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A Trade For Good

Page 6

by Bria Daly

  Sera laughed at the exchange and wondered why she had never felt this much at ease with her own husband, but then reminded herself that roles reversed, when Peter looked at a woman, there was a chance that he actually would go after her when Sera turned her back.

  "Do you mind if he joins us?" Deb asked her.

  Sera looked at her boss and wondered how she actually felt about having him join them. He was a really nice guy, but she couldn't overlook the fact that he was hot when they were away from the office. She didn't know much about him, but had found out that he was single, and that his partner Mitch was married to Jeff's older sister.

  Would it be uncomfortable to sit next to him? Probably, but then again she wouldn't mind as much if getting to know him was on her turf, and with her family by her side.

  "If you guys don't mind, I guess ..."

  Deb didn't waste any time and flagged their waitress over before Sera could change her mind.

  The waitress told them she knew him, that he came mostly by himself, and that he was a great guy. She said he brought a girlfriend with him a couple of times, but they hadn't seen her for a while and they were all crossing their fingers that he had dumped her. Then as the waitress looked at Sera, probably remembering that they had also talked about how they wished Sera would dump her arrogant husband, she quickly changed the subject and told them how he was always kind and occasionally even brought nieces or nephews for dinner all by himself, just to give his siblings a break.

  The young waitress was thrilled to be able to join such nice people at her table and secretly hoped Sera was also single now and could join up with this great guy. The waitress was Italian and loved romance; she couldn’t wait to get the ball rolling!

  The waitress ran off to talk to Jeff who had just seen Sera and looked confused. Sera began to wonder if this was a good idea after all. Jeff looked slightly uncomfortable to her.

  Leave it to Deb though. Sera looked at Deb and saw her smiling and waving Jeff over their way, and just when Sera thought Jeff was going to point to his watch, pretend he had a previous commitment, or yell out, “Fire!” and start running out the door, she saw him smile and start walking over to their table.

  Chapter 9

  Deb was quite pleased with herself by the time Jeff reached the table. To the point where Sera kicked her under the table a little harshly.

  "He ... ou-llo." Deb said reaching her hand out to Jeff and rubbing her shin while aiming a piercing look at Sera.

  Sera turned her attention to Jeff who was looking even taller than his six feet plus from where she was sitting. "Hi Jeff, I'd like you to meet Deb and Chad Sinclair. Chad is my husband's brother."

  Chad extended his hand and said, "I wish I could say there is no relation as far as my brother goes, but yes, this lovely lady is indeed married to my brother Peter," and lowering his voice, "but we don't like to talk about him."

  "It's very nice to meet you both," he said, and lingering his eyes on Sera a little longer than necessary, he added "you look beautiful tonight."

  Sera had definitely not expected that remark from her boss, and judging by the awkward silence that followed, nobody else, to include Jeff himself, had expected it either.

  Jeff laughed. "I'm sorry, that was awkward," which seemed to put them all at ease, "but the only times I've seen you have been at work, and you just look very different. In a good way," he added quickly. Then, "Not that you didn't look good before ..."

  Chad laughed and saved the moment by saying, "Please sit down and join us. Tell you what. If you screw up again, I'll kick you under the table just like Sera kicked my wife before you got here."

  They all laughed at that and Deb said, "Yes, and it still hurts," rubbing her shin a little harder and more obviously than before.

  "Tell you what," Jeff said as he took a seat in the booth next to Sera, "I won't ask what that was all about if we can forget my comment."

  “Thank you," Sera told him looking at him shyly, "but I rather liked the compliment, so I won't forget it that easily," and then bit her lip. That really sounded like flirting, and she knew she was out of training and too rusty to try, aside from this being her boss.

  The waitress showed up with the menu making Sera's comments a little less awkward, this time for Jeff. Sera couldn't believe she had said that, but remembered her husband had done far worse, so ... so be it.

