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Hidden Betrayals (The Hidden Series Book 4)

Page 7

by Kristin Coley

  “You came to warn me,” she accepted, her hands coming to rest on his shoulders now that they were within easy reach. Danny nodded, watching her carefully. She smiled and leaned forward to brush her lips against his lightly, shocking him, but not as much as her next words. “You’re so sweet.”

  “Not usually the word associated with me,” he mumbled, feeling her lips press against his once again. He wanted to reach up and haul her closer, press their bodies together so tightly no one would ever be able to hurt her, but the fear that he would be the one who would eventually cause her pain stopped him.

  “It should be,” she whispered, leaning back as she studied him. Sometimes he could swear she saw straight into his soul, that she saw all the horrible things he’d done, and in his rare hopeful moments he believed she could forgive them all. “You’re worried.”

  “He will come after me and anyone I care about and try to hurt them,” Danny answered, reaching up to take one of her hands in his. “I won’t let that happen.”

  “I trust you won’t,” Carly replied confidently, her fingers curling around his. A mischievous smile crossed her face then and she asked, “Does this mean you’re my new bodyguard?” She wiggled her eyebrows playfully. “24/7 access?”

  Blood rushed straight to his dick at her words even as he felt the heaviness around him lighten. She held that power over him and it terrified him even as he craved it.

  “Consider us attached at the hip,” he rumbled and her eyebrows lifted as she stepped between his legs.

  “The hip?” she purred, fitting herself closer. “Mighty confident, aren’t we?”

  Heat flared in his eyes at her boldness even as one of his arms slid around her waist, pulling her closer. His stubble scraped along her cheek as his lips brushed against her ear.

  “More like your wish is my command,” he whispered, his teeth nipping the curve of her ear before his tongue laved the sting away. He heard the hitch in her breathing as her weight settled more firmly against him and he inhaled deeply, memorizing the moment.

  “Perhaps we should go someplace more private,” she whispered, causing him to jerk in surprise. His stunned look caused her lips to curl up and she tapped his cheek. “Body guarding 101 – don’t stand out in the open.”

  She pulled herself back a step, the movement reluctant to his eyes and he stood to his full height causing her head to tilt back.

  “Don’t worry,” he told her, his eyes hooded. “I’ll cover you with my body.” The sharp hiss of her inhale had a slow smirk curling his lip, but she wasn’t through with him.

  “I’ll hold you to that,” she murmured, her hand trailing over his chest as she peeked up at him. He shook his head, ignoring the tightness below his belt.

  “You’re a vixen,” he muttered, winding their fingers together as he started walking. “Not sure I can survive living with you the next few days.”

  He felt a jerk as she stopped suddenly, her eyes wide.

  “Something wrong?” He asked, knowing exactly what had caused her to stop.

  “Live together?”

  “Mmhmmm,” he hummed noncommittally.

  “Danny,” she said sharply, his name a demand for answers.

  “I’m not leaving you unguarded for a second. That means you stay with me and Wade.” He paused, an amused smile playing over his lips. “Unless you’d rather stay with Jake and Addie?”

  She glared at him for a second, gauging his seriousness, before sighing. “I love my best friend, but I’d never get any sleep if I stayed with her.”

  “And you think you will if you stay with me?” He countered, a smirk forming as she flushed.

  “I…,” she paused, some of her earlier confidence disappearing, and he relented. He turned to face her, his thumb rubbing circles on her wrist as he reassured her.

  “Carly, I’m teasing,” he promised, the air rushing from him as she kept her head down. He reached out, using his free hand to tilt her chin up so he could see her eyes. “I want you safe. I want you to feel safe with me. There are zero expectations.”

  “I feel safe with you,” she interrupted, her back straightening as a fierce glare speared him. “I trust you, Danny. I know you’ll never do anything to hurt me.”

  He swallowed hard at her words, his heart warring with his head at the trust in her eyes. He wanted to promise he would never hurt her, but he knew better than to make another promise he couldn’t keep.

  “I’ll keep you safe,” he promised instead, the words thick as he pushed them past the sudden tightness in his throat.

