SEAL's Honor (Alpha SEALs Coronado Book 3)

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SEAL's Honor (Alpha SEALs Coronado Book 3) Page 15

by Makenna Jameison

  Taryn didn’t have many clothes here, which made him frown, but it did make unpacking easier. She’d given him an entire side of the dresser. He’d planned to be here for at least a few weeks while she healed from her injuries, but he wouldn’t complain if he never left.

  Almost losing her made Jackson realize even more how much he needed her in his life. He’d go at whatever pace she wanted, but hell. He wasn’t about to let the best thing in his life slip away.

  His mouth dropped open a moment later when Taryn emerged from the bathroom wearing only a silky, floral robe. He knew she’d carried clean clothes in there, but she’d elected to come out in only this, knowing Jackson was here in her bedroom.

  Taryn’s hair was damp, hanging down to her shoulders, and he could still see the faint hint of bruising around her neck and near her eye. She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen though, and his cock stirred just looking at her.

  It was wrong to even think that. She was injured. She needed him to hold her, not pull her to bed and make love to her for hours.

  “I was going to get dressed but thought you could just hold me for a while.”

  He nodded, his gaze raking over her beautiful body. She’d put on her rose-scented lotion and was so soft and sweet to look at, it practically hurt.

  “Come here, sweetheart,” he said, his voice gravel.

  She walked toward him, resting her hands on his chest, then stood up on her tiptoes to kiss him. He’d kissed her briefly before when they’d first gotten home, but that had been chaste and sweet. This kiss was an explosion. She might still be hurting and sore, but she kissed him hard enough to let him know that she was claiming him as hers. It was erotic and arousing as hell having her make a move like that. Taryn had been hesitant before, but now she wanted him. And Jackson felt about ten feet tall.

  His arms wrapped around her as his mouth met with hers, and then he was lifting her up, carrying her to bed.

  “I want you to make love to me,” she said, looking like a goddess spread out before him after he’d laid her down.

  “You’re hurt,” he said gently.

  “You’ll be careful. I thought I’d never see you again—that Austin would kill me, and I’d never have a chance to tell you I was falling in love with you. I need you, Jackson.”

  He ducked down, his arms caging her in, and kissed her harder then. She tasted sweet, like strawberries and cream, and she smelled of roses. His erection was painful against the confines of his pants, but this was about her. Her comfort. Her pleasure.

  “Let me take care of you,” he murmured, softly kissing his way down her neck. She shuddered beneath him, and he undid the tie of her robe, baring her to him. Her breasts were full and gorgeous, with pale nipples that he longed to tongue and suck. He lightly ran his hand over her breasts, loving how she arched into his touch. Unable to resist, his mouth followed. He licked one gorgeous nipple, then sucked it into his mouth, feasting on Taryn as she clutched his head and whimpered.

  “Jackson, oh God.”

  He lightly flickered his tongue over her nipple, loving as she writhed beneath him. “I’ll take care of you, Taryn,” he said, his voice gruff. “I’ll give you everything.” He shifted to her other breast, laving the same attention on it. Her full globes were a handful, and he squeezed one, loving the eroticism of his muscular hand on her bare breast.

  She watched him, seemingly as entranced as he was. Jackson softened his touch, caressing one breast gently while he kissed and sucked on the other one.

  Taryn gasped, arching up toward him, and he could smell her arousal. He licked his way around her nipple, enjoying every pant and moan that she made. He could feast on her breasts for hours, but he was anxious to pleasure her. To taste her sweet folds and make her shatter apart in his arms.

  Softly, he kissed his way down her stomach. She was a little too thin from those weeks of barely eating, but he’d do what he could to make sure she was healthy and strong.

  “You’re beautiful,” he breathed reverently.

  “I’m nervous.”

  “I’ll never hurt you, sweetheart. Let me love you.”

  She shivered as he kissed his way lower toward her sex, and then he was eagerly lying in front of her, ready to give Taryn everything.


  “You smell so good,” Jackson growled, kissing her swollen sex.

