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I Should've Cheated

Page 8

by Tysha Jordyn

  Brooklyn slowed her breathing, now taking short and shallow breaths to keep her presence undetected. Surprised at how attentive Sevaughn was to Braelyn’s body, Brooklyn was torn between frustration and her own arousal. She imagined Braelyn was an extension of her own being, and she longed to feel the same exact pleasure in sync with Braelyn. Brooklyn’s eyes drifted up to Braelyn’s face, and she took in her furrowed brow, squinted eyes, the slight wrinkle across the bridge of her nose, and top teeth feverishly biting her bottom lip. Right at that moment, Braelyn’s moans peaked, indicating her climactic explosion was right around the corner. Sevaughn pumped her wrist even faster, her fingers now racing in and out of Braelyn’s pussy so quickly that her appendage blended into a blur from Brooklyn’s vantage point.

  Apex reached, Braelyn let out a long guttural scream. In the same second, Brooklyn shifted her gaze back down to Braelyn’s lower region. Her thighs now pressed up toward her chest, Brooklyn had an unobstructed view of Braelyn’s pussy, and just as she adjusted her focus, she witnessed a stream of fluid spray from Braelyn’s center.

  “What the fuck? She made this bitch squirt,” Brooklyn whispered, confident that Braelyn’s thunderous moans would camouflage any sound. Brooklyn stood in awe as Braelyn’s pussy sprayed for what seemed like 5 minutes straight.

  Braelyn’s volume slowly decreased, her scream giving way to soft moans as her breathing returned to normal. Laying a trail of kisses from her thigh up to her neck, Sevaughn positioned her body partially on top of Braelyn as she leaned on her left side for support. She leaned down and took turns teasing each of Braelyn’s nipples with the tip of her tongue, stirring up the beginnings of her next orgasm. Bringing her body to completely cover Braelyn, Sevaughn eased into a slow kiss, her tongue making long and deliberate motions as she explored the mouth she had become quite familiar with. Brooklyn was frozen in place as she eavesdropped on their intimate exchange.

  “Mmmm, babe, you do my body soooo good,” Braelyn cooed.

  “How good?” Sevaughn questioned.

  “Soooo good that I…I…damn, just so good.”

  “Don’t hold back, just say it,” Sevaughn prodded.

  “Soooo good, baby…”

  “Say it…”


  “Say it,” Sevaughn repeated, her voice more stern and commanding this time. Braelyn bit her lip as she struggled to withhold the words Sevaughn was so eager to hear. “You know how you feel, and I know how you feel, so just say it,” Sevaughn again demanded.

  “Mmm, shh, baby, come here,” Braelyn tried to redirect Sevaughn’s attention.

  Sevaughn retreated slightly from Braelyn, leaning back just enough to allow their eyes to lock. “We don’t bullshit each other, remember?” Sevaughn reminded her.

  “I’m not, babe…I just want to enjoy this moment.”

  “Enjoy it even more by saying what you feel. I need to hear it…you love me…just say it.”

  Braelyn shuddered at hearing Sevaughn speak her own confession. She promised herself she would never speak those words to Sevaughn as she didn’t want to complicate things anymore for herself.

  “If you won’t say it, I will suck your pussy dry until you DO say it,” Sevaughn affirmed.

  Instantly turned on the by the promise of a violent tongue lashing, Braelyn opted to maintain her stance, keeping the words to herself.

  “Fine, we can do it the hard way, but know this—your clit will regret it.”

  Wasting no time, Sevaughn resumed her position between Braelyn’s legs. Skipping the sensual and tender foreplay she usually lavished Braelyn with, she dove right in, raining steady and pressured strokes of her tongue on Braelyn’s pussy. Focusing solely on her intended target, she concentrated all movements of her tongue directly over Braelyn’s clit as her body bucked and writhed against the bed. The restraints dug into her wrists as she struggled against their force in an effort to escape the wrath of Sevaughn’s tongue. The more Braelyn struggled, the more forceful Sevaughn’s tongue pursued her clit. Seeking to contain Braelyn’s flailing legs, Sevaughn pushed her thighs up toward her stomach, pinning each leg in place as she took full advantage of her unobstructed access to Braelyn’s clit, which was now enormously engorged and swollen to twice its normal size.

