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Half Blood Rising: (Moonlight Academy Book 1)

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by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

  “You must be starving, dear Lord. Kasia, quickly give her some stew!”

  “Oh, great, I’ll heal quicker once I have some food in my stomach,” I mumbled. She grabbed my face and looked into my vampire eyes. Her magic was strong; it flooded through my system and relieved some of the pain. Melody always knew if there was something wrong.

  “Anna is upstairs, so for now, we can talk,” she said. “She’ll be busy for a bit. How long has it been since you’ve eaten a proper meal?”

  “Don’t really remember,” I said, although I did remember. Five days ago, I’d spent the last of my money on dumplings. The meal was delicious, and since then, I had a few other bits and bobs, but nothing super nutritious.

  She began giving orders in Ukrainian to the cook named Kasia. She didn’t seem very happy, but five minutes later, I sat down at the small table with a huge bowl of freshly made stew. I started eating way too fast, burning my tongue in the process, because I was so damn hungry.

  “Woah, slow down. You’re going to give yourself a bad stomach-ache,” she said, but the food was so good. She was right; I needed to savour it for a bit longer. I dipped the bread, imagining having this every day. Getting food was my main issue, and when I did have money, I had to manage it well.

  “Vampire’s don’t get stomach-aches, remember?” I said between mouthfuls. It was then that I began to realise there wasn’t going to be any more money coming in. Tristan’s betrayal struck me once again (it was a hard pill to swallow), and I had no idea how I was going to survive the winter months. The stew vanished quickly, and Melody made me eat a second helping.

  The wound had completely healed half an hour later, and I felt heavy but satisfied. I finally had a full stomach.

  “Tell me everything that happened,” Melody said, once we stepped outside. “I don’t want Anna to see you here. You know how she reacts, and I have a client coming in ten minutes.” It was a bit cooler in the shade and Melody pulled out a cigarette. She was a smoking witch, and I didn’t judge. She tried to talk Anna into letting me stay here, but her keeper didn’t want to hear anything about it. She wanted Melody to stay away from me. My friend didn’t have an easy life at all. She had to work really hard, pretend to be this great fortune teller and study during the night. She didn’t get paid; Anna was only giving her some pocket money. Besides, this wasn’t my place, and I didn’t want to be a burden. Living on the streets had its perks at times, but now I truly needed to think about relocating, or worse—getting any sort of job in order to survive.

  I didn’t want to worry Melody, but I told her about my unfortunate meeting with Tristan and the near-death experience at the bar. I needed to vent, at least today.

  Her eyes went wide, and she inhaled more smoke into her lungs. Every supernatural in the city had heard about the Elite Academy one way or another. This complicated things a lot more. The two mages had seen my face and they would eventually track me down.

  I would probably have to leave the city.

  “For the saint demon, they’re going to target the admission officer. You need to speak to the council,” she said, and her hands began sparkling with magic.

  “And tell them what? That I overheard them plotting against the most powerful school in the world?” I said. “Don’t be silly, no one would believe me. Besides, I still don’t know what I am, and they might want to run some sort of tests on me. I really don’t want to be checked or even questioned. Tristan crossed the line. Now I don’t even have an income. I can’t call him anymore if I kill another fugitive.” All right. Maybe I’d said too much, but she was willing to listen, and we hadn’t seen each other for weeks. Melody couldn’t help me, anyway, but I rarely had a chance to talk to another person who wasn’t trying to kill me.

  “Maybe they can at least tell you who you were before, you know—”

  “No, Melody, it’s too dangerous,” I said, sighing loudly. “I heard what they do to supernaturals like me. I have magic, and that combined with my vampire nature is a lethal mix. I just have to figure something out, maybe get a job,”

  She rolled her eyes. “For like one dollar an hour, no … let me speak to this client of mine. He’s half-fae and he works for a mage. Maybe they can get you something. You never know,” she added, then we heard the loud, slightly scratchy voice of her keeper.

