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Solar Seduction

Page 5

by Jaden Sinclair

  “What is that step.”

  He ran his hand over her face slowly then dropped it back down to her knee with the other one. Again his eyes told the whole story. “The next step will be for us to spend hours in our bed where I can love every inch of your sweet body.” He reached up and touched the necklace around her neck. Surprisingly she had forgotten all about it until then. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited for you to come into my life. I swear upon my life no one will ever hurt you again, or take you away. Now try to get some rest,” he said, moved his thumb across her lower lip. “We’ve got a long ride to Jupiter.”

  Chapter Four

  “That little bitch!” Stan Sedgwick picked up a bottle of his best whiskey and threw it as hard as he could towards a wall. It shattered, glass and liquor going everywhere. “There isn’t that much on this rock. How the fuck can she just disappear?” He picked up another bottle and threw it. “Damn it! We have to find her.”

  Preston Bernard sat in one of the two leather chairs in Sedgwick’s office, watching, but saying very little. “Are you sure she has the list?”

  “She has it all!” Sedgwick yelled at Preston. “Everything, and I mean everything.”

  “Do you know for a fact that she has left the planet?”

  Sedgwick began to pace the room. “No. As far as anyone knows she’s still here. The substation has been shut down and so far no one has landed with a shuttle anywhere.”

  “But are you sure?”

  Sedgwick stopped pacing. “If you know something, Bernard, then spill it.”

  Preston took a deep breath, fixed his tie and stood up. “There was a shuttle in the atmosphere less than an hour ago. Where it landed, I don’t know, but I will put a lot of money on it, that the shuttle picked up your little girl and took her far, far away.”

  “Not a chance. She doesn’t have those kinds of connections.”

  “Have you looked at your door? More specific, the lock? It was busted open not picked.”


  “So,” Preston said and sighed, “Someone came here just for her Stan. Open your eyes. That damn freak of a government already hinted that one of those things is wanting to marry her. I bet he has come here and taken her away. We just need to go back to Pluto and stop it. We kill him, get the list back from her, and silence her for good. Because I’m sure she’s seen the list as well and knows the names on it.”

  “You want me to kill my own daughter?”

  Preston shrugged. “It’s either her or us.”

  Sedgwick moved to the liquor table and picked up the only bottle he had left. Scotch. He poured himself a drink and downed half of it, keeping his back to Preston. “I love my daughter, Preston.”

  “I’m sure you do.”

  “I don’t wish her dead, only silenced.”

  “Your daughter is lost to you. Open your eyes and see it. She’s with them now and nothing you can do or say will change her mind. Think of her as a sickness that you must clean your hands of.”

  Sedgwick looked Preston right in the eye. “You find my daughter and bring her back to me. I’ll deal with her.”

  “And if she is with one of them?”

  “I don’t give a fuck about the man. It’s her I want. It’s past time she learns her place, the hard way.”

  “Does this mean that I might finally get a taste of her?”

  Sedgwick narrowed his eyes on Preston. In all the years they had known each other, Sedgwick watched Preston hurt many people, women included. And up to this point he never thought that he might give his soul to the devil either, yet standing in this room he was ready to sign his name in blood. And that’s just what he did.

  “Once we have the list back, you can have her,” Sedgwick said with a detached voice and heart. “As you said, she is lost to me. I don’t have a daughter anymore.”

  * * * *

  “Hey, wake up.” Kalisha slowly opened her eyes to Zane who was kneeling down in front of her shaking her arm gently. “We’re here.”

  Sitting up slowly and wincing as she did, she looked around. “I fell asleep.”

  “Yes, you did, and now I need to get you buckled in, we’re about to hit the planet’s atmosphere.”

  Kalisha looked around as he buckled her back into the seat. Jovan was sitting up front in the pilot’s seat. Once she was settled in, Zane sat down next to her, buckled up and took her hand. In seconds, the ship started to rock back and forth as they hit the planet’s atmosphere.

