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Life = Death - volume 9 - Poems on Life , Death

Page 3

by Nikhil Parekh

  of sight,

  To bleed is perfectly O.K; as long as you miraculously heal the savagely vindicated wounds of patriotic comrades injured in war,

  Overwhelmingly diminutive is perfectly O.K; as long as you ensure that the severely maimed slithering on soil; attained a status more invincible than the Himalayas,

  Being a bedraggled beggar was perfectly O.K; as long as you ensure that all mothers diabolically kicked by the hideously conventional society; metamorphosed to the most opulent beings on this boundless Universe,

  Reducing to a bundle of inconspicuous ash was perfectly O.K; as long as you ensure to procreate countless more entities of your kind; marvelously philandering under resplendent rays of the milky moon,

  Painstakingly slow is perfectly O.K; as long as you ensure that your gruesomely debilitated compatriots; raced like a tornado past the finishing line,

  Staying insurmountably famished was perfectly O.K; as long as you ensure that; all those satanically starved; replenished their bellies with exotically enticing food,

  Dithering to a mute shadow was perfectly O.K; as long as you ensure that; the seed of perpetual humanity blossomed into an impregnable tree,

  Pathetically dark is perfectly O.K; as long as you ensure that; all faces enveloped with disease and sooty dust; transformed into the most mesmerizing silhouettes; on this earth,

  Utter dumbness is perfectly O.K; as long as you ensure that; the voice of each deplorably tyrannized; poignantly reached the ultimate harbingers of solidarity

  and peace,

  Ludicrously drowning is perfectly O.K; as long as you ensure that; all those innocent children lost; safely reached their formidably secure abodes,

  Indefatigably weeping is perfectly O.K; as long as you ensure that; a perennially proliferating smile; lit up the faces of all those besieged with traumatized agony and inexplicable pain,

  Aimlessly sky gazing is perfectly O.K; as long as you ensure that; a wave of insatiable ambition enveloped all those rendered jobless; and disdainfully slavering without a firm purpose in life,

  Sacrificing the love of your life was perfectly O.K; as long as you ensure that a wave of unconquerable love; united every broken heart in the swirl of compassionately revered relationship,

  And relinquishing breath wholeheartedly is perfectly O.K; as long as you ensure life in every dead thereafter; creating infinite of your kind; every time the earth was born again; and again and again.



  Spurious are those who bombastically manipulate,?

  Hideous are those who barbarically cheat,?

  Pompous are those who capriciously brag,?

  Surreptitious are those who devilishly flirt,?

  Prodigious are those who prolifically burgeon,?

  Promiscuous are those who raunchily unleash,?

  Lugubrious are those who remorsefully castigate,?

  Dolorous are those who sullenly fret,?

  Licentious are those who bawdily embrace,?

  Capricious are those who insipidly wither,?

  Porous are those who candidly fulminate,?

  Superfluous are those who unnecessarily flaunt,?

  Outrageous are those who traumatically condemn,?

  Ignominious are those who unrelentingly abuse,?

  Courageous are those who unflinchingly confront,?

  Audacious are those who intrepidly adventure,?

  Salacious are those who sleazily ostracize,?

  Sanctimonious are those who ostentatiously purify,?

  Delicious are those who harmoniously synthesize,?

  Deleterious are those who perniciously destroy,?

  Ominous are those who abhorrently envy,?

  Perilous are those who precariously slither,?

  Ostentatious are those who invidiously epitomize,?

  Pretentious are those who treacherously plot,?

  Vociferous are those who discordantly chatter,?

  Tumultuous are those who poignantly embark,?

  Ubiquitous are those who celestially patronize,?

  Rambunctious are those who cacophonically utter,?

  Sensuous are those who tantalizingly fantasize,?

  Voluptuous are those who eternally romance,?

  Ferocious are those who vengefully pluck,?

  Glamorous are those who aristocratically cynosure,?

  Blasphemous are those who malevolently plunder,?

  Loquacious are those who indefatigably chatter,?

  Dexterous are those who articulately maneuver,?

  Malicious are those who vindictively stab,?

  Victorious are those who unitedly surge,?

  Torturous are those who worthlessly asphyxiate,?

  Pugnacious are those who morbidly attack,?

  Insidious are those who tyrannically lambaste,?

  Glorious are those who spell bindingly blaze,?

  Fabulous are those who magnificently dream,?

  Marvelous are those who wonderfully synchronize,?

  Tremendous are those who passionately bond,?

  Incredulous are those who rejuvenatingly proliferate,?

  Onerous are those who perseveringly sweat,?

  Sonorous are those who airily shun,?

  Notorious are those who diabolically cheat,?

  Flirtatious are those who mischievously wander,?

  Vicious are those who parasitically evict,?

