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Sky Fall Legend

Page 42

by Ivory Scott

  Hughes lightly landed on the ground next to Jodye, ready to caution this young master not to be too ruthless or cold-hearted. He feared the boy took pleasure in tormenting others. However, before he could speak, green and black flames erupted to life from the maw of the sky wolf puppy on the young master's head. The puppy and its owner were then shrouded within the fire. Without wasting time or words with Hughes, Jodye Trill immediately sat down and entered his host space, before activating his mind's eye technique which was augmented into Mind's Lamp due to [Pharaoh's Law]. Circulating the Titanic Rage Force, the mantra echoed throughout his host space.

  "The night is long and dark, though my heart is darker."

  "The river is endlessly dropping, unaware of stopping."

  "The light gives us life, and the dao creates the heart."

  "The Heaven's call to the sky, if they fall it was mercy's fault…"

  Jodye focused as he used his mind's lamp gather astral might from the surrounding spiritual energies, refining the spirit points in the balls of both his feet! Meanwhile, rage runes were being produced from the mantra in his host space. These runes slowly gathered and glowed with crimson light as they condensed into hieroglyphs that disappeared into Jodye's body, merging with his flesh.

  Since Sly had found a way to help him, he was going to try and make two astral points at once! Meanwhile, Sylvester defied gravity and expanded back into his child form, turning into a mystical looking five-meter tall sky wolf. He opened his huge mouth and inhaled, causing all the sky fall flames in the area to be sucked into his belly. The only thing that remained in the area where the beast corpses had been before was small patches of purple and pink ice.

  Sylvester turned into a purple light and zoomed into Jodye Trill's glabella.

  In the host space, the [Cosmos Revolving Grimoire] emitted a dazzling purple light before the five-meter tall Sylvester flew out and over to Jodye Trill's condo, sitting aloof next to his host seal. Instantly, Jodye felt a massive influx of spiritual energy course into his body, invigorating his blood and organs, assimilating with his flesh! In this process, they begin to fuse with the raging force to enhance his entire being.

  "Woah…this is amazing," Jodye exclaimed in pure ecstasy at the marvelous feeling, but he swiftly regained focus. He felt his body growing stronger on a fundamental level, this was an improvement of his body's overall potential! It was only a slight improvement this time, but what if they kept fighting stronger vicious beasts? Or even stronger than that? Jodye realized that he had indeed been short-sighted before.

  Who could know Sylvester would be this useful for his cultivation? This was likely only the tip of the iceberg, as the disdain in Sylvester's voice had yet to ease in the slightest.

  Anyway, due to this improvement, Jodye Trill suddenly felt like it was surprisingly more comfortable to clear these two spirit points. However, he could barely appreciate this under the insane pain. He felt like he was taking a jackhammer to his soul. It almost drove him nuts, and he had to fight hallucinations of massacring masses of people with his bare hands like a psychopath. These hallucinations were terribly vivid and were beginning to leave a deep imprint on Jodye as they persisted.

  "Endless Carnage… the path of slaughter!"

  Meanwhile, an hour later red trails of steam begin to rise from Jodye's body as he cultivated next to Hughes and three other nobles in the middle of the forest. Hughes had a big headache when this kid decided to suddenly close himself off from the world, but as he was the young master, there was nothing Hughes could do but call for back up to ensure the brat's safety. This back up arrived in the form of one handsome and elegantly dressed brown-skinned male who looked to be around 20 years old, and two pretty fairy-like twin little girls, with creamy white jade-like skin, pointed ears, and emerald green eyes and hair, who looked around 11-years-old.

  One had on a fashionable blue dress, and the other had on an elegant green dress, but they both wore the Frozen Night division badge on their shoulders. If Jodye were currently paying attention to his surroundings, he would recognize this brown-skinned young man to be the Rondo whom he had once seen in a battle above the clouds!

  "Hughes, I see you broke through once again. Perfected Gold Mage rank, truly impressive," said Kold Rondo motioning to pat Hughes on the shoulder. Merely, Rondo's hand only landed a bit above his elbow as Hughes' frame was simply too massive, "You can be promoted to an honored elder if you wanted! What a pity…"

  "My loyalty is to the Frozen Night master, not merely the House Trilleck," Hughes admitted directly.

