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Trading into Darkness

Page 21

by C. M. Simpson

  As if his reply and movement were a signal, the men riding with him followed his example. To their credit, Lieutenants Bairdie and Dieter had already sent runners to fetch help, and it didn’t take long for the riders to hand the reins of their animals to the men coming to get them. Roeglin and Marsh watched as the beasts were led to the barn and the men to the barracks that usually housed the farmhands.

  “Captain, may I speak with the captain?” Roeglin asked, and Guillemot nodded.

  “Do not hold him up or keep him long.”

  “I understand.”

  Marsh had wondered what the captain had meant and how Roeglin was going to speak with Orelia without holding him up, but it soon became clear. The captain had stripped off his armor and clothing and was standing at a trough of water in the barn. The other men and women of his squad were standing alongside him, doing their best to wash the road dust from their skins. None of them were wearing anything, and Lieutenants Gier and Solange had set a watch around them.

  “Halt,” ordered one as Roeglin went to pass the line.

  “I have Captain Guillemot’s permission,” Roeglin replied, but he didn’t try to move past the man. “I can wait while you send someone to check.”

  To Marchant’s surprise, the man signaled to one of the others and he came over.

  “I need to make sure,” the soldier said, and Roeglin nodded.

  “I will wait.”

  “He says he has the captain’s permission.”

  The other soldier did not wait for more instructions but hurried back toward the farmhouse, returning with confirmation a few moments later.

  “Thank you,” Roeglin said when the man gestured for them to go through.

  The shadow mage did not let the others’ state of nudity slow him down, nor did he check to see if Marsh was following. He just swept through the line of guards, expecting her to follow. Orelia had moved away from the trough and was rubbing himself dry with one of the towels provided as they approached. His face broke into a smile when he saw Roeglin.

  “Roeglin! Come.” He finished with the towel and passed it to the next trooper, not even glancing at her as she thanked him. Moving swiftly to where packs were lined up along the walls, he pulled a fresh shirt and trousers out of one and put them on. “I take it you want to know how it went?”

  “I know you don’t need to report to Guillemot, but if you wouldn’t mind?”

  Orelia cut straight to the chase.

  “We didn’t catch up with them if that was what you were hoping. The trail ended at a solid stone wall. I know that because Derschanel spoke with it.” Orelia paused as though remembering, and his voice took on a tone of wonder when he continued, “He said he pulled images of what had happened from the stones. The raiders opened a path and led our people through before closing the way behind them.”

  Again, he paused. This time there was genuine puzzlement in his voice when he continued.

  “He said the rocks couldn’t show him where the people went because they weren’t connected with the stone on the other side. How is that possible?”

  “They create gates through the shadow,” Roeglin told him, “but this is the first time we have heard of them parting the rock as they do so. It’s not good to know the rock wizards working with them are strong enough to do that.”

  “Those wouldn’t be the first,” Marsh muttered, remembering Ardhur encasing her in rock, and Roeglin turned to stare at her.

  Orelia gave a tired chuckle and patted Roeglin on the shoulder.

  “They promised us breakfast,” he said, indicating the soldier waiting for them. “She can debrief us as we eat.”

  Oh, she could, could she?

  “Yes, she can,” Roeglin agreed, tucking his arm through Marsh’s and adding, “before I have to kick her tail for not doing it earlier.”

  “We were a bit busy, and then you weren’t well.”

  “This is true,” Roeglin admitted, but Orelia had picked up on what Marsh had said.

  “Not well?”

  “Some of the raiders use shadow-monster poison on their blades. The Deeps know where they get it from, or how.”

  They arrived at the large downstairs room that served as both dining hall and meeting room, and Captain Guillemot greeted them.

  “Sit,” he told Orelia, gesturing to a table in the corner. “I’ll join you. If Master Leger is badgering you for information, I might as well save you from having to deliver it twice.”

  Orelia followed Guillemot to the table and waited until his host had seated himself.

  Guillemot has seniority, Roeglin said when she wondered why Orelia was acting like Guillemot was in charge when they were both captains.

  Ah. She’d been thinking it was because Orelia was the guest, Guillemot being the first to make the farm his base of operations.

  That, too. Now, be silent and listen.

  Marsh resisted the urge to roll her eyes and took her seat at the table, aware of more than one of the soldiers glancing toward them. Anyone would think this was a big deal.

  It is. Civilians don’t get to sit at the captains’ table.

  Since when were they civilians? They had as much at stake in this battle as the rest, and they were working for Monsieur Gravine.

  All true, but we are not officially part of the Four Settlements Protectors, and that sets us apart.

  Oblivious to their conversation, Captain Orelia started his report, telling them of his entry into the caverns Aisha had blocked.

  “It took Derschanel almost an hour to clear that mess. Whoever made it did a really good job of it!” he declared. Marchant made a mental note to let Aisha know, although she didn’t know how the little girl was going to react when she found out her handiwork had been undone.

  Orelia continued, “We made a gap, drawing the shadow monsters to it until we’d killed them all. It wasn’t very sporting, but there’s sporting, and then there’s making sure my men come out alive. Nothing a medic can do when it comes to shadow poison.”