  She trembled before him, both nervous and excited. She’d never felt as turned-on as she did in this moment, and she knew it was purely Jackson who caused her to feel this way. His touch. His kisses. His gentleness.

  Jackson was everything she’d ever dreamed about in a man, and he was here before her, ready to love on her. His large hands spread her thighs open, and there was something erotic and sinful at having this massive man kneel before her.

  “Jackson,” she breathed, flushing in both arousal and embarrassment. “I—I’ve never done this.”

  He growled in approval. “It’s true,” he said, lightly nuzzling his cheek against her. His whiskers abraded her nether lips, and she shook. “You smell fucking amazing. I’m honored to be the first man who’s gone down on you. The only man,” he said, his voice gravel.

  “Please Jackson,” she whispered.

  He hitched her legs over his wide shoulders, and she practically panted as she lay spread out before him on her bed. She was at his complete and utter mercy, but instead of being frightened, she was completely aroused.

  He lightly ran his tongue up her slit, finally trailing it through her arousal-drenched folds.

  “Jesus,” he growled. “You taste so sweet; I’ll never get enough. I can’t get over how wet you are for me.” He lightly ran his thick fingers through her folds, seemingly in awe. She blushed furiously, watching in amazement as he lifted both fingers to his mouth, sucking off her arousal.

  “Mine,” he said.

  That was all the warning she had before he ducked down again and pleasured her, licking and sucking and kissing until she was bucking up off the bed. His tongue trailed through her folds, knowing exactly how to tease her.

  She’d never had a man make her feel this way before. Never. And it was purely sinful what this man could do with his mouth.

  Sparks of desire shot through her, and she moaned—actually moaned—at how good it felt. One thick finger slid to her center, and then he was easing inside, stretching her inner walls. He added a second finger, and she gasped.

  “Jackson, oh my God!”

  What would it feel like having his cock thrusting into her? His fingers were magical enough. She could barely imagine what he could do with his dick. Jackson looked up, watching her, as his fingers thrust in and out, his thumb rubbing over her clit.

  “Oh God, oh God!” she pleaded.

  She was too far gone to feel embarrassed anymore. Jackson touching her made her want to explode. The pressure was building, and it was so much, so fast, she swore she began to see stars.

  Jackson lowered his wicked mouth and latched onto her clit, sucking her tender bud into his mouth as he drove her higher. His lips and tongue worked their magic, and she finally screamed out her release, helpless to the man before her.

  It could’ve been minutes or hours before she finally came back to her senses. Jackson was still nuzzling her gently, slowly bringing her back down. Her legs were over his wide shoulders, and his eyes heated as he gazed at her core.

  He pulled his fingers out, sucking off her juices as she blushed.

  “Jackson, make love to me,” she said, watching as his eyes widened with arousal.

  “You’re injured.” His voice was strained, and she knew he had to be ready. He was more concerned about her than his own pleasure.

  “I need you,” she pleaded.

  He slowly eased her legs off his shoulders and stood, quickly removing his shirt and pants. Jackson was a sight to behold, with broad pecs and an abdomen she wanted to sit up and lick if she weren’t still sore from her injuries. As he shoved his boxers down, his cock sprung o
ut, hard, thick, and ready. It bobbed as he pulled his wallet from his pants, producing a condom. He sheathed himself and then gently moved her toward the edge of her bed.

  “When you’re better, I can’t wait to cover you with my body. To feel you beneath me. I’ll be gentle tonight though, sweetheart.”

  He lifted her legs, wrapping them around his waist as he edged closer to her. His cock brushed against her still sensitive clit, and she gasped. “You’re mine, sweetheart,” he murmured before lining himself up and gently nudging inside.

  Jackson went slow—so very slow. He was big, but she was wet and ready for him thanks to that mind-blowing orgasm. “God, you’re tight,” he muttered. “You feel amazing.”

  “Keep going,” she urged. “I want all of you.”