  “Melody, what are you doing down there? Mr. Ivanov is waiting, and you haven’t even practised today!”

  “You better go before she finds out I ate here,” I said to her, knowing Anna was a cruel bitch. She had used her magic to discipline Melody when she was a little girl. My friend had no other options. She could run, but she would end up on the streets like me.

  I had to go because she had a client and Anna hated me, anyway. Melody’s face paled a bit, and she told me that she’d try to get out and speak to me in a more neutral setting. Now that she was older, she could get away at times. Anna couldn’t control Melody as well as she had when she was a child. I quickly walked away, feeling more tired than before. It was probably the food I’d consumed.

  The sun was blazing, and I suspected that the temperature was getting close to the mid-thirties. I’d forgotten to ask Melody for a flask of water. Now I was thirsty.

  I started walking, wondering what direction I should take next. I didn’t know where to go, and half an hour later, I realised I was being followed by a strange female supernatural. She was wearing plain clothes (not the colours of the High Council), but it was her eyes that caught my attention. They were glowing in a bright shade of yellow, like the eyes of a fae. I had never seen her before, and I was suddenly scared.

  She kept eyeing me up and down, speeding up when I did, and slowing down when I changed my pace. This wasn’t good. Crap. Maybe she was with Marcus.

  Panicking again, I quickly walked into the corner alley and then slipped inside a small coffee shop, thinking that if she wanted to attack me, she would have done so by now. The Ukrainian woman behind the counter didn’t seem too pleased that I’d interrupted her break time. At least the place had air conditioning, and I felt so much better after getting out of the heat. It was an impulsive decision. I just wanted to see if the stranger had really been following me, or if I was being paranoid.

  “How can I help you?” the hostess asked, placing a menu on the table. This was awkward. I had no money, but I was thirsty, and I could do with a drink. Silence filled the space.

  “We will take two lemonades with plenty of ice, thank you,” said someone else who suddenly sat down opposite me. It was the supernatural fae who’d been following me just a moment ago. I didn’t even hear her walking into the café. It seemed she just appeared out of nowhere. She smiled at me and I didn’t move, thinking that maybe she wasn’t the enemy after all.

  Chapter Four

  An offer.

  She had spoken in a perfect Ukrainian accent, but I suspected she wasn’t from around here. Humans or even supernaturals in the city didn’t look like her, and they didn’t use that kind of language. Panic settled in, but I was trying to stay calm, at least on the outside. She wouldn’t dare do anything to me in front of the waitress. I had one knife on me, but my hands were a little stiff.

  Right now, I wasn’t in the best of shape, and she was staring at me with curiosity. Her aura didn’t seem frightening, so I calmed down a bit.

  The coffee assistant mumbled something in Ukrainian and left. A bead of sweat ran down my face as I stared at my unexpected guest. I understood a few words in Ukrainian: the orders and basic pleasantries, but I normally struggled to have a conversation with someone in the language.

  “Hello, Jaymin, it’s nice to finally meet you,” the woman said, smiling at me. “You don’t have to be afraid. I won’t hurt you.”

  This time, she spoke in a perfect English accent. She was definitely from the United Kingdom; I was certain of it. She was also very beautiful, with short red hair, but I had no idea what she was now that I was seeing her up close—fae maybe, or a shifter. She could
n’t possibly be a vampire, because of the way her skin shone in the light. Her makeup and clothes were immaculate: it all fit perfectly. I knew I would never look like that.

  “Who are you, and what the hell do you want from me?” I asked, maybe a bit too abruptly. I had done it again. My little problem: I had a big mouth.

  “My name is Catherine Oldman, and I have been watching you for quite some time,” she introduced herself, reaching out her hand and expecting me to shake it. “My school is interested in someone like you.” She had a nice manicure, too. Magic rose from my tiptoes, and I was too shocked to shake her hand.

  The waitress brought our drinks. I was so damn thirsty that I didn’t wait for her to offer it to me. I grabbed the glass and drank half of its contents. The lemonade was delicious and very refreshing.

