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Sky Fall Legend

Page 7

by Ivory Scott

  The butler couldn't help but be astounded, as Joseph Trilleck never even bothered to glance backward. He sat there just as before, kicking his feet on the hill and staring into the elixir stream. That day had left a deep impression on Ke Si.






  Staring at this strange kid, who kept stirring up wave after wave in the Household since the day of his birth, and that their enemies had decided to target, Ke Si couldn't help but sigh to himself, "Indeed...this far from normal.”

  Remembering the previous occurrence, the butler had previously had the exact same misconception he was currently having, 'Can this child possibly sense my presence? Impossible, right? Did he know, somehow, that he was safe due to me being here?'

  Though this thought was highly illogical, it was all that made sense out of this situation in Ke Si’s mind.

  As Ke took his final step forward, silver bells gently chimed behind Jodye.

  Ke Si's face remained stoic as he spoke softly, "This humble one greets the third young lord. Young lord, the evening is fast approaching. The sun has begun to set, and the first lady has been searching for you."

  Upon hearing the word of his mother, Jodye seemed to finally snap back from his thoughts. He glanced up at the sky indifferently, ‘Indeed, it is getting dark. Soon it will be night time. It seems I already sat here for at least several hours.’

  Evidently, his precious mother was worried after him being gone so long. Privately Jodye wondered if he would inherit any of her good looks one day. How easy would women fall into his lap if that was the case?

  Of course, once Jodye considered it even his father did pretty good for himself in the romance department. He had more than just one wife, after all.

  "Thank you, Ke Si. As I have been made aware, your duty can be considered complete. I will return to my mother's side briefly." Jodye Trill was still calmly staring at the clouds and didn't seem to be in any rush at all. However, he spoke very eloquently in his adorable little voice.

  This made the butler Ke Si marvel at this youngster for a little longer. How unbridled! He had honestly never seen a child like this. Ke Si was the head butler of the household and was responsible for the upkeep of the entire estate. He had his hands in every matter of the House, as well as the lord's Trilleck Family faction, to a greater or lesser degree. Because the lord viewed him so highly, he was respected almost as much as Jodye's father himself.

  Ke Si watched little Joseph with appreciation in his eyes. This child was able to walk without the help of anyone else as a mere infant! Though at first he was incredibly unstable, and could only move small distances before wearing himself out. Still, that was absolute madness compared to other children! The entire city had their eyes wide open when the news spread.


  Ke Si had fought off many assassins, and the Frozen Night division led by lady Isis had fought even more of them! A four-month-old baby taking his first step? Big news, big flavor. A true scholar was born! All the rival Houses shook, and the enemies in the dark were unhappy! Besides, the House Lord had a bad habit of making things a stunt, so the matter became even more prominent.

  The Lord had a statue of himself placed in the Southern Imperial District. The statue was of Lord Osiris holding the Frozen Night Master in one arm. At the same time, the figure of the lord was holding his infant son in the other arm while laying on the back of a giant wolf.

  "Have you heard of the third young master of House Trilleck? When Joseph Trilleck was barely three months old, he could already walk!"

  "Impossible. The child's little body shouldn't have even had the muscles required to perform such actions yet."

  "My mother is a maid for the house. The young lord frequently visits the gardens, and I once saw him myself. He was so cute and little! It was truly astounding."

  "The walking is one thing, but you heard of this? On top of that, when he wasn't even a year old, he learned to speak! You can even converse with him, he responds with understanding!"

  "I've heard about this! They say his words were clear, and he wasn't shy to speak with others. Quite the contrary he would often communicate with the maids! My mother is the first lady's servant, and she claims to dote on him as if he were her own child. It even seemed that they could now converse in a totally natural, and unrestrained way!"

  "My word...what a smart child. Born to be a Great Scholar I guess. It's almost a given he has the sage body."


  Just these two things had already set Jodye apart from any other child Ke Si had ever met, or even heard of, previously. There was sure to be something special about this kid. How exciting would it be to watch him grow older and stronger?

