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The Touchdown

Page 4

by Bishop, K. M.

  I smiled. That would be fun.

  I dialed the number and watched as Ro glanced down at her pocket. Then she picked up the phone. “Hello?”

  “Hello,” I said.

  “Um, who is this?”

  “Look behind you.”

  Ro turned around and saw me on the phone with her. She started laughing and shaking her head. “What the hell…?”

  I laughed. “I had to test the number.”

  “You don’t trust me? Or are you just in the habit of getting fake numbered?”

  I shrugged. “Take your pick.”

  “I think you are creepy enough to get fake numbered regularly.”

  “Fair enough. Then I guess you must like me.”

  I smiled widely and gave her a wink. Then I put my phone in my pocket and took a bite of my pizza, keeping my eyes on her the entire time. She smiled back.

  This was working out better than I thought. I really liked this girl. There was something between us, something right from the start. I could feel a strong connection between the two of us that I didn’t really understand, but I had felt it instantly on that football field. It was a strange chain of events that had brought us together, but it was up to us to keep this thing going.

  Oh, yeah. This was going to be great.

  Chapter Four


  I couldn’t stop smiling. The man who had almost trampled me during the football game, the man with those gorgeous, intense eyes, who had captured big part of my mind for the past few hours, had come over and actually introduced himself to me, did some flirting, and had my phone number. This all felt like some strange whirlwind.

  I couldn’t believe it happened so quickly. After the incident on the sidelines, Allison had given me the strangest look as I watched him run back onto the field. She knew me well enough to know when I was smitten and she could see it all over my face.

  “Don’t do it,” she said.

  “What?” I asked.

  “What you are thinking about doing. That guy is bad news for you.”

  “What? Why do you say that?”

  “Because he is an Indiana player.”

  I smirked at her. “I never knew you to be so rigid with these stupid feud rules.”

  “I’m not. But everyone else is. This would do nothing but put a big target on your back. Sweetie, I don’t want you to get hurt over a fleeting romance.”

  “What romance? I think he is cute; that is all. I’ll probably never see or talk to him again.”

  “I hope not,” Allison replied.

  We’d lost a very close, well-fought battle. But the loss brought our team morale down to some extent. Several of the players were violently enraged, almost delirious to the fact that we’d actually lost a game to our biggest rivals. I hated to lose, but I wasn’t going to get that upset over it. After all, it was just a game, a sports contest. We would win some and we would lose some. That was the way it went.

  But the man’s eyes never left my mind. There was something in them that spoke to me, and drew me in. There was a cadence to his movements, and a special way he had with the way he spoke that captivated me. I couldn’t stop thinking about him. All through the game I found myself between cheers checking him out, watching him run down the field. He was so tall, so muscular and athletic. He was very graceful with his movements as well. It was almost a Zen-like experience when he ran down the field. And when he made the game winning touchdown catch and ran into the end zone, I found myself almost cheering for him.

  Luckily I caught myself before something strange happened. But I was secretly happy. The man was magnetic and I was so drawn to him.

  Yet, after the game was over and I finished up in the locker room, my mind kept returning to him. I wanted to get to know him. But I knew that this was it and he was out of my life for good. It was just a fleeting glimpse into what could have been under a very different set of circumstances.

  Allison was right though, about the feud. There was a very outspoken law, that if you ever associated with anyone from the Indiana sports world then you had better be prepared to suffer the consequences. I had never really tested this until now, and my curiosity was getting the better of me about it. How mad would people be, really?

  But as it turned out I was probably not going to get to find out anyway. I finished showering and getting dressed. Joanie, Gwen, Allison and I all decided to go hit The Pizza Emporium after the game. It was kind of a little ritual of ours. It was off campus, but no one in town did pizza better.

  We were sitting there enjoying our food when suddenly I became aware that someone was standing by the table. I didn’t bother to look up, figuring it was some guy who was trying to hit on Gwen. She was so beautiful. She really did look like Gwen Stefani. They could have been identical twins. And I had to laugh when Allison told the guy to get lost. But then when he spoke, I recognized the voice from earlier.

  I slowly turned my head and I was amazed at who I saw standing there. I couldn’t believe it. He was the man I had talked to earlier, the player who had almost trampled me into a dozen pieces. There he was. He was wearing helmet before, but I recognized his eyes and his voice. I knew it was him.

  But still, I had to play it cool. I was interested in getting to know him, but I had to represent hard for my girls’ benefit and I had to show that I hated the enemy the same as anyone else. The likelihood of this going any further than this table in this pizza restaurant was almost zilch.

  And now it was over. I’d given Bobby my number and he had actually called it to make sure it was not a fake. That was hilarious. The girls couldn’t stifle back their amusement either. As much as they wanted to hate him, they knew that he was charming and handsome. The guy was hard to ignore. And he was very interested in me. I couldn’t believe it.

  I wasn’t sure what it was, but I instantly felt connected to him. Not just attracted, but actually connected like on a much deeper level. I wanted to touch him, to kiss him, and to let him take me any way he wanted. I had never been that willing to give it up with a guy I had just met before. What was happening to me?

