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Lesbian Billionaire

Page 18

by Olivia Hampshire

  "Wow," Harriet said when Debbie and Tizz arrived in San Francisco and showed her the Granite Report. "Well, this is going to completely destroy my business!" she laughed shakily. "I had been thinking about getting out of this horrible jewelry business anyway," she said trying to comfort herself. Faith was completely shaken. She had never really believed that this Granite Report really existed. She figured that it was all just some dying dream that Sara had conjured up due to starvation. She was devastated to think that so many lives had been destroyed over a precious gem that was essentially worthless. Still, she knew that this would be a great addition to her book and she might be able to break out as a journalist if she could go international with this report. No one knew about this stuff.

  Harriet had grown quite fond of Faith, and she told her that she could introduce her to some of her connections with major news outlets and they could get the report on the air.

  "Once this report goes viral, you will lose everything," Tizz told Harriet. "Are you okay with that?"

  Harriet said it was fine, but Debbie told her that she had a plan that could save Harriet's fortune. But they would have to move fast. Surely it was only a matter of time before Charles Debrew became aware that the papers were missing. They had maybe a week, at most.

  Chapter 7 , The Deal

  Debbie contacted Jennifer and told her that she was ready to buy and had Jennifer figured everything out on her end. Jennifer was completely distraught at this point because her boyfriend had gone AWOL on her after muttering some nonsense about the Russians trying to move in on his business and how they were going to drive him into the ground. She certainly didn't want to be with a poor person, although she couldn't fathom how the man inheriting Debrews could possibly be penniless. Still, she was feeling nervous and she was ready to sell. She asked for an offer and promised that she would get back to Debbie within twenty four hours. Debbie told her she was willing to pay 5 billion dollars for the company. Jennifer thought this sounded great and she hung up the phone.

  Seconds later all the women grinned as Harriet's phone started to vibrate. Harriet picked up, pretending to be surprised. "Jennifer? Is that you? I almost couldn't believe my caller I.D.! It has been so long, and I never saw you at daddy's funeral."

  Jennifer hurried her through some niceties and then told her that she had gotten an offer for the company and she thought they should sell. "You won't believe it sis, but I am living in Kenya right now and dating Charles Debrew! But he has been telling me there is something gravely wrong in the international jewelry market. Apparently the Russians have some new scheme to overtake Debrews and skew the market in their favor. Oh, sis, I think we would be insane not to sell. I mean, can you believe that THE Charles Debrew is talking about going broke!? They are the largest diamond dealers in the world."

  Harriet played along. "Well, to be honest with you, Jennifer, ever since Sara died I have been thinking I want to wash my hands clean of this company. But it is going to have to be a really good offer. After all, this is the business daddy worked his whole life for."

  When Jennifer gave Harriet the figure of 5 billion she acted shocked and repulsed. "Oh no, darling. We can't do that. I wouldn't go any lower than 20 billion."

  Exasperated, Jennifer told her she would get back to her and hung up the phone in a huff.

  She sent a text message to Charles, not expecting a reply. She had been unable to reach him for almost two days now. He had flown off to Russia and half the time when she called his phone was off.

  "Buy B.J.s for 20 billion?" she texted him.

  To her surprise, her phone started ringing immediately. It was Charles. She told him what was going on and he told her that B.J. International was currently estimated at 23 billion, so 20 would be a bargain.

  "Maybe if Debrew and B.J. paired up we could counteract the Russian influence on the market," he told her excitedly, "but we have to move fast."

  The game of phone tag continued. Jennifer called up Debbie and explained the situation to her. She said that another bidder had entered the game and was offering 20 billion. Debbie pretended to be astonished and told Jennifer there was no way she could go that high. Then Jennifer called Harriet, explained the situation and that Charles wanted to buy quick, and told her that he would immediately transfer the 20 billion into the B.J. International account, and after the funds clear they would split the money and be out of the game.

