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The Iron Chalice

Page 10

by J. M. Briggs

  “I’ll take care of it,” Nicki promised, raising her chin and glaring at Alex. “But not here, we’re too exposed. The hostel should be empty right now.”

  “Okay,” Alex agreed with a nod, forcing her shaky legs to take a step back before she looked back at Lance. “Just a few blocks Lance,” she promised before returning to Jenny and him.

  They gathered up the grocery bags quickly and in silence. Alex picked up the bag that Lance had been carrying. She looked back at Nicki, who was standing just outside the alley waiting for them. Her body was tense and her eyes were fixed on something up the street to avoid looking at any of them. As they stepped back out into the street Alex noted that there didn’t seem to be many people around, though she caught sight of a police car parked on the next street. Sighing softly in relief that they hadn’t been seen, she forced her cold legs to keep moving, barely noticing that she was moving so slowly that Bran was keeping up with her easily.

  “Human blood didn’t seem to affect them,” Bran observed in a low voice. They turned a corner back onto their hostel street and everyone sped up a bit more. “That’s not good.”

  “Their weakness to iron might not be as strong.” Alex grimaced at the tremor in her voice. “Their hats were red.”

  “Like red caps,” Bran agreed in a softer voice. “Maybe like the legends… maybe interacting with blood over the centuries has let them build up some resistance. These would probably be descendants of the escaped slaves.”

  “Great,” Alex grumbled darkly. “Let’s hope that they’re the only ones who figured out that trick, otherwise we’re in trouble.”

  “First things first: find the Chalice and save Aiden,” Bran said. “Then we can work on finding out why they are taking orders from the Queen.”

  “Yeah,” Alex agreed in a soft, tired voice. “That’s not the only mystery we have to solve though.”

  “What else is on our plates?”

  “We still don’t know what Arthur really is.” Exhaling, Alex watched the mist of her breath twist in the air for a moment. “After all, he managed to have a connection with me, but not with you lot. But he has magical powers. How was Med- Mordred brought back by the queen and how does he have powers if he isn’t loyal to the Iron Realm?”

  “Maybe there are some other powerful objects like the sword and chalice.”

  “Maybe?” Alex repeated with a bitter laugh. “Oh Bran, I think we can count on it.”


  Hostel Healing

  Their hostel was a three story brick building that Nicki had considered rather charming when they’d checked in earlier that day. It was on the corner of the street and only a short walk from the train station and the grocery store for their supply run. The dark brick was accented with off white corner bricks and frames around the windows. White Christmas lights surrounded the main lobby window, and the bright colors on the sign had made it seem very welcoming when they came in off the train.

  Now, as she walked towards it, Nicki was fully aware of her heart beating too quickly in her chest. Jenny and Alex were huddled around Lance, keeping pressure on his wound and hiding it. Nicki knew that drawing attention to themselves would only cause trouble in one form or another, whether it was cops or more fairies following them into a medical facility. The whole situation made Nicki’s blood boil. Her anger itched beneath her skin like something she could claw at. She had vague memories of being angry like this when she first realized that her parents weren’t coming back for her. She remembered how outraged she’d been when Gran had made her start going to school. Over the years that anger had gradually burned itself out as life saw fit to remind her that in the grand scheme of things she had nothing to complain about. Even when her parents had swanned back into her life and acted as if they belonged there, somehow she hadn’t been this angry.

  Climbing up the stairs, Nicki rang the buzzer and waited for the door to click open. Looking back she saw the others following her with Lance moving away from Alex and favoring Jenny to help him up the stairs as he began to sway. His brown eyes caught hers and flickered with worry before Nicki looked forward once again. She could count on one hand the conversations that she and Lance had shared in the past. Thankfully the door buzzed and clicked open, allowing them to enter.

