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The Celtic God Who Loved Her

Page 5

by Trinity Blacio

  “Open you eyes for me, Jade.” Dagda’s ragged plea reached her ears.

  Ever so slowly, she opened her eyes to stare into his big blue ones. “Dagda, why didn’t you come?” Tears slipped down her cheeks.

  His arms pulled her body onto his, hugging her. “They knew how to block me from finding you, baby, but they made one mistake when they opened your door.” His hand peeled away the bloody, dirty bandages she put around her head. “I’m afraid you’ll never be allowed to go anywhere without a guard again. I think I scared half the town.” He laughed, but stopped when he saw her flinch with pain upon removing the last of the strip.

  Chapter Eight

  More tears slid down her pale cheeks. A gasp of pain sounded in the air. Dagda laid her on her bed and witnessed his mate take her death breath.

  “No!” His voice thundered through out the house, even the gods above would hear his denial. His body shook with anger and grief.

  Morrigan stood on the other side of the bed, singing ancient words of healing.

  “Lay next to her now. Play you instrument, and release your soul. You still have time, but only you can bring her back.” Morrigan’s musical voice sang out to him.

  His spirit screamed as hers lifted out of her body. I won’t lose you! That last sound of her uneven breath destroyed his calm. She was close to the spirit realm, and he would fight against her fading into the mist of death.

  Dagda lay down next to her, and his harp started to play by itself. Soothing music danced around the room. He pulled her onto his chest and closed his eyes. Tears spilled over, and he released his soul to find hers. The song of healing played in the background, and he knew it would only entwine their souls tighter together. In his heart, he sang his song to her,

  Healing spring of grace be free. Solace of heart draw nigh to me. Darkness and shadows now must flee. Let Fae magic cover thee. Healing grace of Fae descend, repair what evil thus has unfolded here today. Immortal blessing now descend. What grace to me now belongs I bequeath it through my healing song.

  Dagda’s essence shifted and rose to join hers, embracing her.

  Colors of the gods filled the room, dancing around their souls as his reached for hers: red for love, power, passion and lust; blue for healing, forgiveness, peace, sleep; green for fertility, beauty, and youth; silver for moon, female energy, and yin; and white for peace, purity, happiness, spirituality, and strength. Music, lyrics, and colors performed a masterpiece, healing his mate. Their souls danced, caressed, and melded together as one.

  * * * *

  Jade knew her wound to be fatal, but something wasn’t right. They were in her bedroom physically, yet part of her lifted up into the air. She witnessed a ghost of herself dancing with Dagda. His heart summoned hers with the beautiful words; they touched and joined together.

  The wound on her head closed, the pain stopped, and for the first time in a year, her essence felt complete. The beautiful music stopped, along with his words, the ghost drifted back to her body. Upon entering, her body arched up, toes curled, every hair on her body stood on end, and serenity encompassed her.

  “Rest, baby. The children are fine, and you’re safe now.” Dagda leaned over and kissed her lips.

  Music reached her ears. The Dragon’s Breath played outside. Jade looked around the room. The darkness from outside encroached on the warmth of the bedroom. The clock display read eight forty-two. She slept the whole day, her body rested. She rose and knew exactly where Dagda was.

  The children are waiting for their mother, and I want to dance with my mate, so please get that cute, little butt out here.

  What did you do to me? Why do I know where you are at, and why do I feel so different? Jade asked and turned on the shower, her hair stuck to her head. Dried blood caked her scalp, and she smelled of sweat and piss. Shivers ran up her spine. Flashback visions drifted through mind.

  Stop! It’s over, and all of them are dead. There is no reason to relive it. Excuse me, but who are you to tell me to stop anything? If I could, I would.

  Shampoo covered her head as she scrubbed the dirt and grime from her body.

  “I’m your mate, and this man is very hungry!” Dagda stepped into the shower behind her, taking the soap out of her hands.

  “What the….” She didn’t get a chance to respond.

  His large hand reached up to soap her breasts. Flames shot through her body as he worked. “Do you feel the heat, baby?” He pushed her back under the warm water, letting the water rinse away the dirt. “Turn around so I can clean your back.”