  Parsimonious are those who stingily poison,?

  Pious are those who impeccably sanctify,?

  Atrocious are those who sinfully infiltrate,?

  Acrimonious are those who hatefully whip,?

  Luminous are those who benevolently shimmer,?

  Vivacious are those who resplendently blossom,?

  Precocious are those who rhythmically mushroom,?

  Thunderous are those who deafeningly reverberate,?

  Innocuous are those who truthfully breathe,?

  Obnoxious are those who disdainfully backbite,?

  Scurrilous are those who brutally desensitize,?

  Gracious are those who charismatically melange,?

  Ludicrous are those who maniacally discriminate,?

  Opprobrious are those who impeachingly debase,?

  Sumptuous are those who ravishingly relish,?

  Ravenous are those who disastrously impoverish,?

  Egregious are those who ruthlessly orphan,?

  Ambitious are those who tirelessly conceive,?

  Bounteous are those who philanthropically disseminate,?

  Courteous are those who wholeheartedly blend,?

  Zealous are those who fervently pursue,?

  Arduous are those who insatiably long,?

  Assiduous are those who diligently progress,?

  Dubious are those who ingloriously ruminate,?

  Ambiguous are those who inexplicably vacillate,?

  And precious are those who symbiotically exist.


  Even though I ran boundless kilometers on the trot; with the Sun flaming full throttle on the nimble pores of my visage,

  Sleep still incorrigibly defied my eyes; even as my legs as heavy as the overwhelmingly gargantuan mountain range; inundated with acrid thorns.

  Even though I indefatigably read all throughout the heart of the sultry night; with the whites of my eyes metamorphosing to an ominously venomous red,

  Sleep still immutably eluded my bleary countenance; even as each ingredient of my blood crawled towards the tenterhooks of inevitable extinction.

  Even though I ate the most appetizing meals on this colossal Universe; appeasing the gluttony of my visage to the most unprecedented limits,

  Sleep still insidiously betrayed my soul; even as each pore of my flesh badly wailed to perennially rest.

  Even though I ploughed infinite distance on the roll; like an avalanche of ice; pathetically melting under the choking fireball of Sun,

  Sleep still treacherously dawdled from my conscience; even as th
e impoverished caricature of my skull; pledged to devastatingly disentangle itself from my sagging shoulders.

  Even though I bulldozed my way through the disdainfully mighty battle; eloping countless lands barefoot; saving my skin from the lecherous traitors,

  Sleep still drifted unfathomable miles from my drearily dwindling bones; even as the most intricate dormitories of my brain; lambasted like a billion snakes every unleashing minute.

  Even though I hoisted a battalion of unsurpassable bricks over my shoulders; indefatigably cutting across the deplorable dungeon of gloom lingering ahead,

  Sleep still miserably obfuscated my drowning persona; even as I died an incomprehensible number of deaths in my body inside.

  Even though I swam intransigently across the torrentially choppy ocean; exerting the astronomically brute force of my bones; against the vociferously roaring storm,

  Sleep still maniacally vindicated my senses; even as each hair on my demeanor; pathetically decayed to coalesce with threadbare soil.

  Even though I wept for centuries immemorial; infiltrating my vision deliberately with a million needles soaked in scorpion blood,

  Sleep still repelled each of my insurmountably tyrannical body; even as the last ounce of robust exhilaration wholesomely evaporated from my heart and soul.

  And even as the entire Universe slept in blissful peace; snoring in the aisles of perpetual contentment and mystical enthrallment; outside,

  Sleep still refused to enter my blood; my body; my soul;

  As although I had achieved the most cherished missions of my life; my eyes? continued to frantically grope for the love of their lives; the mate of their dreams;

  the mate that made them fantasize and dream; even while they were open

  and alive.




  9. I WAS FED UP?

  I was fed up of being parasitically dependant,

  Not of my irrevocable weight; inevitably squelching loose chunks of soil as I walked.

  I was fed up of being worthlessly pampered,

  Not of my unrelenting festoon of fantasies; which tirelessly cuddled me; beyond the ultimate epitomes of mesmerizing enthrallment.

  I was fed up of going to manipulatively uncouth office,

  Not of indefatigably working to achieve my art; rise to be the absolute best in my romantically voluptuous passions of existence.

  I was fed up of being sympathetically fed,

  Not of rightfully earning my share of appetizing meal; from earth's fathomless reserve of ravishingly bountiful endowment.

  I was fed up of ostentatiously spurious relationships,

  Not of blending with bonds of eternal love and philanthropic friendship; making me the richest entity alive on the trajectory of this boundless Universe.

  I was fed up with cowards who were infidel,

  Not of innocuously bouncing infants; capriciously changing their moods; even as the winds nimbly changed the slightest of their direction.

