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The Dead Flash Series | Book 1 | Alone

Page 5

by Crist, J. D.

  "What the hell, Emily?! Is this what you did with the money instead of making sure I had what I need?! You are so selfish! Sometimes I wonder what I did wrong to get stuck with a selfish bitch like you!!" Emily knew as soon as the word "bitch” was said that the kitchen was going to empty. She heard the angry footsteps coming through the house, and before she could speak, her brother and dad stood between her and Chad.

  "You must have lost your damn mind if you think you can talk to her that way," her father yelled back at Chad. Her brother kept making sure that Emily was safely behind him. Emily knew that they were trying to protect her, but she was tired of being treated like a china doll. She felt the words boiling up in her chest.

  "What the fuck is wrong with you, Chad?! Everyone has been working all weekend to give us a nice home, and you walk in yelling like an asshole! I'm so sick of this shit. You have everything and want to call me selfish! You can take your pity party to someone else! I am done with this shit!"

  As she finished, she noticed that everyone was staring at her in surprise, including Chad. Except for Joe, who wasn't even trying to hide the smile on his face. Emily decided to carry on and not let go of this strength. "Thank you, everyone, for fixing up our home. It means the world to me. Daddy, I will keep my promise. I will probably give you a call in the next week or two, and we can go car shopping together. As I'm sure you guys can see, I have a problem to take care of right now. But I will call you tomorrow to let you know I am okay. I also want to set up a family barbecue before the end of summer. I promise not to disappear again." Joe looked at her with concern, and she could tell he was about to argue to stay and make sure she was okay. But she shot him a look that convinced him that she would be fine. She hugged them each and walked them out the door. Once they had pulled away, she shut the door and looked back at Chad. She decided that she would speak before he could.

  "I may be a bitch, but I don't know how I got stuck with such a selfish prick. If I had spent the money on the house, that would have been for us. You wanted it for you. My family paid for everything you see. And my paycheck, it's mine. I've made my list, and I am buying myself a new car." She took a breath and could see he wanted to talk, but she wasn't done yet. "You decide what the hell you want, but things have to change. You can either get the hell out, or we can do things a different way that is not all about you! You decide!" She stood there feeling light-headed but strong. Chad stood a moment in silence. She could tell what he was deciding what to do. When he finally spoke, it was not the response she was expecting.

  "Your right, Em. Things do need to change. I think we should start going to counseling, and you are right. Your check is for you to spend. For now, let's do it how you want, and we will ask the therapist how to proceed. I don't want to lose you, Em." She could not tell if this was real or another of his acts to get her to back off. She wanted to believe him but did not want to trust him.

  "I'll call and find us, someone, tomorrow. Tonight, I think you should sleep on the couch. I'm going to go do some grocery shopping." With that, Emily grabbed her keys and purse and left. When she returned home, Chad helped to unload the groceries and put them away. She decided to go take a shower, and when she came back, he had made pasta for dinner. She finished eating and loaded the dishwasher.

  "It's been a long day, and I'm going to bed. Good night."

  "Good night Em. I love you." She still believed she loved him, but right now, she could not say the words. She simply turned and left the kitchen. Once in the safety of her room, she texted her family that she was all right. She told them they were taking space and were going to get some help. She would call them all soon, but right now, she just wanted to sleep. With that, she climbed into bed. Sleep did not come easy that night, but it did eventually come. Emily felt change around her, but she had no idea of the changes coming in the next few months.

  Chapter 5

  Two months passed since the big fight, and much had changed in Emily's home. They found a therapist to help them with couples counseling. Their therapist suggested that they should keep their money separate. Sharing funds took more trust than they had right now. While working on their relationship was important, Emily also wanted to improve herself. She was doing individual sessions as well as couples therapy. This is what led to the new addition to the family. Her therapist helped her realize that Chad had been starving her emotionally. While he is working on those issues, she needed someone ready to support her immediately.

  Enter an emotional support dog named Marley. They had given her some recommendations, but this guy just spoke to her the most. While a bullmastiff is a lot of dog, he was what she needed. He was always there, and they never yelled at each other. Step two of the healing process was turning the nursery into a guest bedroom. According to the therapist, leaving the room set up for something that is not happening kept the pain of that night fresh in their minds. They had taken down the crib and painted it a new white color. They put in a queen-size bed and only left the small dresser. The door to the room stayed open now, so they could see that they were moving on.

  Emily woke that morning but laid in the bed looking at Chad for several minutes before waking him. Every morning, she took this time to remind herself of why she married him and how much she loved him. He woke with a good morning, and they went about their usual morning routine. Emily dressed and then went out back with Marley to let him have his time. When they went back in, Chad was getting breakfast on the table. She gave Marley his breakfast and sat back down at the table. They each cooked one meal a day now, Chad had breakfast, and she handled dinner.

