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Don't Trust Me

Page 16

by Jessica Lynch

  Tessa seemed to remember herself at the same moment. Clearing her throat, she looked around the busy coffeehouse, staring at anything and everything except the flash of lust and heat of desire in his icy blue eyes.

  She recognized it all the same.

  When Lucas drove her back to Ophelia an hour later, there were two cars parked nearby. One was a mint green two-door coupe that had Maria written all over it. She had parked it in the driveway rather than the garage which made Tess wonder if she had taken another market trip or something else while Tess was at brunch with her brother.

  The other was parked on the opposite side of the street, directly across from the bed and breakfast. It was a police cruiser.

  Of course it was.

  “The sheriff?” she asked when she saw it. Great. Just great. After their discussion at the coffee shop, Caitlin De Angelis was the last person she wanted to see.

  Lucas shook his head. “No, that’s not Caity.”

  And then he said, “It’s Walsh,” and Tessa found herself sinking into her seat. She should've expected this and been more prepared.

  Jesus. That guy was never going to take a hint.

  It wasn't that she didn't appreciate everything he did for her last night. She did. Mason was a lifesaver. He'd been right there, willing to lend a helping hand ever since he pulled her over. Which was why, when Lucas raised an eyebrow at her, wordlessly asking if she wanted him to continue driving right past the house, she shook her head.

  “You sure?”

  Tess nodded. “He’s probably just taking the time to come and check up on me after last night. I know I acted like a moron. He’s like you, pulling the good guy routine because you feel bad for me. Don’t worry. I think I can handle him.”

  “Oh?” His eyebrow rose infinitesimally higher. “Like you handled me?”

  A small smile was her only reply as she unsnapped her seatbelt.

  Lucas reached over her to pop open the door for Tessa. His hand brushed against her thigh as he drew his arm back slowly. “I’m heading down to my office to do some work. If you need me for any reason at all, get Maria. She knows how to get in touch with me.”

  “Thanks for brunch,” she said, climbing easily out of the car.

  “My pleasure. Oh,” he added as she closed the door behind her and stepped away from the Mustang, “and Tessa?”

  She paused, turning to look at him through the open window. He still had his arm slung around the headrest where she’d been sitting, leaning in so that she could hear him without him having to raise his voice.

  “Walsh isn’t anything like me.”

  She barely had time to wonder what he meant before he peeled away from the curb. Giving her head a shake, she started for the walkway that led up to Ophelia. She believed Lucas when he said that the cruiser belonged to Mason. How could anyone else expect her to know that? If she got lucky, she could slip inside her borrowed sanctuary without having to talk to him at all—

  The slam of a car door. Heavy boots falling in a steady rhythm as someone jogged up to her. She didn’t need to turn around to know it was the deputy.

  “Hey, Tess. I was hoping to catch you.”

  Pasting a pleasantly fake smile on her face, she turned to greet him. “Mason, I didn’t see you there. How are you?”

  “I’m doing alright.” Mason pulled his thumb in the direction Lucas had just gone. His expression was carefully blank. “Was that the doc?”

  “Oh. Yes. He was kind enough to offer me a ride back to the bed and breakfast.” Which reminded her. She still needed her car and here was the one person who might know where it was. “So, um, do you think—”

  “Why were you with the doc?” he interrupted. It wasn’t a casual question, either. It was a demand. “Where were you?”

  Tess was so surprised by the venom in his voice, she stopped mid-sentence. The car could damn well wait. She had a much bigger problem standing right in front of her to worry about.

  A six foot tall, blond-haired, brown-eyed problem.

  “We went to get something to eat. Why?”

  His jaw ticked. “We? You went with him?”

  She wasn’t going to let him intimidate her. Shaking her head royally, she asked, “Why not? I thought it was nice of him to offer.”

  “If you need something, you come to me. Not him.”

  Tess was so tired of letting everyone walk all over her. Jack had, and she hated it, but they’d dated for many years before they got married. After all that time together, he knew how to manage her and she… well, she just gave up a long time ago.