  The hostel was quiet as they entered the main hall which opened into a larger reception room. A few bags were sitting by the front desk and a tall Chinese girl was talking in broken English with the receptionist. He waved at them without ever looking their way. Nicki shifted slightly to make sure that she stayed between the desk and the stairs. The others passed her, quickly helping Lance up the stairs. Nicki glanced down at the wood stairs and thick rugs, noting with relief that there wasn’t any blood. Satisfied, she followed the others up the stairs, moving slowly and reluctantly.

  It took forever to reach their third-floor room. The large room was filled with seven bunk beds, some against the walls and some turned sideways. There was a card table set up near the door in an awkward space where another bed wouldn’t fit with one metal chair in front of it. Their bags and suitcases were locked up in the bins under the beds, and Nicki could see bags belonging to at least two other people at the side of the room. They weren’t here: probably out starting a pub crawl or some other ridiculous use of time in Europe. She knew her thoughts weren’t charitable, but Nicki couldn’t help it as she shrugged out of her coat and tossed it onto her bed.

  Behind her, the others scrambled with Jenny staying next to Lance and keeping pressure on her ruined shirt while Alex pulled the metal chair over by Nicki’s bed and motioned for Lance to sit down. Bran vanished into the bathroom and returned a moment later with a moist dark blue hand towel that they’d probably have to dispose of or use magic on later. Jenny dropped to her knees, seemingly unconcerned with the wooden floor to keep her hand on Lance’s arm. He was looking at her with an expression that made Nicki want to roll her eyes and hit them both.

  Despite the irritation, fear, and worry bubbling up in her chest, Nicki gave them a moment. She kicked off her shoes and curled her toes as she willed herself to relax. When she looked up she caught Bran watching her with a worried and cautious expression even as he moved over towards the doorway. He glanced out the door and coughed lightly to get Alex’s attention.

  “Do you want us to stay?” Alex asked in a softer voice. Nicki wondered if the other mage wanted to apologize for her earlier ‘command’, but Nicki shook her head.

  “I think this will be easier that way, and someone needs to mind the door.”

  Alex stepped forward and touched Jenny’s shoulder. For a moment Nicki really didn’t think the other girl was going to leave, but then she slowly stood up. She gave Nicki a sharp warning look with her dark brown eyes, and Nicki almost chuckled at the notion of being frightened by Jenny, who had a grand total of one inch on her.

  “Come on,” Alex urged Jenny. “Magic takes a lot of concentration and healing magic is a little complicated.” Alex looked back to Nicki. “Do you want Morgana on the phone?”

  “No: I know that I’m doing,” Nicki said. She reached out and carefully unwrapped the shirt from around Lance’s arm. Bran handed her the moist towel which she used to wet the places where the drying blood tried to stick. “And do you really want to risk letting Merlin know about this?”

  “We’ll be outside if you need anything,” Alex added as she took a hesitant step back towards the doorway. “Just shout.”

  “Fine Alex.” Nicki looked at Lance who appeared more distressed with Jenny gone. “Do you want to take your coat off first?”

  “Will it help?” he asked in a strained voice.

  “Probably not, but this could take a bit,” Nicki said as she mopped up some of the blood around the wound. Her stomach was tightening up at the sight of the blood and her mouth tingled uncomfortably. “And I need to see the wound.”

  “Alright,” Lance agreed in a weaker voice.

  Jenny was back across the room like a shot and ge
ntly helped him guide his arm through the sleeve with a pained and sick expression on her own face. A long, pained hiss escaped Lance, and Nicki felt a twinge of guilt even as he freed his arm and the wound was fully revealed. Without the flaps of leather sleeve falling over the wound and trying to stick to his arm hairs, she could fully see the damage.

  “Thanks.” Nicki glanced towards Jenny. “I’ll deal with this,” she heard herself say in a slightly softer tone to the other girl.

  “Okay,” Alex answered from by the doorway. “Uh, good luck… and thanks, Nicki.”