  An hour later, Jodye Trill was in the dining hall with his mother, Lady Isis. This was the dining hall exclusive to the head of the House and his central family. There were four other gorgeous women at the long and marvelous oval-shaped dining table, that looked to be made of a beautiful black stone that sparkled when the light hit it correctly. One of the women was pregnant, while two of the other women were each holding a child in their arms. One was a boy, and one was a girl. The girl was obviously Jodye's second sister, Kamila Trilleck. This infant was apparently Jodye's fourth brother, Jumoke Trilleck, who was born around a month ago.

  Merely, Jumoke’s birth was not nearly as big a deal as Jodye’s own birth.

  The little girl, Kamila Trilleck's skin, was sandy in color and she had long jet black hair, that looked like silk as it ran all the way down her little frame. Her two dimples made the little girl's cute laughter that much more adorable and contagious.

  Kamila’s bright green eyes were smiling as soon as she looked up and saw Jodye Trill, then she immediately hopped off her mother and dashed over to Jodye. She begins hugging him tightly then pulling his hand excitedly,

  "Third brother, I missed you, come sit next to Milly."

  Jodye hugged this big sister of his back, for what was the thirtieth time in his life, but didn't budge from his mother's side. Lady Isis held his other hand and sashayed forward slowly, before sitting the head seat of the dining table and putting Jodye in her lap.

  Lady Isis giggled and gently rubbed her sons head full of long curly hair. She spoiled him by feeding him a bit of magic pudding cake, after seeing that he was staring at it almost to the point of drooling. Lady Isis spoke sweetly in a voice that sounded like tiny bells ringing, "Little Joe, say hello to your aunts and siblings."

  The little lord's eyes turned sluggish. Jodye was slowly, but surely, growing ever so tired of these formalities. ‘The life of a noble, argh! Why'd I ever wish for it? Oh wait, that's right, poverty! How could I have forgotten.’

  Feeling backed into a corner, Jodye reluctantly turned from his spoon of magic pudding cake to look at these bunch of spoiled women. They wore beautiful dresses that accented all the sexy contours of their bodies. Their makeup looked flawless and gave them an ethereal feeling.

  Max flavor!

  Jodye Trill was aware that this was the appearance of these ladies when not even trying to doll themselves up too much. In his old world, only make-up could achieve such transcendent beauty. His father was indeed a man of taste, it seemed.

  The luxurious dinner attire of these women reminded him of the women on a show called Celebrity Wives in his previous life. Jodye stood upon his mother's lap and crossed his arms in salute as he bowed slightly. This was the proper etiquette that his mother was shoving down his throat recently.

  "Hello, second aunt, third mother, fourth aunt, fifth mother, the second sister, and fourth brother.”

  According to the local customs, Jodye should be calling each of his father’s wives as the mother. Merely, his mother had long since threatened him away from referring to anyone but his third mother and fifth mother in this way. He was explicitly commanded to refer to the others as ‘aunt.’

  Once she was aware of her son's advanced competence, the fi
rst lady Isis put every effort into refining him into a proper gentleman and scholar. Some days, she would spend hours going over etiquette with him. On the other hand, Jodye was secretly ecstatic to actually have a mother of his own. He would basically not refuse any of her intentions. On top of that, he had always had an open-minded personality. These teachings would only be of benefit to him in the future. There was also this whole filial piety thing. He never had a chance to practice such a thing in his previous lifetime.

  After all, no matter what lady Isis was now his mother. He experienced coming out of her secret lake first hand, and it was very stressful. He remembered the headache clearly, following by the blinding light of reality's first kiss. Even though he was having a hard time getting used to his new life, not to mention his new infant body, he had never had his guard up around this woman who had created him. He couldn't raise it even if he wanted too. It was a natural reaction and completely involuntary, as she alone pulled him closer and closer to this world.

