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Page 9


  “I haven’t been anal fucked in years,” she murmured, loving the stimulation on her clit while his cock stroked her inside. “My ass is nice and tight. Ready to be stretched by you, Master.”

  He plunged himself deeper into her.

  “And you want my ass,” she continued. “I bet you wanted it the instant you saw it.”

  With a groan, he slammed his hips at her several times, rattling her to the core. Letting go of her hair, he grabbed her ass, dragging her back to the edge of the table so he could drill himself farther into her. She could hear the wetness of her pussy in the juicy slaps of flesh against flesh.

  He grunted, and his body jerked in small spasms. She surmised he was coming.

  To her relief, he backed down. The pounding had been a little too hard for her to focus on her pleasure. His thrusting having eased, she could now feel her own climax building. He dragged his cock in and out of her, making her shiver with every stroke.

  Please, please let me come this time.

  “My pet wants to come, doesn’t she?”

  Before she could stop herself, she whimpered. He smiled and caressed her clit with his thumb.


  “Please,” she whispered, “can I come?”

  “You know the answer to that.”

  God help me.

  She stared into his eyes, pleading even though she didn’t want to.

  A bloodcurdling cry tore from her mouth when he pulled the string, sending the clothespins flying.

  “Motherfucker!” she grunted, then braced herself for the second unzipping.

  But instead of the string, he reached for the wand and turned it on. She almost sobbed when pleasure started flowing from her nether regions. Her poor confused body didn’t know what to make of it all. There was pain. Then pleasure. Then pain. Then pleasure. Sometimes, the pain and pleasure even started to meld together.

  “Ready to use your out?” he asked.

  I can’t.

  Taking the string, he ripped off the other clothespins. This time she was prepared for how much it would smart, but she still wailed at the snapping of the clothespins.

  I’m done. I can’t take any more.

  Her body was on fire in so many different ways, she didn’t know what she wanted. The world before her blurred.

  “You want to tell me what you know or should we go on to round two?”

  She turned to look at him. For what felt like several minutes, they stared at one another in silence. His eyes beseeched her: tell me.

  Slowly, she shook her head in answer.

  “Fuck,” he swore to himself.

  Turning on the wand, he put it to her clit. His cock was still hard, still buried inside her. Holding the wand in place, he rocked his hips.

  The vibrations had never felt so good. He had never felt so good. The combination was the most marvelous thing she had ever felt. She needed this and didn’t care how high she would go, born on waves of the finest rapture. Somewhere, a warning voice cautioned that this was just the beginning of the next torment, that he wasn’t going to let her come. But she had already surrendered to the scintillation building between her legs.

  “Come, Kimani,” he ordered.

  She would have come with or without his permission, thrust to the heights of bliss. She cried out this time in ecstasy. When he pulled out, she felt wetness stream from her and heard it splash upon the floor. Her body shuddered in pleasure and relief.

  He speared himself back into her, thrusting, pushing her back up that orgasmic plateau. A new stream of wetness gushed from her when he jerked out before slamming himself back in. She heard his roar, felt him trembling, and then a new and separate heat filled her. He bucked against her several times, driving himself deeper, the throbbing of his cock stretching her.

  He had come, but she wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not.


  Fuck. Why the hell wouldn’t she just tell him what he wanted to know?

  He stayed inside her, relishing the contractions of her pussy about his cock. She felt fucking amazing. There was nothing like being in her hot, wet pussy.

  But he wasn’t supposed to have let her come. Especially since she hadn’t asked to come. He could tell she wanted it, though, and he wanted to give it to her. Maybe because he felt guilty about being such a prick. But since when did being a prick bother him?

  Frustrated, he decided not to dwell on it. Instead, he turned up the vibration on the wand, which was still at her clit. Her eyes widened, unsure if she wanted the stimulation on the tender bud. She squirmed atop the table, half wanting to avoid the wand, but it didn’t take long for her arousal to reignite. She tensed and strained as another orgasm coiled within her. It unwound, making her scream and sending her body into spasms.

  He loved watching her come undone. His cock, still buried in her sweet pussy, stirred.

  “Okay, okay, enough,” she pleaded through chattering teeth.

  He turned off the wand and withdrew from her. Undoing the ropes and cuffs, he pulled her up into a sitting position and wrapped his arms about her.

  “You let me come,” she murmured, tired from the exertions.

  “Doesn’t mean we’re done,” he replied, unsure of what to make of himself. When he said he was going to do something, he saw it through. Why, then, hadn’t he done it with her?

  “Look,” she said, “I’ll tell you this: Carlos and Dawson have a history. What I know was told to me in confidence, and I can’t betray that. I just can’t.”

  He let out a long breath. Looking into her eyes, he saw that whatever she knew, she wasn’t going to give it up. A part of him wanted to test how much she could take, but he was just going to cement his status as an asshole if he tormented her further. Being an asshole wouldn’t bother him, but he worried that she would hate him for it.

  “All right, I’ll take that,” he relented. “For now.”

  “Would you mind if I used your cellphone?”

  He bristled at the thought of her calling Sam.

  “I want to see if I can talk to Claire,” she clarified.