  Jade didn’t say a word. Her body burned, wanting his, and demanded to be mastered. Heated hands rubbed her back in slow, pressured movements.

  “Bend down and grab the knobs, don’t let go, keep your hands there.” His voice rumbled deep, controlled, and aroused. “I love this butt. It’s so pretty when it’s red and Aodhan is slamming into it.”

  “Um….” The sound slipped out of her mouth as a wet hand made contact with her round butt cheek. The smack throbbed and sent every muscle on alert, ready for more. Sure enough, four more swats landed on each cheek. Her cream dripped down her legs, mixing with water, while Dagda slipped one and then two fingers into her nether hole.

  “You should know better to say a word.” He pushed his fingers deeper and demanded more from her body. “Hold still,” he whispered into her ear, his warm, hard body leaned over hers. She pushed back onto his fingers and sought more.

  His tongue traced her ear and down to her neck. “Do you know I lost you for a couple of minutes?” He nipped the back of her neck. His fingers pushed in and out of her butt slowly, teasing her. “In all my life, and it’s been a long, lonely one, I have never felt so isolated and hurt than I did at that moment.” Fingers slipped out of her, and hands lifted her body up. He turned her around to face him and pushed her up against the wall. His head lowered, his mouth covered hers, and his tongue pushed into her.

  I have never in my life felt this emotion for anyone. You will never again be alone. His words whispered into her head, and his tongue touched every part of her mouth. His hands squeezed her ass, and he lowered her down onto Aodhan.

  “Dagda….” Her body arched, and she leaned back, breaking the kiss.

  “Feel us together, baby. Do you understand, my beauty? This is us; we are one.” His hips circled, and his cock rubbed against her little nub. Her body trembled against his, her hands circled around his neck, and her nails dug into his back.

  “That’s it, baby. Let go. Show me that wild filly you claim you are.” His mouth latched onto her neck. He bit and sucked, leaving another mark on her.

  Jade’s legs wrapped tight around his waist, and she opened herself wider for his shaft. “What the hell…?” Her gaze sought his, and he smiled at her.

  “I’m a god, baby. I can do anything I want.” He slammed into her while the imaginary cock slid out of her nether hole. “Do you feel it? You’re so tight.” He watched her face when the next surprise attacked her body.

  “Dagda!” Her voice cracked, and her head shook back and forth.

  “Do you like the teeth on you’re nipples, biting and sucking you?”

  His knees bent, and he pushed up into her with a force she didn’t expect. The force pushed his cock into her further than anyone had ever been, while the invisible cock made love to her ass.

  Jade’s nails dug into his back, as he kept thrusting into her. “More, please more!”

  That’s when her pussy sucked his cock and strangled it. Her orgasm roared through her body. Two more thrusts, and his seed poured into her body.

  “Mine, you are mine!” he growled into her mouth and bruised her lips with his claiming.

  * * * *

  Jade stared up at him, his grin was that of a man very satisfied with what he had done, and she agreed also. Wow.

  “I think I better get dressed and make an appearance outside before my children think something is wrong.” Her voice came out soft and nervous. This god was s
lowly squeezing a permanent place in her heart.

  Jade turned off the cold water, grabbed a towel, and wrapped it around her body. “Dagda, I want to thank you for saving me.” She looked over her shoulder at him. His magnificent body gleamed with water and sweat.

  Muscles rippled when he stepped out of the tub and in front of her. He lifted her chin with his fingers. “There is no need to thank me, bean chéile. I’ll will always try and protect you. You are my heart.” He kissed her lips softly. “Go get dressed. The little ones are waiting for you.”

  He pushed her towards the bedroom, swatting her butt.

  “Hey!” She giggled and strode into the bedroom to dress.

  Chapter Nine

  “Look at them. All your children adore that man,” Tracy said, nudging her with her shoulder.

  Her children tackled Dagda and tried to get him down on the ground. Music from the band played in the background, people danced near the band, and the bonfire lit the courtyard up for the second night of festivities.

