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The Touchdown

Page 7

by Bishop, K. M.

  I asked Allison what she thought and she reminded me that it might very well be Bobby. I then got very excited. I’d almost forgotten that he might actually call, instead relinquishing him to a sweet, imaginary concept in my mind.

  And then I’d heard his sweet voice, but I pretended at first to not recognize him. I did instantly. There was no denying that strong, masculine, but playful voice with the slightest hint of mischief in it. I felt myself getting turned on instantly. His voice over the phone just rumbled into my ear and sent tingles down my jugular vein into my upper shoulder and then crossing over to my spine.

  We’d had some playful banter and set up this date. And it had gone perfectly so far.

  “So, why did you decide on Purdue, instead of Indiana?” Bobby asked me.

  I smiled. “Probably the same reason you decided on Indiana instead of Purdue?”

  He laughed. “Your parents?”


  “Well, we have that in common then. That’s cool. What are some of your other passions?”

  “Well, I really like music.”

  “Do you play an instrument?”

  “I played piano when I was younger, a little guitar. But primarily I sing.”

  “Interesting. I’d love to hear you sing sometime.”

  I shook my head. “I haven’t sang for anyone for a long time.”

  “How come?”

  “I blew out my voice when I was younger.”

  Bobby winced. “Wow, how did that happen.”

  “It was so stupid. I was fourteen and I had a phase where I was very much into death metal music. I think it was part of a rebellious phase I went through. Anyway, some friends of mine got a band together and I became the singer. I did it all without proper technique and training and started screaming for hours a day. Now, you hear metal bands do this all the time. What I didn’t know then and found later was that there is a very specific technique to doing that so you can keep doing it without actually hurting your voice. One day I felt a horrible pain in my voice and I blew it out. I could barely speak for weeks.”

  “Ouch,” Bobby said. “That must have been extreme.”

  “I told you it was stupid. Anyway, I ended up with nodules on my vocal chords and I couldn’t really sing for a long time after that. I still love music, but I’ve never really gotten my voice back to good singing shape. Cheering helps some, but even then I have to be careful not to yell too loudly or I might damage it again.”

  “What can you do to get it back? Is that something you’ve ever been really serious about?”

  I sighed. “It is, but it might take some actual hard work with a good teacher to get it back. If I went out and tried to do it again alone then I know my voice would give out and I might end up with a permanent damage. I’ve been so focused on cheer since that time that I haven’t had the desire or the time to get back into it.”

  Bobby nodded. “Ah, I see.”

  “So, how about you?”

  Bobby shrugged. “I’ve always dreamt of owning my own business. I’ve never wanted to work for anyone else or call anybody else the boss, you know? I’m too independent. I hate taking orders on the football field, but out there so much can happen and change so quickly that improvising is essential, so even with a coach calling the shots, half the time it ends up boiling down to just me and the team.”

  “That’s cool. What do you plan to do one day when the playing days are over for you?”

  “I’ve thought about going into broadcasting or trying my hand at coaching.”

  “I think you’d be a good coach.”

  He smiled. “Yeah, what makes you think that?”

  “I dunno. You just seem like you have that official attitude and swagger about you. I think people will listen to you.”

  He locked eyes with me and smiled.

  Wow, he was hot.

  * * *

  I wasn’t sure how it happened so quickly, but we were in my room. Allison had conveniently left for the evening. We lived off campus, so I didn’t have to worry too much about anyone seeing that I was out on a date with a star player from the Panthers football team.

  And there we were sitting together on the couch. We were both just relaxing not saying much for the moment, and it was not awkward. The fact that it wasn’t awkward felt a bit strange. But it was fine. We were both drinking beers and just getting to know each other.

  When Bobby dropped me off, I asked him if he wanted to come in and he paused a moment before he let go with that easy going smile and said that he would. Once inside I gave him the choice of coffee or beer. I realized after that it was an odd suggestion.

  But he didn’t bat an eye. He just said, “A beer sounds great.”

  Now we were sitting there on the couch relaxing and sipping our beers. The silence felt odd and very loud, but there was a comfort in it that I cherished. We were able to sit there and just be that comfortable with each other.

  “Did you ever kick a football barefoot?” Bobby asked suddenly.

  “What?” I was confused by the question at first.

  “I mean, did you ever punt it barefoot?”

  “Um… I don’t think so.”

  “Well, there are a few ways to do it. Some guys do it barefoot, and some guys use their shoes. Some hold it in their hands until they make contact with their foot, and others will drop kick it and that height will vary for how much they drop it from.”

  “Ok.” I had no idea where he was going with this.

  “Well, when I was younger I used to do a lot of punting. When it came to football, I always thought of myself as more of a kicker. I hadn’t filled out yet and I was kind of sleight. Then I filled out a bit and hit the weights. Anyway, the reason I’m bringing this up is because on my high school team there was a guy who would punt the football barefoot and he would drop kick it, but he would do this weird thing where he would quickly wrap a piece of silly putty on his foot and spread it out. He would do this during practice only of course. But he was convinced this was the best way to really see if he was making the right kind of connection with the ball. Anyway, if any of the putty got on the ball he would drop to the ground and start screaming at the top of his lungs for someone to punch him in the face as punishment. It was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen.”

