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Lone Wolf

Page 7

by Shelley Munro

  Corey’s pencil raced across the page, a slash of lines, shading. He glanced at the bear before he put pencil to paper again.

  “I packed lube.”

  The pencil slipped and spoiled Corey’s perfect line.

  R.J. laughed, unable to help himself.


  R.J.’s lips quivered. “Lube.”

  Corey scowled at him. “What about it?”

  “I brought some with me.”

  Interest bloomed in Corey. “Yeah?”


  Corey slapped his sketch book closed and scrambled to his feet. A faint trace of color crept into his cheeks. “Where?”

  “Follow me.” When he’d first arrived at Yellowstone, he’d explored the area around the camp, knowing he’d have times when he needed respite from the kids. He’d come across a private clearing and a small stream. The spot spoke to his need to get back to nature and he intended to share his discovery with Corey.

  “Where are we going?”

  “To one of my favorite spots.” A sense of eagerness filled R.J. along with something less tangible. Rightness? Well-being? He wasn’t sure. The elusive sensation was foreign to him. Uncomfortable.

  “How do you expect me to walk with a hard-on?”

  “Patience, grasshopper.” A smile tugged at his lips, an astounding reality for him. Temporary. This was a temporary fling. The months would pass rapidly and Corey would return to the city. They came from opposing worlds, were at different stages in their lives. A permanent relationship was impossible, no matter how much he wished otherwise. “A ten-minute walk. That’s all.”

  Corey groaned, but R.J. noted his careful movements and conscientious foot placement. His stern lectures had sunk into at least one of his students.

  “You’re moving well, despite the erection. I can scarcely hear you.”

  “Thanks.” Corey sounded pleased.

  R.J. continued down the faint trail at a brisk walk. The kid wasn’t kidding about the difficulties of walking with a hard-on. Ever since he’d made the decision to take this relationship a step farther, he’d become a walking erection. Patience, grasshopper. This wasn’t something to rush, not if they wanted to keep their sexual relationship secret. Their private meetings required careful planning.

  “Are we nearly there?”

  “A few more minutes,” R.J. said, the impatient note in Corey’s voice stroking his ego. He continued up the narrow track, climbing effortlessly. Behind him, Corey started to breathe more heavily, and R.J. slowed a fraction. The last thing he wanted was an exhausted lover. Oh no. He had big plans for the younger wolf.

  Finally they arrived in the tiny clearing. Apart from the lack of frequent visitors, the spot held the advantage of position. They’d hear anyone approaching long before they arrived.

  R.J. let his pack slide off his shoulders. He opened it to pull out a blanket. With a flick of his wrists, he spread it on a patch of springy grass.

  “We’re going to have sex in the open?”

  “We’re going to fuck on this blanket.” Tension ramped up inside R.J as he voiced the words. During the small hours of the morning he’d dreamed of this, jerked off to the residual heat generated by those dreams. Now he finally had Corey in a private spot, he couldn’t wait to make his fantasy into a concrete reality. He bent to remove his footwear and rapidly stripped his clothes, tossing them carelessly aside.

  His smile in Corey’s direction probably appeared predatory. Ravenous hunger for Corey’s body certainly filled him. His gaze skimmed Corey’s black T-shirt and jeans, the desire to finally glide his fingers across his pale skin bringing an uncharacteristic tremor to his hands. He curled them to fists, wincing at the bite of his claws into his palms. His wolf stirred uneasily, pushing for command of his body and startling R.J. in the process. A loss of control. That’s what Corey did to him.

  “Take off your clothes. Now.” His barked order jerked Corey into action. He flung his clothes off with abandon, his chest rising and falling along with his rapid breaths. His gaze didn’t leave R.J. the entire time.

  For the first time, he allowed himself to examine Corey solely with the eye of a lover instead of teacher, studying the pale skin revealed as the kid stripped. After days spent in the sun, his skin no longer bore extreme city paleness. Soon the constant exercise would burn away the last of the baby fat covering his muscles. Not that Corey seemed like a kid, especially with his erect cock jutting out like a tracker dog scenting prey. R.J. let his gaze follow the lines of Corey’s body.