  “Don’t you think maybe he’s pushing it a bit much? I mean, we just met him yesterday, and already he’s claiming I’m his wife.” Jade glanced over at Tracy who sat next to her on the swing Dagda had brought from the front porch.

  “When did he call you his wife? I have no idea what gods think of when it comes to the word ‘wife’; maybe it’s a term of endearment, or something like that.” Tracy laughed when she looked up. Cory had latched onto Dagda’s leg, wrapping his tiny body around it.

  “You are his wife. He has joined you two when you died,” Morrigan stated and sat down next to her.

  “Excuse me? He what?” Tracy demanded and glared at her.

  “What? You’ve been busy. When was I supposed to tell you, I was kidnapped, hit in the head, and then died?” Her voice sarcastic, she knew just hurt her friend. “Tracy, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for that to sound flippant. It’s just that this is all new to me.” She ran her hand through her damp hair and pulled Tracy into a hug.

  “You’re right this is moving fast,” Tracy whispered into her ear.

  Jade knew Morrigan heard every word. She pulled back and looked at Morrigan. “Okay. Spit it out. What do you mean we’re married? There was no ceremony, he didn’t ask me—well he did, but that was before, and I didn’t say yes.”

  Morrigan laughed, shaking her head. “You have to understand, Jade. Your spirit was leaving your body. You’d already taken your last breath. The only way Dagda was going to save you was to join your soul to his. He is part of you, and you are part of him. In our world, that is a marriage. He has given you the ultimate gift: his freedom and his heart.”

  Her palms grew sweaty, and the fast thumping of her heart sounded as if drums were being played. “You’re serious? We’re married?”

  Morrigan smiled and nodded.

  Butterflies tumbled around in her stomach. Dagda’s boots appeared on the ground in front of her. Her gaze traveled up his body to meet his.

  “You didn’t tell me? Why did you do this, Dagda? You could have just let me go. You didn’t have to do this. Now you’re stuck with me!” Tears slid down her cheeks. He’d married her to save her and gave up his freedom.

  “Jade, there was no choice, bean chéile. You are my life.” He pulled her up into his arms and hugged her tight.

  Tears splashed his chest, her body shook.

  “Hush, little one, its okay.” He tried to sooth her, his hands rubbed her back, and he placed small kisses on her head.

  “I need time to think. Excuse me.” Her voice cracked as she pulled out of his arms and walked away.

  Jade walked by the dancers, not even acknowledging them.

  Arms wrapped around her and moved her out with the other dancers. “Dance with me.” The stranger said and dragged her body close to his.

  His smell gagged her, and her flesh burned where he touched her. “Let me go, please!” She struggled in his arms.

  “My wife said to let her go. Now do so!” Dagda growled behind her, his arm wrapped around her waist and set her body next to his. Her stomach settled immediately, and the burning was gone.

  The man glared at Dagda, and then at her, but he didn’t say a word as he slowly moved away from the giant behind her.

  “Okay, what’s going on? Why did I feel sick when that man touched me?” She glared up at Dagda’s face.

  “You’re mine. No man will be able to touch you. You’ll find them repulsive if they do,” he said, anger evident in his words. “I know this is new to you, but I won’t have you in any man’s arms, do you hear me?” He grabbed onto her arms tight and shook her body.

  “Dagda, enough!” Morrigan yelled at him. “You’re hurting her.”

  He slowly released her, watching her.

  Stepping back away from him, she trembled and her face burned with heat. Furious, she ran from him. Her arms ached from where he’d grabbed her. I can’t believe he just did that... Crap, I’m a fool!

  Jade swung the front door open and dashed up the stairs to her room, slamming the door. She grabbed the first thing her hand came into contact with and threw it against the headboard.

  “That pompous ass! First, he tells me I’m his wife, then he goes and makes it so no male can touch me!” Even knowing that it wouldn’t help, it felt good to rant. “Urg, I’m going to kill a god!”

  Even now, her body burned for his.

  What did he do to her? Shower, cold. I need a cold shower.