  It wasn't like she was trying to flirt. She was a married woman and the mother of four young kids struggling to make ends meet. No, flirting and dating was the last thing on her mind. But the restaurant with its low lights, the two couple situation, and Jeff sitting next to her and so close, made her forget for a few seconds about everything else, and wonder what it would be like to be free of the bind she was in. Not to mention the fact that she was with Peter's brother, but surprisingly that was a non-issue. The way Peter behaved made it so Sera's happiness and that of her children's, was more important to Peter's family than Peter, or his whereabouts.

  Jeff knew exactly what he wanted to order and the waitress still looked thrilled to have them all sitting together at her table as she left them to place his order.

  Deb jumped into the conversation immediately after the waitress left and told Jeff that it was actually quite appropriate that they had run into him. "We're here to celebrate Sera's new job and hopefully new beginnings."

  Jeff looked at Sera and once more lingered a little longer than necessary as he took in the long hair wisping down her neckline, the eyes that were framed with the slightest of make-up but looked stunning, and the red top Sera was wearing that didn't hide the many attributes Jeff had imagined, but had tried not to think about.

  "I'm glad we met up too. Sera, I realize my hiring was done a little rashly," he laughed shaking his head, "but I've got to say, in the last few days you've made changes I never even thought to make and everyone is more than happy to have you around." Then looking down at her blouse again, "I just ask that you never wear your hair down or this great looking top to work, or I'll lose total control of my guys who are already pushing their luck with me."

  They all laughed as Sera squirmed uncomfortably in her seat while turning a deep shade of pink.

  Jeff asked Chad what type of work he did and then Chad asked Jeff about some of his work and their clients. Chad told him he had actually heard of some of the jobs Mason Landscaping had completed and was impressed with the work. He asked him if they did a lot of work for businesses or mostly for individual homes, because his company was moving to a new location and would need to revamp the building and its gardens. Chad was in real estate and knew of several people who could use a “flip” of their home - inside and out - to add the curb appeal before putting their homes on the market for a better selling price.

  The men exchanged business cards, and looking satisfied, having taken care of business matters first, turned their attention back to the women..

  Sera was all smiles and looked at Jeff proudly as if she had something to do with what just happened. "I love the work you do. Some of the jobs aren't that impressive, although they all look wonderful," she added quickly, "but others are a work of art. The job Mason Landscaping did on Melody Court should have been submitted to Landscaping World Magazine. It was a work of genius." Then, almost embarrassed by her excitement, "I'm sorry, but I saw the before and after shots and I couldn't get over the fact that it was the same place. It looks like something you’d find in the Garden of Eden."

  Jeff laughed at that, trying hard not to imagine Sera in a skimpy Eve outfit running around the Melody Court gardens. "I did that one. They gave me free rein on that job. I had done their previous home and the wife," Jeff paused and laughed at what came next, "the wife told her husband to butt out this time and just let the professionals do their thing. They gave me a budget to work with, but the vision I had for the garden didn't require as much money as it did work. That's a job I was really happy with. Someday, if I ever have a home I can look forward to coming hom
e to at night, I'd love to do something similar. Although honestly, I don't think my dream home will be that easy to do. I just have too many ideas."

  "What kind of ideas?" Deb asked, genuinely interested.

  "Well, I have ideas going in two directions. One would be for my old man bachelor pad, and the other if I ever marry, would include a large area for the family to play without having to worry about stepping on the tulips or getting a rose bush thorn stuck in their feet."

  Deb looked pleased at that and added, "I'd love to have our home re-done, but Chad is talking about moving to a bigger place soon."

  "I didn't know that." Sera looked at her sister-in-law and suddenly began to worry. "You wouldn't move far would you?"

  "No, it would still be in the same school district. It would just be a little bigger to handle the new baby ..." Deb added quickly with a huge grin.

  "A baby! Deb, you didn't tell me! Oh my God!” Sera had gotten up and stretched over the table to hug them both. "This is so exciting! When were you going to tell me?"