  I was fed up of taking things for granted,

  Not of the wonderfully intrinsic processes of my body; which functioned like astoundingly meticulous clockwork all night and day; to keep me blissfully alive.

  I was fed up of casual approaches to lead life,

  Not of the serene calm which enveloped my mind; propelling me to focus on the unsurpassable myriad of things; yet to be destined.

  I was fed up of being tyrannically dictated,

  Not of being a perennially obedient slave of true love; bowing down in revered obeisance to the flower of humanity; which invincibly lingered all over the planet.

  I was fed up of youth staring lackadaisically towards fading horizons,

  Not of the intrepidly endowed soldier; who sacrificed his life for his motherland; without even batting an eye.

  I was fed up witnessing people polishing the shoes of their pompously inflated boss,

  Not of the patriotic stalwarts; kissing their goals incessantly even while in their sleep; hugging inseparably to their benevolent mission in life.

  I was fed up of ghastly war and indiscriminate bloodshed,

  Not of the unfathomable rebel in my soul; which resolved to scrap injustice and hatred; from the tiniest core of their non-existent roots.

  I was fed up of the mockingly hollow rules of the conventional society,

  Not of my stringently incorrigible conviction to fight till I shed the last iota of breath; for the soul mate of my life.

  I was fed up of the shadows of the ominously evil,

  Not of the most magnanimous reflections of sharing; the unconquerable shimmers of unity that remained alive even after sunset.

  I was fed up of the brutally insensitive odor of profound commercialism,

  Not of the golden perspiration that melodiously cascaded down my palms; gloriously depicting the blissfully enduring fruits of my wholehearted turmoil.

  I was fed up of lecherously sinister betrayal,

  Not of the wilderness of my rampantly throbbing heart; which made me exuberantly explore in a million different directions; every unleashing minute.

  I was fed up of bombastically assisted at each conjecture of survival,

  Not of the impregnable power of my conscience; which made me unflinchingly confront the most acrimonious of obstacle; with fireballs of faith engulfing my eyes.

  And I was fed up of treacherously chained life,

  Not of the immortal spirit of existence; which was so strong; that it made live an infinite lives more; even though I wanted to die.


  I can give you my life; precious years of my overwhelmingly sacred existence; at the tiniest of your commands,

  But I take no guarantee of my brain; an irascible volcano which devastates; at times higher than the sky; while at times embedding itself infinite kilometers beneath

  the grave.

  I can give you my life; each iota of wealth that I had assimilated; at the slightest cry of your painstaking distress,

  But I take no guarantee of my brain; at times romanticizing in the aisles of desire; while at times licking raw sands like an insane lunatic.

  I can give you my life; showering upon you all the mesmerizing happiness that lingered around my countenance; when you stumbled brutally on every path,

  But I take no guarantee of my brain; at times glistening like the epitome of ultimate prosperity; while at times indefatigably barking like a wounded dog; slithering towards the corridors of extinction.

  I can give you my life; bestowing upon you all the goodness that profusely circumvented my soul; when you spoke of the tiniest of discomfort,

  But I take no guarantee of my brain; at times blossoming vibrantly like a vivacious peacock; while at times sadistically whipping itself with ghastly chains of diabolical hell.

  I can give you my life; sacrificing every smile that besieged my rubicund lips; to witness you harness the true essence of existence,

  But I take no guarantee of my brain; at times relishing the fruits of nature in celestially harmonious melody; while at times disastrously unable to breathe; imprisoned in chains of self destruction and diffidence.

  I can give you my life; embellishing each path you tread on; with streams of my very own crimson blood; nourishing you with my breath to a land more exotic than paradise,

  But I take no guarantee of my brain; at times harvesting the most wonderful fantasies on this Universe; while at times hissing ominously on the lanes of isolated malice.

  I can give you my life; pacifying your every unfinished desire; even as you bounced in stupendously supreme contentment and intrigue,

  But I take no guarantee of my brain; at times invincibly towering above all on this planet; while at times traumatizing itself like a billion scorpion bites.

  I can give you my life; inundating your haplessly empty palms with the most beautiful gifts on this planet; ensuring that you walked on a silken carpet while thorns of treachery; savagely pierced my eyes,
r />   But I take no guarantee of my brain; at times as impeccable as mothers milk; while at times obsessively trying to lambaste its unfathomable repertoire of; untapped potential.

  And I can give you my life; seeing to it that you led an infinite more lives of bliss; relinquishing my breath as many number of times,

  But I take no guarantee of my brain; at times ubiquitously disseminating the essence of divine; while at times a satanic demon; penalizing me for apparently no fault of mine.



  The greatest gift that the tree could shower upon this earth; was its stupendous myriad of bountiful fruits and exotic berries,

  The greatest gift that the sky could shower upon this earth; was torrential


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