  She walked to the shower and turned on the cold water. I swear I’m going to be the cleanest person around if I have to keep taking cold showers. Her body still shook with anger, and she peeled off her clothes. Jade looked at the shower wall, and her body heated as a vision of her body up against it as he took her flashed before her eyes. The images sent her libido into overdrive. Her body burned for him again. “God, what has he done to me? Now I’m imagining his taking me!” She stepped into the cold water, and it soothed her aching body. Even with her body cooled off, her anger grew. “You might be good in bed, all mighty warrior, but you suck in courting!” She climbed out of the shower and dried off.

  Dressed in a pair of jeans and sweater, she heard a soft knock on the bedroom door.

  “Who is it? If it’s you, Dagda, go jump into the Arctic Ocean.” She threw open the door.

  A woman draped in a heavenly golden gown, jewels covering her neck and fingers, stood before Jade. Just great. Another god!

  “Has my son screwed up again?” The lady shook her head. “I swear, he’ll never learn.”

  “Who is your son, and which god are you?” she asked.

  “Dagda is my son, and I can go anywhere. You should know this.” The woman stepped into the bedroom past Jade and glanced around. “I am Danu. I believe humans know me as the Mother Goddess of Tuatha Dé Danann. I hope you don’t mind me being here, but I couldn’t believe my son actually found his true mate. I had to see for myself. I even hear you’re an ancestor of Boann.”

  “What do you mean he’s my mate? I thought I was his wife?” Jade asked.

  Danu walked around her room. “Everyone has a true mate, many never find them, and you are both. I’m afraid you’ll have your hands full with him. He’s, well, how should I put this… A very passionate man, and very jealous, as you have witnessed.” She nodded to the bruises on Jade’s arms. “His appetite is never satisfied, but you’ll do just fine. Since my wayward son has taken off, why don’t we go and join your party? I would love to meet your children, my grandchildren.”

  Danu took Jade’s arm and led her from the bedroom, back to the party. Everyone stopped and stared at them when they entered the courtyard.

  “Danu, it’s a pleasure to see you again. I see you’ve met your son’s mate.” Morrigan bowed to her.

  “Yes, and she’s perfect for him, isn’t she. Now, I understand I have grandchildren around here somewhere? I want to meet them.”

  “Hey, Mom, who’s the fancy lady?” Cleo asked. Eric stood next to her.

; She sighed. How do you explain this one, Jade?

  “This is Danu. She is….”

  “Oh, don’t tell them all that title stuff. I’m your grandmother.” Danu smiled. Her gaze scanned all of the children as they gathered around. “My, you are a fertile one, aren’t you? That’s just perfect because I expect many more grandchildren.”

  “Mom, what’s she talking about?” Eric squirmed, and Danu fluffed up his hair.

  “They told me that I am Dagda’s wife, and this is his mother,” Jade mumbled.

  “You mean that god is your husband now, and this is his mother? We have a grandmother and father who are gods?” The smaller children jumped around and screamed their excitement, but the two oldest frowned, glaring at their mother.


  “Now’s not the time, Eric.”

  Danu gathered the children to her, and Jade shook her head. It’s just too much. Needing time to think and be alone, she headed for the woods, climbing over fallen trees. Overhead, stars twinkled, and the chilly night air swirled around her.

  Why does weird stuff always happen to me? She shook her head and kept walking, not paying attention to where she was going.

  “Mom where are you?” her oldest daughter called out somewhere up ahead of her.

  “Cleo, where are you, and how the hell did you get ahead of me?” She must have been in la-la land. She shook her head, searching for her daughter.

  “First, I’m accused of kidnapping a goddess, and then I’m kidnapped. I die, and, finally, I wake up married to a god!” She shouted to the trees. “Cleo, if I have to search all night for you, I’m so going to throw a fit! Where are you?

  “I’m afraid it’s going to only get worse, human,” a raspy voice said.

  “We are very lucky to find our prey so easily.” A squeaking voice rang out behind her.

  Goose bumps broke out on her arms. Just freaking great. Didn’t they protect the woods? She spun around to face a creature she only read about in stories. It stood in front of her, his face and upper body that of a goat, while his lower body that of man. Another stood behind him an evil grin on his face. God, are all non-humans hung so big. Get your mind out of the gutter! What did he Dagda do to me?


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