  Jackson inched in further, and she gasped, her hands flying to her breasts. It felt so good having Jackson inside her, like he was made for her alone. Sex had never felt like this before—never. Their gazes locked and then Jackson’s raked down her body, taking in her breasts, her stomach, and finally, where their sexes joined.

  “You’re beautiful,” he ground out.

  “So are you,” she gasped, looking at the wall of muscle and man before her. His muscular arms held her legs, and she was spread out before him waiting to be claimed. She wanted this. Wanted him. “Take me,” she pleaded.

  “I’ll go slow,” he said again, seemingly more to himself than her. And Jackson began thrusting, watching her face for her reaction. Her ribs did still ache, but she didn’t care. It would take months to heal from multiple broken bones. She wanted him to make love to her, to make her his. She wanted and needed this.

  His thumb slid to her clit, and he strummed it as he slowly made love to her. It was careful and sweet, and she tightened her legs around him. “I love you,” he said, his voice gruff. The truth shone in his eyes. Jackson did love her, just as she loved him.

  His thrusts increased in speed, despite his trying to hold back. With every stroke he brought her higher, closer. His erection was long and thick, and she couldn’t do anything but hold on for the ride as he took her. His thumb swept over her clit again, and she cried out, orgasming a second time as Jackson bucked into her again and stilled, releasing as well.

  Moments later, he was crawling into her bed, carefully easing her into his arms.

  “That was amazing,” she murmured, nuzzling up against him. Her head lay on his broad chest, one of her legs thrown over his muscular thigh. He was solid and strong and real. Safe.

  “You’re amazing,” he said, running a hand over her still-damp hair.

  She nodded but yawned sleepily, content to drift off in the safety of Jackson’s arms.

  Chapter 17

  The following week, Jackson returned to work with the rest of his team. There’d been no signs of Austin, but his leave had come to an end, and it was time to get back to his routine. Clarissa had gone to Taryn’s for the day, and another guy from base had agreed to hang out with the women. It was unusual, to be certain, but until Austin was caught, Jackson didn’t feel comfortable leaving her alone. Taryn could work on a few projects from home, and Clarissa could prepare for her lectures that night.

  The police officers had protected Taryn while she was in the hospital, but now that she was back home, it had been entirely on him. Jackson couldn’t ask his buddies to be there every day though. He needed to figure out somewhere safe for her to go.

  Or track down Austin himself.

  The day dragged on, with drills out on the water and more meetings about several situations unfolding around the world. The Pentagon had praised them for bringing the terror cell leader in Algeria to justice. Although most of the world would never know the details of what had transpired, it still filled Jackson with pride to know another job had been well done and another terrorist had been taken out.

  Leaving base later than he wanted to, Jackson finally headed home after an exhausting day. He was tired from the grueling training sessions they’d done and was looking forward to relaxing for the evening with his girl.

  Jackson decided to stop by the grocery store on the way home to pick up a couple of things. They hadn’t gone out over the weekend, preferring instead to stay home while Taryn recovered and make lazy love while they spent hours in bed together.

  Taryn was beautiful and sweet. She’d been slightly nervous the first time they’d been together, but the way she’d opened up to him made his heart soar. He was still infinitely gentle, given that she was still recovering, but every time he entered her body, slowly making love and claiming her as his, he fell for her a little bit more.

  Jackson slammed the door to his SUV shut, planning to grab just a few items from the store before he went home. He’d texted his buddy to say he’d be there in twenty minutes. He owed his friend big time for spending his entire day off with Taryn, but Jackson knew he’d do the same for any of the men on base if their loved ones were in danger.

  He was glancing down at his phone, smiling as he read a text from Taryn, so he didn’t immediately notice the car speeding toward him. Another car honked, and then Jackson looked up, diving out of the way as an older model Ford came racing his way.

  The car slammed into another parked vehicle, and Jackson didn’t need to look at the driver as he jumped out to know it was Austin.

  He’d already dialed 911 as the crazed man stumbled out and came toward him, weapon in hand.

  “911, what’s your emergency?”

