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A Deal with the Dark Fae: Enemies-to-Lovers Standalone (Cruel Intentions Book 1)

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by Valerie Harmon

  “I don’t want to see you near my fiancée again. Is that clear?”

  Absolutely. And I would, with great pleasure, stay as far away from Sonorina Solt as possible. This means that I’ll also stay as far away from you as possible, Sonor Horos.

  As for Aurora... She’d be angry, have a mental breakdown, but then she’d calm down. After all, Felicidad was a successful wedding agency. We had enough work even without the Horoses. Of course, those projects weren’t worth millions, but we definitely wouldn’t be penniless.

  The problem was that I needed money not just for food. Not just to get out of the crummy place in which we lived. But now my bonus was canceled. I took a chance. I tried, but it didn’t work.

  Fortunately, it all ended with just an awkward scene, and not a catastrophe for me and my baby.

  Fool, Elenia. You’re such a fool!

  Heading back to the office, I tried to somehow justify the stupid stunt I had pulled in the hope that I’d feel better. But I didn’t. I almost never resorted to magic (only fairies in the government had the right to use it), but when I did, humans didn’t feel my influence. And the Dark Ones didn’t always notice. Even though I had never directed my magic at them.

  And this one did sense it. Immediately.

  Why the hell was he even at home in the middle of a workday?!

  I couldn’t wait to get back to the office and not think about this anymore. I’d definitely disappoint Aurora and get back to work. If, of course, I still had a job to go back to...

  But Aurora, as luck would have it, wasn’t in the office.

  “She’s at dinner with clients,” Norah said and stared at me expectantly, almost pleading for me to tell her everything.

  But my tongue and legs suddenly became somehow heavy, disobedient. On autopilot, I went back to my desk, turned on the computer, and waited for the transparent screen to light up.

  What was I doing this morning? Right... I was picking flowers for the Vasco-Dali couple, right? Which ones was the bride allergic to? I know I wrote it down somewhere...

  Jamie rolled up to me, clearly hoping to find out firsthand whether our company would get the Horos’ wedding. He was one of the first people I met in Kadris. A tall, smiling blond who had been helping me since my first day at Felicidad. It was he who introduced me to other colleagues, and he also invited me to have a glass of wine in a bar near the office after the first day of work. I had to refuse as the nanny was with Lita just until eight, but Jamie didn’t get offended. The next day, he arranged something like a dinner party for me at the office. Aurora was away then, and the rest of the crew and I had a great time.

  By nature, I was a very withdrawn fairy, I felt uncomfortable around strangers, but thanks to Jamie, I became a part of the team almost instantly. I immediately stopped feeling like an intruder.

  And once, when I urgently needed money (Lita had to stay at the hospital), Jamie helped me out, and he didn’t want to take the money back. But I insisted because I didn’t like to owe anything to anyone, even though I was so deeply indebted to him for everything he had done for me.

  “Is it that bad?” Jamie handed me a bar of milk chocolate with a layer of salted caramel.

  It was my favorite and I could devour unimaginable quantities of it. Fortunately for me, fairies couldn’t get fat.

  “It’s even worse.” I smiled weakly and twirled the world’s best delicacy in my hands.

  At any other time, I would’ve immediately put a sweet and salty chunk in my mouth, but now even chocolate couldn’t go down my throat. My stomach was in knots from fear and tension. I really hoped that Garanor had already forgotten about my existence...

  “Do you want to tell me about it?”

  “I’d like to talk to Aurora first.”

  Jamie nodded understandingly and he seemed like he was about to roll back to his table when suddenly he started talking.

  “How do you feel about me inviting myself over? Let’s buy some food and fall asleep on the couch in front of the TV. I was recommended a couple of interesting TV shows, we can give them a go. What do you say, Lenny?”

  Lita loved Jamie, and I loved junk food and TV shows. But first I needed to get the conversation with my boss out of the way.

  “I’m totally up for it. If Aurora doesn’t kill me first.”

