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Half Blood Rising: (Moonlight Academy Book 1)

Page 6

by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

  “Hey, girl. The older warlock said we were going to share a room. I’m Karina, by the way,” the shifter with pink hair said, approaching me after I was outside. I was so relieved that I wouldn’t have to share a room with some random student. That would have been a disaster. Most of the time, I was a lonely soul.

  “Jaymin,” I replied, not really knowing what to say to her. Her energy was so addictive, but in a positive way. She seemed bright and bubbly—the complete opposite of me.

  “Do you want to go with me, so we can look around the school?” she asked, smiling. I bit my bottom lip, wondering how to tell her nicely to get lost. “Principal Oldman might call us in later, you know, for the contract.” This was bloody pathetic. I didn’t want her to know I’d come here with nothing to wear, or that I hadn’t showered in ages.

  “I have to speak to her about something right now … maybe I’ll catch you later,” I suggested, thinking I really needed to get a grip. This place was huge, and no one cared about the fact I wasn’t dressed well. It was only me …

  “What’s wrong? Come on, you can tell me. I feel like we’re going to be besties. I like your energy, even though you’re a vamp,” she said, lowering her voice. I was never good at making friends, making any kind of connections with other creatures, but this was different. I had to bloody make an effort at least. She seemed like a really nice person.

  “I came with nothing, so I wanted to ask the principal if she had any spare clothes,” I said, rubbing the back of my neck. “I need to shower, too.”

  Seconds later, Pretty Boy walked out with his armed wrapped around his girlfriend’s waist. Ramona narrowed her eyes at me and shot Karina a surprised look, then said something to him, and they laughed like we were the butt of their joke. God, I hoped this wasn’t going to be like high school, although I couldn’t remember anything from that part of my life. But from what I’d heard, high school drama could be dreadful. Maybe I’d never even gone to school as a human.

  “Don’t worry, girl, I’ll hook you up,” Karina said, grabbing my hand. “I have tonnes of clothes, and you look like you’re around my size. Come on.”

  A jolt of electricity moved through my entire body when she touched me, and I jerked my hand away. “Sorry, I’ve just never been touched by a shifter.” I didn’t want to say, “I’ve never touched a shifter I haven’t killed.” That wouldn’t have been the best start to a new friendship, and technically, my main experience had been with werewolves. Something was different about her energy. Probably the fact she was good, and the only other shifters I’d been around were evil.

  She instantly laughed. “I have that kind of effect on everyone. My energy is always so wild,” she said, rubbing her hands together. We began walking towards the dorms as she started telling me about her wardrobe. She was right; it was strange to say, but I kind of liked her straight away, and I felt we were going to get on well. She was very loud and outspoken about certain things.

  “What do you think about the classes and missions Oldman was talking about?” I asked as we walked inside our new room. This was so surreal. I had my own place, and I didn’t have to wonder where I would be sleeping the next day.

  Deep down I was curious to know why she’d been exiled from her pack. Shifters had always been such a mystery to me, but I knew asking her would be too forward. I’d only just met her.

  “They have lectures about potion making, and, apparently one of the teacher’s is an ancient warlock. There is a subject on Immortals, which seems pretty cool, and classes where they teach us martial arts, too. Old languages and a few others. Oldman showed me the list when we met. I didn’t have to think twice about it.” She sighed. “I wanted to be here.”

  Then I noticed she had two huge suitcases on the bed. She began to unzip the larger of the two. It was still pretty early, and we had the whole day ahead of us. I needed to have a shower before I met up with Oldman. I wanted to sign the contract and be done with it.

  “Look, I have these dresses that will look wonderful on you. You have great legs, and it’s time to show them off.” She threw several outfits at me. They were very short with vibrant colours. I normally wore trousers, so they weren’t something I was willing to try on.

  “Errrgh … I don’t wear dresses,” I mumbled, feeling ungrateful. Heat rushed to my cheeks.

