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Spring Fever Daddies

Page 1

by Rayanna Jamison

  Spring Fever Daddies

  Second Chance Ranch

  Rayanna Jamison

  Blushing Books


  What’s Inside

  FREE Books for Amazon Customers

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Rayanna Jamison

  EBook Offer

  Blushing Books Newsletter

  Blushing Books

  ©2018 by Blushing Books® and Rayanna Jamison

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  Rayanna Jamison

  Spring Fever Daddies

  EBook ISBN: 978-1-61258-615-1

  Cover Art by ABCD Graphics & Design

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books’ or the author’s advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.

  What’s Inside

  I tried to shut the door on him, but he caught it and pushed it back open, stopping its path with the toe of his boot. His eyebrows furrowed together and his scowl matched my own. “Excuse me?” he questioned sternly.

  There was enough dominance in those two words to flip my stomach and have my pussy leaking with want.

  “Might I remind you that you are the one who ran out on me, little girl?”

  His shoulder wedged between the lip of the door and the wall, and he pushed past me into the room.

  “You can drop the attitude now.”

  “Like hell,” I yelled, stepping closer to him until we were standing toe to toe.

  “Who the hell do you think you are to barge in here and start telling me what to do?”

  His eyebrow quirked upwards, and he shook his head. “Not too long ago, you were about to admit how much you needed a Daddy. Shortly after that, your precious pouty lips were wrapped around my cock. I figured we were heading in a certain direction.” His voice was a growl.

  “Hmph.” I stepped closer, jutting out my chest, and leaning in, until we were very nearly nose to nose. “A blow job doesn’t mean anything. Don’t fool yourself. It’s barely sex, and it certainly doesn’t give you the right to barge in here and start making decrees.”

  “You know, you have a very naughty little mouth,” Mitch growled. “But that’s exactly why we’re up here, isn’t it?”

  I shrugged. “ If you don’t like the way I talk, get the fuck out of my room, how’s that?”

  “That’s quite enough, little girl.” His voice, and his entire body, screamed of danger. He looked more domineering than I would have imagined possible.

  But it didn’t matter. I wasn’t backing down. I was hurt and angry and licking my wounds. And I was horny as hell, but he didn’t need to know that.

  “Get. Out.”

  He stepped back, and I immediately felt bereft. I liked the battle. I wanted to win, of course, but I didn’t want it to be that easy. I also wanted to see how far I could push him.

  Was he all talk, or was there a man of action hiding behind his boyish charm and looks?

  “Do you really want to find out?” His question threw me, until I realized belatedly I had voiced my thoughts out loud. Shit. Of course.

  I did. I really wanted to find out. Not that I would admit it to him. At least, not in so many words. “Fuck off.”

  If he really was as dominant as he was acting, I figured that would do it.

  His laughing eyes darkened into a glower, and his jaw hardened as he advanced towards me. Unfortunately, he didn’t have far to go, and I wasn’t fast enough to stave him off.

  Before I could question my sanity, a thick arm caught me around the waist. I struggled, but he was too strong. Within less than a minute, he plopped down onto my bed and pulled me face down across his lap, just like he threatened earlier.

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  Chapter 1


  Jealousy was a green-eyed bitch. In this case, that bitch was me. And with my bright red hair, green was not my best color.

  Running my fingers over the soft white paper the letter was printed on, I scowled at the photo in front of me. I should not have run home on my lunch break to eat and grab my mail. Now my whole entire day was going to be wrecked because I couldn’t not be a jealous bitch.

  “Hello, burning hunk of sexy man love. Who are these hotties, and who in the hell is that lucky woman between them?” My friend, Janine, smacked her gum loudly as she grabbed the photo off the desk and held it between her fingertips.

  “That’s my friend, Merry. And her baby daddies, Slade and Blake.”

  Janine’s jaw dropped. “Shut the front door. Baby daddies? How the hell does that work? She got a kid with each of them?”

  “No, one baby, so far, but they are all in a relationship, so they aren’t going to find out who the biological father is. Unless, at some point, they really need to, for health reasons or something, I guess.”

  “Hot damn. You know these people? They’re wearing cowboy hats in this picture. Chicago is a long way from cowboy hat territory.”

