”

  “It’s okay to be scared.” Zara reached out and took Bethany’s free hand and gripped it tightly. “No judgement.”

  Bethany smiled at the repeated words. “Then, I’m terrified as shit, and if you tell Drake I cussed like that, I’ll lie through my teeth and throw you under the bus at an undisclosed time.”

  Zara threw her head back and laughed. The room that had been full of murmurs quieted down as all the eyes turned to look at them. Bethany glanced quickly around but then focused on the other she-wolf.

  “The truth is, Z, I went into hell not much more than a child. I never expected to have anything. The thought of losing everything I’ve gained now is horrifying. And now that I’m pregnant, there’s a part of me that mourns the fact that if Drake dies, then I die. But then there’s the half of my soul that is a part of his, and I wouldn’t want to live without him either.”


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