  "Well, it sounds like you are basically buying me out of my shares," Harriet laughed. "If you really are to marry Charles. Although I hear he is a bit of a playboy."

  Jennifer was annoyed, but she didn't care because she was about to be filthy rich, and Charles WAS a player, but screw him and all his African girlfriends, she didn't need him anymore anyway.

  The deal was done.

  Chapter 8 , Oppppppssssss

  Two weeks later and Faith's story on the African blood diamond trade and the Granite Report broke. It was the subject of an hour long special on CNN. Faith was never identified, lest her life be put into mortal danger, but the people of the world who enjoyed watching CNN special reports were enlightened about numerous issues.

  Faith, Tizz, Harriet, and Debbie were hanging out in Harriet's hot tub waiting to watch the broadcast projected live, drinking dirty martinis and laughing. Faith and Harriet had become quite close during the past two weeks, and Debbie was happy to see that the young Kenyan woman was filling a hole in Harriet's heart that the older woman had probably assumed would be empty forever. It was heart warming. The two snuggled together as they commercials ended and the news cast came on.

  "Show time," Debbie said.

  The report began: "Around the globe, diamond prices have plummeted as well as the value of the stock of companies that mine and distribute them. International distributors B.J. Jeweler's value went from $523.00 a share to 12 cents a share over a period of two hours. International leaders of diamond mining and distribution Debrew International went from 98 dollars a share to 2 cents a share. Both companies surely looking at bankruptcy proceedings very shortly. All after the 'Granite Report' was released by a brilliant, anonymous journalist. We learned from the report that diamonds actually have little to no value and the diamond industry has been lying to the public and manipulating them for centuries."

  Harriet raised her glass for of wine for a toast. The twenty billion dollars had cleared her bank account that morning.

  "B.J. Jewelers, not my business anymore," Harriet said with a clink of her glass, "my twenty billion is in the bank."

  They all had a great night of celebration and even laughs. When the news report is over, Harriet turned on some fun tunes and they splashed around, took of their tops, and enjoyed being tipsy with each other. They splashed around in the warm water, it felt especially good for Tizz, who still felt like she was chilled a little bit from her trip to Siberia. She snuggled up next to Debbie for extra warmth.

  "You know," she told Debbie, "I still can't get that Russian guy's penis out of my head. It was just so weird!" Tizz said.

  Debbie laughed. "I'm sorry you had to go through that Tizz. Is there any way that I can make it up to you?"

  Tizz smiled and told her that she could think of more than one way. And with that, they excused themselves from the celebration, got out of the pool, and went inside to one of the many guest rooms in Harriet's big house for some fun.

  That left Harriet and Faith.

  "I can't thank you enough," Faith told Harriet. "Even though I have to remain anonymous, I always wanted my story to be told. I went to school to be a reporter and I spent so many years working on the diamond industry. Who would have ever thought that things would turn out this way? I could have never predicted. Maybe when things die down I will be able to publish my book."

  Harriet smiled at her. "I know you will. You are a smart, brave girl. You opened my eyes up to things I was unwilling to see, things I was unwilling to look at on my own. A stubborn older woman like me, and you got me to change my tune. There is a
lot out there in the world for you, just waiting for you to go after it. Now it is up to you to decide what you are going to do."

  Faith pondered for a moment, then she clasped Harriet's hand. "I would like to stay in America for a while. To get a job working for a newspaper or a television station. To be a real journalist."

  Harriet nodded. "Of course! I will do whatever I can to help you. But let me give you a word of advice. For now it is okay, but don't get too attached to me. You have a lot going on in life you will miss out on if you do that."

  "Okay," Faith said, giving Harriet a light kiss on the cheek.

  All of the sudden Harriet's cell phone rang. She looked at the caller I.D. and saw that it was Jennifer. She rolled her eyes and picked up. "Hello?" she asked.

  "Harriet, it's me. Your sister, Jennifer."

  "Well, duh," Harriet said, rolling her eyes again. "What's up?" she asked.

