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Hidden Betrayals (The Hidden Series Book 4)

Page 4

by Kristin Coley

  “He will never touch you,” he promised, the words a vow, as he remembered his brother’s death. “No one will.”

  “I believe you,” she murmured as he tilted his head toward hers, his fingers tangling in the riot of curls that had been unleashed during the night. “I believe you would do anything to keep me safe.”

  “I would,” he answered honestly, knowing the lengths he would go to protect her would probably also terrify her. “I just hope I never have to,” he murmured so low that even as close as they were she couldn’t have heard them.

  They were so close their breath mingled, and he heard the slightest hitch in hers as she opened her mouth.

  “I…” the words were swallowed as he pressed his lips to hers, satisfying the desire that had been building all night as she’d lain next to him.

  He used his arm to pull her closer, not even feeling the pain as the makeshift stiches pulled his skin. She wound up on top of his chest, her hair creating a cocoon around them as her lips parted, the tip of her tongue meeting his as he deepened the kiss. Her hand skimmed his bare chest, the brush of her fingers almost delicate as she traced the planes of muscle, hesitating when they reached the wound on his side.

  “It’s okay,” he breathed as his mouth followed the curve of her jaw. “No pain at the moment.” He felt her smile against his jaw as she dragged her lips along his stubble, the gentle rasp seeming to excite her.

  He used the hand tangled in her hair to guide her head as he placed a trail of openmouthed kisses along her neck. Her soft gasps encouraged him to linger as he reached a particularly sensitive area. The nails tracing along his chest suddenly dug in and he forced her head back, taking her mouth as he rolled them over, his weight pressing her into the bed. She moaned at the feel of him against her as he settled between her hips, his stiches protesting the strain as he supported himself with his injured arm. He didn’t feel it though, as her arms wrapped around his waist, her nails raking along his back as she arched into him.

  Ringing distracted him momentarily, but he ignored it as she placed a kiss on his shoulder. He tugged at her sleeve, an amused smile on his face as he told her, “You’re wearing too many clothes.”

  Her fingers traced the edge of his boxer briefs – the only thing he had on- as she whispered, “You should do something about that.”

  His hands were slipping under her shirt to tug it off when the ringing started again and he growled.

  “Who the hell is calling?”

  “Addie,” Carly answered promptly to his shock. His wide eyes made her giggle as he wondered if Addie wasn’t the only one with a gift. “The ringtone,” she said, answering his unspoken question as she wiggled underneath him.

  “That is not helping the situation,” he groaned and she pressed a light kiss on his neck as she attempted to slip out from beneath him.

  “I have to answer. Otherwise, she might start asking questions.” Her logic was pure Carly, a side effect of years of being best friends with Addie. He rolled to the side, releasing her from his weight and she grabbed the phone sitting on the nightstand.

  “Hey,” she answered her voice breathless. She listened, her mouth forming an O as she looked sheepish. “I forgot.” She nodded even though Addie couldn’t see her. “I know, I know. It was so crazy. No, I’m coming.”

  “I’m not,” Danny muttered, barely cracking a smile when Carly slapped at his chest.

  “Nothing. No, it was nothing. Seriously, I’ll be there in a few.” She listened a little longer before hanging up and giving him a rueful smile. “I was supposed to meet Addie for breakfast so we could study for our criminal law exam.”

  “I can’t convince you to stay?”

  “You could, but I think maybe now isn’t the time,” she answered, her fingers moving to his arm where a bright red stain had appeared on the bandage covering his stiches. “As it is, I have to change. Otherwise, Addie will definitely know I didn’t go home last night.”

  “Fair enough,” he conceded, feeling the throb in his arm as blood was redirected from a certain portion of his anatomy. “I’ll drop you off.”

  “Can you drive your motorcycle?” She questioned, giving him a curious look as she attempted to restrain her riotous curls.

  He winced as he sat up, tightening his fingers into a fist and then releasing. “Might need to borrow Wade’s car again.” He pulled on a pair of jeans and a black T-shirt, forgoing his normal boots for a pair of worn out tennis shoes.

