Spring Fever Daddies
Page 4
“You have a way with words. But, no, it’s not that. I wasn’t being down on myself. I’m just saying, I think they might be in a relationship, already. With each other.”
“Ooh. Well then, I have only one thing to say. If you’re lucky, they are just bi, and you can be the cream filling in their Oreo, if you know what I mean.”
“I think I can figure it out,” I deadpanned.
“Worst case scenario, they’re gay, not bi, and you can be yourself. Ooh, gays love to talk. They are great listeners. You can practice on them. They can be like your platonic boy toys. You want to know how a real man is supposed to treat you? Get yourself a gay best friend and watch how they treat you.”
“Gay best friend. Practice boy toy. R-e-s-p-e-c-t. Got it. Anything else?”
“Yes, girl. Hang up the phone. Take a hot shower and then make mad passionate love to yourself. Or just grab your vibrator and go at it till you scream. Either way.”
“Bye.” I pulled the phone away from my ear quickly before she could give me any more outrageous but well-meaning advice.
“April! Wait!”
“I quickly replaced the phone on my ear without thinking.
“If you can’t get a gay best friend, you should get yourself a Daddy. Ain’t nobody on God’s green earth gonna treat you like a Daddy.
“Bye, Janine.”
I hung up the phone and tossed it on the bed.
What the hell? A Daddy? I had a dad, of course, but I was certain that wasn’t what she meant. Probably one of her kinky things. She liked to be spanked, maybe she liked to call them Daddy while they spanked her. I shrugged. Not my thing, but hey, whatever floats your boat.
At least one piece of advice Janine had given me was sound. I would kill for a hot shower. Speaking of which, I should probably shower and change before Nan’s soaps ended and she inevitably called me down for tea and cookies. At least, I could blame the days of travel for needing to freshen up in the middle of the afternoon, even if it wasn’t the only reason.
Thankful for an ensuite bathroom, I locked my bedroom door and padded to the bathroom, doing a quick scan for inventory. Towels, check, soap, check, shampoo and conditioner, check. It was fully stocked with everything I needed. There was even a fresh toothbrush still in the wrapper on the counter, beside the sink.
I turned on the hot water and stripped. I was just about to step beneath the spray when I pivoted and retreated to the bedroom, where I opened my suitcase and withdrew my favorite waterproof vibrator. Damn Janine. I had packed it on a whim, assuring myself that just because I brought it didn’t mean I was obligated to use it.
And now I was thankful to have it. I knew my own limits.
Abstinence from intercourse was going to be enough of a struggle. Denying myself pleasure while ensconced in this shit show of a testosterone tent was not a thing that was happening.
Stepping into the steam filled shower stall, I closed my eyes and let the hot water flow over me. I hadn’t realized how sore my muscles were from days of driving until this moment. Stress and tension fell off my body in waves. I grabbed the scented shower gel and fresh loofah sitting on the shelf and went to work, scrubbing my body as hard as I could, as if doing so would somehow clean my mind of the impure thoughts I was having.
Within seconds, I went from mentally planning tomorrow’s meals to fantasizing about licking Brody’s body all over, starting with his rock hard abs and ending with the tip of what I was sure was a very thick and beautiful cock. Once I reached the tip, with him fully in my mouth, Mitch came up behind me and grabbed a handful of my hair, holding it tightly out of his way while he nibbled the back of my neck…
Whoa!. Where did that come from? A threesome? That was an entirely new fantasy. While I was in a mental pause, the two men kept going without me. I stepped out of the way, and Brody reached around me to grip Mitch’s cock in his fist, holding it tight and giving it a gentle squeeze as I watched in wide-eyed wonder.
Holy shit. My mouth fell open, and I grabbed the vibrator from its spot on the shower shelf, twisting the bottom and waiting for the familiar buzz when it hummed to life. As soon as I heard it, I eagerly pressed it against my sex and sagged against it as the vibrations pulsed through my core, setting my nerves on fire.