  Talking to Lucas at the coffeehouse had been a revelation for Tess. Now that she was free from him at last, she wasn’t about to let anyone put her down again.

  “You’re the one who called the doctor over last night. I didn’t need him seeing me like that. You told me he would help. Why are you so mad that I let him?”

  Mason’s scowl was a flash across his handsome features, there and gone again as he struggled to maintain his control. “Maria is the one who buzzed the doc,” he told Tess. “I didn’t want him coming around you. Seems like I was right.”

  “Mason, I don’t belong to you. We just met, for god’s sake.”

  That didn’t seem to faze him. “Lucas De Angelis belongs to the sheriff. He always has, and he always will. Remember that. You’re wasting your time with him.”

  “It was just breakfast—”

  “With him.” Mason lashed out, striking like a snake. He had his hand wrapped around her slender wrist, yanking her until they were nearly nose to nose. “I would’ve taken you anywhere you wanted to go. You didn’t have to go to Lucas.”

  Tess struggled against his hold. She never expected him to grab her and it spooked her, how fast he had turned on her like that. But the more she struggled and tried to pull away, the tighter his clasp became until it was a vice clamped around her wrist. Fingers digging into her skin, his hand squeezing so tightly it was like he was mashing her bones together.

  It hurt.

  Panting softly, she tried one more time to break free. When it didn’t work, she whimpered. “Deputy, please. You’re hurting me.”

  Mason blinked. The dark look in his eyes disappeared from one second to the next, almost as if he had been in a trance and only now realized what he was doing. With a sharp breath, he let go of Tess’s hand so quickly, you would’ve thought he was burned.

  “Ah, jeez. I’m sorry.” He took one step away from her, and another. He held up his hand, staring at it as if it wasn’t his. “Tess, I didn’t mean to—”

  He was moving away from her. That’s all she wanted. If she managed to put enough space between them, she could bolt for the door and, if she was lucky, she might even make it before he overpowered her.

  “It’s fine,” she lied. “Just… let’s forget it happened, okay?”

  Tess wasn't stupid. Mason was a member of the law enforcement team in a town that wasn’t too keen on the idea of outsiders. Even if she wanted to complain about his sudden mood swing, she didn’t think it would do any good. When it was his word against hers, she knew damn well who Sheriff De Angelis would believe. That woman was looking for one tiny excuse to toss Tess in the cells again and, this time, she would throw away the key.

  No, she amended. The sheriff would drag Tess out of Hamlet by the hair and throw her into the county lock-up the next town over just so she would never have to look at her again.

  Glancing down, she saw the red ring forming around her wrist. Compared to her pale skin, the blemish was extremely noticeable.

  Mason saw it the same time she did. He reached for her. “Your wrist—”

  Tess moved her hand out of his grasp, tucking it behind her back so that he couldn’t touch her again. “Is fine,” she repeated. “It’s fine. Don’t worry about it.”

  “Don’t worry about it? I hurt you, Tess! I never should’ve—”

  Mason’s radio buzzed.

  “I can’t ignore that.” He looked
pained. “I’m still on duty.”

  Tess never believed in the old adage “saved by the bell” more than at that moment. She was desperate to get out of this conversation, no matter what. Taking the opportunity to continue to back away from Mason, she gestured at his belt. “Go on. Answer your radio.”

  He picked up on her retreat. “Don’t go anywhere yet. Please, Tess. We’re not done.”

  Oh, yes, they were. She took another step away, sliding her hand to cover the red mark on her wrist. Maybe, if he didn’t see it, he would forget and go.

  Engaging his radio, Mason said, “This is Deputy Walsh.”

  Static, followed by Willie’s pleasant voice. “Mase, sug, I need you to take a spin out to North Woodbridge, gulleyside. I’ve got those two neighbors fighting over that damn rosebush again. Sheriff’s going out of Hamlet and Sly’s just gone off duty after pulling another double. I need you to break it up before Jerry turns the hose on Christopher again.”

  “Got it, Wil. Don’t worry. I’ll threaten Chris with his wife. That usually stops his complaining. I’ll check in when I got it under control.”