  Roeglin stayed quiet, and Marsh followed his lead. She wasn’t sure why he hadn’t chosen to share that they might have found a way to deal with the poison, but he’d have his reasons.

  They’ll be more careful if they think they’re going to die.

  But they’ll fight more bravely if they know they have a chance

  So far we only have three who can do it. Two if you consider that we can’t use Lennie until her child is born, and only you have been able to remove the poison from a wound, although I’ll have to ask both Lennie and Aisha what they did with you. Until then, it’s better these men fight smart than die thinking someone’s going to save them when we can’t. Besides, you aren’t always going to be in this cavern.



  Marsh shushed but made another mental note to ask him what he meant when they didn’t need to focus on listening to a military report. Roeglin had no comment about that, so she settled down to listen to the rest of what Orelia had to say.

  He’d moved on from clearing the caverns of shadow monsters to tracking the raiders and their prisoners to the wall. Marsh listened as he again described Derschanel’s frustration with the stone, sitting up a little straighter when he moved on to what the shadow guards had done next.

  “I had your Master Finlay go over it, asking the shadows what they knew, but all he could get them to reveal was that there were two who opened the gate. One was the rock wizard, and the other some shadow mage. They worked together, combining their powers to part both shadow and stone. He said one of the prisoners tried to make a break for it, but he was grabbed and thrown through to show the rest it was safe. He said the mages were the last through, and the gate closed shortly after.”

  “Did you see what was on the other side?” Captain Guillemot asked the question to which Marsh most wanted the answer.

  Orelia shook his head.

  “No. Finlay said they couldn’t show him what they weren’t connected to, and couldn’
t hold the memory of what they had touched once the connection was broken.”

  Marsh frowned. There had to be a way. If the shadows could hold the images of what was past, why couldn’t they hold the images of what was past when they didn’t touch the space anymore? They had already touched it, hadn’t they?

  What if the person asking them the question could open a gate to the…

  Roeglin touched her arm and Marsh blinked, coming out of her thoughts with a jolt and looking straight into Captain Guillemot’s curious eyes.

  “What were you thinking, Trainee?”

  “I was trying to work out why the shadows couldn’t hold the images of places they’d once touched but didn’t touch anymore. I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

  Captain Orelia brushed her apology away with a wave of his hand.

  “You didn’t interrupt. I was done.”

  Marchant looked at Guillemot, but the captain relaxed back in his chair.

  “If you manage to work that one out, Trainee, make sure you pass it on.”

  “Yes, Captain.”

  Guillemot pushed back his chair and looked at Orelia.

  “Get some sleep when you’ve eaten. I’ll have you woken in enough time to join us if you wish.”

  Marsh was guessing that by “you” Guillemot meant Orelia and his men, most of whom had filed into the dining hall and been served. As if Guillemot’s words were a signal, one of his soldiers came over, balancing three meals in his hands.

  “I would appreciate that,” Orelia replied. “My men won’t keep you waiting.”

  It was as much an order as a promise. Marsh saw that the men seated nearest their table all wore the insignia of lieutenants and that they had all paused to listen to their captain’s reply. Even so, it wasn’t until he’d settled to his meal that they returned to theirs. Marsh followed suit as Guillemot left the room, pausing to speak with his stewards on the way.

  If she wasn’t much mistaken, the farm was going to be scrubbed to within an inch of its life before the troops left. She wondered what she would be doing, and Roeglin answered.

  You’re going to debrief me on exactly what you did to remove the poison from my wound, and then you’re going to try to show me how you did it. After that, we’re going to work on your communication skills.

  Her communication skills? Marsh wondered. What was wrong with those?


  Forward Planning

  It was mid-afternoon by the time Monsieur Gravine’s escort arrived. Roeglin was able to warn Captain Guillemot in time for him to alert Captain Orelia and have both squads waiting by the time the escort arrived in the yard.

  “Captains,” Gustav began. If he was surprised to see Orelia and his men, he did not show it. “I apologize for the delay. We were needed.”

  He did not expand on that, and the captains did not ask.

  Instead, Guillemot replied, “Can I offer you and your men refreshment?”

  Gustav shook his head.

  “Thank you, Captain, but we need to return as quickly as we can. Monsieur Gravine’s orders.” He glanced at Orelia. “And he will be most anxious to hear Captain Orelia’s report. I apologize for the hurry.”

  Oh, he did, did he? Because from where Marsh was sitting, he didn’t look either very sorry or anywhere near apologetic.

  Roeglin nudged her in the ribs.

  It’s a formality. He no more expected hospitality than Guillemot expected to give it, although Guillemot was ready to if it was needed. Everyone knows the cavern founder needs us back. Madame Monetti’s assassination was unexpected, and now we have no way of knowing what’s coming next.

  We need to close the connection to Leon’s Deep.

  “Is this a private conversation or can anyone join in?”

  Both Roeglin and Marchant started, coming back to the present to see one of the lieutenants standing two steps away from them. Marsh blushed, glad that Roeglin was the one who had to answer.

  “Sorry, Lieutenant. We didn’t want to interrupt the captains.”

  “They are waiting. Captain Moldrane brought extra mounts. If you’ll follow me.”