  “Do we need to ask?” Carly mentioned uncertainly as Danny swiped the keys off the hook.

  “Nope, he likes his beauty sleep and I’ll be back before he notices,” Danny assured her, heading for the stairs. “You want to go back to the dorm, right?”

  “Yes,” she dragged out, watching him take the stairs two at a time. “You seem to have recovered fast,” she observed and he glanced at her over his shoulder.

  “I had an excellent nurse.”

  She smiled as she retorted, “I’ll be sure and let Wade know how you feel about his caretaking abilities.”

  “Let’s not. I was talking about you anyway,” he growled, lifting her up from the final step and spinning her.

  “Stop! You’re going to rip out your stiches and I’m not ready to watch Wade do that again,” she demanded, trying to stop her laughter at the impromptu twirl.

  “Ah, it’s worth it,” he answered, his absorbed expression making her heart race suddenly. “Your laughter….it heals me faster than anything.” His expression quickly changed to one of embarrassment, as if he’d admitted something he normally wouldn’t have. “We better go before Addie gets suspicious.”

  It was only a ten minute drive, but there was no mistaking the person pacing in front of Carly’s dorm.

  “Too late,” she sighed as Danny pulled up beside her. “Well, in for a penny, in for a pound,” she muttered cryptically before leaning over and kissing him. He was caught off guard by this sudden display of affection, but adapted quickly as he deepened the kiss. A knock on the glass revealed an exasperated Addie, whose narrow eyed glare told Danny she’d deal with him later. He raised his hands in surrender, but it didn’t lessen the weight of her stare.

  “You have my sympathy,” he told Carly, his voice low so Addie wouldn’t hear as the door opened.

  “You have some explaining to do, sister,” Addie announced, her foot tapping as she glanced between them.

  “Addie, what happened between me and Danny last night?” Carly asked sweetly as she used Addie’s own gift against her. Addie’s disgruntled expression cleared as she ‘knew’ the answer – her psychic ability allowing her to automatically know the answers to questions asked in her presence even when there was no reasonable way she could know.

  Danny bit back a smirk at how Carly had worded her question. “Last night” being the key term in that statement since anything that had happened this morning would garner a few more questions from Addie.

  In truth, Addie had been his biggest cheerleader in getting Carly to forgive and give him another chance, but it also made her overprotective and nosy when it came to their dating life. It didn’t help that any thoughtless question could give her intimate knowledge of their relationship. It was something he knew he’d have to come to terms with since Carly and Addie were and always would be best friends.

  He lifted his hand in farewell, knowing he needed to get Wade’s car back to him. Carly smiled, ducking her head, but Addie just gave him one of her looks and mouthed, “Later,” as he pulled away. He shook his head, caught between amusement and aggravation, but the memory of Carly’s smile, her hair haloed around her head as it rested on his pillow, and he knew he’d put up with anything to keep her in his life.

  Chapter Four

  “Your newfound morals would be heartwarming if they didn’t interfere with my business.” The cold voice spoke with no inflection, as if Daniel’s decision to leave the fold was of no consequence. He knew differently though. He’d known it wouldn’t be easy even
as he’d lied and told Samuel it would be. In fact there was a strong likelihood he wouldn’t be walking out of there today.

  “You have a dozen more who would take my place in an instant,” Daniel managed, keeping his voice even. He walked a fine line. He didn’t want to come off as expendable, but he wanted out. He’d promised Samuel he would get out. The disappointment on Samuel’s face when he realized how low his brother had fallen wouldn’t leave him. It was the reason he’d made such a dangerous play. One that now seemed doomed.

  “I don’t need you to tell me things I already know.” Ice dripped from the words as Daniel forced himself not to shift. Any sign of weakness, any, and he’d have a bullet in the back of his head. “You have managed to make yourself valuable. Insolent and outspoken, but still valuable.”

  At one time, those words would have thrilled him, especially coming from the top dog, but now – he waited for the catch.