  “Thanks, sugar.”

  Clipping his radio back to his belt, Mason offered Tess a crooked half smile that was wavering. Despite her wishes, he obviously hadn’t forgotten their discussion. “See, that’s what crime in Hamlet is usually like, two old coots fighting over a rosebush. Murders make us all jumpy. It’s no excuse…”

  “Like I said, don’t worry about it.” She jerked her chin at his radio. “Don’t you have to go?”

  “I do,” he admitted, “but I promise I’ll come back to see you as soon as I can.” The worry and apology that had been in is his expression transformed into sudden certainty, as if he’d had an epiphany. His jaw set, a cutting edge as he gritted his teeth together and pointed at her. “Tomorrow.”

  “What?” Her nerves got the better of her. The one word came out like a screech.

  “Tomorrow,” he said again. “It’s my night off. Sheriff said. Let me make it up to you. I’ll show you Hamlet. The doc took you to brunch, right? Coffee? Give me a chance. I can take you to dinner, show you what I have to offer. It’s only fair.”

  Fair? What was he thinking? This wasn’t a contest, and she wasn’t a prize. There weren’t any rules. What the hell did he mean, fair? Just because Lucas showed up to take her to the coffeehouse, it didn’t mean that she had to agree to go out with Mason. She was only a few days removed from being married to Jack Sullivan— why was she the only one who remembered that her husband had just been killed?

  Regardless of her confession to Lucas earlier, that didn’t change the truth. She wasn’t even sure she’d really understood what his murder meant. She certainly wasn’t looking to replace him.

  Especially not with a man who thought it was okay to grab her arm like she was his property.

  “I don’t know—”

  He clasped his hands together. “Please, Tess. Please.”

  If Mason wasn’t begging, it was close enough to make Tess feel like she had to give in. He’d been nothing but kind before his jealousy took over. She’d done her best not to lead him on, knowing that there was no way she could give him what he was obviously after, but she also wasn’t cruel. Mason had been considerate and thoughtful and kind to a stranger in need. Now he was inviting her out. Maybe she was reading too much into it. She doubted it, but maybe.

  And, well, if she turned him down, it would be like kicking a puppy in his face. She just couldn’t do it.

  “I guess so.”

  “Great.” He moved toward her as if he was going to touch her again. Tess froze in place, expecting another rough grab. Either he caught her reaction or he thought better of it, because Mason suddenly pulled back. He pointed at her, repeated solemnly, “Tomorrow,” then moved to return to his cruiser.

  Tess watched him go. Once he stepped off the curb, she remembered what she had started to ask him before he distracted her with his resentful reaction to seeing her with Lucas.

  “Wait!” she called after him. “I need you to tell me where my car is!”

  Mason acted like he hadn’t heard her. Rubbing his hand against the back of his neck, unable to hide the flush that crept up the sides of his throat, he crossed the street to where he had parked. His boots thudded against the gravel, the handcuffs on his belt clanking with the force of each step.

  Just before he climbed into his cruiser, Mason waved back at her. “I’ll be back tomorrow. Seven o’clock. See you, Tess.”

  It was a promise, Tess knew. But she took it as a threat.

  As he sped off, she gave herself a small shake. The hairs on the back of her neck were standing straight up. Underneath her jacket, she could feel the goosebumps as they erupted over her flesh. The same fear that overwhelmed her last night with the note came back with a vengeance. Her wrist ached where he yanked, the skin on fire from his hard touch.

  Her first instinct was to go see Lucas again. The force of her response was so strong that it staggered her. It had to be because Mason had basically warned her against seeing him again. As a child, she’d always been contrary. Her grandmother used to tell her the opposite of what she expected a teenaged Tess to do, knowing that she would always do the reverse.

  She was an adult now. Tess could do what she wanted—but she would do what was best for her. And right then? Hunting down the gorgeous doctor when she was already rattled wasn’t the best answer for her. Maybe later. Maybe when she was thinking more clearly. For now, the best thing for her to do was go inside and pretend that Mason hadn’t been waiting for her.

