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I Should've Cheated

Page 6

by Tysha Jordyn

  Slipping into the past for a brief moment, she struggled to subdue the memories that threatened to push her over the edge, the same memories that hijacked her slumber nearly every night. Feeling a panic attack coming on, she closed her eyes, refocused her breathing, found her happy place, all the things her psychotherapist reiterated to her during each session. Finding her calm center a few minutes later, she opened her eyes just in time to see the black SUV easing into the circular driveway that extended across the length of her home.

  Glancing at her watch, she was reminded of how irritated she was at her girlfriend’s extended absence, a common occurrence of late as “be right backs” often extended into several hours. Knowing her girlfriend would dismiss her if she threw a fit, Brooklyn calmed herself, intent on not giving her girl a reason to avoid fucking her yet another night. She did her best to make sure she wore her girlfriend out each night, tried to make sure her girlfriend had no energy left to sex down the pretty face in the photos, but she knew she was failing miserably.

  The security system chimed its usual announcement to alert the residents of a front door entry. Hearing a set of keys clink against the foyer’s marble-top accent table, Brooklyn retreated from the lanai, made her way through the master bedroom, descended down the first set of stairs, and paused as she reached the landing. Leaning over the ivory baluster railing, she craned her head in the direction of her girlfriend’s footsteps just as she re-appeared in the foyer.

  “I missed you all day, babe. Why do you always stay away for so long?” Brooklyn whined.

  “Brook, don’t start with me. I told you I had business to handle, and I had to swing by the hospital to visit Joy and the baby. Besides, I can’t sit up in your face all day,” Sevaughn shot back, pinching the bridge of her nose to ease her irritation.

  “How are they doing? I bet the baby’s beautiful, I wish I could see her…”

  “They’re fine, of course she’s beautiful, and you already know we can’t take that chance. You’ll get to see her when they visit.”

  “I just feel like I’m going crazy being cooped up in this house,” Brooklyn resumed her whining.

  “Come on, ma. You know you gotta lay low for a sec, so chill,” Sevaughn tried to extinguish Brooklyn’s whining.

  “I know, I know...I just miss you is all. Feel like I’m losing my mind again behind these walls all day…”

  “When are you going to call your family anyway? I busted my ass to find them and get all that info for you,” Sevaughn questioned as she was met with Brooklyn’s long sigh.

  “I told you, I’m just not ready yet…too nervous…want everything to go right,” Brooklyn deflected Sevaughn’s question. What she really wanted to do was grill Sevaughn on why she was fucking Braelyn, but she wasn’t ready to play that card just yet.

  “Well, now all the strings I had to pull to get all that shit for you just seems like a waste. I mean, you claimed you missed your family, claimed you wanted them back in your life so bad, so I don’t see what the problem is…but what I DO know is that you better not make me regret that shit, because I put my damn job on the line playing I Spy for your ass.” Sevaughn was doubly irritated by Brooklyn’s indifference and having to lie about the real deal between her and Braelyn.

  The truth was that even though the initial plot was to get close enough to Braelyn to feel her out and report back to Brooklyn, she’d fucked around and fell for Braelyn in the process. The more she thought about it, the more she realized it was destined to happen. Save Brooklyn’s scar and deranged past, the two women were carbon copies of one another. Same infectious smile, same luscious double-D tits, same tiny waist and thick hips leading down to a stacked ass and set of thighs she wanted to lose herself in with every waking moment. They even did that same leg-lock thing around her neck when she drank their orgasms.

  While she was usually not one to be weak in the face of bomb pussy, Sevaughn found herself powerless to resist Braelyn, making her situation at home even more complicated. Brooklyn was crazy, like certified ‘get a check’ crazy, and there was no limit to the boundaries of her rage, so Sevaughn’s lust for Braelyn landed her smack dab in the middle of some real-life fatal attraction shit. So for the time being, Sevaughn had to keep her game face on and play along like every encounter with Braelyn was innocent and by the book, even though the truth of the matter was that she came one step closer to falling in love with Braelyn with each plunge inside her walls.