  “She won’t.” He winked at me encouragingly, and my heart felt a little less heavy thanks to his smile. “Not you,” he added quietly and returned to his desk.

  I tried to focus on the flowers, but my thoughts kept drifting from Aurora to Garanor and back. I hoped he had already forgotten about me. Gods, please let it be so! To him, I’m an insignificant, inferior creature, a small insect, and I have nothing against that. Let him be busy with his future wife, his election campaign, business... whatever! Just don’t let him remember this idiot of a fairy!


  Aurora’s dinner dragged on. She returned in the evening, and to some extent, I was glad it took so long. Only me, Norah, and Jamie were in the office now. The fewer witnesses to my fiasco, the easier it’d be for me to get through it.

  Not even getting off the elevator, Aurora looked around the office with a heavy, menacing look and habitually said: “Elenia, come to my office.”

  I wished myself good luck and went after her, preparing for yet another unpleasant scene.

  I hoped it would be the last one for today.

  “Start talking.” Taking off her jacket, Aurora cracked her neck and sat down in her chair. She crossed her legs, intertwined her fingers in front of her, assuming the I-am-all-ears position.

  She was a slender, elegant brunette in her forties or even early fifties. It was difficult to tell because she spared no expense for her appearance. She had been divorced for a long time, had no children, and devoted all her free time to herself and her agency.

  “Elenia, I’m waiting...”

  I exhaled, collecting my thoughts, and bluntly announced: “They won’t sign a contract with us.”

  Aurora’s face turned to stone.


  “Sonorina Solt liked my ideas, but not enough to choose us.”

  “You,” Aurora sharply corrected me. “To choose you. It’s you who didn’t do as I said. Be so kind, and don’t drag others into this!”

  Perhaps, if she had a family or at least had been cared about in her life, she’d be kinder to her employees. But it was just the way it was. She was often irritated and she just loved to take it out on us. Us and spa workers, shop assistants in boutiques, stylists, and all those who helped her transform her body into a prime example of beauty.

  Norah was her favorite stress toy. That was probably why her desk drawers were full of chocolate bars. They were a weapon in the fight against constant stress.

  “I entrusted you with a simple task, and you...”

  “It wasn’t simple,” I said, diligently burying my emotions. I’d never allow myself to raise my voice at my boss, but I wouldn’t stand there as quiet as a church mouse either.

  Life taught me how to take a punch. Two years ago, I wasn’t able to withstand even the weakest kicks. Who knew that life would hit me so hard that I’d simply stop paying attention to small jabs?

  “Far from the simplest. I did my best, but unfortunately, we won’t get this job.”

  “Is that all?” Aurora grinned, successfully continuing to gut me with her gaze. “I asked you to get this project! I asked you to make her agree no matter what.”

  “I tried,” I answered reluctantly.

  “And?!” she asked impatiently.

  “I failed. It didn’t work.”

  “She’s human. Like me. Like them!” Aurora irritably pointed at Jamie and Norah, who were pretending that they were busy with work. “How on Earth could you fail?!”

  I didn’t like to lie either, although I had to learn how to do it.

  “As I said, I tried.”

  “Elenia, what’s wrong with you? I want to know how you tried and failed.”

  Aurora wouldn’t calm down until she found out why I had to leave empty-handed. Or rather, why I was kicked out.

  “Sonor Horos felt that I was trying to influence his fiancée.”

  Aurora was about to say something, but after my words, she slammed her mouth shut. I had never seen such an expression on her face — disbelief mixed with anger, frustration, and fear.

  “The older Horos?” for some reason she asked in a whisper.

  “Yes, the one who’s getting married,” I answered patiently.

  “Elenia!” She jumped up from her chair and started pacing around the office. “What have you done?!”

  “What have I done?!” I asked again, stunned.

  Here we were. It was initially her idea, but now I was to blame.

  “Well, it wasn’t me!” Aurora glared at me and started pacing up and down the office. “Not only can you be arrested by his orders, but Felicidad could also suffer. After all, he might think that I knew about it...”