  “If all you’re gonna do is stare, I’ll get my sketch pad out again. Put your nakedness to good use.”

  R.J. lifted his hands in the universal sign to stop. “Stay right there. I haven’t let myself study you before. Too dangerous.”

  “I’ve looked at you.”

  “I know.” R.J. remembered the strength of will he’d required to control the reaction of his unruly body whenever he’d felt the weight of Corey’s stare. “You have to behave when we’re in public. No one can discover we’re fucking each other.”

  “What? I’m your guilty secret?” A trace of hurt colored Corey’s words.

  “I warned you. Remember? You agreed. You knew the deal going in.” R.J. almost caved and apologized for his snappish tone, but there was too much at stake for both of them. He hardened his heart and went with his fears. “I don’t want to lose my job.” His job meant everything to him, his salvation after the loss of his family. For a long time he’d dreamed of revenge, searching for the man he’d seen commit murder from his hidey hole. It was Hal who convinced him to let the past go. He’d drifted aimlessly until he returned to Yellowstone to work with Hal. “I don’t want to cause problems for you with your family either.”

  Corey frowned. “Would you lose your job if they discovered your sexual orientation?”

  “Maybe. Maybe not. I will lose my job if someone finds out I’m having sex with one of my students. Your father will want my head.”

  “Maybe we shouldn’t do this then.”

  “Do you want to return to camp?”

  “No!” An adult mien settled on Corey’s face. “I’ll be more careful. I promise.”

  R.J. pushed aside his foreboding. He’d battled with himself about this move ever since he’d first seen Corey and couldn’t fight the attraction any longer. “I can’t decide where I want to touch you first.”

  Corey grinned. “I can offer a few suggestions.”

  R.J. dropped onto the blanket and patted the empty space beside him. “Come here.”

  Corey voiced a hoarse curse and pounced, landing on top of R.J. Their bodies slid together while they playfully rolled and wrestled each other. Then they shifted position and settled, fitting together like matched puzzle pieces, their cocks grinding together in sync. Groaning, Corey spat out another coarse oath.

  “Easy, kid.” R.J. transferred his weight. They still embraced but not as intimately. “Let me touch you, taste you.” Slowly, he lowered his head and brushed his lips over Corey’s. Corey moaned and curled his hands around R.J.’s neck, plastering their bodies together again.

  It was easy to see Corey wanted hard and fast. He writhed, mashing his body against R.J., his breath emerging in harsh pants of need. Although every part of him screamed to hurry, to go along with Corey’s silent suggestion, R.J. purposely took his time, savoring the fire and chills warring within his body.

  He dragged in a breath, caught a shot of pine from the surrounding trees and the musky scent of pre-come. Corey’s hand ran from his shoulder, down his side and came to rest on his ass. Like a shock from a livewire, the touch zapped him from his head to curling toes. Corey’s caresses felt even better than he’d imagined, and the visuals…the pale smooth artist hands kneading his muscles.

  Corey’s hands wandered from R.J.’s sight, fingers straying to his crack. They delicately parted the globes of his ass and teased his hole.

  He’d never last if he let Corey touch him intimately. A
ware of the urgency thrumming between them and his own teetering control, R.J. reached behind to grasp Corey’s hands. “I’m not going to last long if I let you touch me.”

  “One of us has to touch.” Corey moved his hands a fraction, squeezing his butt cheeks. “Besides, I love to touch. It’s an artist thing.”

  R.J. smacked at Corey’s hands. “Don’t disobey me. I’m in charge here.” The light of laughter glowed in Corey, and R.J. half-cursed and chuckled at the same time.

  “Or what? What will you do to me if I misbehave?”

  “Shit, I shouldn’t have set a challenge like that. I know better.”

  “I react well to dares.”

  “I know.” R.J. flopped over on his back, mock-frowning at Corey’s irrepressible grin. Corey’s scent filled every breath he took, pushing his desire higher. A groan escaped. “I wanted to go slow. The second you touch me, all I can think about is spreading you and pumping inside your hole.”

  Corey inhaled sharply. “That’s a bad thing?”