  “My girlfriend was attacked last week by her ex-husband. He’s here now at the Supermart, holding a gun and threatening me. There’s a BOLO out for his arrest. Austin Brown.”

  Jackson hung up before the dispatcher could ask for more information. Other people were now calling it in as well, running and hiding from the crazy guy who was wielding a gun.

  “You stole her from me, jackass!” Austin yelled, stumbling slightly as he took a step toward Jackson. “You thought you could fucking take what was mine? She’s my wife!” he screamed. He fired a shot into the air as people gasped and ducked behind their cars. A child began crying, and out of the corner of his eye, Jackson saw a mom pushing her two children to the ground.

  Austin smashed the window of the rental car he’d been driving, screaming obscenities.

  “He’s got a gun!” someone yelled.

  “Shots fired! Shots fired!”

  “Help!” a woman screamed.

  Austin fired into the air once more and then aimed the gun directly at Jackson’s chest as he stood there. He could run and take cover, but he didn’t want any civilians to be harmed. Austin had already fired his weapon twice. And this was between him and Austin.

  He wouldn’t cower and hide while innocent women and children were hurt.

  “She left you,” Jackson said, taking a step toward the madman. “She divorced you and fled. Get the hell out of here.”

  Sirens sounded in the distance, but Jackson’s vision was focused entirely on Austin. His hand shook as he held the gun, and Jackson tried to gauge the likelihood of tackling him without harm coming to anyone else. He held his hand up, hoping to slow Austin’s advance.

  “Fuck you!” Austin screamed.

  “Slow your roll. She left you, and it’s over. Why don’t you turn around and head home? There’s nothing left for you here.”

  “Head home? My life is over! My career is ruined. And it’s all because of that bitch!”

  A baby started screaming, and Austin looked around, growing more agitated. The gun shook in his hands, and Jackson didn’t hesitate. He reached around his back to the K-Bar knife he carried and pulled it free from its sheath.

  “Shut up, just shut up!” Austin screamed.

  He looked back at Jackson, raising the gun again, but he was too slow. Jackson threw the knife at Austin just as he pulled the trigger. Jackson dove to the side, and the knife landed in Austin’s chest as the bullet pierced the windshield of another car. Blood pooled from Austin’s knife wound, and he slumped to the grou
nd, dropping the gun.

  Jackson sprung up and ran over, kicking the gun away as several people screamed, but Austin was already dead, his eyes rolling to the back of his head. Jackson stared at him a beat, feeling no remorse for killing the man who’d hurt Taryn over and over again. Who’d thought nothing of shooting at him, risking the lives of innocents all around them.

  Three police cars came racing into the parking lot, the officers jumping out as Jackson held up his hands and stepped back. They climbed out of their vehicles, guns drawn and pointed at Austin, but it was over. Taryn’s ex-husband was dead, and she was finally really and truly free.


  Taryn beamed as the doorbell rang, and Jackson poked his head in the sliding glass doors from where he stood on the deck grilling.

  “You got it?” he asked, his dark gaze meeting hers.

  “Yep, I’m good, baby,” she said with a smile. She practically skipped downstairs to let in Clarissa and Blake and was surprised to see Logan and his date already there as well.

  “We heard there was a party,” Blake quipped, carrying in two six-packs of beer as Clarissa held up a huge platter of ribs to stick on the grill.

  “Sorry, I couldn’t resist,” she said with a grin. “I’m a Texas girl at heart!”

  “We brought beer and wine,” Logan said, holding up both as his date snuggled up to him.

  “Yo, Raptor and Hurricane!” Troy whooped, grinning from ear-to-ear as he hurried up the steps with a pretty blonde. She was a different woman than the date he’d been with a month ago, Taryn noticed. Apparently, some things never changed with these guys. Half the team seemed to have a new woman with them every week.

  “Come in,” Taryn said, smiling at her friends. Her friends. Because they really were now. The entire team had welcomed her as one of their own, and she knew how lucky she was to have real friends. “Jackson’s grilling out on the deck.”


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