  “Oh, and you may have zero expectations, but I happen to have high expectations.” She lifted her eyebrow, her eyes dancing at his astonishment. “Very high expectations,” she clarified as desire tightened his body and he shifted uncomfortably. She promised to be the death of him.

  “Addie here?” Jake whispered, his eyes darting around like he expected to be caught any second. Danny chugged half a water bottle before answering.

  “You don’t know where your girlfriend is?” He replied, amused. Earbuds hung around his neck as sweat soaked the black muscle shirt he had on. He’d just finished a sparring session with Wade since they didn’t have any clients. Wade smirked at him, lifting his bottle for Danny to bump.

  “Funny,” Jake hissed as he attempted to hide a file folder under his arm. “I’m serious. She didn’t answer my text.”

  “That’s probably not a good sign for your relationship, buddy,” Wade drawled, wiping his hand over his mouth to hide his grin. “You sure about the diamond ring?”

  Jake tossed him an irritated glance as he leaned against the counter in their makeshift breakroom, which also doubled as their workout area. It was a great use of space if you didn’t mind the smell of stale sweat while you ate your lunch.

  “I’m sure, thanks,” he retorted, pulling the folder out. He gave one last glance around and Danny chuckled.

  “She’s at the library studying with Carly. I’m guessing her phone’s on silent,” he added helpfully and Jake visibly relaxed.

  “Good, I need your help,” he answered, flipping open the folder.

  “Theft?” Danny inquired, seeing a picture of a diamond ring on top.

  “No,” Jake answered slowly, his expression uncomfortable. Wade chortled, a sound that drew both of their attention.

  “Dude, your aura is literally pink with embarrassment,” Wade said as he continued to laugh. Jake closed his eyes, seeming to pray for patience or maybe the strength not to kill Wade.

  “Addie?” Danny guessed as he nudged the picture to see underneath.

  “Where?” Jake cried, leaning over the folder and Danny doubled over laughing.

  “Not here,” Wade answered, clapping Jake on the shoulder. “Jesus, man, relax.” He dragged a chair to the table and straddled it as Danny got himself under control.

  “Your face,” Danny mocked, thumping into the other chair. “Like she wouldn’t figure it out.”

  “She hasn’t yet,” Jake snapped, and then rubbed his hand over his neck. “Sorry. I really want this to be special. She’s impossible to surprise, but it’s a ring. I want her to love it.”

  “Pretty sure she’d love anything you gave her,” Danny mentioned, thumbing through the stack of pictures. “This is a shit ton of options. You got a price limit right?”

  “Yeah, cop’s salary, remember?” Jake replied, watching him.

  “Hey, salary sounds good right about now,” Danny joked as Wade winced. “It’s good,” Danny raised his hand to forestall Wade’s response. “Just making a joke. But seriously, I do have a shift at the garage so we need to make this quick.”

  “Basically, I want to get an idea of what she likes, loves, when it comes to a ring. Addie isn’t one for wearing jewelry or dropping hints.” Jake paused and considered his words. “Not that she would be dropping hints about a ring, but still I want to get it right.”

  “Gotcha, and I assume the pictures are part of your plan?” Danny prodded as he
straightened them and shoved them toward Wade.

  “Yeah, I thought we could hide them around her desk and you could see which one she liked,” Jake answered, his eyes on Wade as he spoke. Wade arched his eyebrows, but didn’t say anything as he flipped through the stack of almost a hundred pictures.

  “Her irritation might override any preference she might show,” Wade mentioned and Jake’s face fell. “Also, we can’t hide this many pictures. It’ll be too hard to catch when she spots one she likes.”

  “So you’ll do it?” Jake asked carefully and Wade let out a disgusted sigh.

  “It’s not a bad idea,” he admitted, sorting through the pictures and stacking some to the side. “In fact it might work. If I’m around when she’s looking at them. It won’t be easy though and she’s gonna catch on.”

  “That’s fine. I just want to…”

  “To get it right,” Wade and Danny finished in unison, eyeing each other as they spoke.

  “Here,” Wade said, shoving some of the pictures back at Jake. “There’s no way in hell she’d pick these.”

  “Ok,” Jake responded, flicking through them. “I didn’t want to limit her options.”

