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Page 6

by Dave Blackwell

  “Why did you have to interfere?” Graham moaned. “Why did you have to come here and get involved?” He growled. His back to the couch, the back of his legs touching slightly.

  “You know why.” Marie wanted to scream at him, but she had to keep her cool. Especially with a gun trained at her head. “Where did you get the gun Graham?” She asked in concern.

  “I know a guy that knows a guy.” Graham looked at the gun and then back at Marie.

  “Why do you have it?” Marie asked.

  “Protection.” Graham scoffed.

  Marie recognised the gun. She had used one at a shooting range several years before, even though she hated guns she knew her way around one. When she got to the house, she made the mistake of thinking it was a replica, however when Graham fired off a couple of rounds, she realised it was the real deal.

  “Where did you send her?” Graham asked. “Where did you send my wife and kid?!” He shouted.

  “Somewhere safe.” Marie said calmly. “You have to understand why.”

  Graham ground, tapping the butt of the gun against his forehead.

  “Why?” He asked.

  “Come on mate. You were waving a gun around, you could have hurt them.” She scoffed. “Or even killed them.”

  “I wouldn’t have hurt them.” He stuttered. “I wouldn’t hurt anyone.” He shook his head.

  “Look at my face Graham.” Marie said. “You hit me in the face twice.”

  “I didn’t mean to.” Graham said. “You shouldn’t have been here.”

  Marie sighed deeply.

  “I need to lower my arms.” She slowly lowered them when Graham nodded. “Tracy got in touch with me because she was concerned. You haven’t been yourself. You threatened to kill someone today.”

  “I never meant to.” Graham slowly lowered the gun. “They threatened me.”

  “I know what happened Graham, but this is not the way to do things.” Marie sighed. “My team is outside, this will not go well if you don’t give up. Give me the gun and do what I tell you.”

  “This isn’t how it was supposed to happen.” Graham groaned, tears running down his face. He quickly wiped them away. “Get her back. I need to talk to her.”

  “Who?” Marie asked. “Tracy?” Marie was unsure.

  “Yes Tracy!” Graham moaned. “I need to speak to her first.”

  “I am sorry mate.” Marie shook her head. “You are holding me at gunpoint and there is no way they are going to let her in.” She sighed. “I can be brutally honest. You can ignore me and do your own thing. I promise you they will come through that door in force and put you down, maybe you will live, or you may die.” She sighed. “Probably die.”

  Graham raised the gun, the fear on his face showing.

  “Or you can give me the gun and follow my instructions.” Marie said holding out her hand. “And I will see that you speak to Tracy later today.

  “You are lying!” Graham growled. “Don’t lie to me!”

  Marie sighed, breathing out deeply.

  “I am not lying.” She said. “I promise.”

  “Right.” Graham was unsure. “Okay.”

  “I need you to give me the gun.” She slowly held out her hand. “And lay down on the floor with your hands behind your back.

  There was a crash from the hall, splintering wood and shattering glass. Marie looked at the door and then back to Graham, her eyes on the gun.

  Graham looked towards the door and flinched, his grip tightened on the trigger.

  There was a deafening blast as the gun went off, followed by the flash from the barrel causing Marie to close her eyes.

  Marie groaned, her hands went to her stomach, the pain spreading as if someone had just punched her. She felt cold and numb, her legs weakening as she slowly fell to her knees. She looked down at her hands, feeling the blood on them and then looked up at Graham who looked around, the fear and regret in his eyes.

  “It was an accident!” He dropped the gun to the floor. “I didn’t mean it!”

  Marie shook her head, unable to speak as she fell back against the wall and slid to the side. Moaning she held onto her stomach and her breathing quickened.

  “Help me.” She whispered, her eyes becoming heavy. “Help me.”

