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Lesbian Billionaire

Page 62

by Olivia Hampshire

  Isabella slept like a rock. When she finally woke up, she offered Debbie some coffee and breakfast pastries, but Debbie refused, telling her she needed to hit the road. She promised Isabella that she believed in her innocence, and she told her that she would get to the bottom of the case and find out who had murdered Candy. Isabella was back to feigning indifference for the lover who had scorned her, but Debbie knew better and could detect the sadness behind her mask. “Well, I would bet my last dollar that Tabitha did it. You see the kind of person she is,” Isabella said, gesturing towards the pile of letters on the coffee table. Debbie nodded but told her that written threats were not enough to put someone in jail, and she would need to get more information. Isabella suggested that before she left Miami, she might make a trip to the Pink Kitten. It was the strip club where Candy had gotten her start, and she still kept in touch with several of the girls there. Some of them might know what had happened, Isabella suggested.

  Debbie took Isabella up on her offer and she visited the Pink Kitten. The dancers were all gorgeous and a few of them knew Candy, but no one seemed to have very good information. One of them mentioned something about a violent pimp who used to come to the club looking for Candy and would often threaten to beat her up, but she told Debbie that that was years ago, before Candy had made it big as an escort, and besides, the guy had never made good on his threats anyway. Some of the girls were aware of the lovers quarrel between Isabella and Tabitha, but they all thought it was pretty typical stuff in the life of a highly sought after escort, and no one seemed to think that Candy’s female lovers would have the guts to off her. Debbie thanked the strippers, ordered herself a nice private lap dance with one of the sexy Asian girls, and then took her leave of Miami.

  Back in D.C., Debbie caught Harriet and the crew up on what had happened in Miami. She told them that she did not consider Isabella to be a suspect. Harriet thought that Debbie was, frankly, off her game. “You are letting your clit get in the way of good thinking, my dear,” Harriet told her bluntly. “First you were crazy enough to want me to fund a mission to find a prostitute killer, and now you are going to cross any suspect off your list who is hot and will fuck you? Well, my dear Debbie, you are going to be out of suspects in no time because all of these women are gorgeous and dangerous.” Harriet shook her head disapprovingly and left the room, leaving Debbie alone with Penelope and Billy Ann, who had continued to carry out intelligence work for Debbie.

  Debbie gave Billy Ann the hair she had been keeping from the hotel and asked her to run a DNA sample to see if it matched with the records for Isabella. It came back a negative, and the hair was shown to be from DNA of Mayan origins. “It was just a hair from the maid,” Debbie muttered to herself. Then, addressing Billy Ann and Penelope, she told them, “well at least that isn’t evidence against Isabella. I know Harriet is mad, but I really don’t think she was involved in this murder!”

  “Don’t worry about Harriet,” Billy Ann told Debbie sweetly, “she has had some sort of bug up her butt all day, who knows what its about.” Debbie thanked Billy Ann, and listened to the latest information that she and Penelope had uncovered. They had done some digging on Isabella while Debbie had been gone, and they found that she had been convicted of a crime of passion in her home country of Mexico. When she was a young woman of sixteen, Isabella had caught her high school sweetheart cheating on her. She had snuck into the house and cut off all of her girlfriend’s hair while the girl was sleeping. Then she visited the house of the person her girlfriend had been cheating with and vandalized the home badly, spray-painting obscenities on the wall. The vandalism had been dismissed as a crime of passion, and Isabella had been ordered to ten hours of community service. “Sixteen year olds do a lot of crazy things,” Debbie told Billy Ann and Penelope. “But grown women have to be a bit crazier to make threats like this,” Debbie handed them the letter she had pilfered from Isabella’s house. The two women looked over it with wide eyes, and promised they would look further into Tabitha’s background. “She is a technology wizard, though,” Penelope told Debbie, “and she specializes in nanny cams and that sort of spying technology, so don’t expect us to be able to pull up much dirt on her. There could be a whole mountain of negative evidence on her, but it might take a whole lot of searching to find it.” Debbie smiled, “I trust you,” she told Penelope. Penelope returned Debbie’s praise with a sheepish smile of her own.

  Feeling unwelcome in Harriet’s mansion after the little blow out earlier, Debbie decided that it was time to head to Silicon Valley and do some investigating of her own while she waited on Penelope to find something. Debbie wanted to confront Tabitha face to face and see what kind of woman she was dealing with.