  “They’re from the ranch.” I tried to snatch
the picture away from her so she would leave. She swooped out of the way and clutched it to her chest.

  “The ranch? That place you’re always waxing poetic about, calling them your family and all that?” Her eyes narrowed. “These hotties have any brothers?”

  “About thirty of them,” I deadpanned, waiting for her to remember that Second Chance Ranch was a home for foster children. Or it had been, in its heyday. Now, it was just Nan, Merry, Slade and Blake running an outreach program that paired horses with local foster kids.

  Janine nodded and peered at the photo again. “Some girls have all the luck. Only thing that could make me even more jealous would be if these cowboys knew how to handle a riding crop in the bedroom.”

  Janine was a kinky bitch, who had a penchant for having her ass smacked. The harder and more often the better. And, of course, she was just generally a loud person, so everyone here at the office knew her preference for kink.

  “I’m pretty sure they do know how to handle a crop,” I mused. “Among other things.”

  “Well, hot damn. Some girls have all the luck.” She placed the photo back on the desk in front of me with a sigh. Her eyes fell on the letter that had come with it, before I was able to move it out of her line of sight.

  “What’s that?” She pointed.

  “Oh, it’s just a letter from Merry. Nothing special. They are trying to get me to come down and help out at the ranch for a few months. Or maybe longer. I don’t really know.”

  “Like a job?” Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

  “Yeah, I guess. Sort of. With Merry being pregnant, Nan being old, and Blake and Slade being so protective, they want to hire a housekeeper slash cook.”

  “And they want you to be that person?”

  “I guess.” I shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. I already have a job.”

  “Girl! You crazy? All you ever talk about is that ranch! And you are so burnt out on city life. You need a change of pace. Preferably one where you’re surrounded by gorgeous cowboys.”

  “Gorgeous, taken, fully committed to my good friend, cowboys,” I reminded her.

  She waved her hand dismissively. “Girl. It’s Texas. Surely, those two are not the only hot cowboys in the whole state. If they are gonna pay you good and give you a place to live, you should go. Fulfill your dreams for once. Take a chance. Find a man who isn’t a selfish city boy. You’ve seen enough of those to last a lifetime.”

  I sighed heavily. Everything Janine said was true. And completely valid. I could go if I wanted to. And I was burnt out on city life. Especially city men. But I wasn’t sure that relocating to a ranch in Texas was really the answer.

  I was starting to feel like I was destined for the single life. Or a life full of heartbreak. I searched my whole life for one decent man who would love me fully and completely and stay faithful to me, and only me, and I had yet to find him.

  And Merry scored, not one, but two of the hottest cowboys I have ever laid eyes on. And I had laid eyes on a lot of men in my life, thank you very much.

  Unfortunately, I had a dominant personality and what some might call a savior complex. Not to mention, an affinity for assholes. Let’s not forget that. Sighing loudly, I turned my attention back to the letter and enclosed picture, which was a pregnancy announcement. No news there. I had been at the ranch when she’d told Slade and Blake and, well, everyone else who happened to be there for the annual Christmas party, which was a hell of a lot of people. Pretty much everyone the threesome knew, I was sure. So the announcement was just a formality or, in this case, more salt for the wound. Damn, they looked great together and so happy. Their story was the kind of thing fairy tales were made of. Seriously, it basically belonged on the pages of the trashy romance novels I liked to read late at night while nursing a broken heart and inhaling pints of Ben and Jerry’s and watching sappy Hallmark movies.

  Dammit. Wiping a tear from the corner of my eye, I turned the picture over, and turned my attention to the letter once again.

  Dear April, I read.

  I am writing this letter from my spot near Nan on the couch, because Blake and Slade insist on pampering and babying me for the entire nine months. I really wonder sometimes if neither of them have been around a pregnant woman at any point in their lives.

  With all the pushing and prodding they did to get me to work with the kids again, doesn’t it figure that they don’t seem to want to let me anywhere near them now? Okay, I get it, it’s not the kids they are worried about, it’s the horses, but still.

  It wouldn’t be so bad if they would let me work around the house and take care of Nan, but they won’t let me do much of anything. They treat Nan and me both like invalids and insist on doing, not only everything around the ranch, but nearly everything here at home, too. They are driving us both crazy and wearing themselves ragged.