  Nodding, Nicki watched Jenny move back to the doorway and linger there for a moment with her eyes fixed on Lance. As the door closed, Nicki reached out to take Lance’s arm in her hands and extended it so his palm rested on his knee. He bit back a hiss as the adjustment stretched out his arm muscles, and a little more blood oozed out of the wound. Exhaling slowly, Nicki tried to half meditate while she studied the cut. Medicine had never been on her career list despite her having no trouble with dissection in biology class, and as she felt herself begin to feel ill she congratulated herself on that decision. The creature’s claws had sliced through the skin and muscle cleanly, leaving the wound hanging open like a gaping hole. There weren’t any jagged bits of skin, but the depth gave her pause. Nicki swallowed as her stomach churned and shivered as a chill swept through her body.

  “You’re shaking,” Lance observed in a tight pained voice.

  “I’m fine!”

  Nicki closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. She did her best to ignore the sounds drifting up from downstairs and the streets outside. Nicki pushed away the urge to wonder about the creatures that had just attacked them this time. She’d overheard a bit of Bran and Alex’s talk and couldn’t help but find it interesting. Instead, she focused on the spark she could feel low in her chest beneath her heart. Her magical connection opened and Nicki sighed softly at the smooth, calming feeling that ran through her like cool water on a hot day. She allowed herself a moment to marvel over how much easier it was getting to call on her magic.

  Yet when she opened her eyes and looked at the wound in Lance’s arm, she couldn’t help but wonder how bad Alex’s wound had looked to spur Aiden on to heal her with such disregard. With that stray thought, the magic slipped away from her like water through open fingers. Whimpering at the sudden chill left where the magic had warmed her, Nicki couldn’t help but grimace. She bit the inside of her mouth and tried calling on the magic again, but now could feel her stomach churning at the unpleasant memory of Aiden’s still form in that hospital bed.

  “I’m in a lot of pain,” Lance groaned. A bead of sweat was rolling down the side of his face. With his good hand, he reached over and gripped her left arm. “Look, Nicki, if you don’t want to do this I can go to the hospital.”

  “I said I’m fine,” Nicki said.

  She gave Lance a glare that he didn’t seem to react to. Moving her hand over the wound, she pulled at her magic more insistently. The small spark flared to life, but the flow of magic up her chest and into her arms seemed sluggish. Nicki closed her hand into a fist, willing her cold and stiff fingers to work properly while remaining very aware of Lance’s eyes on her.

  “You’re scared.” Lance shifted off the bed and stood up. He grabbed the scraps of fabric back up and pressed them against the wound to mop up the blood. “Shit I need to get to the hospital.”

  “I am not scared,” Nicki protested. She jumped off the bed and grabbed Lance’s right arm tightly. “Sit your ass down and let me do this.”

  “Nicki…” Lance hissed as she accidently knocked into his injured arm in her attempt to force him to sit down. “You look ready to fall over, just let me go to the hospital. You’re too freaked out over Aiden.”

  It was like an electric jolt through her body. The downside to her vivid imagination was that she couldn’t turn it off even when she wanted to. She hadn’t been anywhere close to that lake after Arthur stabbed Alex. No, she’d been off with her Gran and had gotten a frantic call about something being wrong, but now she could see it in her mind’s eye. Alex collapsed on the pebbled beach in the snow with her blood mixing with the mud beneath her body, and Aiden leaning over her with a frantic expression. His compassion and loyalty overriding all common sense, that damn promise he’d made when Aisling was sick that he wouldn’t ever just stand by, and him pouring more magic and life-force than he had to give into Alex.

  “I am sorry about Aiden,” Lance told her, gently pulling Nicki from the terrible vision. “I don’t know him, but based on what he did for Alex and how much you care he’s got to be one hell of a guy.”

  “He is,” Nicki agreed. Swallowing, Nicki fought back the prickling of tears in her eyes. “He’s my best friend, like my brother.”

  “How did you two get to be friends?”

  “We punched each other,” Nicki replied with a watery laugh.