  Deb and Chad looked at each other with a love that was obvious to anyone in view. "At dessert." Deb laughed. “I hoped you'd approve.”

  "The more the merrier. I always wanted at least a dozen kids, but then after Emma was born, I decided a third of that was fine ..." They all laughed at that comment, knowing Emma made even the most dedicated doubt their reason to be a parent, "Not to mention I lost the sperm donor,” she said and then turned a deeper shade of pink looking quickly away from Jeff, “but honestly, I'm really jealous. I always loved having kids, and although four isn't shabby," she added with a grin, “it's kind of sad knowing that I won't have any more."

  "Who says you can't?" This time it was Jeff who asked the question.

  "Let's just say things aren't looking good right now." Sera told them sadly. "But enough of that. I may just win the lottery one of these days and adopt a school in Africa and have all the kids I want."

  "Or," Deb answered slowly, "You may find someone decent who will love you and your kids and realize just how lucky he is." And with a note of mischief, "Maybe someone established, someone who owns his own business, with working hours to spend time with you; time and attention you deserve."

  "Maybe Deb. Although I believe that in order to get married, you're supposed to not be married already. Anyway, this is about you guys. No, actually it's not about you guys, it's about me. I'm going to be an Aunt again!" she clapped merrily.

  They were laughing when Jeff's food came and at the same time, Deb's cell phone rang. It was the babysitter, and she said she thought Eric, Deb and Chad's four-year-old, had swallowed a shoe from one of his sister's Barbie’s. What followed were questions to the babysitter, and Jessie, the sister who was now short a Barbie shoe, getting on the phone and complaining about her brother always getting into her stuff. The fact that he might choke on something was irrelevant.

  Chad told Deb that Eric would eventually poop it out in a few days, something he probably decided because he was ready to have some dessert. But as tempting as that sounded, Deb was not so concerned about dessert or even Eric choking at this point, as she was of Jessie killing her brother, or Eric needing some help to more easily “poop” it out.

  In any event, Deb apologized and said she was ready to go, just as Sera grabbed her purse, and getting up to leave with her family.

  "You don't have to go Sera," Deb said pointedly, eyeing Jeff as she said it, "Jeff just got his food, and you don't want him to eat alone do you?"

  "That's all right. I don't mind, but I also don't mind driving you home," Jeff told Sera with what seemed like genuine interest. "Unless, of course it's time for you to be back with the kids ..."

  "She can stay," Deb threw in. "I'll just send the babysitter away unless we need to go to the emergency room. Unfortunately, they know us well there, but I think Eric fine. I just want to check for myself, and make sure his sister doesn’t kill him. Sera stay here. If I need you, I'll call."

  Chad and Deb waved a quick goodbye and didn't give Sera a chance to leave with them. Sera looked at Jeff who was still sitting next to her on the restaurant booth, and asked him, "Would you like me to move to the other side?"

  "No," he smiled, "this is quite cozy actually."

  Sera wondered if Jeff was flirting with her now. He knew she was still married and wondered why he would bother. He seemed too decent to try anything just to get in her bed.

  "Tell me about your kids," he suddenly asked.

  Obviously, he was not trying to get her into his bed, but it would definitely win her over. She loved talking about her children. She told him their names, their ages, a little about their personalities, and what they enjoyed doing most. She paused after a long-winded recitation of their virtues and laughed.

  "I'm sorry, but it's all your fault. You should never ask a mom about her kids unless you really want to know about them."

  Jeff looked at her seriously and said, "I'll remember for next time, but in your case I really wanted to know. I'm also curious about your husband, but I don't want you to tell me unless you are okay with it. I mean, I can't understand why a man would ever leave his family, and if it was for someone else," he shook his head, "I really don’t get it."

  Sera looked away and her eyes suddenly filled with tears. Jeff was so kind to her and he seemed genuinely interested. It was embarrassing to have been left by her husband, but more than anything she worried about her kids and trying to keep things balanced at all times. It was beginning to cause a strain and she was afraid she might not be as strong as she'd like to be. Life had to go on, but she was the only person to lead the way.