  She laughed, shaking her head. “Well, you should. Those old jeans aren’t doing anything for your figure, although you have a great arse,” she added, winking at me and I had to laugh. Then she threw a few more pairs of shorts and pants at me. Within moments, I was almost sorted with an entire wardrobe.

  An hour later, I finally had a chance to shower. The bathroom was shared with other female students. I didn’t really care—these conditions were exceptional. It was bliss … to finally feel clean warm water running down my body.

  This was going to be my new life as long as I didn’t screw anything up. I walked past other students in the corridors. There were vampires, faeries, shifters, and a few others I didn’t recognise. Deep inside me, I knew I’d made the right decision. I was finally in a place I could call home.

  Chapter Eight

  The first encounter.

  “This is your probation period. It’s an initial contract, and once you pass the three-month mark, you will gain a full scholarship,” Oldman said once I was sitting in front of her. “We always want to ensure that we made the right decision.”

  This bit was scary. I stared at the piece of paper, feeling a little misled. She hadn’t mentioned any sort of probation period, but I supposed Moonlight couldn’t hand out this kind of opportunity to just any supernatural creature out there. A scholarship meant that I would be set up for years to come.

  I understood all the rules, and I couldn’t do any better on my own, so this was a good deal.

  “So, how much do I need to screw up in order to not pass the probation period?” I asked, going deep. Everything was outlined clearly, but I needed to know what was expected of me.

  Karina had given me almost an entire wardrobe—we had a similar build, and I couldn’t have been more grateful. I was wearing a low-cut top and brown shorts. It was still humid outside, and Oldman looked immaculate, as always. There was an odd tickling in the back of my throat that reminded me I was thirsty, but not for water—for blood. This was strange. I’d never had a proper craving for it before. Maybe it was because I was around so many supernaturals now.

  She gave me a tight smile, staring at the pen I was holding. “Well, the academy is searching for commitment in our students, also teamwork and attitude play a critical role. It’s difficult to say. We have expelled students for fighting, jeopardising our missions, and for stealing from others. There are many factors, but as long as you’re following the rules, you should be fine.”

  This was what I was afraid of. Most of the time I didn’t have to listen to anyone. I’d always done what I wanted. In my mind, I had a feeling I wasn’t going to do so well following the rules in general.

  Right then, I told myself that it was something I was willing to work on—I had to. No one in their right mind would waste this kind of opportunity. Rogue or not, I needed to start listening to others. I signed everything and pushed the paperwork towards her. She appeared satisfied.

  “Okay,” I said. “I understand.”

  “Lachlan is training in one of the halls, you should join him. I have a feeling that you two will work well together,” she said unexpectedly. “Your schedule officially starts tomorrow. No one has challenged him yet, and your fighting skills are pretty impressive.”

  I shifted in my seat, thinking she had to be joking. I didn’t want to interact with Pretty Boy. The issue was that he got under my skin, and my emotions were becoming unstable when I was around him. This had nothing to do with the fact that he was so damn good looking—nothing at all.

  “Right now?” I asked, a little baffled.

  She nodded and then passed me a piece of paper. I took it, curious to know what
it was. It turned out that it was my new class schedule. Karina was right; the subjects were pretty interesting. For some reason, I believed my passion for books could help. Besides, I was good at kicking butt, too, and if I could show Lachlan what I was capable of, then maybe he would get off my case.

  “I don’t think you have anything else to do right at this moment, and Lachlan needs to learn to share his skills with others. I matched you with this group because I believe you can tame his character, Jaymin,” Oldman admitted. I was a little shocked at hearing this.

  The Scot was a real pain, but some sort of energy was pulling me towards him. I couldn’t deny it.

  “I think the council in Lviv might still be looking for me,” I said, wanting to be up-front about everything. “As you know, a few days before you pitched me, I eliminated a werewolf, but my contact showed up with a vampire from the council who wanted to know what I was … and he didn’t like my answer.” She’d said she’d known about part of what had happened, that the council had kept records on me, but I wasn’t exactly sure how much they’d gone into detail. This was the real deal, and Tristan was probably looking for me.