  Sevaughn wasn’t the committed relationship type, although the chicks she laid down with might have their own impression of things. She was content to smash, grab, and move, so the butterflies that Braelyn gave her had her all fucked up in the head. For the first time in a long time, she felt…weak…not completely in control…at the mercy of a woman. Brooklyn was crazy though, so no matter how much she was feeling Braelyn, she knew she had to keep that shit under wraps until she figured out a way to get rid of Brooklyn.

  “Hello…are you hearing me?” Brooklyn interrupted her mental siesta.

  “Yeah, I got it. I’m on it,” Sevaughn played her distraction off, clueless as to Brooklyn’s last statement.

  “Then what did I just say?” Brooklyn quizzed.

  “Look, I heard you, just meditate or do whatever you need to do and make your move, because this shit is just too much,” Sevaughn challenged, wondering why Brooklyn was all of a sudden so hesitant to reach out to her family.

  “Ugh, here we go with this shit.” Brooklyn felt the back of her neck tingling as her frustration grew, but again, she knew she had to play it cool if she wanted to get fucked that night. Although she’d spent months on her plan, Brooklyn never anticipated that Sevaughn would actually fall for Braelyn, and no matter how much Sevaughn said it was all “business,” she knew there was more to it. She realized that Sevaughn was slipping the day she watched them fuck in the park…so spontaneous, so passionate, and she could tell by the way Braelyn’s face contorted that Sevaughn was giving her a genuine fuck, which meant she had to fast forward and get shit poppin’ ASAP, before she lost Sevaughn for good.

  “Look, I’ll call them soon, I just need to sort some things out, but I’ll do it soon.”

  Discussion over, Brooklyn spun around and climbed the stairs, leaving Sevaughn wondering if she was in for another of Brooklyn’s explosive fits.


  Braelyn thought for sure that pigs would emerge from the overcast sky at any moment since Kai had managed to make it through four days straight without work calls interrupting their evenings. She enjoyed Kai’s company, the conversation, being held the whole night, but there wasn’t a moment that passed that her flesh didn’t long to feel Sevaughn. Braelyn thought it was ironic that after months of wishing Kai was around more, her wish had come true, yet she now lay in her arms wishing work would summon Kai away so she could sneak off to bathe herself in Sevaughn’s presence. What the fuck did I get myself into? How can I leave her, this, for Sevaughn, she thought to herself. Braelyn realized she was playing a dangerous game, and that she stood to lose the first real relationship she’d ever had by stepping out with Sevaughn. She also knew she was in too deep to just walk away from Sevaughn, not that she really wanted to. If I could just mold them both together into one, I’d have the perfect woman, she laughed quietly to herself as Kai exhaled baby soft snores on the nape of her neck. Her snores a signal of deep slumber, Braelyn eased out of Kai’s embrace and slid out of bed.

  Grabbing her cell phone from the nightstand, she tiptoed down the hall to her study, her locked screen flashing to signal low battery life. Closing the door behind her, she quickly swiped to her messages finding that she’d missed three text messages from Sevaughn.

  SEVAUGHN: Thinking of u

  SEVAUGHN: Need my brwnsuga

  SEVAUGHN: Want 2 tk u away 4 a weekend soon, mk it happen

  Braelyn lingered on the last text and instantly got wet thinking of how it would feel to have Sevaughn sex her down for a whole weekend—no interruptions, no r
ushing to get home and wash the ‘freshly fucked’ aura away. They’d discussed it before, and Braelyn stressed that she didn’t think she could get away for a whole weekend, but Sevaughn didn’t appear to have any intention of backing down. She toyed with the idea of having Roxy cover for her, but she didn’t want to bring her friend into her web of lies any more than she needed to. Besides, Roxy had been acting weird lately…distant…almost pre-occupied, and since Braelyn knew she was still livid about Robb having a baby on the way, she figured Roxy must have a new dick.

  BRAELYN: Soon, promise

  SEVAUGHN: Not soon enuff, NOW

  Braelyn loved Sevaughn’s dominance, loved the way she demanded what she wanted and damn near forced compliance out of her, but it was times like this that made her nervous as Sevaughn’s demands caused her to feel caught between a rock and a hard place.