  After I was satisfied, I felt a bit embarrassed as she was watching me, amused. I seriously needed to watch my manners from now on.

  “Lady, I have no idea what school you’re talking about, but I’m not interested,” I said quickly. She said she had been watching me for quite some time, but I’d been careful. This wasn’t something I wanted to know. In the past few weeks, I’d witnessed many strange individuals around the city.

  She lifted the glass and sipped from it gracefully. I caught the scent of my own blood as it wafted in the air around me. I really needed to have a shower; the smell bothered me.

  “We are preparing vampires and other creatures for Saint Kilda Elite Academy. We only select students if we see potential in them. One of my contacts has been in this city for a long while, and he told me about you. We believe that you have what it takes to pass the trials for the Elite. Obviously, getting into Kilda isn’t going to be easy, but while in our school, Moonlight Academy, you will gain all the necessary skills to acquire a job in any supernatural firm afterwards.”

  Shock riddled me speechless for a long moment. She couldn’t be serious. No one from the street could get into Kilda. Most of the time, supernaturals needed to come from a wealthy background. That school was only for the elite, the best of the best, and I had no idea that any other academies existed at all.

  “I’m sorry, Miss Oldman, but I’m a rogue. I follow my own rules. I don’t think any school would be a good fit for me,” I said, finishing the refreshing lemonade. I was afraid that this may be a trap, that the council members would possibly barge in here at any moment, and I’d end up in prison.

  She only smiled, then placed her hand on my arm, and I instantly wanted to pull back. Her magic calmed me down, though. Damn it, I’d never felt better; the anxiety was fading away quickly. Melody had the same sort of skills, but this was even better. Oldman had incredible talent. And yes, she was definitely fae. I could sense it by her energy.

  Most humans, as I’d read about in a hidden library, had no idea that this other world existed, that there were vampires, witches, fae, and other creatures on Earth. We just blended in, and if a human learned of our existence, his or her memory would normally be wiped away by one of the council members. I learnt that part the hard way.

  “You have killed many dangerous fugitives, and you have quite the reputation amongst the council members,” she said. “No one knows who you are—well, no one until yesterday, right?” My heart began thumping louder inside my chest as memories of Tristan and the werewolf floated through my mind. She couldn’t have known about the werewolf. By that time, Tristan was supposed to have disposed of the body. “The council has your profile and they want to bring you in. I am your only chance to get away, to make them forget about your existence, at least for now.”

  I pulled my arm away, breathing hard, and trying to think straight. I hated being manipulated, but she was making me feel vulnerable. The truth was, I had no plan. She was partly right; I was done in Lviv, there were only so many places I could hide. The council member had seen my face, and Tristan, well, that gig was up. I was unemployed and still homeless. I dragged my hand through my greasy hair.

  “What’s the catch? I mean, there must be one if you’re just offering me a place there. What do I need to do in return? Kill someone, maybe kidnap a person?” I asked, wanting to know upfront what I was signing up for. Over the past four years, I’d been dreaming of an opportunity, or even a job offer. I’d taught myself everything I knew, and I didn’t believe in charity. There was always a catch—nothing ever came for free.

  “You’re right, for now we require your commitment. There may be certain tasks that you might be required to do in the future,” she added, “but everything will be outlined in the contract that you would have to sign. Let’s say, a disclosure agreement between you and the school.”

  “A contract? How long is the contract?” I asked, truly not convinced about this whole thing. But then again, I would have a roof over my head and food in my belly every day. No more homelessness, and no more killing in order to survive. This sounded so much better than the alternative. I had nothing: no plan, or direction.

  “It’s only a formality. You sign up for a year. Our school is unique. We scout students from all over the world, but over ninety percent stay with us. Most of them graduate, and some, only around ten percent, go on to Saint Kilda Elite Academy in Bucharest.”