  Marie laid across the two old wooden chairs in the corridor, muttering and moaning in her sleep. Gregg approached her slowly, holding two paper cups in one hand. The two chairs were positioned against the wall in front of a double elevator, the stainless-steel doors recently polished. Next to the chairs were double doors, recently replaced. Next to the door were an intercom and a large metal button below it. The walls of the corridor were painted in an old pale green and covered in dents, scrapes and years of abuse and wear. There were outlines where posters and notice boards had been taken down, at both ends of the corridor were doors leading to other parts of the hospital, the closest to the lift was closed off and chained up with a notice stating, ‘no admittance’. The opposite end had intercom system next to it and a large button.

  “Marie.” He said softly. “Marie wake up.”

  Marie continued to moan, whispering words but Gregg couldn’t make out what she was saying.

  “Marie?” He said, kicking one of the chairs.

  Marie gasped, mumbled and her eyes shot open, she looked around in confusion.

  “What?” She said, slowly sitting up and groaning. She looked down the corridor and then up at Gregg. “Oh jeez.” She moaned. “Sorry.” She rubbed her face with her hands.

  “Hey it’s ok.” Gregg handed her one of the cups. “Bad dream?” He asked.

  “You could say that.” Marie forced a smiled and reached for the cup. “Thanks.”

  “Black no sugar.” Gregg smiled. “You have been out a few hours. I have checked on the girls and they are both fine before you panic.”

  “Thanks.” Marie said. “Why didn’t you wake me?”

  “I was under strict orders not to.” Gregg said. “And you know me, I always do as I am told.” He laughed and sat down next to Marie who looked at him in confusion.

  “Under strict orders?” She asked. “Do explain.”

  “Sophie.” Gregg said. “She said you needed sleep and made me promise.”

  “Sometimes I wonder who is looking after who.” Marie laughed. “I haven’t been sleeping lately.”

  Gregg nodded and smiled.

  “I can tell.” Gregg said.

  “Cheeky shit.” Marie scoffed. “What is going on here?” She looked at the hall. “Looking very new.”

  “The hospital has a new estates management due to the other company going bust, so the new one is renovating the building from the ground up.” Gregg sipped at his coffee and groaned. “Wrong one.” He handed the cup to Marie who handed hers back. “Sorry.”

  “No problems.” She smiled. “This place hasn’t changed in years. Feels weird to see them working on it.”

  “Yeah. You were born here weren’t you?” Gregg asked, unsure.

  “Yes, and I spent some time here after the accident.” Marie said, slowly sipping at her coffee.

  “Sorry didn’t mean to bring that up.” Gregg apologised. “Sorry.”

  “No, it is fine really.” She placed her hand on his arm. “Don’t worry.”

  Marie laid back in the chair, her head against the wall.

  “How’s it going in there?” Marie asked.

  “Police coroner is on site and looking at the body, we should have an update soon.” Gregg said. “I shouldn’t really be letting you know the result.”

  “I know and I really appreciate this.” Marie smiled. “It may shed some light.”

  “What about your end? Any update with our mysterious girl?” Gregg asked.

  “Nothing.” Marie sighed and sat up in the chair. “Not a single thing. She was given a full check over and she is clear, no signs of any injuries.” Marie nodded. “Bloods done and everything.”

  “Nothing sexual that we need to worry about.” Gregg sai
d, his words uncomfortable.

  “No, thank god.” Marie breathed out deeply. “She is completely healthy. Nothing in her system. Nothing that explains why she is like she is.”

  “Her photo is being put through the system, as well as with social services but I have a feeling nothing is going to happen until tomorrow.” Gregg said. “I have sorted all the necessary paperwork for her to stay with you and I know that Val has been in touch.”

  “Yes. I got a call from her a couple of hours ago. I have worked with her for a few years now, so all is good.” Marie said standing up slowly, stretching her back and leaning against the wall. “Sophie has been amazing with her.”

  “Great kid Sophie. She tried to teach me some signs and failed. When I popped in to see them and she was wide awake, writing in her notebook.” Gregg said. “Think you have an author in the making there.” He laughed.

  “How was the girl?” Marie asked.

  “Asleep.” Gregg coughed. “She fell asleep after you left apparently. Cuddled up to Sophie.”

