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by Shan R. K

  “I don't like to be touched.” I croak, and pull the helmet off and slip my hoody over my face.

  It's going to be a hard habit to break when I get to their clubhouse. Let's hope they don't mind it too much.

  He watches me while I slip my hair under my hoody, “Ok, no touching, got it, you want a bite?”

  “Yes, something cold, I'm waiting for that hot meal you promised me.” It's true.

  He bursts out laughing, and I can feel the change in atmosphere.

  Years on the street teaches you something that no amount of training ever will, A sixth sense.

  When we parked, the other bikers were easy and calm, now the tension is thick in the air, and all the bikers eyes are on us.

  I drop my head, Storm notices it and he turns his back to me.

  I look up and instantly catch Falon’s boyfriend watching me.

  Storm walks a few steps, then spins around opening his arms, “Well? You wanna eat or what?”

  I swivel my head to face him fully, a small smile paints my lips realizing he’s talking to me, and quickly I run after him, “I never say no to food.”

  He laughs again as we enter the garage shop with Falon and her boyfriend in tow.

  I don't stare at either of them, even though with my hood covering my face I could and they wouldn't even know.

  Storm gets a basket, “Help yourself girl.”

  I smile under my hoody, and start putting chips and two sandwiches in the basket, mindful that I shouldn’t push my luck.

  I snap a can of coke from the shelf, my hand on a second for Storm.

  “What's your name,” Someone asks me and that voice makes my pulse speed up, and freezes me in place.

  He's talking to me, it's not Storm, it's the boyfriend.

  I don't know what to say, how to answer without lying.

  If there's one thing I like to do, it's lie, I'm a good one too.

  I know they wouldn't believe what I say but I got to buy myself time and say something.

  They’ll let me go if they trust me, and if I'm lucky I could get a few nights of sleep at their clubhouse maybe even a job or some shit.

  I did save that girl’s life. And a fresh start is something I needed for a long time.

  “What's yours?” My question is meant to get him to shut it. He surprises me at how quickly he answers, “Zero, now your turn.”

  I glance at Storm and put the coke in the cart. He sees my shaking hands and sends a death glare to Zero, who hasn't looked away from me.

  It unnerves me, the heat of his stare blistering, still I won't face him. I don't want to. I don't wanna put a face to the guy who has me riddled in fear.

  “Don't you have a name, something?” Why won't he drop it.

  Just leave it alone, I want to scream at him.

  Why is he trying to get a reaction out of me?!

  Why must he look at me like that? I can feel it. I don't need to see him.

  I want to hide behind Storm, even though I barely know the man.

  The biker’s insistence is tempting me to tell him something mean and hurtful but I bite my tongue.

  Instead I put one of the pudding things I see on top of the sandwich shelf into his basket, mindful that it's four dollars and walk the two steps to stand next to Storm.

  I sneak a glance at Storm who is quiet and sending very hateful glances to his suppose to be brother.

  Zero doesn't move away, he’s not liking my silence.

  It's only after a tense minute that he seems to listen to Storm’s unspoken words and drops it by flying past us.

  Falon is behind him, and gives me a sad smile before she follows the guy who I still haven't looked at.

  “If you don't want any more of that.” Storm tilts his head to the couple, “I suggest you figure out a name for yourself before we get to Kanla, we about eighteen hours away. We should get there about nine tomorrow evening, we’ll stop in the next four hours or so for the night.”

  “Where about is that?”

  “Eighty miles out Houston.”

  I dry whisper, “I'm going to Texas.”

  His eyes sparkle when he starts filling the basket with more sandwiches and cans.

  “Yeah, Kanla isn't well known. We moved from Houston to Kanla three years ago. The town was getting run down by a gang of drug dealers. We brought them down and took the turf for our own. The plan was to go back to Houston but the town was so welcome and shit. And we needed a place to stay that wasn't so central and gave us proper privacy. With a population of around two thousand, Kanla seemed perfect. The nine of us left Houston and started our own chapter in Kanla, you gonna love the place. You gotta meet Rounder and Killer when we get there first though, but after that I’ll introduce you properly to the others.”