I gave in to the pleasure of the fantasy thoroughly, balancing my leg on the ledge for better access as I pushed the soft material of the buzzing vibrator past my barrier and up inside of me. My hips gyrated of their own volition as I thrust the device in and out of my sopping pussy.
I was back between the two men, now, as it should be. Mitch reached his hands between my legs from behind and cupped my pussy with the palm of his hand, teasing my clit with one finger. Brody slapped my behind, grabbing it roughly as he pulled my body against his.
Oh. Oooh. Damn. What was this madness? These fantasies were nothing like I ever had before. My body hummed with urgency as I worked the tip of the vibrator against my clit. I was so close.
Fantasy Brody claimed my mouth with his and smacked my ass again for good measure. I bit the back of my knuckles to keep from screaming as my release claimed me.
It came in strong waves, sending shock shudders down my core and leaving me spent and breathless. I braced myself against the wall of the shower and watched the vibrator fall to the shower floor as I caught my breath.
Hot damn. I hadn’t even been here but an hour and I’d already had the best orgasm I’d experienced in a good long while.
I fanned myself and turned the water down to a much cooler temperature.
Fuck, I was in trouble. With those two around, I might as well just write self-love into my daily schedule, and Lord help us all, if any part of my fantasies ever came to fruition. My body flushed just thinking about it.
I couldn’t let it happen. That wasn’t why I came here. My goal was to take time for myself, to learn who I was without a man, not find out what life would be like with two.
Besides that, just because they swung that way in my head didn’t mean they were anything like that in real life.
I nodded to myself, clinging to the thought. I was probably perfectly safe. Wasn’t I?
Home again, home again. I hummed the lyrics to an old song and wondered where I had heard it. I shook my head and threw my suitcase onto the bed, thankful that Nan upgraded all the twin beds to doubles when her “kids” grew up and started coming home to visit.
The loud knock on the door made the small room feel even smaller. Brody was my best friend. So why did I want to drop kick him out the window right now?
I looked longingly at the space my suitcase occupied on the bed and wished I could ignore him and just go to sleep. But that was impossible, because Brody would not be ignored. For that matter, neither could Nan, and she would be beckoning soon enough.
With a grunt, I turned the doorknob and pushed the door open just a crack. Brody ignored my signal, of course, and pushed his way in. His large frame seemed to dwarf the small room. Or maybe that was just how I always felt when Brody was around. Especially when he acts the way he’s been acting lately.
Still, he had no dominion over me anymore. This wasn’t college. I wasn’t a scared, stressed out teenager far from home. We were on my turf now.
I ambled up to him and pushed my chest out. He simply quirked his eyebrow, and I instantly deflated.
“What do you want?” I grumbled, just then noticing the suitcase in his hand
“I thought this place had like a shit ton of bedrooms.”
“It does. I think there’s like ten.”
“Okay, well, Nan said we are to share this one.” Brody threw his suitcase onto the identical bed on the other side of the room. I hadn’t even noticed it was there.
Great. Just great. Brody took off his hat and sat down on the bed, staring at me expectantly.
“What now?”
“What the hell is this dibs shit?”
Realizing now how stupid and immature it sounded, I shrugged. “I mean, I just
wanted you to know I was interested, I guess. I mean, come on, I never stand a chance with you around.”
His eyes narrowed darkly. “If that’s ever true, then that girl is an idiot.”
I half smiled but rolled my eyes. “Brody, it’s always true.”
“Then all those girls were idiots.” He stated it firmly, with that no nonsense tone of his, like he was reciting a fact off the internet. Then he flashed that smile of his, and I couldn’t help but smile back.
“Seriously, though, dibs? I’m not sure that’s how it works. Besides, I thought hooking up was the last thing we needed to be worrying about.” He quoted my lecture from the trip over back at me mischievously.
It wasn’t going to work. I wasn’t about to eat crow on this one. “You went on a half hour rant about how much you needed pussy. It was annoying. I was just trying to shut you up.” It was only a half lie.
He closed the space between us until we were standing chest to chest. I looked up and gulped, just as he reached around and cupped my ass, squeezing it in a way that spoke volumes and only meant one thing.