  “Good.” Marie said. “The poor girl has had a long day. Any updates on the old lady or her staff?”

  “Not yet, unlikely we will know anything until the morning. The neighbours don’t know where they have gone, and we have found nothing that indicates to where. Also, with the old lady we have put out her photograph, she cannot have got far.” Gregg stood up. “If she is alive.”

  “Do you not think she is alive?” Marie asked.

  “Where is she?” Gregg sighed. “She isn’t in the house and there is no evidence showing that she left the house.”

  “You were saying the neighbour said a car left the scene before he heard the scream?” Marie asked.

  “The car left in a hurry, which we are looking into, however the tracks are pretty useless with the snowfall. It is possible that she was taken, but only if she was unconscious.” Gregg took a mouthful of coffee, groaning when it burnt his tongue.

  Marie laughed.

  “Shut up.” Gregg sucked in his breath and pulled a face. “Bloody hurt.”

  “Wuss.” Marie giggled.

  “So how have you been?” Gregg looked uncomfortable. “Really?”

  “Why are you so uncomfortable Gregg?” Marie felt sorry for his discomfort. “It has been two years since it happened. I am fine.”

  “You have never spoken about it.” Geoff said. “I wasn’t sure.”

  “It was no one’s fault other than my own.” Marie paused. “I should have waited.”

  Gregg didn’t speak.

  “I am fine. A few scars to deal with but I will be fine.” Marie said. “I promise.”

  “Ok.” Gregg didn’t want to push the subject. “Do you miss the job?”

  “Being an officer?” Marie scoffed. “Sometimes yes but working with children is pretty challenging.” She laughed and hesitated. “No chance of getting shot.” She sniggered.

  “You are right there.” He breathed in deeply. “You have done an amazing job with Sophie.”

  “It is all her.” Marie said. “I just helped along the way a little.”

  “I gather her mother is no longer around?” Gregg asked.

  “The mother is doing time for neglect and abuse, when she is out, she is not allowed anywhere near Sophie. The father is untraceable.” Marie said. “She is better off.”

  “Is she with you in the long run or?” Gregg asked, not sure how Marie was going to react.

  “I cannot talk about that just yet.” Marie ended the subject. “How is life treating you?”

  Before Gregg could respond the door clicked and was slowly pushed open, causing him to move out of the way.

  “What have I said about lurking?” The woman said holding open the door and giving Gregg a grin. “Want to see something strange?”

  “Already have.” Gregg sniggered.

  “You are funny.” The woman responded. “Not. Come on, come in.” She pushed the door open for Gregg to take hold of and walked back into the room.

  “Are you coming?” Gregg asked Marie who looked at him unsurely. “It’s ok.” He confirmed.

  “Sure.” She followed him into through the door.

  Martin’s naked body was laid out on the steel mortuary table, a white sheet covering him from the navel downwards. His chest cut open and the front of the rib cage removed, revealing the untouched organs. Blood dripped down the side of his body, down the dips in the table and down into a metal container below the table.

  The mortuary table was set at the centre of the room, two large spotlights above completely illuminating the body. To the back a long steel table that connected to a steel sink, on the table was a set of scales and various sized steel dishes. In front of the mortuary table was a wooden desk with a notepad and pen, next to it a laptop. The white tiled floors cracked and stained from years of use and body fluids. The grey painted brick walls, old and flaking. The ceiling was bare, no lighting or fixtures, just plain concrete.

  “Your colleague squeamish?” The woman asked, looking at Marie follow Gregg in as she stepped through the door which slowly closed behind her.

  “No, she is good.” Gregg said. “Carol this is Marie. Marie this is Carol.” Marie stepped forward and held out her hand.

  “Better not.” Carol said with a smile and held up her gloved hands. “All kinds of nasties on these.” Carol was a short woman with short black spiky hair. She was wearing theatre blues which hung from her small frame, her bare forearms covered in tattoos, tribal patterns and biomechanical designs. Her neck was also covered, and one of her ears had a seahorse in blue. Her nose was pierced with a small stud, several in her opposite ear and her eyebrow had a loop in it which had a small piece of tape covering it.