  "You don't think it is pitiful to work under one such as her for always…" said one of the pretty fairy-like twins, who had a vibrant and bubbly smile.

  "…and forever?" finished the other twin who was shy and held on to the back of her sister's arm at all times.

  "It is nothing to be pitied. You should not question your master. Our destiny is not limited to this country," Hughes was far more gentle when speaking to these two pretty elven girls. However, this was a point of view that Hughes had never once tried to conceal. In fact, many other elders of the house were quite discontent with this subtle giant, who always stood half a step behind the first lady of the house. Hughes stood imposingly overlooking the surroundings on full alert. Vicious beasts frequented this area, after all.

  "No, it truly is a pity! As a newly promoted honored elder, I can not challenge a mere normal elder to a duel. It is beneath my status," Kold Rondo beat his chest once before continuing, "Yes, it is very pitiful for me. I thought you might be a good warm-up for the Wolf King Tournament in three years."

  "You overestimate yourself," snorted Hughes aggressively, as pale purple force momentum subtly built up around his steel like muscular body.

  "Hey now, that's no way to address this honored noble is it?" Rondo had his hands on his hips, and his head cocked to the side like a gangster.

  "You overestimate yourself…your honor." Hughes rolled his eyes and replied.

  "Hahaha! Now there, buddy was that so hard!" Rondo patted Hughes back as the elven twin pain giggled at the friendship of these two warriors. " All is well, all is well, haha!"

  "So...," asked Rondo, getting down to more important matters, "What's the story with the kid? I thought you were escorting him on his pilgrimage to the Young Wolf Celebration Dinner."

  "Indeed, I am currently in the middle of that task. However, while taking some time out to train the young master, he unexpectedly demolished two Vicious Level 1 Earth Spirit Bears. After that, he seemed to have comprehended something from this experience. The brat is scary indeed." Hughes snuck a glance at this curly headed young master of his who sat lotus style a few meters away.

  "Oh my," said the fairy-like twins in unison.

  "Wow, so strong? That's really not bad." Rondo rubbed his chin in admiration, "Definitely the lord's rumored prodigal son."

  Meanwhile, Jodye Trill was totally unaware that he was the topic of this conversation. He was sweating bullets, and his skin looked beet red as red steam shaped energy came from his body. Two hours later Jodye suddenly stood up and roared to the heavens as a dense pressure was released from his body, the wind causing a mild breeze to spread out. Jodye's body had cooled off, and his skin now looked smooth and lustrous. His muscles were deeper and visibly more defined. With the thought, the [Cosmos Revealing Grimoire] appeared in a flash of purple light and flipped open to the first page.

  [Name: Joseph Goldwolf]

  [Age: 5 years, 5 months.]

  [Status: 125% Health, 6:49 pm]

  'Sage Path: Scholar Realm, Basic Sophomore rank, 13 bp.'

  'Titanic Rage Path: Level 9 Wimpy Man Realm, 89 bp (+41).'

  'Guardian 1: Cosmos Devouring Sky Wolf, Compatibility rating: 64%.'

  [Tier 1 abilities unlocked]

  'Guardian 2: Mighty God Sky Wolf, Compatibility rating: 22%. '

  [Tier 1 abilities unlocked]

  "Haha, awesome! It feels so great! This is definitely the best feeling," J
odye Trill laughed boisterously, "Level 9 Wimpy Man Realm. I should be the first, haha!"

  This was a great achievement! Forget level 2 vicious beasts, Jodye Trill currently felt like he could take out level 3 vicious beasts in just one blow! Of course, this was if the level 3 vicious beast was totally unguarded, and he used a well-timed Fist of Might. Otherwise, it was still impossible. However, Jodye felt he at least had some capital to protect himself in this these crazy wilds now.

  "Wow, how handsome."

  "Hello, little handsome."

  Chapter twenty-four

  The happening

  Jodye realized with a start that there were the faces of two amazingly pretty girls positioned directly in front of his own face. He could feel the wind of their breathing against his skin. He stared with a blank face for a full minute before reacting, "Um, hello. I'm Jodye. Who are you pretty big sisters?"