“Well, if I can’t have pussy…”
“No,” I stated firmly, moving away and disengaging myself from his grasp. “God, what has gotten into you lately?”
“What’s gotten into me lately is I spent the last nine months, at least, cooped up in our apartment working, with only you to look at. Not…” he added “…that I’m complaining. It’s a great view.” He lifted my hat from my head and tossed it on the bed behind him. His hands raked my hair, tucking the errant curls behind my ears. His signature move.
My breath was shallow in my chest. The instinct to give in to the urge was undeniable. But that was the past. Brody and I were friends, nothing more. There was no way to go back to what we once had without it being awkward. Too much had changed; I knew that.
A light knock on the door saved me, wrenching us back to reality. I closed my eyes and gave a grateful sigh of relief.
Brody’s sigh was one of exasperation, but he crossed the room in two long strides and pulled the door open.
And there she was. Her hair hung in wet ringlets down her back, and a soft green sweater with a scoop neckline made her eyes sparkle and accentuated her perky breasts. Her gaze bounced between us, and she blushed demurely, looking down at the floor when she spoke. Was it shyness or a hint of a submissive side?
“Nan said to tell you her soaps are over and that tea and cookies are being served downstairs in ten minutes.”
I thanked her, and she turned to leave, before giving pause and looking back at us over her shoulder. “She also said to tell you she may be an old woman, but she still knows her way around a woodshed and not to be late.”
I chuckled, because the threat was so unbelievably Nan, and closed the door, wincing when I heard Brody suck in a breath.
Turning to face him, I leveled him with a hard glare. “Not a word,” I warned.
“Not a word about what?” Brody feigned innocence. “Oh, you mean not a word about how it makes sense now that the way through to both your head and your heart is through your ass? Okay.” His fingers made a zipping motion across his lips.
“Who’s in fifth grade now?” I scoffed.
“You know what they say.” Brody grabbed my hand and captured my fingers between his. “If you can’t beat ’em, join them.”
I stared down at our intertwined fingers, and I couldn’t help but think the picture they made was a cozy one.
My heart quickened, and my insides twisted. I pulled my hand away.
“Why are you doing this?” I questioned.
Brody just shook his head. “Sorry, Mitchell, now is not the time for long conversations. There are some cookies downstairs calling my name.” He was already halfway out the door. Just as I started to follow him, he turned and winked. “Besides that, eighty year old woman or no, the only person swinging a switch in your direction is me.”
It was obvious he wasn’t going to give up with the threats and innuendos anytime soon, so I shook my head and let it go. Only to realize, belatedly, that the only thing we hadn’t covered upstairs was the one thing I actually wanted to talk about. April.
I smirked when I entered the scene in Nan’s informal dining room. Her old weathered oak table was adorned with a colorful bouquet of wildflowers. Dainty teacups sat in stacks in the middle of the table, waiting to be claimed. Large, fresh gourmet cookies sat atop colorful china platters. We all stood, waiting for Nan. When Blake pulled her chair out, helped her into it, and kissed her cheek, that was our signal.
We all took our seats at the table like a bunch of caged chickens. Weary, uncomfortable, and hungry.
Brody took the seat between me and Nan, with Slade on my other side. Blake took the seat at the other end at the table, with Merry next to him, directly across from Slade. Which put April across from Brody. Of course.
We each took a teacup and waited for one of the teapots to be passed our way. I was pouring into my cup when I saw Merry’s eyes widen and caught the shake of her head as she motioned in Brody’s direction. I frowned and turned to follow her gaze. I was a split second too late.
Nan’s sharp voice rang out clearly, and her beady eyes were zeroed in on Brody’s hat. “Young man!”
Brody, who had just been about to bite into a cookie, stopped cold with his mouth open, and the cookie poised between his lips. “Uh,” he stammered. “Yes, ma’am?”
“Young man, we do not wear hats at the table.”
Brody’s eyes widened, and he snatched the oversized Stetson off his head, hanging it off the back of his chair.