  Jeff must have misinterpreted her teary eyes and immediately apologized for upsetting her, but Sera was quick to set him straight.

  "Please, don't apologize. You've been the best thing that could happen to me and to my family since Peter left us. I don't know why Peter left and it doesn't really matter. At first I blamed myself, but then I looked at my kids and became so, so angry with him for leaving them. I don't care what his differences were with me, but for a man to abandon his family, drop off the face of this earth, and disappear on his children, he has to be scum. I may be covering up my own faults, but I know that if I had ever been the one to leave, I would never have left my children."

  Sera caught her breath before continuing. "It was partly my fault, I'm sure, that he left. I saw the signs. Some 'friends' even pointed them out to me. He was impatient with me and with the kids, and the more impatient he became, the more I withdrew the children and myself from his life. I had no problem with that. It was the kids and me. He provided financially for us, we had a home, and when I wanted another child, he was always willing to help me with that. Not that he was interested in the end result, but the process was enjoyable."

  Jeff put his hand on Sera's and held it in his. He rubbed her fingers with his thumb in a steady and soothing motion. Sera's eyes went down to her hand. It felt good to be held. It felt good to be soothed, but she wasn't done.

  “I don't know where he is. One day he just didn't come home. I've wondered if I'm a bad person because I didn't worry about him. I waited three days before letting his family know, and a week before filing a missing person’s report. Five days after he left, his mother received a note dated two days earlier, letting her know that he had forwarded a check to her before he left to pay for the pre-arranged transport of some of his things to a pre-arranged address. The letter gave very few details and was mailed from his office, where he no longer worked. His mother didn't pay the transportation company. Instead she gave the check to me, apologizing as if she had anything to do with her son's horrible behavior. I haven't heard anything since. The police call occasionally, but they have nothing and only want me to give them leads. At one point they questioned me regarding his disappearance and wondered if it was foul play." Sera laughed at that. "I should have thought about it, but I never thought to get rid of the guy until the police suggested I might have."

  Jeff sat there, listening and shaking his head. Sera looked at him and appreciated the outlet and the fact that he didn’t get up and leave. It was a great outlet, and probably her first. Peter's family had been extremely supportive in every way possible, but they were his family after all, and she didn’t want to burden his mother who had probably aged ten years in the few months since her son left.

  Sera asked Jeff about his family, if he had ever been married, and about his nieces and nephews who he needed little prompting over to talk about. They were having a great time, and Sera was surprised at how comfortable she was and how good it felt to sit back and talk with no interruptions.

  As if on cue, Sera's phone rang and made them both jump. It was her mother-in-law, poor thing. Emma had been going for a while now and she wasn't sure if Emma had a fever or was just overheating from screaming at the top of her lungs.

  Jeff picked up Sera's purse from the other seat across from them and left enough money on the table to feed an entire family. "Let's go," he said without waiting for her to answer.

  Sera was still on the phone when Jeff was already standing up and holding his hand out to help her up. She mouthed a thank you while still listening to her apologetic mother-in-law, and got up to leave.

  Chapter 10

  Jeff led Sera to his car after waving goodbyes to the waitress and hostess who were conspiratorially smiling, and opened the door and helped her in. The waitresses were probably hoping they were going home together.

  He asked her where her mother-in-law lived and realized he was very familiar with the area, because of two houses they had completed a block away this past month.

  The trip to Marion's house was not filled with the conversation they had shared at the restaurant over dinner. In fact, they did very little talking, except for a few directions from Sera to her mother-in-law's house as they got closer. Jeff only spoke when he was asked a question, and Sera wasn't asking much.

  Jeff's problem was that he had a great time with Sera. In fact, he couldn't remember having such a good time just talking to a woman or being with a woman without planning on sleeping with her.


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