  I wasn’t sure, but I couldn’t wait for his phone call. I desperately wanted to hear his voice again and to spend some alone time with him.

  “Are you really going to go out with that guy?” Allison asked me later when we got back to our apartment.

  The two of us were lounging on the couch watching some Netflix and putting off the studying we both needed to do. And we were munching on some good chips. I was always in a munchie mood after a game. It really took the energy out of me and left me totally ravenous for the rest of the night.

  “I don’t know,” I said trying to play it cool. “He is pretty hot.”

  “There are a lot of hot guys out there, and many of them actually go to school here.”

  “I don’t see why it matters so much if he goes to another school. We are all grown-ups right?”

  “Yeah, but have you seen the kind of insanity that sparks through this school when it comes to our rivals. It’s like some kind of ancient bloodlust. I don’t understand it either, but I do recognize that it exists. You should too. Don’t let tempting bad things happen to you. Don’t go out with this guy.”

  I looked up at her. I could see the real fear in her eyes.

  “Ok, I’ll think about that,” I said. “But I’m not going to let other people scare me into who I go with and who I don’t. It’s silly. Besides I’m graduating in seven months anyway. I think you are putting too much emphasis on this.”

  She shrugged and looked back at the television. It was an interesting show at first, but now I think we were both getting bored with it. I hated to see that she was so upset about this, but I was so curious about this man. He was beautiful, sexy, charming, and for whatever reason he really was interested in me.

  “So, what do you really think of Bobby?” I asked. “Without the stupid fear mongering hanging over our head.”

  She smiled. “Oh, he is so fine. We could d
o some research and find out more about him if you want. We do live in the information age after all.”

  I giggled. That was an idea. “No, that’s not right. That’s like stalking. It’s creepy.”

  “It isn’t stalking to find out about someone who is interested in dating you. It is just good common sense.”

  I laughed. “I love the way you can make anything fit your narrative and rationalize it that way.”

  Allison smiled. “It’s a gift. It’s what I do.”

  “Fine, if you must look up something about him, then do it. But I would prefer to be surprised. Besides, I don’t know why we are even talking about this. He probably won’t even call.”

  “You are so negative,” Allison teased. “Did you see the way he flirted and played with you? That boy is going to call. You know what? He is probably going to be one of those guys that plays the three day game.”

  I gave her a puzzled look. “What?”

  “The three day game. You know?”

  “What is that?”

  She sighed. “I still have so much to teach you. There is no way you should be graduating soon.”

  I stuck out my tongue at her.

  She smiled and rubbed her hands together as if she was about to blow my mind with something really profound.

  “The three days game is based on the idea that a guy can’t call you for at least three days after he gets your number.”

  I scrunched up my face as I tried to process what logic there might be behind this nonsense. “Why not?”

  “Because it would make him seem way too eager.”

  “That’s ridiculous.”

  “Yeah, well, it isn’t my rule.”

  “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. There is no way that he is that lame.” I stopped a moment and then asked, “Do you think?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m just proposing a theory. You can take it or leave it. Only time will tell if I’m totally right or not.”

  “I can tell you right now that you are totally wrong.”

  “Care to wager a bet on that?”



  I tossed a pillow at her. She caught it and laughed. “But seriously though, if you really are thinking about dating this guy, make sure you meet each other on neutral ground somewhere, you know, so that no one sees you together. If not then the both of you are just asking for a world of hurt.”

  “Ok, I’ll do my best.”

  We didn’t talk much after that, mostly focused on stuffing our faces and watching some movies together. But my mind would not get off the fact that Allison really believed I could be in danger if I decided to really pursue this relationship. Relationship? A guy had got my number, nothing more. And he most likely wouldn’t call. We were two hours away from each other. That was not a crazy long way, but it was long enough to be somewhat problematic, right?

  When I went to bed that night I was still thinking about this sexy man who had entered my life seemingly out of nowhere. I never thought I could feel so turned on for someone that I had just met, especially someone from our school’s biggest rivals. There we go again. Was this rival that big of a deal, really? For me it was just a fun thing to make the games more interesting, but I knew that other people at the school took it so dead seriously. I’d always just considered those people to be morons (and they were) but according to Allison a lot of fairly prominent people in the school were the same way. I could hear it in her voice how worried she actually was about this. I didn’t want her to be worried. Everything would be fine. If Bobby did call me and if we did go out, then I would be very careful to not draw any unwanted attention our way.

  Hopefully, he would feel the same way. I could only imagine the razzing he was getting by his own teammates for being interested in a girl from the wrong school.

  Chapter Five


  “Are you sure you’re ready?” I asked.

  Ro was sitting on my bed, her eyes looking right into mine, almost looking right through me. She was so beautiful. There she sat with her legs slightly crossed at the ankles, wearing a short skirt under a sexy blouse that showcased some amazing cleavage. Her breasts were large, big, and very natural. I couldn’t wait to touch them.