“Sorry,” Brody mumbled again, setting the cookie on the plate in front of him and staring down at his lap.
I winced and noticed Slade and Blake wore the same expression. They knew as well as I did that this was not the end of it.
“Table manners like that will get you dragged out behind the woodshed to pick a switch!” Nan exclaimed in a voice that was half warning, half joking, and entirely menacing. “Is that what you want?”
Brody both paled and blushed at the same time, a feat I hadn’t known was possible.
“No, ma’am,” he repeated, unable to make eye contact. I would have even felt sorry for him if he hadn’t been so damn impossible lately. Seeing him get a taste of his own medicine was a nice change, and I was barely holding in my laughter at this point. I didn’t dare to look at Slade or Blake, knowing they were probably having the same problem.
“Well, thank goodness!” Nan finally cackled, slamming her tiny wrinkled hand down on the table beside her. “Have you seen yourself? You’re about three times my size, I reckon! Boy, I couldn’t haul you anywhere, even if I wanted to. But hey, thanks for making an old woman feel good and acting scared, at least!”
The look on his face was priceless. The table erupted, no longer able to contain our laughter anymore. Slade, Blake, Merry and I completely lost it. April was laughing but looking slightly confused, as well. Poor Brody looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here. I couldn’t help but feel a little sorry for him. Wordlessly, I poured him a cup of tea and put another cookie on his plate.
Blake, the first to regain his composure, slammed his hand on the table and gave a hearty laugh. “Welcome to the Second Chance Ranch, Brody, my friend. You’ve just been as good as inducted, I reckon.”
We all chuckled then. It was a long standing joke at the ranch that the first time Nan hauled you out to the woodshed, it was your official induction into the family. Of course, we were all grown, and Nan wasn’t hauling anyone anywhere these days, so a good threat was about as official as it got. But, man, the look on Brody’s face!
The color finally returned as the gist of Blake’s speech sank in, and finally, he, too, started to chuckle.
“Man, you all had me going for a minute. You’re a scary woman, Miss Nan. I haven’t felt that small in a long time.”
Nan nodded smartly. “Damn skippy. Don’t you forget it, either. And no hats at t
he table!”
“You have my word,” Brody swore, finally relaxed enough to bite into his cookie.
The look on his face was almost orgasmic. His eyes closed, and his expression was one of bliss. “Mmmm. Mmmm,” he hummed. “These are amazing.”
“Keep feeding him sweets, Nan, and you can do whatever you want to him,” I teased.
Nan’s eyes glinted with mischief. “Is that so? Damn, if only I were about forty years younger. The things I could do with that information…” She giggled and turned her attention from the blushing hunk of a man next to me and back to April and Merry.
“Let that be a lesson to you gals. The old adage is truth. The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. It’s a good way to other parts of him, too.”
Chapter 4
I wasn’t sure if it was the fresh country air or the fact that my body was still on New York time, but I woke up at the butt crack of dawn and was amazed when the undeniable scent of fresh brewed coffee beckoned me out of bed.
The clock on my cell phone read five-forty-eight. I hadn’t been up before ten since my MIT days. With a sigh, I rolled out of bed and started for the door. My hand was on the doorknob before I remembered that I now lived with people other than just Mitch. People who would probably prefer I didn’t come downstairs in nothing but my boxer briefs.
Quickly pulling on a new pair of Levis and clutching my favorite MIT shirt, I padded downstairs, foregoing niceties like socks or fresh breath. It was way too early for that crap.
I instantly regretted my decision, when I turned the corner into the kitchen and saw April hopping from one foot to the other in front of the coffee pot, like doing a little dance would help the pot fill faster.
When I saw her like this, with her long legs sticking out from a pair of men’s cotton boxer shorts and a soft v neck t-shirt, with her curls slightly mussed from sleep, I understood what caused Mitch to temporarily transform into a fifth grader when he saw her.
I also wasn’t sure I cared. Her curls swayed from side to side as she bounced, and her butt jiggled invitingly. She was humming now, and I could have watched her indefinitely, but I was starting to feel like some sort of creepy intruder.