  I stared at her in disbelief, thinking that maybe this was going to be the best thing that ever happened to me.

  “What sort of tasks are we talking about?”

  “We are a unique kind of organisation, and many times, the national council assigns us specific jobs,” she continued. “We fight against the worst of the worst, rescue paranormals who are high targets, and deal with illegal magic. This is the main reason I approached you, because of your experience and strength. I believe the academy will be a place for you to grow.” Now I was finally understanding what this whole thing was about. She then gave a sign to the waitress and ordered something else speaking in Ukrainian.

  She was impressive, but I was still wary, worried that maybe this sounded too good to be true. I knew for sure that I didn’t do well when other people told me what to do. I’d never lasted in any job longer than a week, so how was I supposed to know if the academy would be any different?

  “I need to think about it,” I told her. “I don’t know if this could ever work.”

  “Sure, but Moonlight Academy could help you figure out who you are. I sense very strong magic within you, and you have hidden talents as well. We are all aware that the Elite admission process is very strict, but this is your chance. You have obviously had a rough life, and I know a little bit about your past, but not much. If you decide to take this opportunity, be at this address tonight,” she said, and then slid a small slip of paper with the details my way. I was biting my lip, wondering if maybe I had a guardian, someone who was looking after me from the other side.

  Was there really someone out there willing to help me out like that?

  “I need to think about it,” I repeated. “I can’t make such an important decision like this on the spot. You must realise I don’t do well in rule-type settings. What if I don’t fit in there, and what if I wanted to leave? What then, Miss Oldman?” I asked, already imagining what could happen to me if I kicked someone’s arse while in the school. I needed to consider if I could truly adjust to these kinds of new rules.

  My entire background was one giant enigma, so I had to be careful with whom I trusted.

  “Your memories would be taken care of, the school isn’t a secret, but our missions are, so we would take proper measures to ensure you wouldn’t be walking around telling anyone what had gone on behind the academy walls,” she said more sharply, interlacing her fingers together. Her magic rose, and I could sense it. Even the human waitress inside must have realised that something was going on, because she was staring at us with peaked interest.

  My skin prickled, and new energy rippled through me. Being only half-vampire, the sun didn’t affect me as much as it did the others—another perk, I assumed, if I wanted to think positive. Most pure vampires neede
d certain spells in order to walk in the daylight, and sometimes, it was difficult. The handsome arsehole from the basement must have had access to that sort of magic. Was I prepared to risk everything to become a student of Moonlight Academy?

  I didn’t want anyone to have access to my memories, even if I didn’t remember my previous life at all. I took the paper and placed it inside my pocket. I had to remember this coffee shop—it was a good place to chill, and it had air conditioning. This was bliss, because at the time, I hated the heat. Once when Tristan had given me a large sum for killing a rogue vampire, I’d gone to a cheap motel. I remembered it well now; I’d slept peaceful for the first time in my life. Even the noisy neighbours hadn’t bothered me then.

  “Great, thanks for the drink and the chance,” I said, rising from my seat. It was time for me to bail. The fae woman seemed a bit disappointed, but she truly had no idea what she was getting herself into. I was a rogue, I lived by my own rules, and her offer scared the shit out of me.

  “Be careful out there, you are more visible than you think,” she added, giving me a smile and then started walking in the opposite direction. I left the coffee shop, walking into the blazing hot sun.

  I looked around, making sure no one had been watching me in there, and began heading towards the old part of the city. My strength was finally returning, but I had to find a cooler place where I could really think about this offer. I didn’t want to get too excited about it. I headed to the only place that calmed me in situations like this—the library. There was a special section there where I could investigate everything that Oldman had told me about today. The Elite, yeah, a lot of supernaturals had heard about it, but what about Moonlight Academy?

  A few days after I’d awakened as a half-vampire, I had searched for other creatures like me. A warlock told me about the section in the national library created by paranormals. It had been the darkest time of my life, so I’d gone there searching for answers. I’d been so glad that someone had thought about it.


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