  The fist slammed into his temple with stunning power, knocking him sideways as the man came around to crouch in front of him. Stars danced as black edged across Daniel’s vision making it hard to focus on the face in front of him. He was in a business suit, his face relaxed as he waited for Daniel to focus. He wouldn’t be out of place at a board meeting, but here amongst the concrete floors, steel rafters and glaring lights, he didn’t belong. It was rare he came here, one of the many places they packaged the drugs, but he’d made an exception for Daniel.

  “We’re a family here. Family doesn’t abandon one another. I’m sure you understand. You have a family, a younger brother.” Daniel kept his face blank to hide his sudden fear as the monster in front of him casually spoke of Samuel. “He’s in the marching band I hear. Has real….potential.” The words were innocuous enough, but the implication wasn’t lost. He threatened the only thing that mattered to Daniel and his earlier fear turned to white hot rage.

  “Yes, like I said valuable.” There was a faint glint of admiration in his gaze as he watched Daniel. “Your control is admirable, but everyone has a weakness, Daniel, and don’t think I won’t exploit every one of them to get my way.”

  He stood and a door opened, jerking Daniel’s attention away from the threat in front of him. Jace walked in, his wiry build barely holding up the unconscious body in his arms. Daniel felt his heart thud as for a brief second he thought it was Samuel. A tangle of long hair reassured him, but then Jace dropped her in front of Daniel and he saw the battered face of Dovie.

  “Oh, don’t worry. She’s alive,” the icy voice reassured and Daniel’s heart started back up. He didn’t want to think about the fact that it was because he was relieved Samuel was safe and had nothing to do with the woman lying in front of him. “This was minor compared to what will happen if you persist in this idea of quitting.” He met Daniel’s eyes as he said the next words, “No one leaves my family.”

  Daniel felt himself nod, instinct forcing him to play along even as his own resolve solidified. He would never allow this man the opportunity to hurt Samuel. He would destroy this empire from the inside out first.


  “I get the bike is a chick magnet, but you need to ask yourself this – can I fuck a girl on a motorcycle?” Wade drawled, coffee cup in hand as Danny came in, dropping the keys on the table.

  “You can. I have. And don’t ever use the word fuck when talking about Carly.” The edge in his words caused Wade to hold up a hand as he backed up.

  “Whoa, wasn’t trying to cross a line there.”

  Danny paused, the past still haunting him as he took in Wade’s contrite expression. He shook his head, knowing he owed him an apology, but unable to say the words as he thought about anyone treating Carly with disrespect, himself included.

  He lifted his arm to rake his hand through his hair, remembering at the last second he didn’t have any hair. Wade set his coffee cup down and nodded at his arm.

  “Looks like you might have popped a stitch there,” he mentioned casually, willing to gloss over Danny’s aggression. “Want me to take a look?”

  Danny contemplated him for a second and then nodded. He sat down heavily, picking at the corner of the blood soaked bandage.

  “I’m…” he started, glancing up at Wade, about to apologize.

  “Nope, we’re good,” Wade cut him off, a respectful expression on his face. “You made your point. I respect it. I probably should have worded what I said differently.”

  “I,” Danny paused, uncertain how to express his own gratitude. Wade had taken him in on nothing more than Addie’s word, and become an unexpectedly good friend along the way. He knew Wade hadn’t meant anything by the comment, and didn’t want to damage their friendship. Wade lifted an eyebrow but remained silent as he reached for Danny’s arm, ripping the bandage off with ease.

  “Son of a bitch,” Danny gritted out, flicking a glance up at Wade, who was trying to hide a smile. “We’re even,” he conceded and Wade laughed as he shook his head.

  “We’re good, man. Seriously.” He examined the stiches carefully and said, “If I had a girl like Carly,” he paused as emotion played over his face and finished, “I’d do the exact same.”

  “Thanks,” Danny replied, keeping it short as Wade poked at his arm. “Jesus, I think you’re enjoying this,” he hissed as Wade found the spot where the stitch had popped.

  “Maybe a little,” he admitted with a grin. “I could stitch this back, but I don’t think it’s worth the pain. Can you try and take it easy on this arm until it heals up?”