  To an outsider, they looked like a couple who had it all figured out. But to anyone who knew anything about therapy, their troubles would have been apparent. They used all the "tools" that their therapist gave them almost every day. It was like learning to work your way through a mine field. He had warned them that it would not be easy, but if they truly loved each other and wanted to stay together, it would be worth it. Emily believed that they were on the right track, and this was what both of them wanted. Chad even moved back into the bedroom last month, and they had been intimate a few times since.

  As they finished breakfast, Emily couldn't help but feel excited for that afternoon. They had invited her family over for dinner. It would be the first time they had all been to the house at the same time since the night of the big fight. Chad had agreed to cook on the grill, and Emily was going to handle the appetizers and sides. Not their normal division of cooking, but Chad loved to grill. Emily cleared away the morning dishes as Chad headed out the back door. She knew that he would spend most of the day setting up and getting things ready for that night.

  In truth, she was glad to have the kitchen to herself. She felt more like a master chef with all the things she could make in her kitchen since everything now worked. She pulled fruit and vegetables from the refrigerator and began chopping them for the trays. Marley had settled on the kitchen floor and watched her as she worked. Once the trays were finished and back in the refrigerator, she set to make a chocolate cake and cupcakes for the kids. She took her time with them and tried to make them not only taste good but look amazing. By the time the cakes were finished, it was already afternoon. She pulled the stuff for sandwiches out of the refrigerator and made a couple. Emily then took both plates outside to have lunch with Chad.

  "I thought you might be getting hungry," she mused while walking down the back steps. Chad had set up several chairs and a new fire pit in the center of them. There were also several strands of white lights hung over the chairs. "This looks great!" Emily could not help but be surprised at everything he had done.

  "Thank you," Chad said as he took the plate, "On both accounts. I even managed to clean up the mess that the dog leaves behind. I swear people would think we were keeping a dinosaur back here."

  "I appreciate that. I was coming out to clean it up in a little bit." Emily is genuinely grateful that Chad cleaned up after Marley. She usually does it every aft
ernoon, and Chad takes no responsibility for the dog. Marley is here for her, and she is the one who should handle everything to do with him.

  "I know, but I wanted to help out and show appreciation for everything you are doing to help out today." Another one of their tools. They were not supposed to assume that the other person knew that they appreciated them but show them and say it.

  "Thank you for your appreciation." Simple, but it was the best line, according to their therapist. Emily wished they could talk to each other like ordinary people, but they had problems with that. They needed the script, at least for now."

  "What time did you tell everyone to be here?"

  "I told them five, which means my parents will be here at four-thirty, my sister at five, and my brother at five-thirty."

  "Sounds about right. I will start the meat at about four then. It will take at least an hour."

  "Sounds like a plan. Do you need any help with anything? I don't want to make you feel like you're on your own." Yet another tool.

  "I appreciate that, but no, I do not need any help. If I do, I will let you know because I know you are there for me."

  That was about all Emily could stomach of these scripts for now. She called for Marley and headed back into the house. Once inside, she changed into a pair of shorts and a tank top. It was warmer outside than she had expected. She spent some time making sure the house was in order and even preparing a few sides for dinner. She was just about to sit on the couch when there was a knock. Marley jumped up, barked twice, and then stood by the door, wagging his tail. He already knew who was on the other side. Emily walked over to open the door, and sure enough, both of her parents were standing there smiling.

  "Hope you don't mind, but I wanted to contribute" Charles handed Emily a six-pack of beer.

  "Ah, dad, you shouldn't have!" Emily exclaimed while looking at the beer like he had given her a dozen roses.

  "Well, what's a father for if not to spoil his daughter?"

  "Are you two finished?" Her mother sounded exasperated, but the look on her face told Emily she enjoyed the exchange as much as she and her dad.

  "Probably not, but we can pick it up later" Emily stepped aside so they both could walk in. "Chad is in the backyard if you want to head out. I'll be right behind you."

  "Um, I think we will wait for you." Emily could tell by the look on her dad's face that he had still not forgiven Chad for the fight he heard that night. He was willing to be civil, but he was afraid of what he may say if Emily was not around.

  "Alright then. You guys can help me carry some stuff out if you want." Emily walked towards the fridge, suddenly remembering the six-pack in her hand. "Her dad, you take the precious cargo and Mom, would you please carry this tray." Emily grabbed the second tray and led them out to the backyard. The smell of cooking meat was already filling the air. Chad turned at the sound of the door opening and closed the lid on the grill.

  "Hello there you two. Great to see you both again." Chad sounded truly happy.

  "The place looks great. It's come a long way since I saw it the first time." Charles could not help himself. He was sounding nice but was still going to get his shots in. Emily decided it best just to smile and move on. Chad had expressed concern about this in the therapy session. The doctor had said that he couldn't hold Emily responsible. Chad had hurt other people who were going to be a part of their lives. He had to listen to what they said and felt, accept it, and work to find a way forward. Chad's smile that looked like it belonged on a Mr. Potato Head told Emily he was struggling with this tool.