  Jennifer sounded frantic, as if she was about to cry. "Oh, Harriet it's horrible," Jennifer wailed. "Have you heard the news? Charles and I have been lying here in bed, flipping from channel to channel, unable to believe it. The diamond industry has gone bottom up, all the reports are the same. Debrews has practically no value. And neither does B.J. Jewelers!"

  Harriet chuckled to herself. She could hear a cell phone ringing and ringing in the background, probably corporate calling Charles and angry investors. Those two were really in for it!

  "What does it mean, Harriet?!" Jennifer asked panicked, "what does it mean for my money?!!"

  Harriet laughed out loud. "Your money?" she said.

  "B.J. Jewelers has NO money. It is broke, and so are you bitch. Good fucking luck."

  Then she slammed down the phone. She smiled again at Faith, "I have twenty billion dollars plus and the world is a better place thanks to you, Tizz, and Debbie Brown. I like this kind of ending. I think me and Debbie are going to be doing this sort of thing together for a long time to come. That is if your sister doesn't steal her away from me!"

  Faith and Harriet had a good laugh, and then they followed Debbie's example and got out of the tub for some snuggling in the master bedroom.

  Chapter 9, Back at the Reading Group on Park Avenue.

  "And that is the story of the Granite Report," Niki told the group of awestruck listeners in her lesbian group. "I'm surprised none of you ever heard about it. Then again, Debrews did pour every last penny it had into a big PR campaign to clean up this mess and make sure no one ever heard about it. I guess we will have to wait for Faith's book to be published. Last I heard she was waiting to approve the final proofs. I think it is scheduled to appear sometime late next year. We will have to add it to our reading list, I guess, won't we?"

  All of the members of the reading group nodded in agreement. They weren't much to keep up with the news, they preferred the commercials, so it was really no surprise they didn't know all their precious jewelry was worthless.

  Then Niki turned to Gerti. "Now baby, I realized I haven't even responded to your proposal! So let me just tell you now that OF COURSE I will marry you. I love you baby. But, just so you know, that rock you just bought is worth about nothing now. But, I appreciate the thought, baby."

  Niki shed some real tears of happiness as she embraced Gerti in a big warm hug and the on looking women clapped cheerfully, all the while those among them that were wearing diamond rings were eyeing them, wondering how it was possible that these big rocks on their fingers were really worth nothing anymore.

  And that is the story of how Debbie teamed up with Harriet to become one of the most badass international lesbian spies the world has ever seen.

  The End.

  The Forgotten


  Olivia Hampshire

  Chapter 1, The Aweful Waffle

  Debbie Brown, the sexy, red head, super spy bombshell looked just a bit more than slightly out of place as she sipped muddy black coffee in one of the many Walfal Houses in Huntington, West Virginia. This was a particularly scenic 24-hour greasy spoon, located right on the Ohio River, a windy snake of a river that dipped down below the Crown City Wildlife Area, forming the northern border of the city of Huntington.

  The scenic little town boasted a beautiful bridge and a classic downtown area called Heritage Village. The town was dilapidated, to speak kindly of it, and even the newer fast food restaurants had a worn, run down veneer. But that was part of the charm. There was real history here, as the name "Heritage Village" suggested. Referred to in tourism brochures as an "open-air living history museum," Huntington's tourist trap boasted an authentic look at Appalachian history and culture. Its centerpiece was an old log cabin that harkened back to the once thriving logging industry that used to exist along the Ohio River. There was an old country store, a Conestoga wagon, and, perhaps most exciting of all, a walk-through coal mine! There was also a working sawmill and a creepy doll museum that had given Debbie the heebie jeebies when she had toured it the previous day.

  She had stayed in Applebutter Inn last night, the finest lodgings that Heritage Village had to offer, but the hotel was not particularly comfortable. The beds were old fashioned and stuffy. Debbie had felt like she was sleeping on a bed of hay on top of a log. Of course, she had not done much sleeping. Her hair was disheveled, not her usual style, probably a combination of the crazy sex and the antiquated bedding.