  “Those would break her delicate little wrist,” Wade muttered as Jake and Danny exchanged a glance mouthing, “Delicate?”

  “You do remember we’re talking about Addie, right?” Danny verified, strumming his fingers on the table. “Delicate isn’t the first word that comes to mind.”

  “Mentally, no. But physically, yes.” Wade stared at them, but his thoughts were elsewhere. “I’ve seen her aura and it’s more brilliant than I could ever describe to you. It’s so bright I can barely fathom her body being able to contain it. So, yeah, when I think of her physically, dainty and delicate come to mind.”

  “Could you just never admit that you think of Addie physically again?” Jake interjected, a scowl darkening his features. Wade’s eyes flickered to his face for a second before he gave a brief nod. Tension wrapped around them until Danny cleared his throat.

  “Any news on Jace?”

  “No, not really. Haven’t been able to find a lot of info about him over the past two years, and we know nothing about whoever posted his bail.” Jake swiped his face in frustration. “It’s not our case, and definitely not our jurisdiction so I’m limited to how much I can dig. We’re still in the doghouse with the Captain.”

  Danny nodded and finished his bottle of water off as he stood up. “I’ve got to go. Try not to kill each other while I’m gone, alright? Addie would be upset.” They both glared at him as he strolled out of the room, only stopping to grab his motorcycle jacket.

  “Jake, you know there’s nothing between me and Addie,” Wade spoke quietly, his eyes downcast, as he sifted through the pictures of diamond rings, not admitting the pang he felt at the sight of them.

  “I know,” Jake replied, his voice low, but his clenched fist said otherwise. “I get it. Actually, I don’t get it, but I’m trying.” He snorted, the sound equal parts angry and amused. “I spent half of our relationship pushing her away because she was too damn young for me. Now, I can’t imagine living without her.” He paused and Wade glanced up. “So, yeah, I’m jealous of the bond you have with her. The fact that you know when she’s in danger, that you can see her emotions so clearly.”

  “It’s not all it’s cracked up to be,” Wade interrupted, a flicker of pain crossing his face so fast it was barely detectible. “It’s hard to be with someone who can read emotions. Sometimes you forget to have conversations,” Wade finished, clearing his throat and gathering up the glittering pictures in front of him.

  “I’m glad she has you,” Jake admitted, making it a point to avoid Wade’s gaze.

  “I’m glad she stuck around,” Wade agreed awkwardly, also not looking at Jake.

  “God, we make a pair,” Jake said with a laugh. “I kind of hated Connor for a while too.”

  “Seriously?” Wade exclaimed, not having ever gotten that impression.

  “Oh yeah, Addie got along with Con from the start. I never thought I’d be jealous of my best friend, but I was. It took a while for me to accept that she considered him a brother.”

  “Pretty sure I fall into that category too,” Wade acknowledged as he stood. “And this is enough emotional shit for one day.”


  “Jake,” Wade paused, considering his words carefully. “Keep an eye on Addie, okay?” Jake’s forehead wrinkled as Wade continued. “Addie saw something the other day. She shrugged it off as nothing, but I’m afraid it might become more.”

  “She told me something about that. Danny thought it might be a manifestation of your gift, trigged by a question?”

  “Yeah, but I really hope it’s not,” Wade stated fiercely. “She doesn’t need that. She’s got enough on her plate.”

  “I agree with you, but what else is bothering you?”

  “Danny will do anything to protect Carly and Addie, and the rest of us. I’m concerned what that means for Jace,” Wade confessed, the words dragging out of him as guilt ate at him for even saying it.

  “You think he’d go after Jace?” Jake questioned, his tone one of disbelief.

  “Maybe,” Wade shrugged. “Probably. He was pretty determined when he heard Jace got out on bail. It didn’t help when one of Addie’s ‘answers’ said killing him was the only way to stop him.”

  “Shit,” Jake groaned. “I didn’t know that.”

  “Yeah, I didn’t think you did.” Wade scrubbed his hand over his face. “Danny has Carly staying with us until Jace is taken care of, but if Jace makes a move against her….” Wade trailed off as he gave Jake a pointed glance.