  Although the way he entered this world was complicated and mysterious, he couldn't deny that he was now the third young lord of House Trilleck, Joseph Trilleck. Son of Osiris and Isis Trilleck, potential heir to the household. It had been this way for a year already. No dream is this long…

  As his past memories had no major significance in this new life in a new world, he decided to bury them deep in his heart. His previous experience was mired in tragedy and misfortune. He was too weak to change anything, and this no matter what heights he had achieved! He was a wealthy mogul, a philanthropist even, yet what had he earned? Death by disintegration!

  In this new life, on this planet, Jodye Trill was determined to soar into the heavens!

  It was time to give this strange new land a new legend, or bring down the sky while trying!

  While Jodye was having evil thoughts of grandeur, the wives of his father were all smiling at him warmly. Fortunately, Jodye wouldn't be fooled by this. He was very familiar with the little tricks, hidden looks, and sometimes irrational temperament of the female gender. From past experiences, he knew these women had some level of envy in their gazes. He could even sense it as well. Well, all except a beautiful woman wearing violet, whose face showed no emotion what so ever. Her delicate features actually made the little boy's small heart race whenever he looked at her. Merely, Jodye got the feeling that this woman was at extreme odds with his mother and himself. Of this he was confident; thus he didn't place her in his eyes at all.

  "Damn haters. They're everywhere," mumbled little Jodye Trill under his breath.

  Chapter three

  Force Genesis

  "What was that sweetheart? Are you talking to mommy?" Isis Trilleck spoke sternly, but there was a smile in her eyes as she glanced at the little boy in her lap and gave him a brief motherly scolding, “Remember little Joe, always project your voice when you speak.”

  "Yes, ma," sighed Jodye Trill. His mother's ears were genuinely terrifying. He had barely made any sound, yet he could swear she heard exactly what he said.

  Lady Isis frowned a little. Her son seemed to have the habit of abbreviating words with multiple syllables. Instead of calling her 'mother' he would often say 'ma.' At first, she thought the boy was merely mispronouncing mom, as children his age often do. However, this no longer seemed to be the case. The boy was getting smarter and more eloquent every day, so it was apparently an intentional rebellion.

  She was unhappy with this, as in her opinion it was improper and lazy. However, she felt her son was just acting out to show his independence. This shouldn’t be considered a bad thing. They were of very high status, after all, whether it was here or back in the land of her origin.

  Merely, how old was this boy?

  Wasn't it amazing that he even had the mind to shorten terms for convenience? Thus, she just smiled brilliantly as her hand played in little Jodye's curly head of hair. She was using some kind of magic force to twist and braid it in different styles. It seemed as if nothing in the world could enter her eyes, other than her son.

  As for the rest of the ladies at the table, they were all, fond of this little guy with sapphire eyes, to a lesser or greater degree. Looking into his eyes as he spoke to you would make one's heartbeat accelerate unnoticeably. He had a natural charm and glamor that was difficult to resist. Toddlers were cute, to begin with, after all. One would often relax their guard in the presence of children. One of the wives, a woman with pretty green eyes wearing a blue robe giggled. The mantle had strange symbols dancing around depicted a silver flood dragon dancing in water lilies patterned on the back. The dress was deeply parted, showing off her generous assets.

  She spoke candidly, "First sister, little Jo Jo is growing so eloquent! It's hard to believe he is but barely over a year old. Why he is the talk of the entire Saint Anubis City this year! So, do you think you could teach my little Milly how to speak so well?"

  This was Jodye's third mother and the mother of Kamila Trilleck. Her name Omotolani Congo, and she was also the younger sister of the current Pharaoh of the Anubis Dynasty, Anubis Congo. Her status in Saint Anubis City could be imagined, so the fact that she was merely Jodye's third mother and not the first lady spoke volumes of his father's glory! Jodye suddenly realized that he had underestimated that goofy guy that use to toss him dozens of feet into the air.

  "Yes, the third sister is definitely right," snorted a petite woman with cute features. She was the most normal among the women here, Jodye thought her beauty could only be graded a 'B' in his former world. As for her attitude, it was a hard D-, at best, "First sister, our little Jo will surely grow into a world-renowned scholar. Have you heard of any scholars of today who first learned to walk, then learned to talk, and all this before the end of the first year of his little life? Little Jo had barely known how to properly drink your milk before he learned to ask for it!"