  “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You’d never hurt me. You’d cut off your front paws before you physically hurt me.”

  Corey’s certainty rang through his words. R.J. let his gaze wander freely across Corey’s naked limbs, long legs, partially erect dick. A hard shudder racked his body. “God, I want you.” Along with the physical need came the foreign yearning he didn’t understand.

  “Then come get me.” Corey rose on all fours and waggled his butt in R.J.’s direction. “I’m not gonna fight you.” He grinned over his shoulder, eyes bright with sexual excitement. “I’m yours for the taking.”

  Total acceptance. R.J. closed his eyes, worried the emotion might boil over. No one ever accepted him this way. Not his foster parents, their pack or past lovers, and until the words rang between them, he hadn’t realized he craved approval, affection. The acknowledgment was a heady sensation, and he hugged it tight, feeling the self-imposed bonds within him break. His eyes opened, the change in colors indicating he’d started the transformation to wolf. He had to swallow to focus. “Let me grab the lube.”

  Corey huffed out a hard breath. “At last. Some action.” He waggled his bottom again, but this time R.J. recognized the younger man’s barely concealed anxiety. He held concerns. Probably not about the sex, but doing it with R.J. or the fact he might change his mind. The last of R.J.’s self-control unraveled at the knowledge.

  “Come here.”

  “I thought you were getting the lube.”

  “I want to kiss and pet you.” Something else unusual for him. Usually his casual encounters happened quickly with minimal contact, a mutual scratching of an itch before they parted ways. Most times he didn’t ask for names or pay attention to his lovers’ faces. And he seldom kissed.

  He dropped a quick peck on Corey’s forehead. “Lie flat on your back, close your eyes and listen. No touching,” he added when Corey’s hand rubbed his cock. “I’m the one who’s gonna make you hard. If you’re good, I’ll use my mouth.”

  Hell, listen to him. No way on Earth did he intend to leave this spot without tasting Corey. R.J. intended to swallow him down, right to the root. A little growl emerged from him, the acute craving for Corey a hard knock to his equilibrium.

  “I’m starting to think you’re all talk.” Corey stealthily reached down to stroke his cock, his mouth stretching into a challenging grin.

  “Maybe. Maybe not.” R.J. didn’t bother with a warning this time. He pounced, his weight squeezing the oomph from the kid’s chuckle. Too impatient for finesse, he grabbed both of Corey’s hands and held them above Corey’s head. For an instant, he stared at his lips. When the kid’s tongue darted out to lick them, R.J.’s heart thumped against his ribs in a staccato beat. Hungry. So hungry for this. Hell, he was starved for Corey. He couldn’t wait a minute more.

  “Leave your hands where they are, out of the way.”

  Dipping his head, warmth met his lips. A hint of mint. He applied pressure and Corey opened for him. Their tongues slid together and R.J. was lost. He nipped, licked and tasted, angling his mouth for the best position.

  The thirst for more, for greater intimacy, sprang at him like a testy old bear. Their stubble rasped together as R.J. trailed kisses across Corey’s jaw. The salty flavor did nothing to deter him, the savage throb in his groin driving him to demand more from Corey. He pressed a kiss on Corey’s neck, nipped the fleshy part where shoulder and neck met. Slowly he moved down Corey’s body, inhaling his scent, the heat of desire stabbing them both.

  “Oh fuck.” Finally Corey moved his hands from where R.J. had placed them. They burrowed into R.J.’s hair, massaging and tugging enough to make his scalp sting. “I’m not gonna last long.” As if to illustrate his words, his hips jerked upward, rubbing his cock against R.J.’s hip. A wet trail of pre-come eased its way over his skin.

  “I’d better hurry then.” R.J. moved down and swiped his tongue down the middle of Corey’s chest. Like him, Corey didn’t have much in the way of chest hair. He dipped his tongue into Corey’s navel, loving the tremor of awareness shaking the kid. Going lower still, he raked his tongue across Corey’s abdomen.