  The darkness of the room allowed Brooklyn to move a few steps closer to the bed, which placed her nearly within a few arms’ length of her girlfriend. Sevaughn’s locs swayed slightly with each movement of her head. Captivated by the bulge of Braelyn’s clit, Brooklyn watched keenly as Sevaughn pushed Braelyn into another pool of orgasmic bliss. It wasn’t until Braelyn’s explosion was in full swing that Brooklyn noticed her own nipples had swollen into firm gumdrops while her panties held a substantial puddle of wetness, signaling her body’s own arousal at the sight of her girlfriend pleasing the object of Brooklyn’s obsession. Brooklyn backed away from the bed and retreated through the door, and not a moment too soon as she stifled a sneeze.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Braelyn wasn’t normally a morning person, but three nights straight of Sevaughn sexing her up had her in an understandably good mood. Kai’s business trip couldn’t have come up at a better time, and taking full advantage of her freedom, Braelyn had spent every free waking moment at Sevaughn’s loft. Knowing Kai wasn’t due back in town until the following day, Braelyn took her time getting home, and by the time she stepped across the threshold of her front door, all she could do was fall into the oversized armchair. She laid there for a few minutes, reliving every kiss, every suck, every bite, every single way Sevaughn had worked her body over.

  Before she could get too lost in her thoughts, her cell phone jingled the alert she’d set for her family contact group. She ignored the ringer and went back to her thoughts, only to have the phone ring again. Three more calls back to back, and Braelyn exhaled her frustration.

  “Damn, can a chick catch her breath?” she mumbled to herself.

  Retrieving the phone from her satchel, she saw each of the missed calls, all from Kai’s sister. Damn, she never calls, Braelyn thought. She crossed the foyer and stepped into the study, checking the LCD display for the handset base to the landline. Scrolling through, she discovered dozens of missed calls from several of Kai’s family members. A knot forming in the pit of her stomach, Braelyn unlocked the screen of her cell phone and returned the call to Kai’s sister, who answered mid-way through the first ring.

  “Braelyn, oh my goodness! I’m so glad I reached you, we’ve been trying to find your number all week!” Kai’s sister exclaimed.

  “Naya, hey, what’s wrong?”

  “Where’s Kai? We’ve been calling her nonstop. We can’t reach her! Where is she?”

  “She’s out of town for work, but calm down. Tell me what’s going on?”

  “Dammit, why isn’t she answering her phone? You have to find her!”

  “Naya, please, tell me what’s going on,” Braelyn attempted to reign in Naya’s hysteria.

  “Braelyn, you HAVE to find her, she needs to come home right now—Mom is sick!”

  Not wanting to seem insensitive, Braelyn let Naya ramble on for a minute. Kai’s mother had been sick for some time though, and Naya was the definition of drama queen, so Braelyn wasn’t sure if this was another over the top act or a genuine emergency.

  “Naya, hold on. I can barely understand what you’re saying. Did something happen?”

  “Dammit Braelyn, LISTEN! I just told you! Mom fell while she was home alone! She had a heart attack! The doctor said she was without oxygen for so long that they don’t expect her to recover! He gave her a week to live!”

  “Shit! Oh my God, Naya! Umm, okay, umm, let me try to call Kai’s job. I will call you right back!”

  “Please! She needs to get here ASAP! And call me RIGHT back!”

  Braelyn ended the call, mind racing a hundred miles a minute. Braelyn was used to Kai not answering her phone when she traveled because she usually worked long days, and got to the hotel too late to d
o anything but crash; but surely she’d seen her sister’s missed calls, so why was she M.I.A.? Braelyn began to worry that something might have happened to Kai.

  Braelyn rushed back to the living room and plopped down on the couch, hands shaking. She swiped to Kai’s name and sent the call through, but it went straight to voicemail. Braelyn dialed the number three more times in succession, each meeting Kai’s voicemail greeting. Scrolling through her contacts, Braelyn found the number for Kai’s secretary and dialed it right away. The call rolled over to the switchboard, but Braelyn called right back, getting an answer on the second ring this time.

  “SPI, Jennifer speaking. How may I assist you?”