  “You did know about it,” I reminded her, gritting my teeth with anger.

  What was I thinking when I agreed to this madness?!

  “What to do, what to do...?” Aurora muttered, and then looked up at me with irritation flaring up in her eyes again. “Pack your things and leave. Didn’t I promise I’d fire you? So, I’m firing you. I don’t want to be connected with this, do you hear me?!” she squealed hysterically. “You’re fired!”

  It felt like I was hit over the head with something heavy. There was buzzing in my ears, and through this annoying hum, it was difficult to distinguish Aurora’s voice, which sounded like a cat being strangled.

  “Elenia, have you heard me?! I don’t need problems! Leave, otherwise, I’ll write you such a horrible letter of recommendation that you won’t find a job in Kadris ever again. Or in the entire Grassor!”

  Now I felt like a bucket of shit had been poured on me. I wanted to get into the shower and stand under a hot stream of water until morning.

  “And don’t try to influence me! Otherwise, I’ll turn you in myself!”

  Gods save me!

  “All the best, Sonora Krishon,” I said my goodbye with restraint, but I really wanted to throw her off the thirtieth floor, where our office was.

  Her office, more precisely.

  I left the office and grabbed my things, ready to leave. Jamie tried to stop me, but I almost begged him not to.

  “Let’s have dinner some other time.”

  “But Lenny—”

  “Please. I need to be alone now.”

  But that didn’t happen. The aeroexpress car, packed with passengers, wasn’t the best place for privacy. But I couldn’t wander through the city park late at night and cry on an empty bench. I’d cry later. After I put Lita to bed and sent my resume to other wedding agencies.

  I hoped I’d at least get an interview in the coming days. I really, really hoped.

  By my stop, the car was already empty, and it became easier to breathe. Despite the fact that it was already pretty late in the evening, the street was crowded like during the busiest time of day. I wanted to undress as soon as possible, put on stay-at-home clothes, turn off my brain, and just spend the evening with my baby.

  That was exactly what I was going to do. I’d erase everything that had happened today from my memory for a while. I didn’t want Lita to feel that I was angry, scared, worried, or dreaming of cursing Aurora. And Garanor, because if it weren’t for him...

  My thoughts were interrupted when I saw two big strangers dressed in black suits at the door of my apartment.

  “What’s going on here?!”

  As I pushed the door open, the first person I noticed was the obviously frightened Dina, a medical student who took care of Lita when I was at work. I stood frozen, frantically looking to see my baby, and almost went numb from horror.

  I saw Lita in the arms of Garanor Horos.

  Chapter 4


  “What are you doing here?!”

  My fear was now giving in to anger. I rushed to him, not paying attention to his bodyguards, and grabbed Lita.

  She began to sulk. I soothingly stroked her back and gently kissed her rosy cheek, mentally scolding myself for scaring her. And at the same time, I cursed Garanor. How dared he show up at my house and touch my child?!

  “You have a lovely daughter, Sonorina Lei.” He sort of smiled. More precisely, he twitched the corner of his lips and nodded to his bodyguard, making it clear that he didn’t need to be saved from a furious fairy.

  “You didn’t answer my question.”

  I shuddered under his gaze, but I tried not to lose my cool. He observed me closely, attentively, but, seemingly without emotion. He was like a scientist looking at a test subject, playing with his scalpel, and wondering where the best spot to start the dissection was.

  “I didn’t really get a chance to speak with you this morning as I got distracted. But now I’m here and I’m eager to get to know you better, Sonorina Lei.”

  To get to know me better?

  Cold sweat slid down the back of my neck. I thought the scene in the office was the worst thing that could happen to me today. But the worst thing was now standing in front of me, scanning me from head to toe.

  “Maybe you should give the child to the nanny?” Garanor glanced around the small living room connected to a tiny kitchen. His bathroom was probably bigger than my whole apartment. “Is there another room here?”

