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Ice Rift - Xtro: Alien Invasive Horror Thriller

Page 27

by Ben Hammott

  “Stand back,” ordered the flamethrower-armed soldier pointing the gruesome weapon at Griffiths.

  “He looks infected. Better safe than sorry.” The soldier fired a dart at Griffith.

  Griffiths dropped to his knees.

  Maxwell and Wittman gasped when an Xtro crawled out of the back of his neck and onto his shoulder. It puffed up briefly before deflating. It dropped to the ground and crawled toward the men on unsteady tentacles before collapsing on the tarmac.

  “Is it dead?” uttered Maxwell.

  After Ramos had shoved it clear of Griffiths with his foot, a jet of Napalm-B torched it out of existence. Ramos released his finger from the flamethrower’s trigger and looked at the smoldering stain on the road. “It is now.”

  Griffiths toppled to the side and thwacked his head on the tarmac.

  “Will he be okay?” asked Wittman worriedly.

  Hawke shrugged. “Time will tell.” He contacted Control. “Infected tranked, and the Xtro eradicated. Request retrieval from Checkpoint 2.”

  “Already on the way,” informed Blightburn, who then switched to talking to Wittman. “How many kids were there?”


  “That explains how Griffiths became infected. Hawke, Ramos, you need to get after the kids and eliminate them. They have already taken out two teams, so kill on sight. I’m sending what backup I have to assist but use all necessary force to prevent them from escaping.”

  “Affirmative Control,” replied Hawke heading for the quad.

  Both men climbed back on the quads, and their drivers sped off along the road.


  In the Comms trailer, Kathryn was shocked by what she had just heard. “You can’t just murder the children. You said you were going to try and save them.”

  Wearing a concerned but determined expression, Blightburn turned to Kathryn. “Not that I have to explain myself to you, but I also said, if that was feasible, which is unlikely now they are on the run. They are also surrounded by hundreds of miles of forest the aliens could hide in. It is also full of wildlife for them to infect. If they got free, it is doubtful we would ever find them or be able to contain them. I am left with no other option than to eliminate the threat they pose to humanity.” She directed her attention back to the screens. “Where’s that damn drone?”

  “Currently flying over the town searching for the spore-carrying Xtro,” informed Yuri.

  Blightburn peered at the drone screen. Below, soldiers were spread out searching buildings and any likely places the Xtro might be hiding. The colonel and his men were doing the same from the other side of Devil Falls. Hopefully, they would soon track it down and destroy it. “Do a final reconnaissance lap around the town to see if you can locate it and then send the drone along the road so we can find out where and what the kids are up to.”

  As Yuri maneuvered the drone in a search pattern, Blightburn glanced at the trailer door when it clicked closed and noticed Kathryn had left. She smiled.


  Heading for the hanger housing Devil Falls’ evacuees, Kathryn passed the unoccupied deputy’s patrol car and glanced around the room. Seeing no sign of Rickmeyer, she crossed to the SEALs sitting at one of the canteen tables.

  “Do any of you know where the deputy is?”

  Mason cocked a thumb outside. “He’s in the restroom.”

  Colbert noticed Kathryn’s agitation. “Anything we can help you with?”

  “I think Blightburn is going to kill the infected children, not personally, of course, in that she won’t be pulling the trigger, but it’ll be her order that sees it done. I aim to save them before that happens.”

  Colbert’s eyebrows rose. “What’s your plan?”

  “Knock them out with the tranquilizer rifles and bring them back here so they can have the hybrid parasites removed. It’s not without its risks, but compared to the alternative, it’s the better option.”

  “It’s a bold move,” commented Sullivan. “Especially as the kids have already taken down two teams and perhaps killed more by now.”

  “The children are innocent, the aliens controlling them are the killers. I won’t need to get close. I am a good shot, so if I can get them in my sights, I can bring them down with a tranquilizer. I know those kids and their families, and I’d never forgive myself if I just stood by and let them be killed.”

  “And how do you propose to get hold of a tranquilizer rifle? asked Mason.

  “I’m hoping the deputy’s authority will enable him to acquire one. That’s why I’m looking for him.”