  Chapter 7, The Coke Problem

  Silicon Valley was just as hot as Miami, but the heat was much drier. It lived up to its name, it was full of wealthy tech nerds and silicone Barbie doll blondes. There were lots of fancy, fast cars and everyone was wearing designer brands with impeccable hair and nails and lots of sparkly jewelry.

  When Debbie pulled up to Tabitha’s mansion, she saw it was almost three times bigger than Isabella’s. It made the Latina woman’s dwelling look humble in comparison. There was a big stone fountain shooting water into the air, and marble steps leading up to the main entrance. Several servants came rushing up to Debbie’s car to ask her what she was doing. She told them that she was here with news about Candy Smith and needed to speak with Tabitha immediately. They all knew Candy’s name, and they dropped their attitudes and led Debbie inside of the house.

  Tabitha surprised Debbie. She was clearly a mean old bitch who was used to getting her way and didn’t mind who might get hurt in the process, and she was also older. Still, there was something oddly attractive about her, and it went beyond the vast wealth that surrounded her (or at least Debbie thought it did). Tabitha welcomed Debbie inside and led her to the kitchen, where the chefs had prepared a sort of buffet style mini food bar. Tabitha invited Debbie to help herself to the fineries that her personal chef had prepared, and then she urged her to tell everything she knew about Candy Smith.

  The woman seemed absolutely torn up. She told Debbie that she and Candy had gotten into a big fight over another woman, and Candy had threatened to leave her for good. Tabitha had begged Candy to stay and marry her, but Candy had disappeared, telling Tabitha that she was leaving the country and cancelling all of her cell phones. It has been weeks since Tabitha had heard anything about Candy, and obviously she didn’t follow the Belize news, or perhaps the police force was being bribed to keep hush about what had happened and who had died. She told Debbie that Candy had always had a temper, as well as a coke problem, and she was nervous about what sort of trouble her lover may have gotten herself into. Her worry certainly seemed genuine, and Debbie frowned as she had to tell her the bad news. Tabitha paled to a ghost white and she seemed to totter in her chair. Debbie was sure she was going to pass out and fall right off of her stool, but somehow she gained her composure and righted herself.

  “I’m sorry,” Tabitha stammered, “I’m just, I feel, I’m going to be sick.” Tabitha got up from her chair quickly and went and threw up in the kitchen sink. Debbie was perplexed. Despite the angry letters and threats to Isabella, Tabitha seemed genuinely shocked and disturbed. It was hard to fake that sort of surprise, and Debbie began to wonder if the angry letters were nothing more than a jealous woman’s empty threats — a last ditch effort to get the woman she desperately loved back into her arms.

  When Tabitha had stopped retching and composed herself somewhat, she led Debbie up to her bedroom for a private talk. Losing her composure once again and with tears streaming down her face, Tabitha sobbed that it was all her fault and that she had driven Candy into the arms of death. “I was too jealous. I was too hard on her! When I found out about Isabella,” Tabitha’s face bent into a sour frown, “hot, sexy, young, Latina Isabella, well, I couldn’t stand it. I got into a huge fight with Candy and told her I would kick her out of
the house if she didn’t leave Isabella immediately. I thought it would just scare her, but she obviously wasn’t ready to choose, and not like that. Candy moved out, and I launched a public campaign against her, advertising in local gossip papers what a cheater she was. I turned what could have been a private affair into something ugly and wretched, and that is why Candy ran away to Belize! If I had just kept my big mouth shut, she would still be alive today,” Tabitha wailed, breaking down into a sad ball of tears and sobs.

  Debbie comforted Tabitha in the same way that she had comforted Isabella. She lay Tabitha down on the big California king bed, and began kissing her tears away. In the back of her head, she felt a bit like Candy, playing both of these women, and she hoped that this personal insight would help her get closer to cracking the case.

  Tabitha confided in Debbie that she liked to use extra devices to get off. To start with, she pulled out a battery operated pussy pump and placed it over her vagina. She touched a button, and Debbie watched as the machine created a vacuum, sucking Tabitha’s pussy into it and making it swell up to huge proportions. All of her anatomy was mixed up and squished up against the plastic shield of the pump. Tabitha kept the pump on for several minutes, gradually increasing the pressure inside the pump. When she finally removed the device, her vagina was bright red and swollen up like a monkey you might see in a zoo. Tabitha was admiring it in the mirror, “it’s so fat,” she said in a pleased purr. She told Debbie to come over and play with it while it was still puffy and sensitive.