  She had to close her eyes and ended up squeezing Zane’s hand tight. Her stomach rolled with the ship and just when she thought she might throw up it smoothed out. Her back was throbbing with each jolt, intensifying each minute that went by.

  “You all right?” Zane asked.

  “Will be in a few minutes,” she answered, taking a couple of deep breaths. “I hate shuttle flying.”

  “Well, this is the only way onto the planet,” Zane said. “They don’t have a substation.”

  “Zane,” Jovan called out.

  “Stay here.” Zane unstrapped himself and went up to the front.

  Kalisha opened her eyes and turned her head to the left to look out the small window. The planet was a mixture of grays, oranges, and a bit burnt looking. And that was just the sky. Looking down had her thinking of clouds from Earth. The whole planet just looked barren to her.

  Zane came back and went right to the bags. She watched him dig inside and bring out a plastic card. “Our pass to the planet,” he told her when he looked up.

  “Where are we going now?”

  “Well, Jovan is heading for his drop off. He’s radioing ahead for us to have a cargo take us to the land that we are borrowing. He’s also going to arrange for medical to meet us there and they can treat your back and your feet.”

  “Good.” She sighed, closing her eyes again.

  When she felt the shuttle lowering she opened her eyes again. Zane was standing next to the side door, hanging onto a metal bar overhead. She just stared at him. Took in his whole body and thought to herself that he was all for her. Just the thought of him belonging to her had her grinning. He seemed to really care about her. Not since her mother died had anyone really given a damn about her.

  It really amazed her how big all the Pluto men were and how strong. With Zane being so gentle she forgot for a moment that if he wanted to, he could break her, yet all she felt was nothing but tenderness. If her mother had been alive she knew that she would like Zane very much.

  Her eyes glanced up and down his body. Thick, long, strong legs seemed to go on forever. Narrow waist, the wide expanse of his chest made her fingers tingle with the memory of each muscle on it. Broad shoulders that could carry so much and his hair was long enough to touch them. She loved running her fingers through his hair. Just staring at his body had hers slowly coming to life, which she didn’t need right now.

  The shuttle landed and before she even knew it the side door was open and in came some men who looked very official to her. Kalisha held her breath, fearing for a second that they were men her father had sent. But once she saw Zane hand them the passes, and the men read them over, she let the breath she had been holding out with a sigh. The men nodded, and motioned for Zane to follow them out.

  “Time to go,” Zane said to her. “Jovan, keep your ears open. You and Kade are the only ones who know how to get in touch with me.”

  “And you won’t be hearing from us for a few days,” Jovan said. “We’ll be the first ones he looks at to find her. Stay low, enjoy your time off, and in a few days one of us will be in touch.”

  They shook hands. Zane walked over to her, unhooked her seat belt and scooped her up in his arms. He held her with his arm at the lowest part of her back, always so careful to make sure he didn’t cause her any pain.

  The air outside was thick but breathable. They were under some kind of dome. Zane walked down a long ramp to another shuttle which appeared to be waiting for them. There were a couple of men in white coats standin
g outside. When they got closer the men came over to them.

  “Mr. Dill, you have requested a medical team?” one of the men in the coats asked.

  “Yes. She’s been hurt. Her back, and feet.” Zane said.

  “Please,” the first man motioned for Zane to put her down in a backless chair. Zane did, and her shirt was removed while the other man knelt down to take a look at her feet. “Yes, some of her cuts are very deep. We must clean her up before treatment can begin.” One of the men took her arm and stuck her with a needle. “Relax. This will help to dull the pain in your back.”

  “The feet have deep bruising,” the other man said. “I have something for you to soak your feet in which will help them to heal a bit faster.”

  Kalisha opened her mouth to say thanks, but stopped when things around her started to spin.

  “You might want to hold onto her.”