  When Jodye Trill said 'pretty big sisters', the two little girls looked at each other, and then giggled. The girl in the blue dress spoke up first in a sing-song voice, "Hi handsome little brother Jodye, I'm Sophie! This is my sister, Levi."

  "You're too big to be a little brother though," said Levi shyly from behind Sophie. This prompted Jodye to reflexively extend his spiritual sense outward out to observe himself and the area.

  Indeed. Shockingly, Jodye's height now solidly surpassed a meter reaching about 55 inches. Jodye Trill rubbed his nose embarrassedly at this discovery. The three meter tall Hughes, the only one who Jodye felt should have been shocked as he just grew several inches in a day, just looked on nonchalantly. As a child he had had many growth spurts as well, so this didn't seem strange to him.

  "Well…I'm only five this year…so. Hey! I know you!" It was at this moment that Jodye Trill noticed the well dressed young man next to Hughes with stars in his eyes like he was meeting a famous rapper from his old world. This man had left a deep impression on Jodye when he had first come to this crazy world! He could said to be responsible for Jodye wanting to be a Sage. His mother had told him many things about this man, and even recruited him after that day! He was an amazing sage who could defeat sages in the next realm! He was also an honored elder and even had a title! "You're the Inexhaustible Flame, Kold Rondo!"

  "I knew I liked this kid," said Kold Rondo to Hughes before walking over to Jodye Trill like a hero meeting a school boy, "Young noble Joseph, well met! Cleaned up some first level clones eh? Fine work lad, fine work, haha."

  Just like that Rondo and Jodye Trill instantly hit it off, maintaining a steady flow of conversation as the five of them journeyed towards the secret Trilleck Villa where the Young Wolf Celebration Dinner would be held in a week's time. During this week Jodye hunted four level 1 and three level 2 vicious beasts, while taking battle advice and cultivation tips from the four experts by his side.

  "It's an avian type beast, young Joe, you have to lure it down to your level! Reveal an opening in these situations, before turning the tides!" commented Rondo, as Jodye Trill activated his nine astral points and jumped off of a tree to catch a level 2 Frenzy Bat in the air. His immortal battle force surged as he exploded with the strength of 12,950 pounds of physical might, dropping into a spinning pile drive! The level 2 Frenzy Bat was flattened into mush. As Jodye disengaged right before impact he was left without stain.

  Rondo's jaw hung briefly before he recovered, "Ahem, as I was saying. The previous strategy was of course aimed towards those with any aerial prowess. Those with should use the terrain to thei advantage to strike the opponent off guard, hahaha, good job, good job."

  Jodye was speechless at how shameless this honored elder level character could be. Wouldn't he make honored elders everywhere embarrassed?

  "Little brother sure is strong. That's the eighth level 2 vicious beast today," marveled Sophie. Even her sister and herself weren't so strong at the young master's age.

  To Jodye's complete surprise, Sophie and Levi were both already at the Mage rank. Despite their appearances they were actually 16 years of age. This was only a bit of a relief to Jodye, as he felt he may be able to compare to these girls in a few years. He had thought they were like twelve or something with that cultivation! If it was like that, Jodye would've begin to wonder if he was truly as talented as he originally thought.

  Even he didn't believe he would achieve the Mage rank by twelve! That was simply too monstrous. One had to know, it took Jodye nearly four years to advance one rank! Cultivation was truly a time consuming event. Sophie and Levi were elves from Rodinia in the south. Their parents were killed by assassins, but they were rescued by the Frozen Night Master, and Jodye's mother, Isis Trilleck.

  Two days before the Young Wolf Celebration Dinner, the team was about 300 meters away from the secret location of the Trilleck Villa. As they walked down a hidden forest path, Hughes was in the middle of lecturing Jodye about how he should stop provoking powerful beasts.

  "For instance, that level 3 Death Hawk. You actually dared to jump on its back when it dived and missed its attack! This was truly foolish! What kind of idiot taught you that?" berated Hughes.

  "Haha, but buddy didn't he end the fight in a glorious manner, stomping the Death Hawk flat into lunch meat." laughed Rondo as he patt Hughes' elbow.

  "Keep your bad habits to yourself, Kold. The young master practices the same path as our Frozen Night mistress," replied Hughes. "He will one day shine resplendently."