  This sarcastic voice was from the woman cradling an infant in her arms, Osiris Trilleck’s petite, but still the beautiful fourth wife, Enora Morning!

  She was the mother of his latest baby brother, Jumoke Trilleck. She sat there with poise and elegance, wearing a white dress made of fluffy material that fit her demeanor. She sat with a beautiful quilt draped over her shoulder, as she breastfed her son. Her tone reeked of sarcasm, which didn't go unnoticed around the table, although her words and smile seemed pleasant.

  Jodye made a mental note to be cautious of this new infant.

  The mother was apparently a bitch, after all. As they say, a bitch mother will usually raise a reckless pup. Jodye wouldn't be careless, whether it was kin or no kin. He knew enough about politics to understand that noble houses were the most dangerous to grow up in! Siblings of such homes had to compete with each other, it was a dog eat dog lifestyle.

  Other then his mother, and maybe his older sister, he had not really formed an intimate bond with any of these people. Besides, his mother just didn't bother to speak with these women most of the time. Although she always smiled and remained more than cordial with his father’s third wife, Omotolani Congo. Their relationship always seemed reasonably good, but Jodye was still a bit skeptical.

  Why would only these two be close?

  "Indeed little Fifth. Oh my, excuse me, I mean First Sister." The beautiful lady in violet who spoke was apparently a bit more mature than the rest. The equally beautiful and incomparably elegant pregnant woman begins to frown when she heard the other speak. They looked identical and were clearly blood sisters.

  They had oval faces with no blemishes, and a superior air hung around them. The first woman seemed a little harder to deal with and wore a violet dress that gently hugged her voluptuous body. She had a tiny waist, with a round and full behind shaped like a peach. This was the woman whose picture they should put next to the word 'sexy' in the dictionaries of his former world.

  This woman was Lylian Barong, and next to her was her pregnant twin sister Vivian Barong.

  Jodye Trill admired Lylian’s beautiful countenance from the botto
m of his heart, but luckily he was only a child.

  Otherwise, he would surely be endlessly jealous of Osiris Trilleck.

  If he wasn’t a child, he might even war with his father over her. He just couldn't bring himself to dislike her, in spite of her excessively petty attitude. Merely, he had no sexual urges to speak of currently. This was quite therapeutic for him. His last life was full of debauchery, he wanted to start fresh and change the way he treated women.

  He never wanted to see someone suffer the way Lulu did.

  Unfortunately, his adult-level thoughts remained genuinely impure. He could do nothing about this. This woman was his father’s second wife, Lylian Barong, and the mother of his eldest brother Horus Trilleck. The brother whom he had yet to meet.

  "I must admit, I am very anxious to see what kind of force little Joseph will trigger in his test two years from now. Him being a Sage body is almost a certainty, after all. It's certain to be interesting." Lylian Barong didn't look up from the small pink crystal mirror in her hand once while she spoke flatly.

  However, to Jodye this didn’t sound like sarcasm, or hidden slander, ‘Hah! I think she likes m…hey what is that thing?’

  As a one-year-old, Jodye sometimes struggled with focusing on one thought. Actually, he previously struggled with this even at 33.

  In Jodye Trill's view, this stunning lady was sitting elegantly, while playing with some kind of little magic silver-pink light panel on the pink crystal mirror in her palm. It was like looking at someone using their cellphone back on earth. Only cellphones couldn't create a board made of lights in the air. The violet crystal mirror lit up with different symbols and colors as Lylian Barong interfaced with it.

  Jodye Trill's bright blue eyes seemed to sparkle as he marveled at such a tool.

  What was it?

  He could vaguely recognize the serene glow it emitted. Just looking at the mirror calmed his easily excited heart. Though Jodye had the soul of a 33-year-old man, he was ultimately barely one year old at the moment. He was easily worked up and could do nothing about this. Hormones were mighty! Nonetheless, he made a mental note that he must remember to ask his mother about this mirror later.


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