  He helped her off the table and gave her back her t-shirt.

  “Do I get to put on real underwear?” she asked after slipping on the shirt.

  “I like you without.”

  “If we had used a condom, I might be okay with that. But I don’t want to be, uh, leaking stuff wherever I walk.”

  “Right.” He smiled at the thought that he had ejaculated inside her, leaving his mark.

  In the living room, he dug through the purchases Beth had made and tossed Kimani a lacy black thong.

  “There anything else?” she asked.

  “You want the chastity belt back on?”


  She gawked at the price tag before removing it and sliding the thong on. He grabbed his mobile and dialed Jason.

  “You can take the call here,” he told Kimani.

  No more secretive calls for you, pet.

  “Hey, cuz, you coming back or what?” Jason inquired. “Jake’s pissed that you haven’t brought his second slut back yet.”

  “She’s not his. Where’s Claire?”

  “Who? Oh, you mean Jake’s slut. She’s doing some naked sunbathing with the other sluts.”

  “Give her your phone. Montana wants to talk to her.”

  “Jake’s sleeping. He’s been totally wasted.”


  “Shouldn’t I get his permission to let his slut talk on the phone?”

  “Just give her your mobile.”

  “Okay, cuz.”

  Ben handed his mobile to Kimani before making his way to the bathroom to run a bath for her. There were a plethora of bath paraphernalia the maid had stocked, none of which he ever used, but he selected a scented bath bomb to toss into the water. He returned to the kitchen to pour two glasses of water.

  “Are you sure you’re doing okay?” Kimani asked.

  Ben picked up his iPad. Steph
ens had sent him a copy of the contract Jake had signed with the Scarlet Auction. At Ben’s direction, Stephens had also had Ben’s personal attorney review the documents. Jake was right. There was a clause prohibiting the involvement of third parties not authorized by the Scarlet Auction, with a hefty financial penalty for violating any terms of the contract. Ben’s attorney didn’t think there was a way around the contract, and suggested that Jake try to negotiate an amendment or that Ben himself seek authorization from the Scarlet Auction.

  Kimani frowned. “Did Lisa and Ryan get burned, too?”

  Ben didn’t think Jake would go through the trouble of renegotiating his contract, and Ben didn’t have the patience or inclination to jump through whatever hoops the Scarlet Auction would require. He thought about paying Jake more, but he had already shelled out a ridiculous amount of money to have Kimani for a week.

  Looking over at her, he eyed the tight fit of her shirt and her shapely legs. He recalled how gloriously she squirted.

  If he had to, he’d buy her all over again.

  “What else did he do?” she asked.

  But she wasn’t just a fucktoy. She was working an angle. Even though she wasn’t on the payroll of the Tribune, she and this Sam Green were up to something.

  Ben set aside the iPad. He might have let the proverbial fox into the henhouse. Allowed a budding journalist to join him and Uncle Gordon for lunch. But it had been positive. Kimani seemed to genuinely like Uncle Gordon, and she had given him a lead on De Reyes and Chang. He preferred to evaluate for himself the relationship she alluded to, but he trusted her judgment. She could have made it easy on herself, but she hadn’t.

  The fact that the Lee family corporation was seeking to redevelop property in Oakland was public knowledge. His meeting with Dawson Chang would surprise no one, and he hadn’t told Uncle Gordon anything at lunch that Dawson didn’t already know. What could Kimani report, other than the fact he and Jason had purchased sex through the Scarlet Auction?

  “Call me whenever you want—and it could be about anything, okay?” Kimani said.

  “I’ve got a bath ready for you,” he told her when she had hung up. He handed her the glass of water, which she drank without prompting. “How’s Claire?”

  “Okay, except that she got burned from the wax play. Jake is bad news. I doubt she signed up to get burned.”

  “It might not have been intentional. He may have been using shitty candles or didn’t know he was holding them too close to her body. A lot of BDSM beginners don’t realize the dangers of playing incorrectly. They see some scene in a movie and think there’s nothing to it.”

  She crossed her arms. “You Jake’s brah now?”

  “Hell no.”

  “Then why are you making excuses for him?”

  “I’m not making excuses. I’m just presenting another possible explanation for what happened.”

  “I don’t trust him.”

  “He can be a wanker,” he conceded.

  “Would you entrust your sister to him?”

  “Not in a million years.”

  She gave him a there-you-have-it look.

  “But I wouldn’t entrust my sisters to a guy like me, either,” he said, taking her by the arm and leading her to the bathroom.

  “That’s comforting.”

  He chuckled. “Well, maybe May could take me on. You’re doing all right.”

  He wouldn’t have paid two hundred thousand for her if he didn’t think she could hold up.

  “I’ve never taken a bath with a view before,” she commented when he flipped the switch to open the curtains that covered the windows surrounding one side of the tub. She took in the panoramic view of the Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco Bay, the Palace of Fine Arts, Alcatraz, and the Presidio. “It’s amazing.”

  He helped her out of her shirt and thong. Seeing and scenting her sex, he felt his arousal rear its head. He turned off the water and watched her nestle into the tub.

  “The button next to you turns on the jets,” he told her.