  BRAELYN: k, cn u get away 2mrw?

  SEVAUGHN: wat time?

  BRAELYN: early, tkn the day off, cn u hang?

  SEVAUGHN: LOL, born ready, meet u @ da spot @ 8.

  BRAELYN: bet, c u then, luv

  SEVAUGHN: wow, now u luv me?

  Shit, Braelyn thought, again put on the spot by Sevaughn’s quick wit. Thankfully, she wouldn’t have to rack her brain for the right response because her screen displayed an Apple logo right before it went black, battery completely dead.

  God I need to feel her, Braelyn thought to herself as her mind drifted to the last time she’d felt Sevaughn’s lips. Wide awake and the orgasmic bliss of the Kai’s bangin’ head session having expired, Braelyn found herself a bit too sexually frustrated to just return to bed. Not wanting to disturb Kai, she decided to indulge in some self-stimulation to calm her nerves.

  Kneeling to open one of the under-bed drawers, Braelyn retrieved her old faithful Venus Butterfly and relaxed against the oversized pillows on the chaise. Fastening the elastic straps on the outer portion of each thigh, she used the remote to set the speed setting to 4. Sliding her lace camisole over her head, Braelyn licked her fingertips, brought them to rest on each nipple, and began a slow roll between her fingertips. Thoughts of Sevaughn racing through her mind, she closed her eyes and imagined Sevaughn strapped up between her legs.

  Legs spread, Braelyn twirled her hips, her speed now in sync with the vibration. Feeling the initial jolts of her climax, she reached for the remote and increased the speed to 7. Vibration more intense, her fingertips quickened, now kneading and pinching each nipple. Her hips started a soft buck as she ground her hips against the butterfly, craving a deeper and more penetrating form of stimulation. Closer to eruption, she once again grabbed the remote and maxed the speed out at 10. She sat up, hurriedly sliding her slippery folds back and forth across her attachment. Vibration placed in just the right spot, her grinding deepened, sending a mix of pain and pleasure searing through her body.

  Her mind changing the attachment to Sevaughn’s lips, Braelyn bit her bottom lip as she unleashed her orgasm, slapping her hands to her mouth to muffle her moans. Explosion almost complete, she leaned against the pillows, threw hear head back in ecstasy, and rode her phantom Sevaughn’s face until the explosion washed away.

  “Ahh, Sevaughn,” Braelyn breathlessly whispered to herself, her body still longing for her secret lover. Braelyn was so enthralled in her pleasure session that she didn’t notice when the door to the study eased open as Kai peeked in, a voyeur to her fiancé’s masturbation.

  Who the hell is Seven? Kai thought to herself.

  Chapter Ten

  Several weeks had passed since Robb hit Roxy with the bombshell that ripped a jagged gash through her whole world. Far from spiritual, she had always feared that her the decision to get an abortion would be the one thing that would send her to hell. Stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic, her mind forcibly returned her to the day she’d dealt a similar blow to Robb.


  “We need to talk…you might want to sit down.”

  “What’s good, babe?” Robb beamed, flipping through a magazine.

  “I’m late…like really late…”

  “Like HOW late?” Robb immediately shifted all attention to Roxy’s face, searching for any sign of an April Fool’s joke.

  “Almost two months.”

  “And you’re JUST telling me?! What the hell!” Robb snapped.

  “I didn’t want to worry you…and I’ve been stressed, so I wasn’t sure that…” Roxy trailed off.

  “So you’re sure now?”

  “Yeah…took two tests…both positive…” Roxy’s eyes scanned the floor, too nervous to meet Robb’s.

  Caught between shock and mild anger, Robb exhaled sharply and rubbed his head. “Well…you can’t keep it. We talked about this, I’m not ready.” Robb’s mood quickly shifted.

  “Really? How can you say that? We can’t even talk about it?” Roxy pleaded.

  “Look, I told you before that I wasn’t tryin’ to have kids—but hold up, what happened? Did your birth control just stop working?” Robb glared at her, convinced Roxy was somehow trying to trap him, and his assumption was right on target since Roxy had stopped taking her birth control three months ago.