  I walk on in front of him when he quietens, I'm not sure what to say to that.

  These bikers are clearly dangerous but Storm is growing on me.

  No one has ever spoken to me so much besides my mother, and she's dead now.

  I'm anxious to get to Kanla, more so than them. I can't wait to get that bath, gosh, I wonder how hot the water is going to be.

  And the food, are they going to cook meat.

  My mouth waters, and for the next ten minutes or so, I'm in my own little world.

  I don't let it bother me when the lady standing behind Storm and I, moves a few steps away from me, I know I smell.

  And I don't let it bother me when the male cashier sends me a reproachful look.

  I'm too busy in my own world, my mind firmly on what my first hot meal is going to be.

  Chapter 4


  I'M BARELY KEEPING it together. I know I should let it rest, but I can't drop it.

  I need to know her name.

  I don't know why, but my gut is riding me hard on this.

  My instincts are telling me it's important.

  Storm stood up to me in the garage giving no other option but to drop it.

  When Falon and I walked away from them, she gave me shit about not frightening the girl off too. But whether they agree or not I'm going to get my answer.

  We parked outside the Inn, six hours out of Washington. We well pass ready to go down for the night.

  Falon is huddled on a bench, talking with Jade, Chadley and Venus. Storm is talking to his new bff, and I don't like it.

  I'm the Enforcer, If there's even a thread that she's a danger to my club I need to know.

  How the fuck am I suppose to do that if my VP keeps giving me fucking warning glares.

  Wisp marches over to them, her short form making up the distance fast. She's changed into a jeans but still has that bust contraption she calls a t-shirt on.

  Texas moves in slow, keeping a few steps behind her with an unlit cigarette dangling from his lips.

  I move closer to them.

  Maintaining a wide gap, as not to alert Wisp to my presence. There's no way I'm staying hidden from Storm when he keeps shooting me warning glances from across the lot.

  Wisp goes to stand forcefully between Storm and the homeless girl, screaming, “Is it not enough that she gets your helmet and rides on your back, you also gotta ignore me now.” She shoves his chest when he keeps quiet. He doesn't move, just crosses his arms over his chest and tilts his head down.

  Texas moves naturally to stop her, but I signal him to stay put with a shake of my head.

  This is long overdue.

  “Planning on spending the night with her while you at it, ha? well let's forget about Wisp for a second, oh wait, let's forget about her for the night ‘cause she is just a bed warmer. I am so done with your shit Storm. I know about your trips to Liston Hills and I'm done.”

  Everyone is quiet, waiting for the other shoe to drop. The homeless girl drops it, when she pulls down the hood, and my cock beats to come out behind my zipper.

  And ain't I just the motherfucker of good timing.

  I walk towards them, mindful of my hard-on happening behind my denims a
s her face becomes clearer.

  Still watching the scene play out but not comfortable standing so far, I stop only three feet away.

  The others are also staring, but forming a circle to surround them. We might want to watch things play out but it doesn't mean we want extra eyes and ears on our people.

  The girl is pale, her eyes are black, pitch fucking black and so big under thick eyebrows.

  She has a dirt mark staining her cheek and It takes every bit of self control not to walk up to her and wipe it off.

  I swallow, hard, and as if she hears it she turns to face me, and everything fades away, all my brothers, all the girls besides her.

  Her eyes tell me so much, they are eyes of a person haunted, a girl who has seen things that no girl her age should see.

  A protectiveness I've felt only for certain people shrouds me as I watch this girl, who is a puzzle I am yet to perfectly fit in place.

  She breaks our connection and looks at Wisp’s short form. I take time to profile her, she’s around Falon’s age, but life on the streets could've aged her, especially going from her voice. She's been there a while so she could be younger, much younger. She’s thin and very tall, like five nine.