  “I assume you know where the kids are?” said Colbert.

  “They stole a truck, infected the driver, and are now heading for civilization. Something Blightburn will not let happen; hence my concern they will be killed to prevent it.” She glanced at the three SEALs. “As you offered, I could do with your help.”

  Colbert’s radio crackled into life with Blightburn’s voice. “Colbert, as the rest of my teams are busy, I need you to do something.”

  Colbert looked at Kathryn as he replied. “It seems you are not the only one. Colbert here.”

  “The six infected kids have stolen a truck and have escaped. They are heading along the only road leading away from Devil Falls. Use deadly force if you have to but stop them from reaching civilization at any cost.”

  “Understood Control. We are on it.” He turned to Kathryn as he and his team stood. “Grab the deputy, and we’ll find some tranquilizer rifles.”

  “You’re not going to kill them?” asked Kathryn.

  “Only as a last resort.”

  Kathryn scrutinized Colbert’s face and decided she had no alternative but to trust him. “I’ll meet you at the gate. We can use the deputy’s car to catch up with them.”

  Kathryn rushed over to the portable toilets and began thumping on each door. “Jim, I need your help.”

  “Good God, woman! What does a man have to do to pee in peace?”

  Kathryn backtracked to the cubicle occupied by the deputy. The toilet flushed, and Rickmeyer stepped out, wiping his hands with a paper towel that he dropped into the trash bin inside.

  “We have to go and save the infected children. The SEALs are going to help us, but we need your patrol car to chase after them. They stole a truck and have driven off.”

  “Whoa there, Kathy. Calm down. What’s the plan?”

  “We tranquilize them and bring them back here to be cured.”

  “Is that even possible once they are infected?”

  “Yes, the scientists have found a way of removing the alien parasites safely.”

  “Okay. Are the kids dangerous?”

  As Rickmeyer was oblivious to the children’s savagery against the soldiers, Kathryn thought that to elicit his help, for the moment, better that he remained that way. “They are children with ages ranging from six to twelve, how dangerous can they be?”

  “Then let’s get going.”

  They headed for his patrol vehicle.



  Having rested, the Propagator crawled out from beneath the tarp and over to the meteorite. Sensing its familiarity from its species memory, it spread its mass over it and, for a few moments, lay there. A noise outside raised its head and aimed its eyes at the two quad bikes drawing closer. Hatred for the humans that had delayed its spawning and had caused it so much trouble and pain, slid it off the tiny fragment of its homeworld to seek revenge.

  Speeding along the road, the two quads approached the truck. Glimpsing something unnatural moving within its gloomy interior, Ramos, and Hawke, the passengers on each quad, raised their rifles and fired at the same time.

  The Propagator flinched when it was struck and turned its gaze to something striking the rock and clattering to the floor leaking fluid. A tentacle reached for the identical one that had stabbed its side and yanked it free. It looked at the empty transparent body of the tranquilizer dart before discarding it. Gripping the tailboard with s
ome of its tentacles, it shot murderous stares at the humans. A dizzy spell washed over it, dropping it to the truck bed.

  “We got it!” stated Hawke excitedly as he reloaded. He tapped the driver on the shoulder and pointed at the truck. “Move closer so we can hit it again to make sure it’s not going to wake up any time soon.”

  Ramos throttled the quad close to the truck. Gripping the seat tight with his legs, Hawke stood and peered into the truck interior for the Xtro. Spying no sign of the alien hidden by the tailgate, he glanced at his mates on the second quad when it pulled alongside.

  “The tranquilizers must have knocked it out,” shouted across Garret, his eyes and weapon searching the truck interior.

  As Hawke nodded in agreement, the Xtro dived from the truck and leaped at Ramos, who tried to veer out of its path but to no avail; the creature landed and enveloped him in tentacles. Smothered, Ramos clawed at its mass in an attempt to be free of the monstrosity. His hands entered its squishy body and were immediately set upon by the hungry spores trapped within. Screaming from the intense pain, he yanked his hands away and stared in horror at his skeletal fingers stripped of flesh.