  “Don’t worry, I’m keeping an eye on everyone who’s wanted by the council, and you aren’t on any of their lists. After we spoke, I ran a little check for myself. We protect our students here, Jaymin,” she answered quickly. “The academy could help you discover your background, but the process takes a bit of time. You have potential, and you will pass the probation period; just stay focused and work hard.”

  She was right. I was capable of more than anyone could imagine, I just had to keep my temper in check, and I would do fine.

  I shook her hand and then left, contemplating if I should really challenge Lachlan right now. It still felt so surreal to keep passing other students in the corridor. It was almost the end of the day for most of them, and their auras were drained. Karina was in the library, she wanted to check the section about shifter packs. I didn’t even know that kind of section existed. I was still trying to take everything in, the fact that I was part of a group and this was supposed to be my new home.

  Oldman had given me a map. She circled the space where the Scottish pretty boy was training. I contemplated for a little while if I wanted to do this for myself, but he was too confident. I had to show Oldman that I was more than capable enough to stay and get into the Elite.

  Everyone knew that once someone passed the admission trials to the Elite, then other opportunities would arise quickly. I had fought with the worst of the worst, learning everything that I could from experience.

  It took me a few minutes to locate the practise room. I walked in, feeling confident about my skills and abilities, confident in my appearance for the first time in as long as I could remember. After I’d showered, Karina combed and styled my hair, so I looked and felt good. Karina had been a little taken aback by the new me—she kept saying that my hair was soft as silk. She called me a stunner and asked where the hell I’d been hiding all this time. Her bubbly personality was something else, and her laughter was contagious.

  The practise room smelled of sweat and vampire.

  “What the hell are you doing here, hen?” A loud voice startled me from out of nowhere. I turned around, face-to-face with Lachlan. And he wasn’t wearing a shirt. Damn it, this wasn’t what I was expecting at all. He was holding a sword; it was beautifully crafted with what appeared to be hand-carved art along the handle, possibly from Asia.

  My eyes only registered that one small detail, but mostly focused on his perfectly sculptured chest covered with a sheen of sweat. I tried not to look, but I was too drawn to his incredible scent, drawn to his energy. The arousal I was feeling was unexpected, shooting through my core like an inferno. He was beautiful and his skin was shining brightly against the sun’s rays as they disappeared behind the horizon. I swallowed hard, telling myself that the tickling inside my throat had nothing to do with bloodlust. I’d never experienced the pleasure that came from drinking from another vampire, or a human who didn’t have tainted blood. I’d read somewhere that apparently it was better than an orgasm, but maybe the author exaggerated a bit. I had no idea if I’d ever been in love, and no clue what it would feel like if it ever happened.

  “The principal sent me here to practise with you, not that I need to,” I told him, crossing my arms over my chest. I’d bet he was well aware of my skyrocketing pulse. He stared at me for a long time, not answering, and invading my personal space. His eyes moved over my nose, lips, darting down towards my cleavage. My breathing sped up as the tension between my legs became unbearable.

  No, there was no attraction towards the pretty boy; he was arrogant and looked down his nose at me. I was denying any kind of feelings towards him. Someone had to remind him that he wasn’t superior in any way, shape, or form.

  He smirked and then placed his hand on my shoulder. His body was so close to mine as our scents and energies intermingled. This strange heat and arousal made me immobile, while my core burned. I wanted to kick his arse, but what’s more, I wanted him on me, touching me, and drinking my blood.

  “Hen, what are you? Your scent is incredible, and I have never experienced anything like it,” he whispered in my ear, sending shivers of desire racing down my spine. He was gripping the sword so tightly that his knuckles were almost white. I tried to gather myself, but my muscles refused to obey me.

  I glanced at his parted mouth and saw that his fangs had descended. It only added more fuel to the fire.