  The same raspy sound I think of, says, “You his girl.” Wisp and Storm are too busy staring daggers at each other to pay the girl any heed.

  “Lady, you Storm’s woman,” she says louder, making me harder and I'm sure some of my other brothers too. Fuck, who talks like that. Her voice is hypnotic.

  Wisp spins around, all her attention now focused on the homeless girl, shit, I hate calling her that, I wish she’ll give us a name.

  “I was, now he’s free.” Wisp practically spits in the girls face. Then Wisp does something bad, she sticks her nose higher and takes a step closer to the homeless girl, sniffing her, “And have a fucking bath, you reek like dogshit.” Wisp pushes past Storm who doesn't seem to care about Wisps antics. He has been done with her for sometime, she just wasn't getting the memo.

  I EXPECT WISP TO GO straight for the girls but she surprises me by going back to Texas who instantly starts walking her away.

  I follow behind them so I can get Falon, who is huddled up between Venus and Chadley, all the while ignoring my traitorous dick.

  “I do stink. It's not safe on the streets if I’m clean.” Those words pause me in track, she says it loud so we all hear her. I've never heard a females voice so raspy before.

  Soon after she speaks, Knight and Storm are laughing at her confession, no doubt trying to lighten the mood and hopefully save the poor girl some embarrassment.

  I don't look back even though I want to. I head straight for Falon, her blue eyes lost when she sees me and I know I've fucked up.

  I've been worried about another mysterious woman without a fucking name. Getting my dick hard for a pretty face, when the woman I plan to claim as my own and have a future with was almost raped.

  Shit, I fucked up big time and I know I got to fix it.

  I touch Falon's face with my fingers, her gaze softening under my touch. Venus and Chadley move out of the way, and I swoop Falon up, ignoring the gasp of the two girls seated down, and the eyes of my brothers.

  She cuddles her face in the crook of my neck, and I don't let her go for twenty minutes.

  It's how long it takes us to get our room sorted out.

  Falon is out by the time we get to the room.

  I lay her on the bed, and start stripping off her boots. She stirs when I get to the jeans but doesn't wake.

  I pull up her t-shirt, revealing the purple and blue bruises forming on her stomach and ribs. Her small pouch of flesh on her abdomen she always complains about is now red with finger marks.

  I graze the pads of my fingers gently across the bruises, all the while watching her features under the dim glow of the side lamp.

  She's relaxed, and sleeping, but I'm anything but.

  That homeless girl saved my woman, I want to hate her for stirring up things in me, for making me want to protect her when I have no business feeling that way about a woman I just met, especially when I got sweet Falon with me.

  Falon is my future, she's real. I know who she is. I've known her most of her life. Falon's perfect.

  What I'm feeling for that homeless girl is totally normal, I'm the Enforcer, and technically unofficially she's already one of us.

  I'm suppose to feel protective around her.

  Who wouldn't? A young girl living on the streets.

  And my dick getting hard, well that's understandable, I haven't had sex in three days.

  With Falon denying me the right to claim her and keeping stuff away from me I just wasn't feeling it.

  I shake Falon’s shoulder, “Baby, You need to get up.” She stirs but doesn't wake.

  “Falon, come on.” I try again, “We need to talk.”

  She mumbles something but after a few minutes opens those blue depths I have come to know so intimately.

  Her face is all puffy and shit, her red hair sticking up all over the place. I swipe my index finger across her lips.

  She gives me a small smile, “Are you going to tell me you told me so?”

  My gaze softens, “No baby, I'm just fucking relieved that you alive, but I need to know what happened.”