  I couldn’t hold it together. This was hysterically bizarre. “Wow, what reminded you of that story?”

  “I don’t know. Sometimes my mind wanders to strange places when I’m sitting around for too long.”

  “That’s enlightening,” I said. “Are you tipsy at all? I’m trying to determine my own level because this seems like the kind of thing that isn’t as funny as I feel it actually is.”

  Bobby gave me a funny look. “No. I’m fairly sober.”

  “Good. Me too.”

  He gave me a high five. “To being almost sober!”

  “Almost sober!” I cheered.

  “You should totally turn that into a real cheer and show it to your squad.”

  “You know that isn’t a bad idea,” I said.

  Bobby sipped his beer and sat the glass down on the table next to him. Then he scooted closer on the couch. He then looked at me with a look in his eyes that was unmistakable. It was desire. It was passion. And it was full on want. I felt the same thing taking place inside of me. I was tingling all over, ready for his sweet touch. I’d thought of nothing else since the day we’d met. I had to wonder how much he’d thought about me. During the build-up to the date, I’d thought about whether I was blowing this up in my mind to be bigger than it actually was, but from the moment he’d walked through my door, that same connection had been there and it had only grown since then.

  Bobby leaned into me. I knew he was going to kiss me and I was going to fully let him. This was supposed to happen. This was what I’d been waiting for. And I couldn’t believe the fact that it was here and now happening to me. I wanted to just surrender to him.

  He paused before the kiss, his eyes starin
g directly into mine. I could see flecks of blue and hazel in them. They were so beautiful. My own face reflected back in them as well, staring right into me. I wanted to be for real there inside the reflection, switching places with my mirror image. That was where I wanted to be forever.

  His lips reached mine and kissed me deeply, going slow at first, but then quickly pressing hard into my mouth, molding our spirits into one. The point of contact became filled with urgency and an odd mystical energy that transmitted and bridged the gap between our physical bodies.

  I surrendered myself to the kiss, letting him take control and pull me into his world. This was the very thing I’d been thinking about since that moment on the sidelines and now all of the wishing and dreaming had come to fruition. His lips were softer than I had imagined, but the jaw and the presence that controlled them were so masculine.

  His hands went behind me then and held my body closer to him, pressing me against his own hard form. I wanted him so badly. I was lusting for him with every single cell within my being. My core was getting wet, burning for him to come inside of me. I’d never wanted someone more than I did right then.

  His mouth enveloped mine, holding me with his breath and his masculine energy. I could feel his hard body pressing against mine. He was so strong and firm. Through his tight t-shirt I could see and feel the ripped muscles in his body.

  His mouth moved from my lips to my chin and then down my throat as he flickered his tongue in and out in between the kisses to glide against the neck and make my skin gleam with need. The feeling echoed throughout my body and ended up between my legs increasing the wetness and tightness.

  “Right there…” I moaned. “That’s it…”

  He stopped right in that perfect spot in the nape of my neck, right above the collar bone. That was where he lingered on my body, kissing and licking me, taking every drop of pain and fear I’d ever felt away from me and leaving me there with nothing but blissful pleasure.

  His hands were moving up under my shirt now. His fingers were thick and slowly moving across my skin. Oh, I’d never been touched so well before. The contact between his hands and mine sent electric shocks of beauty riveting through my whole body. I wanted him to just take me away to another world where nothing would ever be hard and there was only beauty and peace. That was the promise his touch was delivering to me.

  And then his hand was touching my bra, slipping over it and then under it. I got the feeling he was waiting for my permission, but before I granted it he quickly flicked his fingers and had it undone. Then he pulled the bra down from under my shirt. His hands could have easy access to my large breasts now.

  I loved the way he just went ahead and took what he wanted. Yes, I needed that level of masculine domination right then. I sometimes got so tired of being strong against the world. This right here, that was what I needed. To let go of everything and just let this beautiful man take control—that was the path for me. That was the path for me, the one I had chosen. Yes, please… yes…

  Bobby kissed me on the lips again, this time pushing his tongue into my mouth and wiggling against my own, waking it from its slumber to join his perfect dance. His passion was erupting within me so much of my own desires, the darkest ones I thought would never see the light of day. But something told me that Bobby was just the kind of man I was looking for to explore and share those things with.

  He reached under my shirt as he kissed me, his hands quickly finding my breasts. I heard him moan with a sweet satisfaction as his fingers wrapped around my large, fleshy mounds and then he began to squeeze them softly, growing tighter.

  “Yes,” I said pulling back from the kiss. I quickly removed my shirt and threw it down. “Touch them rough. I love it…”

  He responded by massaging both of my breasts sternly with his strong, athletic fingers. They felt so good. I loved the way my nipples slid against the calluses on his hands, slipping into the cracks between his fingers. My whole body began to respond with so much pleasure. I was getting so wet. I could barely contain myself from reaching under my skirt and pulling my panties down to finger my wet slit.