  “Hey Jen, it’s Braelyn. Look, has Kai called in? I know she does that sometimes to check her messages when she’s traveling, and her family and I haven’t been able to reach her, so we’re starting to worry.”

  “Braelyn, hey girl, how have you been? Uhh, we haven’t heard from Kai, but she left specific instructions to hold all messages and not bother her while she’s on vacation. I figured you two were off on a trip somewhere with pretty drinks and invisible bikinis,” Kai’s secretary lightly joked.

  Meanwhile, Braelyn fell back into the couch, totally caught off guard by Jennifer’s statement. Not wanting to let on that Kai had lied to her, Braelyn feigned a short memory. “You know what? That’s right. I forgot. She did say she was going to visit some old friends from college. I’m sorry Jen, it completely slipped my mind. I’ve been so bogged down with work lately that I must have gotten her travel dates mixed up. She said she’d be back on Monday, right?”

  “Yup, bright and early. She told us to be ready to get down to business on the big merger, and you know how she is—straight beast mode when things get down to the wire.”

  Braelyn laughed nervously, still struggling to mask the anger she was holding back. “I bet, girl. Well, I’ll let you get back to work. Hey, make sure you enjoy your weekend, okay?”

  “You too, girl! Oh wait, did you want me to–”

  Disconnecting the call, Braelyn paced back and forth from the study to the kitchen, and back to the living room. Why in the hell would she lie to me about where she was going? What’s going on? Braelyn fumed.

  Stopping midstride, she chuckled at the irony of the situation. She was fresh from three days straight of fucking with Sevaughn, yet here she found herself upset that Kai had lied to her about going out of town for work. It just wasn’t like Kai to disappear, and she was positive that Kai said she was going on a work trip, so she couldn’t figure out why she would lie. Is she sneaking around with another chick? Braelyn thought. Nah, I just can’t see it, she reassured herself.

  Needing an outside read on the situation, Braelyn snatched her phone up again, dialing Roxy’s number this time. Five rings and voicemail. Damn, did everyone disappear for the week? Braelyn sighed.

  BRAELYN: call me when u get this

  All of a sudden, it dawned on Braelyn that Kai may be upstairs sleeping.

  No, because there’s no way she’d not ring my phone for three days, Braelyn rationalized.

  Needing to cross that option off her list, Braelyn raced through the dining room, through the kitchen and laundry area, stopping short of the entry to the garage. She snatched the door open, finding the garage empty. Doubling back through the house, she made her way up the stairs and peeked inside each of the bedrooms and bathrooms – no sign of Kai.

  Just then, her phone rang. Kai’s sister was calling again.

  “Did you find her?” Naya blurted as soon as Braelyn answered.

  “I’m on the phone with her job right now, let me call you back,” Braelyn lied, hanging up before Naya had a chance to respond.

  Having bought herself a few more moments, she crossed the floor of their bedroom, taking a seat on the chaise that faced out of their floor-to-ceiling window. She dialed Roxy’s number again, still getting her voicemail. Braelyn felt a rush of emotions that she couldn’t describe, so she scrolled through her contacts once again, dialing the one number she knew would answer.

  “Talk to me.”

  “Babe, I need you,” Braelyn whined.

  “Uhh, no Mom. I haven’t talked to Sam, what do you need?”

  Braelyn instantly caught on, realizing the random response meant Sevaughn was on duty and couldn’t talk. “Just call me as soon as you can,” Braelyn sighed.

  “Okay, Mom. If I hear from him, I’ll have him call you…I love you too…”

  Braelyn exhaled a frustrated grunt as she sat there, mind racing, and feeling like she was somehow being doused with a dose of karma from her own lying and sneaking around.

  Chapter Fourteen

  As Sevaughn sat in her car fresh from an entire evening undercover, her mind drifted to the situation she wanted to avoid more than anything in the world at that very moment – Brooklyn. Sevaughn was grateful that the job gave her an out to appear too busy to see much of Brooklyn, but she was equally frustrated that the job also dictated that she cut her sessions short with Braelyn. Sevaughn and Tony were just pulling up to a drop location when Braelyn called; and needing to stay focused and in character, Sevaughn deflected the call although her mind still raced, wondering if everything was okay with Braelyn. She always texted, and never called while Sevaughn was on duty.