  She pushed the button. The water gurgled and rolled.

  He had thought to make a call to his lobbyist to look further into De Reyes and Chang, though when he saw Kimani sink farther into the water and her eyes roll to the back of her head as she inhaled the steam, he wanted to climb into the tub with her instead.

  But she could probably benefit from some time alone. He tried not to imagine how good her slick, wet body would feel against his. How he would make her sit on his cock. He had once bent a woman over the side of the tub and banged her from behind while dunking her head into the bath water.

  “After you’re done,” he said, “get dressed. We have dinner reservations.”

  “Not Ishikawa West?” she asked, looking very relaxed in the hot water.

  “You have a problem with kaiseki cuisine?”

  “No, I just didn’t think it was possible to call up one of San Francisco’s most exclusive restaurants and expect to get same-day reservations.”

  “You can when you’re one of the top investors.”

  “Oh. Lucky you.”

  Her response nettled him. He was accustomed to women gushing at what his wealth could afford. She knew Ishikawa West was a hot restaurant, but maybe she didn’t know that the establishment had earned three Michelin stars and that the waitlist was over a month long. Maybe then she’d give him some props.

  No, she wouldn’t. Just like she had been awed by the view from his penthouse, but it didn’t transfer to him. What did it take to impress this woman? Courtside seats to a Warriors game? He could get those.

  He stopped himself. He had never had to proactively impress a woman before. Why was he doing it now?


  “YOU BRINGING MY SLUT back or what?” Jake asked.

  “What’s the hurry?” Ben replied into his mobile.

  “I told you it’s against the rules.”



  Ben could hear the agitation in Jake’s breathing.

  “So I want her back,” Jake finished.

  “I paid for a full week. I want the full week.”

  “Fine, I’ll give you back part of your money.”

  “Not interested in the money.”

  “Why you want this slut so badly? You’re in the city right now. I bet you could pick up a hotter fucktoy than her. Hell, you could probably get a dozen, right? And if you’re looking for black pussy, just go down to Hunters Point.”

  “Why are you so keen to have her back?”

  “It’s boring with just one slut. And like I said, it’s against the Scarlet Auction rules.”

  “Why did you sell her to me in the first place?”

  “I didn’t read the contract that carefully. Derek, uh, mentioned it.”

  Bullshit. Ben was willing to bet that Derek hadn’t read the contract carefully either.

  “We can talk about it when I return,” Ben said, seeing another call come in.

  “When is that?”

  “I haven’t decided.”

  “Today would be good.”

  “Today won’t work. I’m busy.”

  He still had to see to Kimani’s punishment, and he wanted all his equipment at his disposal for that.

  “Busy with what?” Jake huffed.

  “I’ve got another call coming in. Let’s talk tomorrow.”


  Ben ended the call and picked up the incoming one.

  “We can have poll results for you in two days,” the pollster told Ben. “My guess is that Gordon will take a brief hit but a small one. Voters know he doesn’t have control over what other members of his family do. If you were his son, maybe I’d be more worried, but even then, if the city can elect a guy who got caught with a prostitute to the school board, they can swallow a mayoral candidate with a few randy nephews.”

  “What about the development?”

  “By the time your project gets to public comment, the news will be too old to
make an impact.”

  “What if the issue isn’t sex, but a committee of developers supporting Uncle Gordon?”

  “You’ll have to give me more details. Gordon is already painted as the pro-business candidate. That would cement him in that role, even if he isn’t.”

  “I’ll get back to you on details.”

  Kimani entered just as he hung up with the pollster. She was wrapped in a towel and was looking over the clothing options.

  “Ishikawa West, hunh?” she asked.

  “You might want to wear something other than the Warriors shirt.”

  “Don’t worry. I’m not going to embarrass you.”

  He surveyed her. “Actually, you can go in the towel for all I care.”

  She sucked in her breath, probably wondering if he would make her do just that. He let her think it.

  “I’m going to shower and change,” he said, stowing the itch to whip the towel off her.

  He was glad for the solitude of the shower. The more time he spent with her, the more he wanted her. Hell, maybe giving her back to Jake would be a good thing.

  He’d had enough orgasms that his balls weren’t blue anymore. And as much as he enjoyed fucking Kimani, it was getting too complicated. There was all her furtive shit, and he just wasn’t himself with her. He was playing fast and loose with a reporter of some kind. And it wasn’t smart.


  Ben’s assistant had thought of everything, Kimani concluded as she went through all the shopping bags to find clothes, lingerie, shoes, cosmetics and toiletries. She shook her head. All this for a week of sex.

  She wanted her own clothes. To feel like herself and not some guy’s toy doll that he got to dress up and fuck whenever he wanted, however he wanted.

  She shivered, recalling the intense orgasm she’d had while tied down on the table. She could have done without the zipper of clothespins and the nipple torture with the wand. Unwrapping the towel, she saw that her nipples had yet to fully settle back down. She couldn’t believe how big and hard they had gotten with those suction cups.

  The bath had relaxed and rejuvenated her, but it had been a long day. A day full of arousal and agitation, torment and ecstasy. And the day wasn’t over. They hadn’t even gotten to her punishment.


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