  Merely, Jodye Trill wasn't really listening to these two at this moment, he was anxiously focused on observing their surroundings. Earlier, while Jodye was surveying the surroundings with his spiritual sense he had been noticing some slight movements right outside the range of his perception. It was as if several people were surrounding them under the cover of shadows. After breaking through to the Sophomore rank, the range of Jodye's spiritual sense increased to 30 meters around himself.

  With the augmentation effect of Pharaoh's Law his spiritual force would temporarily reach level 3, and this would temporarily increase his perceptive range to 80 meters, and the spiritual sense would transform into spiritual awareness. This was a change in the quality and depth of perception. It was like going from two dimensional to three dimensional. However, Jodye felt that one of the experts accompanying him should be able to notice if something was amiss. Perhaps he was being too paranoid… or so he was thinking, until Sek Si had suddenly appeared in front of him!

  Her voiced was urgent and panicked, "Young master, we must hurry and escape!"

  "Trippy!" With a thought Jodye immediately activated his source artifact to check on his suspicions. While Hughes and Rondo were quipping with each other, these events didn't go unnoticed by the the twins Sophie and Levi. When Sophie saw someone dressed as an assassin appear in front of Jodye, she was poised to attack before realizing it was a child, and thus converging her aura that almost surged out. The Frozen Night Master had briefed them of a child assassin that was contracted to the young master. Meanwhile, Levi felt the spiritual awareness fluctuations pass by her and was initially shocked, before she glanced at Jodye and seem to have a realization. She immediately sent out her own spiritual awareness.

  After extending his spiritual awareness to around 40 meters Jodye begin to turn pale. There were numerous dark shadows dashing through the trees and in the bushes in the surroundings, following them and surrounding them from almost all sides. Only the path directly to the east wasn't completely boxed in yet. Jodye didn't feel like he had the time to explain, or even speak with Sek Si about the details.

  'Cosmo', with a thought the Cosmos Revolving Grimoire appeared in front of Jodye Trill in a flash of purple light.

  [Cosmos Revolving Grimoire]

  'Seal 1: Summoner unlocked'

  'Seal 1: Combat Mode unlocked'

  Jodye could currently keep his source artifacts active for around two hours if he was using them both, and for five if he only used one. However, in truth he typically only kept the grimoire active if he needed to summon. Another part of the first sea
l had been unlocked, called combat mode! This ability of the grimoire allowed the combat soul turned guardian to advance to its next form during battle! It also created a halo of protection around the host.

  Sophomore rank Sage's combat soul's would be freshly awakened to their infant forms. Infant form combat souls can only leave the body in astral form. They can't attack, and can't be seen by others. As they do not have physical forms, they can only absorb and distribute force. Combat souls usually only become visible if the source artifact is summoned. But Jodye's source artifact allowed the combat soul to not only be visible, but it was already a real physical entity, a guardian!

  Even though the grimoire had unlocked another part of the first seal and had some type of invisible natural barrier that could protect him from harm, Jodye didn't feel challenged sitting back and watching his guardians do all the work. How could he ever be okay with that? This was called using the strength of others. Jodye wanted to conquer others with his own strength. The grimoire flipped open to the second page, glowing resplendently.

  [Guardian 1: Cosmos Devouring Sky Wolf]

  'Compatibility rating: 55%'

  'Tier 1 Primary and auxiliary abilities unlocked during combat mode.'

  'Summon time: Five hours'

  Sylvester Tricko emerged from a magic circle on the ground in a pillar of sky fall flames. Jodye Trill grabbed Sek Si in his arms and leapt onto Sylvester's back, "Sly, why did our compatibility drop again?"

  "My spacial powers are above your realm, thus straining our souls. Merely, if I use my devouring powers to attack then I may get carried away. I must wait until you are able to wield this power without me,” replied Sylvester indifferently. "Less of this. We're surrounded."

  "Not quite. Go 30 meters east, 2 minutes," Jodye had his own thoughts in regards to Sylvester's expenditure of power, but he became focused again after Sylvester's reminder. He turned his head and called out to the still arguing Hughes and Rondo, "Hey guys theres big trouble! We're surrounded by someone, follow me!"


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