  Desperate to be rid of the creature, but unable to jump off the quad with Ramos and the creature leaning against him, Hawke stared into the evil eyes of the Xtro. He batted savagely at its head with the rifle until it was pulled from his grasp and discarded. Somehow managing to hold his threatening panic at bay when a tentacle slithered around his neck, he fumbled for a tranquilizer dart from the belt across his chest. As his airway was crushed and he struggled to draw breath, he pulled a weaponized syringe free and stabbed it into the tentacle that strangled him. As he watched the impact-activated pump drive the strong sedative into the Xtro’s body, he prayed it would act fast enough to save him.

  Feeling the prick pierce its skin and the drowsiness threatening to incapacitate it, the Propagator retaliated and lashed out at the human responsible. Hawke was knocked over the back of the quad and grunted when he struck the road forcefully. Aware the alien would soon turn his attention upon him, Hawke recovered quickly and searched for his weapon. Spotting it a short distance away, he crawled over to it.

  Aiming at the Xtro attacking his teammates, Garrett cursed the erratic movements of O’Dell driving the quad when he fired and missed.

  Recognizing the threat that the other humans posed when the missile whizzed past its head, the Propagator released its hold on the partially-devoured human and darted across the road. The uncontrolled quad veered into the forest until a tree brought it to a halt, flopping Ramos’s gruesome corpse to the ground; food for flies and the myriad of forest insects that welcomed such abundant nourishment.

  Spying the creature rushing toward him, Hawke fumbled the tranquilizer dart he was trying to reload. Without pausing his dash for the other humans, the Propagator wrapped a tentacle around Hawke’s arm, lifted him up and smashed him into the road. Screaming in agony when tentacles pressed his face against the tarmac and dragged him across it, stripping flesh to the bone, Hawke decided to end the torture. He stabbed the tranquilizer dart into his thigh and felt its blissful effects surge through his body, bringing him welcome oblivion to the horror around him.

  “Shoot the damn thing!” screamed O’Dell, slowing to turn away and flee from the oncoming menace. It was obvious they were losing the battle and needed to save themselves and get reinforcements. They should have brought flamethrowers instead of tranquilizer darts that seem to have little effect on it.

  Trying to keep his balance, the alien in his sight, and avoiding looking at the bloody stripe leading from Hawke’s still form, Garret squeezed the trigger.

  As the quad turned, Garret kept the alien in view and was pleased to see it stumble from the effects of the tranquilizer. His relief was rapidly replaced with despair when the Xtro regained its footing and rushed for them. He faced forward and tapped O’Dell on the shoulder. “Punch it!”

  O’Dell was glad to do so and turning the throttle open to full, shot the quad along the road as he contacted base. “Control! We’ve encountered the big Xtro on the road out of town. Ramos and Hawke are down. Send reinforcements.”

  “Is that you, O’Dell?” asked Blightburn.

  “Affirmative, Control.”

  “Did you tranquilize it?”

  “A few times, but it’s still after us.”

  “Help is on its way. Don’t lose sight of it.”

  “That’s exactly what I plan to do.”

  Shaking off the effects of the latest tranquilizer that were beginning to take their toll, the Propagator made a last-ditch effort to reach the humans before they escaped.

  Glimpsing the alien in the wing mirror coming up fast and knowing there would be no time to reload, Garrett twisted in the seat and threw the rifle at it. A tentacle caught it, drew it back, and returned it to its owner. It struck Garret painfully on the head, drawing blood before clattering to the road.

  The Propagator spurted forward and stretched out a tentacle. With nowhere to go, Garrett batted the reaching limb with a fist. Ignoring the human’s feeble defense, the appendage plucked Garret from the seat and threw him into the forest. Garrett’s back snapped when the trunk of a tree brought his flight to an abrupt halt. Paralyzed from the neck down, he flopped to the ground and observed the Xtro chasing after O’Dell.

  With Garret’s weight no longer aboard, O’Dell coaxed extra speed out of the quadbike. He risked a glance back to see what his chances of escape looked like. Terror gripped him at spotting the Xtro hot on his trail and closing the distance fast. Before turning away, he briefly locked eyes with Garrett and pondered going to help him, but fear pushed away the thought. With the alien so close and somehow still active with all the tranquilizers they had pumped into it, he was in no position to help anyone.