  Danny nodded carefully and Wade grabbed another bandage. A few minutes later, he was patched up and good to go.

  “So, an old friend from the past showed up last night,” Wade started and Danny snorted.

  “Friend is a stretch,” he growled, remembering the constant battles with Jace.

  “Friend, enemy, with you it’s all the same,” Wade said dryly. “The point I’m getting at is, are they going to show up here?”

  Danny shifted uncomfortably, but shook his head. “I don’t think so. He wasn’t looking for me. Just dumb luck he spotted me at the BBQ joint.”

  Wade nodded, picking up the first aid stuff on the table. “And now that he knows you’re alive, he’s not going to come looking for you?” He paused and then added, “Or the people you care about?”

  Danny froze as Wade’s implication sunk in, remembering how he’d acted with Carly the night before. If Jace had seen it…..his hands tightened into fists at the thought of Jace going after Carly.

  “Yeah, you don’t even need to say anything. Your face tells me it’s a possibility.” Wade leaned back against the counter, his expression serious. “We should warn the others. Let them know what’s going on. Debrief on this guy.”

  Danny instinctively shook his head in denial. He’d fought hard to get away from his past. To put the past in the past. Wade was asking him to dreg up the truth of who he’d been, what he’d done, and why a guy like Jace wanted revenge.

  “Danny, we can’t take the risk. At least talk to Addie, see what this guy might do. She can’t predict the future but we can find out what’s going on with him. Ok?”

  Danny unlocked his jaw long enough to mutter, “Yeah.” He knew Wade was right, but it didn’t make it any easier to swallow. “She’s with Carly right now.”

  Wade studied him for a minute.

  “And I’m guessing you’d rather not bring this possibility up to Carly just yet.”

  Danny rubbed his forehead, the need to protect Carly warring with her right to know. He knew which one she’d choose, but he couldn’t let go enough to allow it. He shook his head as he muttered, “I’d rather just see what Addie has to say for now.”

  “Understood. You want me to text her?”

  “What you don’t have telepathic communication with her yet?” Danny joked, but Wade glowered. Wade’s ability to read Addie’s emotions, even at a distance, had been an unwelcome surprise. It was weird enough Wade could read auras – the colors indicating emotions and bonds to others �
� but to realize he could also potentially feel other’s emotions was deeply disturbing. Both of their abilities had grown in the time they’d known each other, and even though Danny had been joking, it hit a little too close to home.

  “Maybe we should call Jake,” Danny mentioned in an effort to distract Wade.


  Danny shrugged as he replied, “He can find out if Jace was arrested. Addie rattled off a list of warrants last night. Maybe they took him in and there’s nothing to worry about.”

  “We can hope,” Wade said, but there was no mistaking the doubt in his voice. Nothing was ever that simple with them and this promised to be no different.

  “I can’t say I was surprised to get your call,” Jake said as he walked into the office area. He rapped knuckles with Wade before checking Danny out. “Glad to see you’re okay.”

  Danny flipped his arm up to expose the bandage and Jake let out a low whistle.

  “Good thing chicks dig scars,” Jake joked, straddling a chair as he nodded at the cut. “How bad is it?”

  Danny shrugged as he grabbed a chair. “Wade stitched it up.” Jake’s eyebrows lifted at that, but Danny didn’t notice as he continued, “Carly was a trooper, didn’t even flinch as he stitched me up.” Pride filled his voice and Jake exchanged a glance with Wade.

  “Well, I’m glad she’s tough. I have a feeling she’ll need to be dating you.” Danny cast a sharp glance at Jake, but relaxed when he realized he was teasing. “I’m guessing you want to know what happened with the guy who attacked you?”


  “Yep, Jace Denton. Twenty-six. Booked into the Iberville Parish jail last night on several counts. One of which is disturbing the peace.”

  “Yeah, my peace,” Danny muttered. He jerked his head at Jake’s phone, where he’d been reading off the information. “Any chance he mentioned me?”


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