  Across the table from Debbie was Beth Richards. Beth was a drop dead gorgeous FBI spy. She had known Debbie from way back when, when they had both attended Dartmouth together. They had a brief fling, but Debbie left to train with the Navy Seals and it put an end to whatever sort of relationship had been blossoming between the two of them. Beth looked like a real heartbreaker with her long, sleek brown hair, her dark and smokey eyes, and her huge, pouty lips. She had a regular Angelina Jolie smile going on. But in truth, Beth was a very sensitive and soulful girl, and if you looked into her eyes long enough you could see that she was never in the role of heartbreaker, and often in the role of heartbroken. Debbie had been one of just many women to break her heart over the years, but in spite of the pain inflicted, Beth kept her head up and had always been open to casual trysts over the years.

  The two had run into each other again by chance. Debbie was on a short break from her work as an international spy, for once in a blue moon her boss, Harriet Rothchild, did not have some kooky assignment for her. Debbie had decided it was time to take a breather from the big city life with all of its glamour and money chasing and visit her grandpa Jerry and her cousin Loretta who lived in the city of Kermit, West Virginia. Kermit was a small town with a population just shy of 400. It lay on the Kentucky, West Virginia border, with the Tug Fork river separating the two states. It was surrounded by the Kentucky cities of Warfield, Beauty, and Lovely.

  Debbie had not visited her relatives in West Virginia since she was a small girl, and she was working hard to tone down her big city, international spy vibes and get back into the rhythm of being a regular old country bumpkin type girl. To this end, she was in a pair of designer overalls over a tight spandex bodysuit with a deep plunging neckline. She had left her hair in disarray, it was in a loose ponytail with fly aways cast about her face. Her makeup was toned down to lipstick and a light brown mascara. Still, she did not quite fit in. Neither did Beth, who was in West Virginia on official FBI business and was dressed in a tight black dress suit. They had a plate of large buttery waffles in front of them smothered in a syrup that was anything but pure maple. Neither of them had touched the waffles, preferring to nurse their coffee as they talked. They felt more powerful together and they ignored the obvious stares of the local town folk who were dressed in sweat pants that left their crack showing and oversized tee shirts that read "Make America Great Again" or "Get Out of My County." The locals were used to the snooty, wealthy tourists who came to check out "real Appalachian life" in their small town, but that didn't mean they took kindly to them.

  "Wouldn't it be nice if we could just settle down somewhere together? Forget
about the spy gig and all the horrible crime we have witnessed over the years and just find a nice lover's bungalow in a small town and start over?" Beth was gushing, still high on all the oxytocin released during last night's love making. The two of them had rolled around in the hay alright, literally, Debbie thought, there had been straw from their beds all over the ground. Beth was beaming with the same hopeful, vulnerable eyes Debbie remembered from college. It made what she had to say hurt all the more. Beth was such an open, loving girl, it hurt to have to let her down over and over again. But, Beth was an adult and she made herself open to the experience, so it really wasn't Debbie's fault.

  "Now Beth, you know I have never been that kind of girl. You knew even when you met me back at college. I hate having to hurt you, but casual sex is the best we are ever going to get," Debbie told her. Beth looked crestfallen, but it also seemed to go in one ear and out the other because Beth's feeling of elation was still strong. She let out a long sigh, the kind of sigh you often hear someone make when they have fallen head over heels for someone. "I know, I know," Beth said, "at least we had last night. That's enough for me." Then she flashed a big, genuine grin that for a split second made Debbie regret what she had said. But only for a split second. It was true, after all, Debbie was an independent woman with no plans of settling down with someone and living an uneventful life. As stressful as it could be some time, she loved the work she did and would not trade it for anything in the world. Not even for the love of a beautiful, intelligent woman that could make her cum twelve times in a row.


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