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Page 13

by Gentry Race

  He began to jog toward the beast. Pink lasers fired to his left and right, bursting the ground. He tumbled and teleported from one potentially crippling blast to the next. He was now a few feet away. Cambion raised its large foot to stomp down hard on him.

  Ms. Joy and Anita fired rounds of bullets in response, pitting the thick scales.

  In the last second, he watched Cosma roll next to him holding her new makeshift weapon. She pinned it to the ground and aimed straight for the oncoming foot. Trevor ducked down, along with Cosma, and the staff penetrated into the thick skin of Cambion.

  Ear-piercing screams echoed from the large beast. It stumbled back a few steps — each one more than a hundred feet, due to its size. Trevor rose to his feet and looked at Cosma, knowing what to do. He bolted fast toward the demon and teleported up Cambion’s leg.

  With each teleport, he got closer to its face. Charging his hands in balled up fists, he finally reached its jawline. With a glorious crack and a bursting glow, he laid Cambion out. The creature fell back, crushing cars and buildings in its wake.

  Trevor was still in midair when he felt his backside get hit hard, and he realized the creature had given him a swift kick from underneath, sending him flying farther into the air.

  Motion streaks of buildings, cars, and trees blurred past him. Just as he felt like he was slowing, gravity pulled him down and slammed into the ground. He could barely lift his head. He watched the beast take on Cosma, Ms. Joy and Anita. Each one fighting gloriously on his behalf.

  He tried to move his body, but it burned all over. If only I had a fast healing factor, he thought.

  “Trevor!” Cosma yelled out, swinging from traffic light poles to land next to him. “Are you okay?”

  “Not sure,” he yelped. “Not sure how we are gonna beat this thing.”

  Cosma petted his head. “Only you can do it.”

  “But how?” he asked, raising himself on one elbow.

  Anita and Ms. Joy increased the rate of fire. He knew they didn’t have much time.

  “We need to even the playing field,” Cosma said. “Find its Achilles heel.”

  Trevor thought for a moment, remembering the fight back at Dr. Beta’s lair, when he had grown to a massive size. That was big, but nothing like this — city sized.

  “I need a power source,” he told her. “You make friends with his Achilles heel.”

  Cosma smiled, and they both looked at Ms. Joy. Cosma snatched up her makeshift staff and shot to her feet, swinging from a light pole and hitting the ground in a tumble next to the beast’s car-sized foot.

  “Get to Ms. Joy!” Cosma yelled out as she stabbed his heel.

  Cambion roared in agony, falling to the ground again.

  Trevor teleported past them, stopping Anita in her rage to keep her from firing bullets in a frenzy. He grabbed her by the chin and kissed her before hopping on top of Ms. Joy’s turret gun, which was aimed at Cambion.

  “Give me your hands, Ms. Joy,” Trevor called out.

  Ms. Joy repositioned her hands, now holding his.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “It’s not what I’m doing,” Trevor said, his eyes determined, set on the prize before him. “It’s what I want you to do.”

  “Anything for you,” Ms. Joy said.

  “Remember back in MolecuLabs?” Trevor said, “When I blew your mind?”

  “Yeah?” Ms. Joy said, surprised by the question.

  “I need to blow your mind one last time,” Trevor concluded. “That energy can give me the boost I need to take on this behemoth.”

  “Yes,” Anita exulted. “That’s it. The energy output from a Femroid’s battery is more than enough to boost your size.”

  “I can’t,” Ms. Joy uttered. “It’s not a button you press at will. I need to be primed.”

  Trevor looked to Anita for help. Her eyes widened in surprise, and Trevor nodded, reaffirming the order. She stepped behind Ms. Joy, extending each one of her tentacles and wrapping them around Ms. Joy’s legs; the last one moved up over her upgraded vagina.

  “Rub her!” Trevor yelled out, holding each of Ms. Joy’s hands.

  Anita vigorously moved up and down over the Femroid’s pleasure spot. The friction caused Ms. Joy’s eyes to roll back in pleasure. Trevor could feel a slight buzz begin to tingle in his hands.