  The scent of arousal filled his every breath. His and Corey’s. He ran his fingers down Corey’s shaft, along the top and back up the vein on the underside. As he watched, a bead of liquid formed on the slit. R.J. licked his lips and bent over to lap the drop away. Corey whimpered and damn if he didn’t want to echo the sound. With a rough growl vibrating in his chest, he took Corey into his mouth, traveling past the point of no return.

  Chapter Six

  Another man had never rocked Corey’s world this much. Not even his need to become an artist drove him this hard. He inhaled, blowing out a harsh breath. A tremor stunned him. Heat surrounded his cock and R.J.’s tongue busily explored the swollen head, delving and retreating only to return to tease again. His entire body vibrated, singing with the pleasurable sensations. R.J. sucked him deeper, swirled his tongue with expertise. His throat swallowed around his tip, then he pulled back to lick away every fresh drop of pre-come.

  “R.J.” A moan escaped when R.J. started playing with his balls. Harder and harder, R.J. pushed him until pleasure coursed over his entire body, his pulse racing so fast he worried about his heart handling the pressure. Unable to stop himself from moving, his hips pumped into the air, forcing his cock down R.J.’s throat, overburdened nerves pushing him toward climax.

  Corey’s hand crept to his nipple. He fingered it and tugged hard. The sharp twinge of pain traveled straight to his groin. His balls pulled agonizingly tight. A hungry noise broke from his throat, the delectable torture pulling his face into a grimace. And still R.J. kept licking and sucking, his fingers working Corey’s balls, driving him crazy. The hard squeeze should have hurt. Instead the raw pressure escalated his surge into pleasure.

  “Oh hell. Fuck. Fuck!” This was way better than he’d imagined. More, somehow. He wanted to tell R.J. how much each touch blew his mind, to voice his acute satisfaction. He opened his mouth to say something more articulate. Nothing emerged except a croak.

  R.J. continued to suck. One of his fingers glided past Corey’s balls to push on the smooth patch of skin between there and his hole. He tapped his finger sharply, the vibration jolting Corey. Heat curled into all the small spaces in his body, the uneven beat of his heart thundering like a storm inside his mind. The sensations twisted, coalescing into a giant wave.

  A sob emerged and he bucked deeper into R.J.’s hot mouth. Color flashed behind his tightly closed eyes. The tsunami swept over him, dragging him under. His ejaculate exploded from his cock, the spasms of pleasure continuing for long, drawn-out moments. The storm in his body quieted. Gradually, their surroundings swept back to his consciousness. R.J. gentled his touch, cleaning him off with a swirl of warm, wet tongue.

  Corey opened his eyes and stared at R.J. Their gazes connected and held, the atmosphere thick with sensual tension. Corey licked his lips and s
wallowed. “Can I take care of that big boy for you?”

  R.J. snorted, his mouth twisting into a grin. “That sounds like a bad line from a porno movie.”

  “Got it in one,” Corey said. “I get my best lines from the movies. I want you inside me. Make me feel the burn.” His lines might sound corny but he meant every word. He bit his bottom lip to control the moan of pure need building at the back of his throat. When R.J. didn’t move, Corey swallowed. God, surely R.J. hadn’t picked this moment to harness his scruples? So far, he’d enjoyed every second. When he returned to his cabin he wanted to remember their joining and experience the tiny twinges of pain, the by-product of a good pounding. “Here. Do me now.” Ready to force the issue, Corey plucked the bottle of lube off the blanket and tossed it at R.J.

  R.J. caught the bottle automatically and stared at the label.

  “Come on,” Corey snapped. “You’re not changing your mind now. Remember, this was your idea. You want to drive me crazy?”

  “Damn, that’s scary. You sound like an adult.”

  The words cut to the quick, although Corey didn’t let his pain or indignation show. If he reacted badly, he would be behaving childishly. “I am an adult. I know exactly what I’m getting myself into. I need you.”

  Seeming to snap from his trance, R.J. popped the top on the lube and squeezed some into the palm of his hand. “Lie on your back. My wolf’s too close to the surface. I’ll control myself easier if I can watch your face.”

  Not wanting R.J. to change his mind, Corey repositioned himself with alacrity. He spread his legs and started to stroke his cock. “Take me. Don’t worry. I won’t break.”


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