  I finally put my foot down, with Nan’s help, of course. She is much better at wrangling those two men than I am, even if I do have them wrapped around my little finger, according to her. They cannot continue to do everything. So they have agreed to hire help, for both the ranch and the house.

  And this, my dear April, is where I hope that you come in. Nan and I have free rein to hire someone to help out around here. It’s a boring job, just cleaning and some cooking, but Slade pays very generously and you get to hang out with us all day.

  I know you have a job. I also know you need a change in life, and Nan and I can’t stomach the idea of having just any old Sally hanging around all day. You were the first person we both thought of, and we are holding our breath in hopes you will say yes.

  If you have any questions at all or want to talk about salary, benefits, hours, or anything, call Slade. He’s waiting to hear from you.

  Much love,


  My hands were shaking as I set the letter back on the desk. I had a job. The pay was decent, with good benefits, and I had been there for years. Under no circumstances, should I consider leaving it for a job cleaning house and cooking for an old woman and a pregnant lady with, not one, but two amazing men willing to wait on them hand and foot.

  Yet, here I was, considering it. Not just considering it—wanting it. My stomach jumped into my throat the minute I opened the envelope, and before Janine interrupted, my hand had been on the phone, ready to dial Slade.

  Speaking of Janine, she was still standing there, watching me with a thoughtful look on her face while I sat quietly, the wheels in my mind turning a million miles a minute.

  “I’ll think about it,” I grumbled, hoping it would get her to leave.

  “You do that, honey.” She smiled widely and turned on her heel.

  As soon as she was out of earshot, I reached for my cell phone once more, my fingers hovering above the “S” section of my contact list. Stop, April. I chided myself. This is crazy.

  I picked up my phone and began to dial. Janine was crazy, but her advice was generally sound. And I usually never took it, regretting it later. Maybe it was time to shake things up. Or, at the very least, get a change of scenery. Away from the after work happy hours, and the downtown bar scene. Away from the hot business men and the sexy urban hipsters.

  Away from trouble, broken hearts, and Friday night Ben and Jerry’s cry sessions. Hell, maybe I could beef up my savings account. The thought was appealing. But it shouldn’t be.

  Staying in the same house with Merry, Slade and Blake every day would only serve as a punch in the gut reminder of what I didn’t have. What I would probably never have.

  I set the phone down firmly on the table in front of me. Never mind the fact that I loved Nan and the ranch and had always wished, deep down, that I could have grown up there. That fact just proved what a shitty person I could be, I mean, really, whose innermost wish is to have grown up on a foster ranch, when, instead, they got to grow up in the kind of loving two parent home most of those kids only ever dreamed about? I was a sick individual.

  That was the thought running through my head as I
picked up the phone and dialed.


  The phone rang beside me in our small office apartment and I ignored it as I glared at the screen, willing it to change as I entered in the last line of code. Nothing happened.

  “Dammit!” I yelled, banging my fist on the top of my cheap wooden desk. This coding was airtight. We spent months figuring it out, and we were down to our last day to get the app up and running. Our investors were getting antsy, the lease was up on our apartment at the end of the month, and I was getting down to my last dollar, too, practically. Everything was riding on this, and it was failing.

  The phone rang again, and this time, my partner and roommate flipped it over, raising his eyebrows in amusement when he saw the caller id.

  “Man, Slade doesn’t give up, does he?” he asked with a chuckle, referring to my foster brother.

  “None of them do,” I muttered, moving to grab the phone from him so I could send the call to voicemail, just like I had been doing all week.

  Brody was too fast. And too tall. Holding the phone way above my head, he put his finger over the green arrow and slid the icon to answer.

  “Hello, Mitch’s phone,” he said with a sly grin at me as Slade’s voice rang loud and clear through the line. “Why, yes, he’s right here. Hold tight; I’ll get him for you.”

  Brody ignored the fact that I was emphatically shaking my head back and forth and that my eyes were still stuck bouncing between my notebook and the computer screen, wondering where we went wrong. When I didn’t move to take the phone, he held it up to my ear. He was helpful like that. And by helpful, I mean, domineering and interfering.


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