  We’d just gone out and had a wonderful time. There was something about us that just clicked as if we’d known each other for a long time, like we were actual soulmates. I’d never really believed in such a thing before, but with Ro it all became so clear to me. I had to be with her. I’d been waiting for her my entire life. And now she was here with me. And the passion between us that had been building ever since that moment on the football field, that was all about to spill over into paradise for us.

  “Yes,” Ro said. Her eyes were full of an intense lust as she glanced at me. I want you so badly.

  I smiled slightly as I let my eyes drift over her waiting, beautiful body. She was perfect head to toe. My tongue slid over my lips getting them ready for the job that had been laid in front of them. I could not stop staring at the shapely contours of her body. I could feel her warm, feminine heat moving over to me.

  I leaned in and kissed her softly on the mouth, my lips gliding smoothly across hers until they found the best resting place to transmit this exquisite lust that had been brewing for so long between us. She felt amazing. My mind was swimming with the sweet release of pleasure that came out through our kiss.

  The kiss was slow at first, barely more than a peck. I pulled back just slightly to appreciate the moment more in depth, and then I leaned in again to taste those sweet ruby lips of hers. The kiss was deeper this time, more in depth. I could feel her body starting to undulate against mine as I wrapped my arms around her softness. My hands found that sweet spot in her lower back where I could rest them just at the start of her ass, caressing over towards her hips. Her body was truly a work of art.

  I was getting so hard. My member was desperate to escape the prison of my thick jeans. I wanted to break free and show her exactly what she had been thinking about, and what I had been dreaming of since the moment I met her, since our paths first crossed each other during that football game several days ago.

  Ro stuck out her tongue just then, eclipsing my mouth, and moving right in for the kill. She was inside my mouth now, massaging me, sliding her tongue across mine as I struggled to keep up with her eagerness. Her breath was entering my body now, bringing with it a piece of her essence, her very spirit which I knew I had seen in her eyes that day. I was so entwined with her.

  I moved my mouth up to her eyes and kissed them both softly, one by one. Then I worked down the side of her face, letting the kisses linger as they came downwards little by little, my mouth barely touching her skin, and when I lifted up off the kiss, I allowed my lips to remain there enough such that there was a slight pressing off point. This was so much more than I had ever dreamt of. I wanted this forever in my life. This was our first time being together and we’d only known each other for a few days, but I knew right then and there that this was meant to be. We were destined to find each other. There was absolutely no doubt in my mind. And now that I’d found my true love, I would never do anything to risk losing her.

  I was in a euphoric state. And I wanted to remain there forever.

  My lips moved downwards, still inching towards her neck where I located her jugular. Once there I let my kisses pulsate as I moved back up trying to locate the pulse and then moved once again back down.

  My hands were getting restless, antsy. They wanted to go exploring. I reached up under her shirt and began to massage her lower back with my hands as I cradled her soft body and held it close to me, letting my mouth continue to work its magic to bring our spirits closer together in perfect harmony. Once that was done, our bodies would spring forth a perfect union that would result in untold pleasures for both of us.

  “That feels good,” Ro moaned in my ear. Her voice was soft and airy. Her tone seemed to float on the breath as it car
essed my ear and entered into my head, massaging my mind with some sweet, loving, swirls. I closed my eyes and opened my mouth a little wider this time when I kissed her neck, tasting the skin, inhaling every little bit of her that I could.

  “Take it off,” Ro said. “Take the shirt off.”

  I gently pulled her shirt over her head. She was wearing a lacy, sexy bra that barely covered her massive chest. I licked my lips giddily, almost nervously as I stared at her immaculate bosom. She smiled at my reaction and then she said, “What are you waiting for?”

  I smiled and quickly undid her bra from the back. Then I slowly pulled it back from her body to reveal her amazing breasts. They were beautiful. Simply perfect. I could not help but feel overwhelmed with joy and passion as I reached up and touched them softly, enveloping them in my large hands. They were thick, heavy, and so round. The nipples were hard, erect above the areolas, which were very large covering most of the breast. That was sensational.

  I moved my mouth over the nipple of her large, succulent, breast, and then stretched wider to cover the entire end of the breast. Then I sucked back hard on it. The nipples tickled against my tongue as I licked up and down, all around the edges. Ro moaned with delight.

  I pulled her closer to me, trying my best to fully engulf as much of her massive chest as I could. It was overpowering, and I wanted more of it with each passing second. I was so hard now, I could hardly stand it. My body was aching to be free.

  Ro reached down and began to massage my crotch suddenly. I was impressed with her initiative. Her hand felt good and strong as she moved against my member. I was getting even harder now. I couldn’t wait until she was touching me with her bare skin. I wanted to drive my package deeply inside of her and stretch her to the very ends of our lust and want for each other. That would be epic.

  “Pull it out,” I said. “Please touch me…”

  My words came out in a breathy gasp as I wilted under the intense pressure. I needed this so badly. I could hardly even breathe anymore.


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