  Zane knelt in front of her, but she couldn’t stay focused on his face. In just moments she couldn’t hold herself up. She could feel her feet being placed into some sort of substance which felt like mud. When she tried to look down everything began to spin again.

  “Okay, the medicine has kicked in so let’s begin.” What they did she had no clue. The shot they had given her knocked her right out.

  * * * *

  She felt warm. There was something very soft under her back and on top of her. A light breeze was blowing across her face. Something was making a high pitched noise not too far away from where she rested. Slowly, because it was difficult, Kalisha worked to open her eyes. It took several attempts to get them opened, then she had to blink repeatedly to get her damn eyes to focus. Once things started to come into view, she turned her head to see where she might be.

  No doubt it was a bedroom. Over the bed she was in, there was a white net. The bed was much too large for just her. It could easily accommodate her and four others. The bed sat in the middle of the room, not off to the side, and the footboard faced a large set of double doors which had long white silk curtains swaying gently in the breeze she felt on her face. Looking around again, she saw a couple of tall dressers near a door, and another set next to yet another door.

  Deciding it might be time to test her body, since she really wasn’t feeling any pain, Kalisha slowly stretched her body under the covers. She didn’t feel any pain coming from her back. Pushing the covers down her legs she saw that she was dressed in a short, sleeveless white gown that only reached her knees. Using her legs and feet, she wiggled around to push the blankets down. As she was moving around she realized her feet didn’t hurt either.

  Carefully, she swung her legs sideways, so she could use her ass to scoot over to the edge, and slowly, she lowered her feet down to the cool wood floor. Still moving with caution, she stood up and smiled. Her feet didn’t hurt one bit.

  Kalisha walked over to the doors and went outside. Cool, morning air greeted her. It smelled fresh, nothing like what she was used to on Earth. The landscape was so green, she was able to see for miles in every direction. Looking up, she frowned at the oval shaped dome overhead.

  “It’s a privacy shield.” Kalisha swung around, half ready to run but stilled when she saw Zane standing in the room. He was dressed in nothing more than a pair of loose fitting white pants. “It protects the land from the planet and it protects the house from anyone trying to find it. We are very safe here.”

  “But for how long?”

  “For as long as we stay here,” he smiled. “How are you feeling?”

  “Amazing,” she smiled back, walking back inside. “They fixed me up pretty good.”

  “And the sleep has helped as well.”

  “How long have I been asleep?”

  “Almost a full day.”

  “What?” she gasped.

  “The medic said you would sleep for hours. Because of your body trauma and his medicine, I was told not to worry.”

  “I tell you what, I’m tired of sleeping so damn much.”

  “Are you hungry?”

  The question had her stilling for a moment. Her stomach did rumble, but for some strange reason the thought of food wasn’t what she felt hungry for the most. Feeling bold, Kalisha shook her head and kept her eyes right on him.

  “You should be. You haven’t eaten anything in a—”

  She didn’t let him finish what he was saying. Kalisha rushed over to him, jumped up in his arms and kissed him. She fisted her hands into the soft locks of hair laying on his arms, and wrapped both legs around his waist. Zane’s arms instantly went around her and he pulled back, breaking the kiss. “I think I can help with your hunger,” he breathed out.

  “You better. You started this, now show me what you’ve got.”

  His face had the biggest smile she’d ever seen. “With pleasure.”

  Zane walked fast back to the bed. At the edge he lowered her down, and she grabbed his pants at the waist, pulling them down his legs as she lay down.

  The plan—well she really didn’t have much of a plan. All she knew was that once she laid eyes on him, Kalisha had to feel him. She had to get her hands on his body and she had to do it right now. So going slow and enjoying it kind of went right out the door. A rush, or urge came over her and she couldn’t seem to fight it.

  Holding onto his hips, Kalisha pulled him down on top of her. As he lowered, she licked his chest, up to a nipple and flicked her tongue over the bud before his body came over her. Instantly she wrapped her arms and legs around him, kissing as much of his chest as she could reach.