  She sits still watching my hand rub her thigh. Falon once told me it calms her when I do it, “Ah,” she sighs, “we were talking on the phone. I wasn't really paying attention to where I was, and I walked further away. I ended up on the other side, but by then the two guys leaning against the wall saw me. I told you someones coming and cut the call, then walked to the club doors. I wasn't sure if they were following me.” Her voice hitches, “I..I started going faster and I would've made it.” She sniffs, still not meeting my eyes, “but my heel got stuck and I lost balance for a second, and then they grabbed me.”

  Her tortured eyes finally lifts up, “The girl came,” I watch the half truth come before it leaves her lips in a rush, “grabbed the guys gun and shot them, you know the rest.”

  “Did they rape you?”

  “No.” She turns away from my comforting hand and sobs into the pillow. I'm at a complete loss.

  I lift my woman up, and she instantly nestles in my arms. “I'm so sorry baby.” She cries harder.

  She practically crawls onto me until her body is wrapped tightly around mine.

  I've always liked Falon’s shortness.

  People always stare when we’re together in public. She’s barely five feet three inches like her mama and tiny, apart for her rack.

  The sex is great.

  She's mostly on top because I fear crushing her, and we never take it slow which I like.

  All in all the woman is a good woman.

  She's a great cook, good in the bedroom, knows how to act and dress.

  Plus she's faithful.

  And I'm sure she put up a fight with those assholes who tried to rape her. I rub her back in circles, hushing words in her hair.

  I never told Falon I love her, I know she needs the words. I should say it. She's told me many times, but I can't.

  I feel deep emotions for her, care about her, but even now that I got her in my lap, vulnerable and bruised after such a fucked up night, I can't say the words. I feel sorry for her, I feel angry that those motherfuckers hurt my woman, but I don't feel that undying need for vengeance, that increase in emotion that my woman could've got hurt.

  I tell myself it's because the men are dead, because there's no revenge to be dealt. Truth is I think I'm just incapable of love. I'm incapable of that emotion.

  A half ‘n hour passes before she's asleep in my lap, I put her into the bed and leave the room to give her space and go to the one place I know I'm going to get the answers I seek.

  Chapter 5


  I'M IN A HOTEL ROOM and I just had a hot shower. It's AMAZING.

  Christmas and New Year might have come twenty one years too late, but it sure as hell came early this year.r />
  My two weeks in the system didn’t mean I had a hot shower. I had a warm one a few times. Being the new kid meant I had to shower last and by then the water was bordering on Luke warm on a good day.

  And cold most of the other times.

  Today I got the shower first and the stinging of the water on my back and hair was sensational.

  I scrubbed myself with the bar of soap over and over again. I used all the shampoo on my hair, getting as much knots out as I could.

  When I got out of the shower my skin was shriveled up. The steam was everywhere, even on the mirror.

  I laughed, and it felt good.

  Storm knocked on the door asking what was so funny, my answer was, “I could get use to this.”

  He was quiet for a good few moments, then he banged on the door.

  “hurry your ass up in there, I gotta take a leak.”

  Now, my hair is dripping on the floor while I'm rummaging through Storm’s bag for a t-shirt, mindful of the condoms I keep touching.

  Storm just slipped in the bathroom we sharing. He got us a double room, with two single beds.

  After his girlfriend dumped him, the two of us took a slow walk to our room. He told me that Wisps ‘temper tantrum’ was bound to happen.

  Apparently Wisp and him weren't actually dating, Texas and him were sharing her.

  But he still spent time talking about the reason for Wisp’s behavior, A girl named Kylie Bray.

  She’s related to one of the brothers, the guys sister.

  Storm met her a few years back and only recently she agreed to go on a date with him.

  Storm showed me pictures of Kylie from his phone. She’s the perfect image of rich and privileged. Her skin and teeth is all flawless with a smile so big you swear she's a celebrity without needing any confirmation.

  When I voiced my opinion Storm told me she was anything but and he’ll introduce me to her.

  Storm is cool and I enjoy his easiness.

  All his talking relaxed me earlier when I was close to kicking it and saying goodbye to my future plans after I heard I’ll be sharing a room with the man.


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