  “Maybe there is a bit of warlock in me, fae, or even a shifter. I told you already, I have no idea,” I said, as something odd flashed in my mind. I saw myself walking on the street, smiling and holding someone’s hand. The image in my mind only lasted a few seconds, but for some reason, I recognised it as a memory from my previous life.

  In that one short moment of distraction, I wrapped my arm around his neck and pulled down at the same time, sweeping my leg and knocking his feet out from under him. He was too absorbed in my addictive energy, trying to figure out what else was coded in my DNA to react quickly enough. Lachlan dropped the sword and crashed to the floor, while I locked my thighs around his neck. I didn’t even know how I’d done it. His eyes widened, and electricity crackled between us. This felt good, way better than I’d anticipated.

  The heat from his body was burning my skin; I’d never been so turned on in my life. Vampires were cold: there was no blood rushing through their veins like humans.

  “Impressive, but you’re trying to hide your attraction towards me. Do you want to kiss me, hen?” he asked, still staring at me with hunger in his eyes. He didn’t even pretend that he wanted me, or did he? I honestly couldn’t tell with him. I’d never been in a situation like this before.

  I was supposed to be ready for what came next. He was going to try and unlock this position. He wouldn’t have a chance to wiggle away. His words angered me, and I hated that he was reading me and my emotions so well.

  “You’re just another arrogant arsehole who thinks he’s better than everyone. I would never be attracted to someone like you,” I spat, but he only smirked.

  A split second later, it felt like my bones had started breaking; it was the most uncomfortable sensation around my pelvic area. Then we were rolling on the floor. I didn’t even realise when he’d taken control and pushed me off, freeing himself.

  I blocked him as he began punching me in the stomach. Shock paralysed me for a moment. Pain jolted through my gut, all the way to my back as he kept kicking me. I peered at him from the corner, trying to get up. He was now about a meter or two away from me.

  “Your abilities aren’t developed enough to mask your emotions. I don’t trust supernaturals from the street, especially you—there’s too much misleading information about you. And, so far, there hasn’t been a half-vampire who’s gotten into the Elite yet,” he snarled and then threw another sword at me. I caught it, but just barely, still wondering how the hell he was so quick.

; That made me furious, and I really wanted to kick his arse then. He was wrong about me. I knew I could pass the trials for the Elite. I’d spent four years experimenting with my own skills, perfecting and developing them. Some pretty boy with connections wasn’t going to stop me from getting what I wanted.

  “Shut up and show me what you’ve got,” I shouted, losing my shit at that point. My entire body was shaking, and it was because he’d wound me up so much. On top of that, I was trying to shake off the dangerous attraction—the bloodlust that was making me vulnerable. He laughed, flexing his muscles and my fangs descended.

  I didn’t wait around, I attacked—our swords collided, and the sound of metal clanging against metal was music to my ears. This weapon was new to me, but I quickly got used to handling it. It was like my body knew what to do. Lachlan was fast, but I made him work for it, using my speed to my advantage, and the fact that I was well-rested. Sweat began dripping down my face as I turned, attacking from the side and kicking his shin to maximise my strength. He recovered, barely, and made a sexy hissing sound. I was so turned on, and that’s what annoyed me the most.

  His eyes were penetrating. I tilted my head, kneeling as he whirled his sword, and jumping at just the right moment, then swinging my blade in a high arc, bringing it down and accidentally slashing one of his arms. He’d switched positions too quickly and then dropped his weapon instantly. Crap. I was so shocked that I’d hurt him.

  Blood poured from his wound; it was a deep-red colour, almost black, and I opened my mouth, craving it instantly. Lachlan looked at me with fire and definite anger in his eyes.

  “Bite me so it will heal quickly,” he demanded, his voice hoarse. This was madness, but he seemed serious. A spit second later, I was beside him, aroused, sinking my fangs into his neck, not controlling my bloodlust any longer. Once a drop of his blood passed over my tongue, there was no coming back from it. He had his other hand pressing against the wound.


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