  “I’m serious… I was mad about my parents; they left me with my grandmother, and Aiden had one hell of a temper back then. He said something, I don’t even remember what it was, but I thought he was teasing me about my parents. We just went at it with each other despite the teacher standing right there. We punched each other and I even bit him.”

  “And you became friends?”

  “Yeah… we did. It was a weird friendship at first but…. He mellowed when Aisling got sick and I- I tried to remember that while parts of my life sucked I never had to live in fear of someone I loved dying right in front of me. It helped me be better.” Nicki reached up and wiped the tears from her cheeks. “Aiden’s important.”

  “Of course he is.” Lance’s voice was soft and he was looking at her with soft, understanding brown eyes. “There are people who love him.”

  Nicki didn’t respond: the words felt choked up in her throat. Instead, she reached out her hand and brought it over the wound. Inhaling, Nicki did her best to remember the sound of Merlin’s voice as he walked them through mediation. Lance stayed completely still as she gradually pushed away the grief trying to bubble up once more in her chest. This time she kept her eyes open and focused on Lance’s eyes instead of closing her own. His were filled with pain, despite his kind words and concern for her. They were a warm shade of brown with flecks of amber that caught the light like the cut axinite gemstones her grandmother was fond of.

  Keeping eye contact, Nicki pulled, more gently this time, on her magic; trying to coax it forward despite the lingering fears and reservations. Lance was hurt and in pain, but he wasn’t dying. This would tire her out, but it wouldn’t truly hurt her unless she lost control. Grabbing onto her desire to heal him, Nicki allowed her magic to slowly stream up through her chest. She wasn’t some who lost control, she told herself stubbornly. She thought things through, embraced knowledge and the grand scheme of things. Nicki licked her dry lips as the first wisps of magic flowed into her hands.

  Soft blue sparks illuminated her fingertips and swirled gently around her hand. Nicki relaxed as she felt the connection warm up and the tension in her shoulders begin to ease. Lance was watching the raw magic dancing around her hand with an expression of awe and surprise. The look of pain was almost gone, replaced instead by childlike wonder. Smiling, Nicki gently touched her index finger to the abused flesh just to the side of Lance’s injury and exhaled slowly.

  The magic spun into a thin stream of blue that made the tip of her finger glow. Her hand and arm pulsed as magic began to sink into Lance’s skin. Nicki tightened her hold on the flow of magic, forcing it to slow down. This felt very different from her first experience healing Alex when her magic had reached for Nicki’s. Instead of another flow of magic wrapping around her own, pulling strength from it; she instead had the sense that she was pouring magic into something that was empty, like filling up a pitcher with water. It made her shiver, but Nicki kept control of the slight stream of magic.

  She eyed the wound with a frown; it wasn’t closing yet. Nicki grimaced and closed he
r eyes, letting out a deep sigh before sucking in a breath of fresher air. The room was beginning to smell a touch like blood and she thought she could taste iron on the tip of her tongue. Beneath her fingers, she could still feel her magic pulsing softly within Lance’s skin. She gently brushed the skin, feeling the sparks of magic reaching for her and sparking up to meet her skin.

  “Nicki,” Lance called softly. “Look if you can’t-”

  “Lance.” She focused on her goal and didn’t even open her eyes. “Shut up.”

  Keeping her eyes closed, Nicki focused on one thought: heal. It wasn’t as elegant as she probably could have managed, and probably wasn’t the best way to do things, but she couldn’t open her eyes. Pulling on every experience she’d ever had of envisioning an artistic project, whether with her grandmother or by herself, Nicki tried to guide her thoughts to what she wanted. She told herself it was like envisioning a vase or a painting before you even started. It was establishing the finished product in your head before you even started so that every action could lead towards that. ‘Course she hadn’t exactly spent much time studying or envisioning Lance’s bare arm. The idea actually made her giggle, unknotting a bit of the tension around her lungs.


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