  “I know what we discussed, but Robb, this is our child…I mean, if it happened, then maybe it’s a sign that we ARE ready,” Roxy continued to plead. The truth of the matter was that lately, she’d felt Robb drifting away, and knowing how he felt about absentee fathers, she thought for sure that having a baby would close the gap and bring them back on track.

  “I ain’t even wastin’ my time with this! Get rid of it or I’m gone!” Robb snatched up his keys and stomped off. Roxy was left on the edge of her bed, sinking into a pool of regret as the reality set in that her plan had backfired.


  The driver behind Roxy leaned nonstop on their horn, jarring Roxy back to the present. Traffic now moving, she made her way down the highway, weaving in and out of the congestion as she felt a sudden sense of urgency to move as far away from her past as possible.

  Pulling up to the valet, she noticed that the crowd appeared thick at La Bella Plaisir that night. Hoping Braelyn had arrived early enough to grab a booth, she pulled her cell phone out, swiped right, and read Braelyn’s text confirming she was already there.

  BRAELYN: got a booth in bk, under DD pic

  ROXY: k

  Tossing her keys to the cute valet guy, she stepped into the lounge with her game face on, not wanting to tip Braelyn off to her solemn mood. Braelyn looked up just as she approached the booth.

  “Divaaaaa, I missed youuu,” Braelyn sang, rising to wrap her friend in a hug.

  “Hey, girl. Dang, it’s been a long week, huh?”

  “Too damn long! What you drinkin’ tonight?” Braelyn waved for her to take a seat across from her in the booth.

  “Uhhh, midori sour.”

  “Too bad, I already ordered a liquid marijuana for you,” Braelyn giggled.

  “Close enough.” Roxy forced a smile, “So, tell me what’s new with you, chick. Feels like I haven’t seen you in a damn decade!”

  “Uh uh honey, don’t even try it. YOU are the one with the damn soap opera juice, so spill it. What’s up with you and Robb? What’s going on with this baby? How does he even know it’s his? Is she keeping it?”

  “Ugh, girl, I don’t know what’s going on with us…like, I really thought I saw some real honesty in his eyes the night before he told me that shit, like he was really ready to do right by me…but I just don’t know…every time we talk we just end up fighting, and that shit is just too damn exhausting. I don’t have the energy for it…” Roxy trailed off, struggling not to be swept back into another deep thought.

  “Real talk Roxy, what do YOU want? Because before all this baby bullshit came up, you had one foot out the door, like you were waitin’ for him to fuck up one last time so you could drop him…so what’s really up?”

  Roxy felt restless under Braelyn’s piercing gaze. “I mean, I don’t know…and I don’t know why the fu
ck I can’t get him outta my system...but I DO know I’m not about to play stepmom to some random’s baby,” Roxy asserted.

  “Shit, maybe you just need to get under a NEW man to get that fool outta your system,” Braelyn half-laughed as she sipped her drink.

  “Well…I do kinda have a new hobby,” Roxy hinted.

  “Hobby as in activity, or as in you’re the activity?” Just the offhand mention of her Plan B washed an instant mood shift over Roxy. “Oooooh, I can see it in your eyes. Chick, spill it!” Braelyn pressed Roxy for more details.

  “I don’t wanna jinx it, but let’s just say I have a plan B locked, cocked, and ready to roll,” Roxy giggled.

  “See, that’s why I’m about to be done with your ass. You soooo sometimin’! How you gonna keep something like that from me?” Braelyn grilled.

  “Well, if my friend actually made time to be my friend once in a while, she’d have all the damn tea!”

  “Girl, stop being so damn dramatic and spill it! Who is he? Where’d you meet him!”

  “Daaamn, chill out! Uhh…let’s just say it’s someone I’ve known for a while, but now this person knows me knows me,” Roxy joked.

  “Hold up–PLEASE tell me you ain’t fuckin’ one of Robb’s friends, again… look girl, that fool might kill you this time, so I HOPE you ain’t doin’ what I think you’re doin,” Braelyn frowned.

  “I promise it’s not Robb’s friend…come on girl, you think I’d break the code?”


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