  “Marie used to be one of us.” Gregg explained. “She left a couple of years ago.”

  “She finally had enough of your bullshit.” Carol said, looking at Marie who tried to stop herself from laughing.

  “Yeah something like that.” Gregg smiled sarcastically. He turned to Marie. “She loves me really.”

  “I really don’t.” Carol shook her head and pulled a mock-disgusted face. “Well it is good to meet you Marie. Going to show you something which I have never seen before, and I have no idea where I go from here.” She said, a confused look on her face.

  “What?” Gregg said. “What is it?”

  “I can give you a cause of death.” Carol said in confidence. “However.” She hesitated. “The cause is a little difficult to work out at this point.”

  “What killed him?” Marie asked.

  Gregg looked at her in annoyance.

  “Sorry.” Marie apologised realising she had stepped on his toes. “Observer, I know.”

  “So, what killed him?” Gregg said to Carol.

  “Cardiac failure.” She said, pulling her gloves off and dropping them to the floor. Marie looked at the gloves and then back at Carol.

  “Any idea how?” Gregg asked, taking his phone from his pocket. “Dodgy heart or something?”

  “Well.” Carol sighed. “Better if you look for yourself.”

  Carol indicated to Martin’s open chest for Gregg to have a look.

  “Shit.” Gregg mumbled to himself.

  “Still got an issue with bodies?” Marie said. “Surely you have had enough practice by now?”

  Carol scoffed.

  “What a wimp.” Carol teased. “Take a deep breath and have a look.”

  Gregg nodded and took a deep breath.

  “Ok.” He said and slowly walked over to the body on the table, looking at Martin’s face and then down to the exposed organs. He groaned and shuddered.

  “So, tell me what you see.” Carol asked him.

  Geoff looked at Carol in confusion and then back to the body briefly and then back at Carol.

  “Not really sure what I am looking at.” Gregg said. “Was anything out of the ordinary?” He asked.

  “You missed that?” Carol laughed. “Really?”

  “May I?” Mari
e said, her voice breaking the silence. “May I have a look?” She looked at Carol and then to Gregg for his assurance.

  “Sure.” Carol nodded. “Just don’t touch anything.”

  Gregg stepped away from the table, his hand covering his mouth.

  Marie patted him on the back gently as she approached the table, looking at Martin’s face before looking down at the open chest cavity.

  “Have you done anything to the body yet?” Marie asked, still examining.

  “Nothing.” Carol said with a smile.

  Marie looked up at Carol with a confused look on her face.

  “So where is the heart?” Marie asked.

  “What?” Gregg scoffed.

  “That is what I found when I opened the chest.” Carol walked over and stood next to Marie looking into the chest. “No heart.”

  “But the body was untouched.” Gregg said. “How was the heart removed?”

  “I don’t think it was removed.” Carol pointed to blackened and blistering on the lungs and area where the heart sat. “First thing I noticed was how cold it was once I got the chest open and the lungs were partially frozen.”

  “What would cause that?” Gregg asked.

  “Your guess is as good as mine.” Carol coughed. “There was what appears to be ash which I have sent off for analysis, but I would bet you any money that it is what remains of this victim’s heart.”

  “So, you think that his heart was…” Marie hesitated, trying to find the right word. “Flash frozen?”

  “You could say that.” Carol laughed. “This is way out of my league, so I am going to have to get an expert in.”

  “Did you find anything else out of the ordinary?” Gregg asked, trying not to look at the body.

  “No. Looking at the state of his stomach I would imagine he has cancer.” Carol said with a hint of interest in her voice. “Otherwise I am going to seek some advice before doing any more.” Carol smiled.

  “Ok could you keep me updated?” Gregg asked. “Thanks.”

  “No problems mate.” Carol nodded. “Now get lost.” She smiled.

  Gregg left the room in a hurry, leaving Marie behind. Marie watched as he left and then turned to Carol.


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