  Lita began to whimper, apparently feeling my fear and tension. I asked Dina to stay with her in the bedroom, and Garanor told his bodyguard to wait outside. The latter immediately disappeared, and we were left alone.

  The future ruler of Grassor took off his jacket, casually threw it over the back of an old chair, as if it were his chair and his apartment. He grabbed the knot of his tie, and I had the urge to recoil. Fortunately, he just loosened it and hadn’t casually put it down anywhere, otherwise, I swear, I would’ve found something to whack him with.

  I knew what some Dark Ones meant when they said “we should get to know each other better”.

  “You’re late,” he scolded me.

  His shoulders weren’t as broad as his bodyguard’s, but he was very tall. If I stood next to him, I wouldn’t even reach his shoulders. He looked strong, fit, and agile. His face was clear, with almost perfect features. Aristocratic. Handsome, like most of the Dark Ones. But the cynical expression and the sharp squint with which he observed me spoiled his overall appearance.

  Getting tired of his stare, I turned away and went to the kitchen to turn on the kettle.

  “I had to take the aeroexpress home. You already learned my daily routine, I see?”

  “And not only that,” he replied in a casual tone, and then changed the subject so abruptly that I shuddered again. “Why did you try to influence my fiancée?”

  It made no sense to lie, so I answered honestly.

  “I was hoping to get the job as your wedding planner.”

  I should have told what role Aurora had played in all this, but to hell with her. I didn’t want the rest of the agency to suffer too.

  “How come you’re still able to use magic?” The interrogation continued.

  “We’re not at the police station.” I turned around abruptly, almost dropping the wooden box that held my tea collection. I wish I had a bottle of whiskey instead of tea right now. I don’t want to calm down, I want to get drunk and pass out.

  “Would you like to continue this conversation there?” He raised an eyebrow.

  He stood there with his hands in his pockets. Calm, relaxed, serene. Like a well-fed animal, confident that he wouldn’t get hungry in the future either — his next dinner, a defenseless easy prey, wasn’t going anywhere.

  “No, but does it matter what I want?”

  Garanor shrugged vaguely. His second attempt to smile was much more successful, but it still made me shudder.

  “Let’s just say that some of your desires, Elenia, can e
asily come true. If you’d be an obedient fairy and accept my offer.”

  Gods, what kind of madness is this?! An offer from a Dark One? This won’t end well.

  “And what is it that you want from me?”

  “I need you to get to know my brother and become his… hmm, girlfriend for a while.”


  The kettle whistled, and I saw a vivid scene before my eyes — I was pouring boiling water over Garanor’s head.

  It was a pity that this fantasy only stayed in my head, and I just poured boiling water into the teacups, one of which I held out to him and asked as calmly as possible: “Why would I do that?”

  For a moment our fingers touched, and I forced myself not to pull my hand as far away as possible.

  “Because my brother is fickle, impulsive, and likes to make mistakes.”

  “Which could cost you the election.”

  “Exactly.” He, again, stared at me point-blank and I wanted to turn away. “So what do you say, Elenia?”

  “I need to think,” I said the first thing that came to my mind.

  “There’s nothing to think about,” Garanor interrupted me impatiently. “I don’t have the time or desire to wait for you to make up your mind.”

  I’d rather pour boiling water on your head than accept.

  I squeezed the cup tighter, ignoring the fact that it was burning my fingers.

  “I see you have already decided for me.”

  “I have.” He nodded and continued. “But what I don’t see is joy in your eyes.”

  He sat down on the arm of the chair, took a sip, and at the same time looked at me under his brows, and the last nerves in me started snapping.

  “What should I be happy about? As far as I understand, the position of your brother’s girlfriend includes intimate things. I don’t think he’ll be satisfied with just a platonic relationship.”

  “I don’t see why that’s a problem, Elenia. You already have an illegitimate child with a Dark One. Don’t pretend to be the embodiment of integrity.”

  His voice was full of disdain, and another scenario appeared in my head — I wanted to throw a dirty diaper at his head. Immediately after scorching it with the boiling tea.


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