  The next hour went by fast as her brother and sister both arrived. Rachael's kids took straight off running and playing with Marley. Her husband, Greg, hugged almost everyone but shook Chad's hand. Emily could tell that he was not completely happy with the situation, but they would all accept and support her decision. She couldn't ask for her family for more than that. She was still working through her issues with Chad. Soon the food was ready, and they all settled down to eat.

  As the meal went on, Emily could feel the tension begin to melt away from the situation. Everyone began to talk and laugh. The children ate quickly, with the help of Marley, and were soon off to play once more. Before she knew it, the sun began to go down, and the little ones were rubbing their eyes. Emily was not ready for the night to end but knew they would need to lay down soon or things would turn ugly.

  "Rachael, we could lay the little ones down if you want?" Emily was hopeful that suggesting it before her sister said they would have to leave would provide her with more family time.

  "That would be great. They are normally sweet, but when they get tired, their inner demons start to surface." Rachael laughed.

  Rachael called the children over, and Emily followed them inside. She followed them down the hall as she noticed Rachael had walked past the guest bedroom. Her sister was unaware that this room had changed and was heading for the master bedroom.

  "They can lay down in here. It's the most comfortable bed in the house and deserves to be used." Emily saw the confusion on her sister's face as she looked through the opened door. The kids walked in without hesitation and climbed up on the bed. Rachael moved in behind the kids, and in just a few minutes, the kids were tucked in, and they were closing the door.

  "I guess a lot of things have changed," Rachael commented once the door was closed.

  "Big changes are what we needed. We still have a long way to go, but we are working on it." Emily tried to sound upbeat, but the thought of all the work she and Chad had left to do made her feel exhausted.

  "Well, you have my support. If there is anything I can do sis, please do not hesitate." Emily could see the sincerity and concern on her sister's face. She knew she had to lighten the mood, or she would start to crack.

  "Well, if you’re offering, I don't want to handle all of these dishes..."

  "Anything but that." Rachael interrupted with a laugh.

  The two of them walked back outside to join the rest of the family around the fire pit. The conversation never died down, and Emily felt normal for once. She and Chad did not have to use their tools, and for the first time in a very long time, everything was perfect. Rachael got up every fifteen to twenty minutes to check on the children but other than that, no one moved or talked about wanting to go home. Joe would not speak directly to Chad, but Emily was sure that they would never be close. Joe disliked Chad before the big fight, and that was not bound to change anytime soon.

  Charlie was telling a story from his childhood when it happened. The only light that had been in the yard was the fire and the dim glow of the lights overhead. But all at once, the sky filled with a bright white light. It was bright enough that you would think that dawn had come. The backyard fell silent. Emily could not even hear the sound of the fire crackling anymore. Just as suddenly as the light came, it was gone. The sound of the fire came back, but everyone sat in silence. No one knew what to say or do at this point.

  After a few minutes that seemed to take forever, Christine stood up and gathered things to carry inside. Emily and Rachael jumped up almost by instinct and followed her lead. The boys set to work putting out the fire, cleaning up the grill, and turning off the lights. Soon they were all inside and standing in the kitchen. Yet again, in complete silence.

  Charlie walked to the living room after some time and turned on the television. They all followed like a herd of sheep and watched as he flipped through the stations. Most of them were black, indicating that the stations were offline. Usually, there would be a message saying "Technical Difficulties" or something similar. The nothingness made it feel like they were utterly alone. After several minutes, the screen suddenly became a bright red color. The color offered comfort at first, but the white words quickly took that away.









  As Emily read the final words, she could not help but let the worry and fear wash over her. It made no sense. She could not understand what adverse side effects could cause them to be locked down where they were. She looked around at her family and could see they were all feeling the same thing.

  "At least we are all together," Christine spoke. "I know we might not want to, but we should try to get some rest. Rachael, you and Brad should go lay down with the kids. When they wake, they will think this was a fun sleepover." Rachael nodded, and she and Brad walked back to the guest bedroom. "Emily, you and Chad should head to bed as well. Don't bother arguing. Me and your father can take the couch, and I'm sure Joe will be just fine on the floor."

  "Yep, a few blankets, and it's one of the most comfortable beds I have ever slept on," Joe said as he took off down the hall to grab some of the spare blankets.

  Emily wanted to argue that Christine and Charlie should take the bed, but the look on her mother's face told her that would be a mistake. She turned to look at Chad, but he was already halfway down the hall to the bedroom. Chivalry was not his strong point. Emily hugged her parents and headed down the hall with Marley behind her. Once inside the room, she saw Chad was already lying in bed doing something on his phone. She proceeded to get dressed for bed without a word and slid into the bed next to him. Chad clicked off his phone screen as she did so.


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