  “Hello? You there?” Tony waved his hand past Sevaughn’s face.

  “Uhh, yeah, I’m good…”

  “Look, I need your mind HERE. We can’t fuck this up, we’re too close,” Tony pressed.

  “Told you, I’m good…looks like they’re five minutes late,” Sevaughn tried to redirect the conversation.

  “Yeah, and they’ll probably be 10 more minutes late. You know how they roll…so look, you know your girl was blowin’ my phone up earlier lookin’ for you…I hope you know what the fuck you’re doing because that bitch is certified crazy,” Tony offered, sounding mildly irritated.

  “Shit, what did you tell her?”

  “Same thing I always do, you were under and you’d call her back later…if I didn’t know any better, I’d bet she was on her way to find you when she called. I don’t know how you saw this shit working out in your head when you started fuckin’ with her, but she’s a fuckin liability, will get us killed. I know I’m supposed to be willing to take a bullet for your ass, but not at the hands of a damn psycho you fucked over. So again, I hope you know what the fuck you’re doing,” Tony scolded.

  “Look, I got it. I don’t need you in my business.” Sevaughn kept her cool, but could feel her annoyance bubbling just under her skin.

  “You got it, huh? Which is why you keep postin’ up in the safe house with your lil’ side chick…so much so that you didn’t notice your own truck was following you the other day, right?”

  “Hold up, what you mean I was followed? How you know that?” Sevaughn snapped.

  “Because I was followin’ the follower. You were so damn distracted the other day that you lef—shit, they’re here. I’ll tell you later,” Tony nodded, directing Sevaughn’s attention to the movement they’d been waiting for.

  Sevaughn pushed the conversation to the side, still wondering what the hell Brooklyn was up to.


  Braelyn hadn’t been able to reach Kai for the entire day, and feeling a mix of worry and anger, she’d been up pacing the floors all night, thinking Kai’s headlights would beam through the picture window of the living room at any moment. Pacing back toward the end table, she snatched her phone up to check the time – 3:32am. Just as she turned to head upstairs, a pair of headlights passed through the window. Making a sharp U-turn, Braelyn headed toward the front door, leaned against the wall, and waited for Kai to make her entry. After a few seconds of Kai’s key fumbling, the door eased open and Braelyn’s eyes fell on a very much alive and well Kai.

  “Oh, hey babe. What are you doing up so late? I wasn’t expecting you to still be awake,” Kai smiled.

  “I bet you weren’t. Where have you been?” Brae
lyn fought back the choice words she really wanted to hurl at Kai.

  “Whoa, calm down, since when you do wait up for me?” Kai tried to shift the attention away from herself.

  “Since I come home to a ton of messages from your sister who’s frantic because she can’t reach you. Answer me.”

  Kai was taken aback by Braelyn’s tone since they rarely raised their voices at one another.

  “Whoa, my sister? What’s wrong? Is my mom okay?” Kai asked, panic building in her chest.

  “You’d know if you had bothered to answer your phone. Stop avoiding my question. Where have you been for the last few days? Working?”

  “Braelyn, seriously. Is Mom okay? I have to call my sister back.” Kai headed toward the phone, her cell phone dead in her pocket.

  Braelyn stepped in front of her. “Answer me.”

  “Look, I just needed to get away,” Kai offered.

  “Get away…why would you lie about being on a work trip? You stood right over there and told me to my face that you were traveling on business,” Braelyn gestured toward the kitchen.

  “That was the plan, but things changed. Look, I need to call my sister,” Kai snapped, visibly irritated.

  Braelyn maintained her stance. “That’s funny, because Jen was very much aware that you were not on a business trip.”

  “So you’re checking up on me now?” Kai asked as she swung around.

  “Don’t try to turn this around on me. YOUR family started blowing my phone up when they couldn’t find you, so I had no choice but to try to track you down. And since when do you need to get away without letting me know? Get away from what? You’re not even home long enough to need a break from anything, so I’m really not understanding you and your moves right about now, Kai.”

  “Look, I need to make sure my mom is okay—that’s all I care about right now.” Kai pushed past Braelyn.


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