  Bobby seemed to read my thoughts. He moved his hands down to my inner thighs and then let them work their way up to the meeting between my legs where he found my skimpy underwear. The treasures that awaited us were just beyond that small barrier. All he had to do was rip…

  And there they went. The underwear flew down my legs and on the floor. I was now very exposed for him.

  His digits quickly found the opening and plowed through the wetness. He was so deep within me, stretching me apart with his eager fingers. They were long and thick, weaving a tapestry of silky smooth sensations rippling up and down my inner walls. They were priming my lust, tuning me to his perfect wavelength and preparing to take me on the ride of a lifetime. I wanted it so badly that it hurt me to the bone. I was now aching for it.

  His mouth was on mine once again, licking my face and slithering back and forth across my tongue, taking me to the very top of oral pleasure.

  I could no longer help myself. I grabbed his wad fully in my hand, squeezing the hard bulge in his pants. He let out a cry of surprise but I held on, massaging against him, teasing his package through his pants. He continued to work inside of me. I was growing closer to orgasm. I tried to center myself and keep my lust at bay enough to hold on to the power of my own domain.

  “Pull it out,” Bobby whispered.

  I did as he said and within seconds his member was springing free in my hand. I nearly fainted at the size. It was bigger than I’d ever seen, especially in person. It was almost as thick as my wrist and his length had to exceed nine inches. I couldn’t wait until he was piling inside of me, stretching and working me into a vicious frenzy of lust and love.

  I let my fingers slide up and down his length, almost dancing along the side of it. He responded accordingly, by growing even longer and thicker. How was such a thing possible? He had to be bigger than most guys in the few adult films that I had seen.

  I stroked him softly, just letting my fingers to barely touch the skin. Yeah… I could tell that he liked that. His thick length was swaying back and forth against my hand after I completed each stroke and let my fingers leave him before quickly returning to stroke him yet again.

  Bobby leaned back, his eyes rolling back in his head as he moaned under the strength of my pleasure inducing motions. His hands were still working on my core, eliciting ever more wetness with each passing moment. I could feel myself tightening as well. I was getting primed and ready for some sweet action.

  And it came very soon.

  I suddenly climbed over top of Bobby. I couldn’t stand it anymore. I was going to take control of this ship for a bit. I was starting to lower myself down on his huge girth before he even realized what was happening. And as he did see it, his eyes got wide and he began to compulsively lick his lips. His teeth were almost gnashing at his lips now.

  This was sweet. I loved to watch him be shocked and surprised at my gall. And then I was on him. His thickness was fully engorged, completely wedged inside of me. I was quickly being stretched and pushed to my complete maximum capacity.

  And it was everything I had dreamt of, everything I had thought could possibly be with this man and that much more. My body shook with the finale of the first movement onto him. It was like a sudden jolt of lightning had hit my back and a warmth spread over me in an almost eerie fashion.

  And I leaned back on him, letting my large breasts hang and bounce in the wind. He took the cue and grabbed them to hold them fairly steady while I rocked back and forth, up and down on his stellar shaft. He slid in and out of me so easily, thanks to the natural wetness that flowed from my box. I couldn’t believe how sensitive my womanhood was. Every single slight movement, even when I went so slow as to not move, skyrocketed feelings all the way through me, tearing into my every nook and cranny where I was able to feel any pleasure at all. All of the sweet spots were lighting up.

  I m
oved my hips up and down slowly. As I came down Bobby’s massive hands held my breasts up in the best possible place for his viewing pleasure. And he squeezed them perfectly, tightly, and then he looked down at my body as came down to eclipse him.

  “That’s it,” Bobby said. “That’s so good….”

  I smiled at him as I finished the cycle and rested gently against his sack. His soft mounds beneath me were so large, so full. I loved to touch them and feel them begging to get inside of me as well.

  Bobby placed his hands on my hips and held me in place as he started to hump me from the bottom. He was moving fast and then slow, mixing it up, and it was a great relief to my legs which were getting a bit tired from the motion. But Bobby was going to take care of me.

  Oh, I loved the way it felt being on top of him dominating him, and letting him service me. I leaned forward and kissed him softly on the mouth. “Ride me, baby,” I said. “Pump it hard.”

  I didn’t know where this sassy attitude was suddenly coming from. I’d never been this way with any of my previous lovers, and especially the first time. And it had never happened this fast before. For whatever reason with Bobby, I was rewriting my own rule book or maybe just chucking it out the window altogether. I felt wild and free and I believed that I could definitely get used to this sort of thing.

  Bobby buried his face between my breasts and held me close to him as he continued to drive his member deep within my wet mound. I was getting close to orgasm. And I was not going to hold anything back. I was going to give him everything that he wanted to see from me. I was ready.

  “I’m coming…” I moaned.

  He moaned with me and held me close to him while his thrusting became even faster and more forceful. His hard body was banging hard into my softness over and over again with such intensity that I found it hard to stay on top of him. But oh… here it was…

  “AAAHH!” I yelled as I came hard on top of him.


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