  “Faster!” he yelled, watching Cambion gather itself onto one knee and then stand at its full height, limping in one leg.

  “Forget it, dumb janitor,” Cambion roared. “Your resistance is futile.”

  Trevor began to glow brightly, his bones showing a dense skeleton within. Ms. Joy moaned in ecstasy, sending a burst of energy into his body. It filled him with strength, and he stumbled off of Ms. Joy.

  Trevor flexed, coursing the energy though his core and limbs. He felt himself begin to grow, spreading the density of the molecules that made up his skin and revealing his skeletal structure even more.

  He was now the size of the brooding bulbous beast before him. For a second, he thought he recognized the jocks from that historic night; Eric and Missy, their faces now melted into the hideous hide of the creature known as Cambion.

  “I’m the Telephantom, you son of a bitch!” Trevor finally said, charging at the beast in another attempt to save the planet.

  He slammed his large fist into the hideous creature, and in a crescendo of light, everyone was knocked to the ground.

  Trevor picked himself back up to see the amalgamated beast now separated in two. He looked closer, and within the bubbling, mutated demon flesh, he thought he saw the essence of the two people responsible for his condition.

  He stood over them, his shadow casting large above them. One half of the monster, bearing a more male physique, showed anger in the one eye he had. It was obvious to Trevor that half was Eric the asshole jock, trying to pull his arm back for a steady punch.

  “It’s your fault,” Eric said. “If it wasn’t for you, Beta would have never made us.”

  Trevor charged his fist, raised it up, and said, “You made me first.”

  He came down on Eric’s stomach, smashing his insides. The energy burst his body, causing a domino effect on his molecules. All that was left was dark ashes. Trevor then placed his hand on the other half; a female-like scaly thigh. He released the energy he’d built within that had made himself grow large.

  Trevor and the beastly woman shrank down to a normal size. He looked closer at the other half. It was Missy. Her blonde hair was now scraggly and black as ink. Her torso, a bubbling mess of mutated monster, with only one breast adorned with a pink nipple. She had only one leg, one arm, and one wing. It was like Dr. Beta had merely unfolded what she looked like within. She’d truly gotten what she deserved in the end.

  “I’m sorry, Trevor,” Missy said. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  Ms. Joy, Anita, and Cosma walked up behind him. He looked at his squad, sharing a knowing silence. They all nodded, setting their gazes on the female beast.

  Trevor eyed her gorgeous, one buttock and smiled. “How would you like to join our team?”


  Toxic Joe

  Joe Ducey lay quietly in the post-op room. His hands were suspended in the air by metal cables and wrapped heavily in gauze. His head pounded from the plethora of drugs the surgeons had given him before they cut his arms open.

  Turned out that catching one of those radioactive balls without the proper equipment had repercussions — more than what Joe might’ve expected. He tried to sit up, tucking in his hefty belly. Just below the bandages, yellow striations could be seen flowing from the wound.

  He grimaced in pain. For the last few days, due to his condition, he had been dreaming of what seemed like a different dimension. One made of a pink and purple goo. Despite the stunning visuals, and seeing his ex-coworker as a vile, skeletal ghost, it felt like he had been accessing unknown parts of the universe.

  A nurse entered the room. Joe’s eyes were weak, and he tried to
make out the face of the attendant, but only caught her beautiful, voluptuous figure instead. She wore a high-waisted pencil skirt, and what looked like a doctor’s coat crested with a nurse’s cap.

  “Boy, I’m glad to see you,” Joe said. “The dreams I’ve been having have been quite the vision.”

  The nurse was silent, attending to her routine. Her back was turned to him, and Joe couldn’t help but notice the smooth movements of her arms as she worked, popping with mechanical jerks

  Joe tried to scoot himself up into a sitting position, getting ready for what medical cocktail this facility had dreamt up to help his condition. His physical readjustment helped open his eyes to see his attendant better.

  Her arms were a bluish grey, with paneled sections of skin; her hair was wavy and blonde, just passing her shoulders. As she turned around, he could see her face: a dasterdly combination of a robot and a skeletal ghost. She smiled while she held a syringe in one hand.