  “Jace will be dead,” Jake finished with a sigh. “Sounds like we both need to keep an eye on someone.”

  “Yeah, and keep Danny on this side of the law.”

  Chapter Seven

  “Daniel,” he heard his name called, but it was muffled. The boot that slammed into his side wasn’t though. “Dan, let’s get out of here.” Another kick and he groaned, rolling over. “Get up. We gotta go.” The urgency in the other guy’s voice was unmistakable, forcing Daniel to his knees faster than any kick to the ribs.

  He stumbled to his feet, almost forgetting where he was until he saw the skeletal remains of an old VW bug. They were in the scrap yard. Why were they there again? And why was his head fuzzy?

  “Come on,” the voice encouraged as flashes of earlier drifted though Daniel’s mind. He’d come out to the salvage yard earlier to get information on the next drug shipment. Jace liked to run his mouth and since Daniel had tried to leave the ‘family’ he’d been out of the loop on some key details. A fact that hadn’t escaped him and proved the man in charge was a hell of a lot smarter than some of his subordinates.

  Nick dragged him along and Daniel wondered what the rush was. Lights bobbed in the distance, an unusual sight this late at night.

  “What?” Daniel muttered, his eyes having a hard time focusing. He knew better than to drink too much and blow his cover, so he couldn’t figure out why he felt so hungover.

  “Security,” Nick hissed, ducking behind the shell of a car. “Fucking place hired some rent a cops to patrol the place. Jace caught their attention.”

  “Of course he did,” Daniel said, bracing himself on the car. “Where’s Dovie?” He thought to ask, a flash of her giggling in his lap piercing the fog.

  “You don’t remember?” Nick asked, his expression unreadable as Daniel shook his head. “Probably better that way,” he said cryptically as he kept his grip on Daniel’s arm. “Come on, Jace is long gone. I couldn’t leave you out here.”

  “Thanks,” Daniel answered, concern tugging at him as he glanced back over his shoulder, the dark spot in his memory worrying him.

  “Don’t thank me,” Nick replied almost guiltily. Daniel’s senses sharpened at the tone, but the next word from Nick distracted him, “Run!”


  “Shit,” Danny grumble
d as the wrench slipped from his fingers to the ground. He ducked down to grab it so he could finish this last car and get the hell home. He didn’t stop to analyze why he was so eager to get home today. He knew it was because Carly would be there waiting for him. He grunted as he lowered himself all the way to the ground, stretching for the damn wrench.

  The sound of something rolling caught his attention a split second before an explosion caused the car above him to rock. Heat crawled over him as he rolled away, knowing the car could also blow.

  “Danny!” A voice yelled as he managed to shove himself against the wall. He recognized it as Vic and managed to shout a warning seconds before the car also exploded. The explosion was deafening as heat rolled over him as he wedged himself further between two workbenches. The garage was an old converted fire station with high brick walls and rolling glass bay doors. The glass shattered, but the brick walls didn’t shudder at the force of the car exploding. Once the initial blast was finished, Vic appeared through the smoke, searching. Danny waved a hand, coughing from the smoke and the searing heat.

  “Thank God!” Vic reached out a hand to pull Danny up, his words lost to the ringing in Danny’s ears. He pointed to his ears, shaking his head as he gazed at the car he’d just finished working on. There wasn’t much left and Danny knew if he hadn’t bent down to pick up the wrench, he probably would have been killed.

  “I called 911. We need to get you checked out,” Vic repeated louder, his voice finally penetrating through the temporary deafness the bomb had caused.

  “What the hell happened?” Vic looked stunned as he took in the damage and Danny winced. He suspected it had been Jace. They’d thrown a few Molotov cocktails in the past as warnings. The sound of something rolling right before the first explosion was proof enough for Danny, but the car exploding was something else entirely. It might have killed someone, namely him.

  Sirens pierced the air and Danny resigned himself to dealing with a shitload of questions instead of going home to Carly. He slid his phone out and sent a quick text to Jake and then Carly. Explosions tended to be treated with caution on the off chance they were terrorist attacks. Danny glanced at the black marks scorching the brick and the curled out bay door, and knew it had been a prime example of a terrorist attack, one targeted directly at him.


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