  They followed, Marsh feeling properly chastened and Roeglin showing no sign of embarrassment. If Marsh hadn’t known any better, she would have said Roeglin considered the lieutenant’s behavior normal. In fact, she didn’t know any better, so maybe it was.

  Shortly afterward, he had them settled toward the front of the formation, although being placed slightly behind and to Gustav’s right was a little unexpected. Once they were in place, Gustav wasted no time in explaining why they had been situated where they were.

  “Master Leger, I need your trainee’s ability to sense life and your ability to communicate with the founder if we run into trouble.”

  They had over forty men behind them. What could possibly cause them trouble?

  Gustav answered that question as well.

  “The joffra are stirring earlier each cycle, and there are many more of them.” He glanced at Marsh. “Ask the hoshkat to stay close.”

  “Yes, Captain.”

  Marsh sought the connection she had with Mordan and impressed on the kat her wish for the big animal to travel close. She pictured hordes of joffra and a sense of concern for the kat’s safety, as well as respect for Mordan’s ability to take care of herself.

  The kat rumbled a low complaint, but she stepped out of the shrooms closest to the road and came to stand beside Marsh’s mule. The animal snorted and sidled, but Marsh laid a hand on its neck and sent it a sense of calm, telling it that Mordan was not a threat but a source of protection. Roeglin let out a low whistle of appreciation as the animal settled beneath her.

  “You’re getting good at that,” he said, and Marsh realized what she’d done.

  Up until that point, she hadn’t known she could speak to mules and she hadn’t really tried. She shrugged.

  “Thanks,” she replied, sounding anything but thankful.

  “Trainee, we will begin when you’re ready.” Gustav’s voice commanded her attention and Marsh looked at him.

  Taking a breath, she focused on the cavern around them, concentrating on her desire to see the lives sharing the dark around them. She started with the column she was part of, then slowly expanded her awareness, thinking of herself like a stone dropped in the center of a pool, her consciousness radiating outwards.

  “Hold on,” Roeglin told her, and Marsh paid enough attention to keep a grip on her reins and move her hands to the pommel of the saddle.

  She shifted as the mule moved forward, but she held her focus. The captain was relying on her to see any joffra and warn them before a hunting pack could swarm them, or to see any shadow raiders or monsters in enough time to reach shelter or prepare. She could do that.

  The journey became timeless, as the mule moved steadily forward and Marsh focused on the living factors of the world around them. She gradually felt less like a stone dropped in the center of a pool and more like a fish being dragged through a lake at the end of a lure, except they weren’t trying to attract anything.

  They did succeed in gaining the attention of two packs of joffra by the time they reached the gates to Monsieur Gravine’s mansion, but neither pack was large enough to take on the double squad of men and beasts. Not alone, and they hadn’t noticed each other, yet. If they had, and if they decided to team up…

  “We need to hurry.”

  Marsh was relieved to hear Roeglin’s voice give Gustav warning. It meant she could focus on keeping watch for…

  “There’s a third pack of joffra coming in.”

  Again Roeglin plucked the images from her head, although when he’d gotten so adept at reading the map of life signs, she didn’t know. Deciding to ask him later, Marsh kept watch on the three joffra packs and looked for any more. The image faded as the mule was led through the gates of the recently completed barbican leading to the stable yard. She lost the image completely when the gates closed behind them.

arsh let the images go and opened her eyes. Her fingers were still curled around the pommel, and Roeglin had clipped a lead to the chin strap of her mule’s bridle. He glanced at her as she drew a sharp breath and looked around.

  “When did this happen?” she asked, inspecting the stone walls and ceiling encasing them.

  Roeglin glanced at the walls before answering.

  “Rock wizards finished it two days ago. The shadow monastery is a good place for the troops’ families, but the founder decided he needed somewhere safe for the troops themselves to live and train in. Took them four day-cycles, and that was with the masons finishing things off. We can house around a thousand now.”

  A thousand? Were there even that many people living in the cavern?

  The question must have shown on her face because Roeglin gave her a fleeting smile.

  “Founder figures on rounding up two thousand soldiers by the time we’ve been through the closest caverns, but that’s only if we get to folk before the raiders do. We’ve already lost most of those in Leon’s Deep, and a hundred more from the farthest farms. We need to seal this cavern, save for the road to Kerrenin’s Ledge and Ariella’s. When those are safe to travel again, we can slowly open things back up. Let folk go home as we secure their caverns and can protect them.”

  It was a nice thought, but Marsh wondered when they’d reach that point…and if they ever would. She was tired, like she’d run all the way from the farm to the mansion. The enormity of what they were facing dragged at her spirit, and the loss of the prisoners she’d been traveling with pounded her soul. All she wanted to do was curl up in a corner and weep.

  And she couldn’t; she had to find Patrik and tell him… What? she wondered. That we didn’t get to his sons in time? That we saved him, but his kids are gone?

  For a moment, she was grateful that Fabrice had rescued the three she had, but the loss of the others when they’d been so close to being safe tore at her. How…

  “You’re not telling him anything,” Roeglin said, his voice cutting through her thoughts. “That news is for others to break.”


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