  “Ah, Mala!” Zane moaned.

  His hand fisted into her hair, and he pulled her head back and he kissed her deep. As he kissed her, she reached down between them, closing her hand over the steel between his legs. Zane moaned again, into the kiss. Even though she might be on the bottom, Kalisha was taking charge. She brought his hard cock as close to her as she could, rubbing the head up and down her wet slit. He moaned again, grabbed hold of her wrist and pulled it away, pinning it up over her head. One hard thrust and Zane buried himself as deep as he could inside her.

  Kalisha gasped, broke the kiss and arched herself as much as she could. She tightened the hold she had with her legs around his waist.

  “Don’t stop,” she breathed out.

  Zane moved fast, hard, pumping his cock in and out trying to match this driving need she had for him. A need that was starting to intensify with each thrust.

  Kalisha dug her heels into his ass, and her nails into his back the second he let her wrists go, and then she hung on for her dear life. Zane hissed when her nails made contact with his back, but he said nothing. Hell, he didn’t even miss a stroke. And just when she thought she couldn’t take anymore, her climax hit and it hit hard.

  She screamed and Zane was right there yelling with her. One final hard thrust and he stopped. He was swelling inside her. She could feel his climax pouring out of him and it only lengthened her own pleasure.

  When her body finally started to slowly come down from her high, Kalisha dropped to the bed as she worked to catch her breath. Zane dropped down on top of her. He didn’t stay on top of her for too long. Slipping free of her body, which gave her the chills, Zane rolled over, laying on his back close, breathing fast and hard.

  “That was not how I had planned it,” Zane said.

  Kalisha turned her head towards him. “And how were you planning this?”

  He turned his head, looking at her. “I was going to slowly take your clothes off and kiss every sweet inch of your body.”

  “Really?” She smiled at him, turning to her side and resting her head on her hand.

  “Yes, really.” He turned, doing the same thing.

  She looked down his body and instantly her clit started to throb at the sight of not only his naked body, but the fact that he was starting to get hard again.

  “Later.” Kalisha moved fast, rolling him onto his back and straddling his hips.

  She took hold of his flesh, posed it as she wanted and sank down, closing
her eyes in bliss. Zane reached up and removed her gown, then she placed his hands upon her breasts as she moved her hips fast, trying to take him as hard as he just took her. She couldn’t get the right tempo, but she did find a good rhythm which worked just fine for her.

  And just like before, it all came to a crashing end before she was ready for it. Zane gave her breasts a hard squeeze. She grabbed his wrists tightly and welcomed the wave of pleasure which rushed through her body. Zane sat up, his arms going around her body, then he put his hands down on her ass. She almost stilled during her climax, but he prevented it. He bounced her upon his cock, which turned one orgasm into another. Only when she cried out did he come as well, tightening his hold on her.

  They stayed in bed the whole day, just like he promised they would back in the tent. When both were spent, mostly because of being sore, more than anything else, Kalisha ended up laying on top of Zane, in the middle of the bed, staring out at the night. His hands moved up and down over her bare back, relaxing her to a point where she felt as if she might go to sleep but didn’t want to.

  “I think I can almost hear you thinking,” he said, breathing in the silence. “What’s on your mind?”

  “I’m waiting for all of this to end at any moment,” she sighed, unable to look at him.

  “We are safe here.”

  “I know, but what about when we leave here?” She moved enough to look up at him. “I’ve seen what he’s done to people. Heard about other things. I don’t want him to hurt you for this.”

  “Do you not think I can take care of myself and you?” She shook her head no to the question. “Mala, trust me when I tell you that everything will work out. There will be a way to end this mess. I promise you.”

  “I want a normal life, Zane. I’ve never had that. Not even when my mother was alive did we live normally. He scared her and I think still controlled some part of her life after they divorced. She never remarried or even dated.”

  “Your father is a cruel man. He will be made to pay for all the hurt he’s done to people.”


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