  Joe kicked his legs in terror, trying to unhook his hands from the cables, but to no avail. The robotic nurse inched closer. Her smile was still, as if frozen in place. Her gaze was wild-eyed but focused, like a rhino on Ritalin.

  “Who are you?” Joe demanded from his bed.

  The nurse robot seemed unhinged from reality. Her skeletal features showed beneath her skin, upon closer inspection. She turned the syringe on its head and stuck it in Joe’s leg.

  Hair-curling pain jolted through his spine and into his head. He watched the robot squeeze every milliliter into his body, felt his temperature rise. His skin began to glow, and for a second, he thought he was going to burst. But with a few passing minutes, it subsided.

  He watched the expressionless clown of a robot pull the needle from his skin. Her smile had faded and turned to a frown.

  “I am here to help you, Toxic Joe,” she said. “That potion will keep the radiation from eating you alive.

  Joe was bewildered by the name. “Who are you? Why are you calling me that?”

  She leaned closer. He could smell the metal on her breath.

  “Is the enemy of my enemy my friend? Or my enemy?” she asked.

  Joe thought for a second. Her face was starkly familiar, and the mention of an ‘enemy’ prompted his mind to think about what she was saying.

  “My enemy?” he snarled. “I have only one enemy, and he looks like you.”

  The nurse robot leaned back. “That’s because he is my father.”

  Joe’s eyes widened in terror, but a feeling of relief washed over him when she said, “I can bring you to him.”

  His hands swelled with brilliant yellow rays. So radiant, he could now see them through the bandages.

  “Show me,” he said.

  End of Book 1

  Bonus Content

  Chucho Jones has been constructing his universe for years. Here is a timeline of some things that are relevant to this book. In addition to bits about various characters.

  66,000,000 XY crashes in the Yucatan peninsula / Same time OX sends asteroid to Earth to change life.

  6000 BC OX ZED Arrives on Earth.

  5500 BC OX ZED Populates his underground citadel with humans and animals Through an ARK

  3000 BC OX ZED rises from the depths of Earth to slowly take over the Egyptian empire.

  2560 BC OX Zed created the pyramids of Giza

  1600 BC Ox Zed is defeated by Grendel Roth and the Main brain council. Gr-3g and XY are born The Quantexistenz lands on the moon.

  1300 BC XY perfects cloning Alien minions and Tse Kha Phaa is born to preserve a minion hive mind.

  900 AD Tse Kha crashes into Earth after 1956 events. The Faceless (Mr. E) is born. The pyramids of Merida are erected to create a gateway to bring the Quantexistenz from the moon.

  1400s AD The Faceless Mr. E contacts Vlad II Dracula to create the enlightened, Quartermain heads the expedition. They all become enemies.

  1450s AD Tse Kha starts to build the cavern that will lead to XY

  1500s AD American Colonization begins (Enlightened led by Vlad, secretly looking for Quantumniotic Fluid and Mercuranium). Tse Kha starts to hide her evidence. Dawn of Scientific Revolution. Tse Kha is on a spy game with Vlad. Worthington Starts A.R.M.O.R.

  1540s AD A.R.M.O.R. conspires in the creation of Merida to explore the ruins of the coast in search of a cure. (The Faceless one manipulates the info in the ruins to have A.R.M.O.R. sabotage the enlightened)

  1620s AD The Enlightened start a 30-year war with A.R.M.O.R. Ending with the defeat of Vlad (giving time to Tse Kha to work in peace)

  1650 AD A.R.M.O.R. support Descartes modern Western Philosophy

  1776 AD A.R.M.O.R. instigates American Independence. A.R.M.O.R. start to scope the Land for Evidence


  It’s the ultimate nucleus of existence as known. This extra stellar world is filled with nebula like conglomerates of stardust and energy strands. Also made up of light hole residues, and eternal ever-changing asteroid fields. Inhabited by light souls and the ever grounding component known as the Vitro-Plasma (which is known to be the conductor and base of all things tangible).