  Turning toward the walkway, Tess took two steps up the winding cobblestone path before she stopped dead in her tracks. Standing with her arms crossed and her hip propping the screen door open, Maria looked like she’d been waiting a while for the other woman to notice her.

  Tess knew she was caught. Her shoulders slumped. “How much of that did you see?”

  Maria gestured inside the open doorway “Enough that I think a good cup of hot cocoa is in order. Come in, sweetie. Let’s have a chat.”


  Maria didn’t say anything until she’d boiled the milk, added the chocolate and poured them each a generous portion of the steaming liquid in an oversized mug. Tess vaguely thought Maria was using soup bowls. Even better. Right now, as unsettled as she was, hot cocoa sounded like just what the doctor ordered.

  Small wisps of smoke danced above the mug. Careful of the temperature, Maria took a tiny sip, smacking her lips in satisfaction when it passed her muster. “Ah, that’s good.”

  Tess’s tongue was still sensitive from where she burned it on coffee that morning. She pushed her mug to the side, letting her cocoa sit until it was cool enough to drink without causing more damage. Without even realizing it, she started to rub her wrist. The red mark was fading, though the ache from his rough tug lingered.

  Maria tsk-ed. “He did that to you?”

  “He didn’t mean to yank,” she said, dropping her hand into her lap. “I wasn’t expecting him to grab so I pulled away from him. It was an accident.”


  “What’s that mean?”

  Maria pursed her lips, her mug rattling against the tabletop as she placed it down. “Hamlet is a small town. Real small. I mean, it’s so small that Hamlet’s not even the name—it doesn’t have a name. Do you know what a hamlet is?”

  Tess had no idea where Maria was going with this. Because she liked Lucas’s sister, she decided to play along. She thought about it. The most she could say she knew about Hamlet was that it was a Shakespeare play she never had to read.

  Was it the one with the whole “To be or not to be?” speech? Maybe. Probably not what Maria meant, though.

  She shook her head.

  “A hamlet is another name for a small village. Perfect for us, right? For years, we were the no-name hamlet where the local kooks chose to build their homes between the rocky ridge of the mountains and a deep valley. We have n
o reliable phones. Internet works sometimes, not always. Some of the houses on the gulleyside of town have televisions but it wasn’t worth it to lay cable all over so that’s hit or miss. And, yet, we stay. In a good year, there’s maybe two hundred of us. I see you, bellisima, so lost, so confused. Do you know why I tell you this?”

  Tess reached for her hot chocolate, took a tentative sip. Still warm, but cool enough to drink. After she took another gulp, she met Maria’s friendly smile. And she understood. “It’s like you told me before. Small town, everyone knows your business. But it also means you know about them.” When Maria nodded behind her mug, Tess guessed, “You know something about the deputy.”

  “I’m not a gossip, Tess, but I watch. My brother, he always says to me, ‘Maria, keep your nose in your own home’ and I try. Except you’re in my home now. While you stay in Ophelia, I'll watch out for you. You’ve only been here for a handful of days. How well do you know Mason Walsh?”

  It wasn’t hard to be honest. “Not well at all. He pulled me over when I had a little too much to drink, and he made me spend the night in the holding cells. That was supposed to be it. But then… with Jack…” Tess gave a helpless shrug before grabbing her mug if only to have something to do with her hands. “I’m not a complete moron and, hell, he hasn’t been exactly subtle. I know he’s attracted to me, but I can’t figure out why he turned like that. He was so sweet before and now… it’s like he’s changed. He’s so…” She couldn’t find the word.

  “Intense?” Maria suggested.

  That was it. “Yes!”

  Maria nodded, her long dark hair spilling over her chest as she leaned in conspiratorially, both elbows on the kitchen table. “Oh, yes, Mason can be very intense at times. Ever since he was a kid. We went to school together and, I remember, when we were in elementary school…” She let out a sharp whistle. “You never wanted to get between baby Mase and his pudding cup.”

  Tess appreciated Maria’s attempt at lightening the mood. It didn’t necessarily work—talking about the deputy just brought back how unsettled his confrontation made her—but she appreciated it anyway.


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