  To try and slow the creature down, O’Dell turned into the forest, almost tipping the bike over with the hasty, panic inspired maneuver.

  The Xtro followed.


  Sheriff Cory Lansdale, who had been observing the fight, stepped from the forest. Halting beside Garrett, he glanced along the road at the crashed quad glimpsed through the trees before turning his attention to the paralyzed soldier.

  Believing help had arrived, and the man would aid him, Garrett felt hope that he would survive. Though worried by the lack of feeling in his body, he was sure if he could get medical attention, he would recover. He had also been concerned, stuck out in the middle of nowhere, helpless to move, wild animals would find him and start eating him alive. This was big cat, wolf, and bear country; all would take advantage of an easy meal.

  Lansdale knelt beside Garrett and noticing the man’s back bent around the tree and his lack of movement, he took a knife from his pocket and stabbed Garrett’s leg. Though fear appeared in the man’s eyes, he didn’t flinch. When he plunged the knife into the man’s stomach and arm with the same lack of response, he knew the human was of no use. Leaving the man to bleed out, the sheriff approached the quadbike. After a quick examination proved it to be only superficially damaged, he climbed aboard, started the engine, and reversed onto the road. Alert for other humans that might be in the area to spoil his plans, he drove away.


  Steering the quad precariously through the trees, the wheels throwing up plumes of leaves, twigs, and soil in his wake, O’Dell gazed into the wing mirrors before risking a glance behind. There was no sign of the Xtro in pursuit. Praying it had given up the chase or he had lost it amongst the trees, O’Dell turned forward and screamed. He spun the bike away from the Xtro, leaping at him with its tentacles outstretched and ready to ensnare him. Failing to grab its prey by a hairbreadth, the Propagator landed on the forest floor, turned, and sped after the human.


  Blightburn glanced at the drone screen, showing the view of the road cutting through the forest as it sped over the patrol car. “Colbert. The spore carrying Xtro is ahead of you. It has just attacked the quadbike te
am I sent after it.”

  “Received Control. We should catch up with them at any moment.”

  “Eliminate the Xtro at all costs.”


  Blightburn turned to Yuri. “Lift the drone higher. I want to see what’s ahead.”

  Yuri raised the drone.


  Spying movement through the trees, O’Dell recognized the patrol vehicle coming; help hadn’t come a moment too soon. He steered for the road, slewing the back of the quad sideways until it found traction and shot forward. O’Dell opened the throttle to full and glanced in the wing mirror at the pursuing monstrosity bounding towards him: just a short distance to go, and he would reach the road ahead of the patrol vehicle. Hopefully, those inside would have weapons to kill the alien. The quadbike left the ground when O’Dell shot up the short bank at the edge of the forest and sailed over the road.

  Fate had prepared for O’Dell’s demise many months ago during the winter when heavy snow had blocked the road and had settled on the branches. Unable to bear the weight for long, one heavily laden branch overhanging the road had snapped. It was the sharp splintered tip of this branch that pierced O’Dell’s face, bringing him to an abrupt halt, a mercifully quick death that dragged him from the quadbike.

  When Deputy Jim Rickmeyer slammed on the brakes, his patrol vehicle screeched to a halt with the smell of burning rubber leaving black trails on the tarmac. Jolted forward by the sudden stop, the deputy and his passengers watched the quadbike fly past before turning shocked faces to its driver swinging from his gruesome impalement. They were doubly shocked when the Propagator dived out of the tree line, wrapped its tentacles around the corpse, and began feeding.

  When Colbert rallied his men into action, they climbed from the car.

  The Propagator turned to the movement below and focused on the three men that hurriedly emerged from the human machine. It directed its gaze on the weapons that could harm or kill it, something it could not let happen. It still had its precious offspring to release. As rifles turned in its direction, it scrambled up the corpse. Bullets following in its wake, chipped off pieces of bark and sent twigs and leaves raining down.


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