  Debbie complied, and indeed the woman’s pussy appeared to be extremely sensitive. She moaned and reacted to even the slightest touch. Her clitoris had swollen up to gigantic proportions and it looked like a small penis or some sort of strange, pink mushroom. Debbie sucked on it, eliciting a stream of wetness from the crack in the puffed up mass that was Tabitha’s pussy. Tabitha jerked and moaned loudly. “Mmm, it’s SOO sensitive,” she said. Debbie had never seen someone react so strongly, not even a horny virgin, and she was loving it. She gently poked and prodded, licked and kissed Tabitha’s pussy until she had brought her to multiple orgasms in the course of a few minutes. Unfortunately, the effects of the pump didn’t last long, and Tabitha’s cooch was already deflating back down to a swollen but more normal size.

  Next, Tabitha introduced Debbie to her sex dolls. She had some of the world’s highest quality sex dolls, imported from manufacturers in Japan that did all of the details by hand. She had several beautiful female sex dolls with big dildos strapped onto them. Debbie was taken aback. Each doll cost over $30,000, according to Tabitha, and they were all incredibly delicate and beautiful. The bodies looked like nothing a real woman could, with itty bitty hips, giant tits and asses, and perfect faces and long, straight black hair. Tabitha encouraged Debbie to touch the dolls, to feel how realistic their skin and breasts were, and how soft their lips were. Then she brought out two vibrating eggs, they were high powered bullets, better than anything you would find in your average sex shop, and they were remote controlled. Tabitha put one of the eggs into Debbie’s asshole and one into her own, and then she turned them on.

  Debbie was jolted by the force of the egg, which was more powerful than any anal vibrators she had ever used. It was getting her aroused. Tabitha asked her to pick the doll she liked the best. Debbie picked a doll that seemed the most appealing to her, and Tabitha lubed up its strap on dick and told Debbie to get on. They took turns fucking the amazingly gorgeous sex doll. Tabitha was really into it and she was clearly enjoying it. She came a few times, but Debbie felt very weird about what was going on and slightly inhibited. Noticing that she was having trouble cumming, Tabitha turned the force on her anal egg up to maximum, and between the penetration from the doll dildo and the super fast vibrations in her anal cavity, Debbie was forced into a reluctant orgasm.

  Tabitha had cum enough for one day, but she still wanted to show Debbie some of her fucking machines. Debbie agreed, but told the woman she was not ready for any more robotic sex adventures. The two got dressed, and they got back to talking about Candy and what had happened as Debbie toured a large room filled with all sorts of robotic fucking gadgets.

  Although Debbie believed in the genuine nature of Tabitha’s grief, she reminded the woman that if both she and Isabella were innocent, that left no clues as to who Candy’s killer actually was. Debbie asked Tabitha to please think if she could come up with any ideas about who might want Candy dead. Tabitha closed her eyes and concentrated. She appeared to be wracking her brain, and yet she seemed unable to come up with anything. Then, suddenly, it was like a light bulb clicked on inside of her brain.

  “David Perez,” Tabitha told Debbie. “He was a stalker kind of psycho that used to make all sorts of threatening phone calls and send weird letters to Candy. The letters would be spelled out with letters cut out from magazines, old-fashioned criminal style. He would accuse her of breaking his heart, of owing her money. He would threaten to kill her and everyone she loved. This was about three years ago. She finally reported him to the police and had him arrested, he was sentenced to ten months in jail and he was also served a very strict restraining order that forbid him from messing with Candy. We never heard from him again, but I suppose that is the only person I remember who ever directly threatened Candy.”

  Debbie thanked Tabitha for her information. Then she showed her the letter she had taken from Isabella’s house. Tabitha blanched and broke down crying again. She told Debbie she hadn’t meant it. She had become so frantic and panicked after she had lost touch with Candy, she was going out of her mind. “I know it looks bad, and maybe even a part of me meant it when I wrote it. I loved Candy so much, I sometimes felt like I wouldn’t be able to live without her. When I got really drunk, I would fantasize sometimes about a murder suicide, but I would never actually do it. I’m not crazy, I was just in love, crazy in love. I have too much to lose, and a world without Candy wouldn’t be a good world. It isn’t a good world. Please believe me,” Tabitha begged. Debbie told Tabitha that she seemed sincere, but still, it wouldn’t be possible to rule her out as a suspect with such strong evidence against her.