  This place is run by Quantumeles the Everwatcher; he spawned Gaia (mother nature) and Chronos (father Time) to help them keep track of events Gaia and Chronos have their owns spawns to help them herd existence. Autumn Decay; who was always inclined to the male fashion of natural engineering. Winter Drought inclined more to the fluid female strand process. Spring Blossom, being the third spawn, agreed with female notion as well and last but certainly by a long shot not the least. Summer Light inclined to male, although taking it from the female perspective of balance. Thus creating the hierarchy of the nuclear instance of existence. These beings are omnipotent and omnipresent to regulation.

  A BIT ABOUT THE HERALD (the kind fella that helped out Cosma)

  When Leon decides to stay behind in the nuclear instance of existence, after Oliver redeems the events of 1956. Quantumeles, the keeper of the place bestows on him the task of cleaning the remaining loose strands of existence that would loop endlessly in the vastness of the unknown existence. He was deemed ‘The Herald’, a Demi god, capable of jumping from existence to existence, leaping, learning about the mistakes of creation. Bringing humanity to the power of the gods.

  Unfortunately for Quantumeles, Leon never rids his human factor and keeps coming back to his memories without having the human will to get rid of his past. This creates a major conflict between, him as the herald, and Quantumeles. The deity is forced to send his children after him.


  Ghost come from the lore of the transcendent life becoming attached to their past, therefore becoming beings that can travel and see but are not necessarily present. However, there are exceptional cases of certain ghosts that have transcended consciousness and become aware of their transformation. These are called Mutant Ghosts. In reality, ghosts are just energy beings that are able to travel from the nuclear instance of existence through the Quantum Cosmos and into a reality of their choosing without interacting. In fact, this is a way of amusement for the purging energy beings that have not yet completed their cleansing cycle.

  The Mutant Ghosts, are beings that have consciously taken control of their energetic flow and have become otherwise aware of their existence. Not only of their personal awareness but of their transcendence, therefore, not only can they travel back and forth from place to place, but they can also instigate and partake in events of realities of their choosing. Not all mutant ghosts are aware of this power, nor are they able to manifest in all factions.

  Some examples of Mutant Ghosts are: Tic Toc, Gaia, Summer Light, Winter Draught, Spring Blossom, Autumn Decay, The Herald, Telephantom, E Virus (Evil), Transcendmaiden, Awesome Viral (Dr. Awesome as E Virus), Green Phoenix, Ox-Zed.


  When Ox Zed crosses to the 'Nuclear instance of Existence’ for the first time, he realizes that ‘spirits of consciousness
’ roam and displace themselves through this pink ectoplasm. Think of it as radioactive amniotic fluid on steroids; it glues all life together.

  When OX came back from the nuclear instance of existence with the conduit and covered in goo, he realized he had little time to work. He harnessed a synthetic compound of the goo, and then began a process of cloning. He realized his body was weak without his real conscience, but the pink goo that covered him, along with the conduit’s power, were able to save the remainder of OX memories. Therefore, as he cloned himself to his liking, XY was born with an irreversible immediate decaying condition. In result, he must retrieve the conduit in order for his consciousness to cross back to the nuclear instance of existence, and from there, re shape existence to his will, riding the main brain council of their reign of mental control. When not in contact with oxygen for too long, the pink goo will decompose and evaporate into particles that get fed to Earth, thus becoming extremely difficult to harness and mine the remains from when a meteor sight happens.


  Trevor Jones AKA Telephantom has obtained awesome cosmic teleporting powers due to a freak accident with a Teledeportator, a machine capable of teleportation created by the good old Dr. Dickens with the assistance of the genius Dr. Beta. It’s not until Trevor falls victim of this atrocious accident that Dr. Dickens is able to see Dr. Beta for what he truly is. A vile fish! After defeating Dr. Beta and his group of Femroids, Trevor and Dr. Dickens, along with his squid-like daughter and their super genius cosmic chimpanzee Cosma, they figure out a way to bring Trevor back to normal as they discover the untapped potentials of the Quantum Cosmos and the perils with bio-quantum computing.

  Enemies of the story line: Dr. Beta, Ms. Joy, Cambion The Red Hive, Toxic Joe, The Femroids, The Moss monster of swamp Malik, Evil Virus, The Herald, Dr. Betamax



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