  Saying goodbye to Tabitha, whom Debbie had been surprised to find was a warmer, more animated person than she had expected, Debbie promised to look into this David Perez character. She told Tabitha that she believed her story and that the letter had been written in a bad funk and was not intended as a confession, but this was becoming a complicated murder case with few leads, and Debbie knew that Harriet was correct: she couldn’t just think with her clit, she would end up with no suspects at all if she kept proceeding in that manner.

  Back in D.C., Debbie provided Billy Ann and Penelope with the name of David Perez. Penelope had been unable to find anything incriminating about Tabitha, even searching through the deepest, darkest channels of the Internet. This didn’t mean that Tabitha was clean, but if she had a record it was nearly impossible to access. Debbie thanked Penelope for her hard work, and then she went to talk to Harriet, hoping that she had cooled down a bit from her anger before.

  Harriet seemed to be in a better mood when Debbie found her, and she welcomed Debbie into her chambers. Harriet apologized to Debbie for getting so angry earlier, and told Debbie that she had a confession to make. She also had some personal interest in the death of Candy Smith because she had once used her services. She had been on a United Nations retreat, and Candy had been recommended to her by a friend as one of the finest call girls in the area. Candy had lived up to that reputation, but Harriet had put those days long, long behind her, and it was a bit upsetting to have all these memories intruding into her life again. “Besides,” Harriet told Debbie, “she was a master at sex, but boy did she charge a pretty penny. I never quite got over that price tag, and I never quite forgave her for it. Honestly, there must be hundreds of men and women who feel exactly the same way. This may, in fact, be a hopeless case, Debbie.”

  Chapter 8, Bound and Gagged

  Debbie awoke the next mor
ning to a hubbub. A letter had been sent to the headquarters, marked Attention: Debbie Brown. The letter was composed of cut out magazine letters, and it informed Debbie that Tabitha Parks had been kidnapped, and she would be executed if Debbie did not cease her investigation. Debbie didn’t know what to do. Obviously, she did not want Tabitha to die. But if she stopped the investigation now, how would she even get Tabitha back from the kidnapper?

  Before she had time to think, Debbie got a phone call. It was from Isabella. The fear in her voice was palpable, and she told Debbie that she had received several threatening letters written in cut out letters as well as many harassing phone calls. She was frightened for her life and convinced that Candy’s killer had made her his next target. “I don’t know what to do, Debbie,” Isabella sobbed into the phone. “I don’t want to die! Please protect me!” Debbie promised to talk to Harriet and get a team of spies sent down to Miami to protect Isabella.

  Harriet agreed that, in light of the kidnapping of Tabitha, it would be a good idea to send a team of four of the younger spies to Miami. They would stay posted up in Isabella’s mansion with her and make sure that nothing bad happened and no one tried to kill her or take her away. Debbie phoned Isabella and was giving her the good news, when she started getting nonstop calls from an unknown number. Debbie hung up on Isabella and called Billy Ann and Penelope. She thought the call might be important.

  “Hello,” Debbie answered the phone. She heard a gruff, muffled voice on the other line that sounded strange. The caller was using some sort of voice altering device to change the sound of his voice. The man told Debbie that she needed to stop poking her nose where it doesn’t belong or else he will kill Tabitha. Debbie played along, as if she wasn’t a super spy and she was going to be deterred this easily, and she told him that she would do as he asked. As she was talking, Penelope was placing a trace on the call so that they could determine the location of the man, whom they assumed must be David Perez. Debbie told him that she needed to hear Tabitha’s voice so she could have some proof that Tabitha was alive. The voice on the other end paused, and then finally Debbie heard Tabitha’s voice. “Debbie, help me please,” Tabitha groaned before she was silenced by her captor. “There, are you happy now?” the man hissed. Penelope gave Debbie a thumbs up, indicating that they had successfully located the source of the phone call. “Yes, thank you for your cooperation,” Debbie told David, “now I will cooperate with you. I will stop looking into the death of Candy Smith, it was just an accidental overdose after all. You can release my friend.” David hung up before giving Debbie an answer to her request.


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