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The Therapist (The Therapist #1)

Page 9

by Ws Greer

  Ava: Okay. I’ll be there. Can't wait to see you. Dessert after?

  Shit. I swallow hard and try to suppress my desire to have Ava on her knees in front of my bed. My memory of it is too clear to ignore. I see her there in my mind, completely naked with her eyes trained on me, unmoving. I see the drawers of my bed open, showcasing every instrument of pleasure I’ve collected over the years since I realized my need to be a Dom. I see the toys and I see Ava, and before I can type up a response, I realize my cock is hard. It’s been a while since we fucked, and my body is telling me what it wants. I hate to fight it, but I have to.

  Me: This isn't a hookup, Ava. We need to talk. I’ll see you at eight.

  I put the phone down and feel the need to exhale. Letting out my breath in a whoosh, I sit up straight and try to concentrate on something else so that my erection will go away. It’s a difficult thing to do, but I manage to focus my mind elsewhere, and my cock starts to cooperate.

  “Dr. Colson, your next appointment is here,” I hear Keisha’s voice call to me over the intercom, and I breathe another sigh of relief. Now I’ll have something to fully distract me from thoughts of Ava in my bedroom.

  As I get up from my desk, I adjust my pants so that nothing looks out of place. My dick is no longer hard, but it’s still slightly aroused and thick with blood, so I have to move things around a bit. Once everything is set in the right place, I start to walk towards the door, but I hear my phone chirp a text notification, and I stop. When I look at the phone, I feel the sudden need to adjust everything all over again, because I can practically hear the words slithering from her mouth and reaching for me.

  Ava: Yes, sir.



  ~ Macolm ~

  “Well, if your posture and obvious uptick in happiness is any indication, I’d say things are going well with Becky?”

  Sean Tillman sits in front of me with his arms crossed over his chest, but he’s smiling. Having his arms crossed isn't defensive for him today, now it’s about containment. He’s trying to hold his happiness inside and literally using his arms to do it. Whether he took my advice or not is yet to be known, but Sean is obviously in a better place.

  “Yeah,” Sean says, his voice cheery and bright. He’s wearing baby blue hospital scrubs. This is the first time I’ve seen him before he has to go to work. “Things have been great at home, I’m proud to admit.”

  “That’s great, Sean. I’m happy for you. So, what changed in the past week that made things so much better?”

  “Well first off, I took your advice,” Sean admits, still smiling as he leans forward. It’s not just his happiness that has skyrocketed, it seems his confidence has as well.

  “Would this be the advice about masturbation?” I ask.

  “Yeah, it was, actually. After our last session, we had a change in our schedule, and Becky ended up coming home after me, so I was able to time things perfectly. I can't believe I’m saying this, but I actually did it. I masturbated just like you said, and we had ourselves some dinner and watched TV before moving on to drinks. After it was all done, it had been, like, three hours since I’d masturbated, and I felt good. That night, we had the best sex of our lives. You should've seen it, Dr. Colson, she was struggling to catch her breath, and going on and on about how amazing it was. For me, that’s a huge deal.”

  “Wow, that’s great. I’m impressed,” I tell him. “I wasn't sure if you’d be able to do it, considering the way Becky might feel about it, but I’m glad you were able to, and I’m even happier that it worked the way we planned. So, you were able to last longer?”

  “Oh man, I lasted way longer,” Sean nearly shouts. “And the best part was that I was able to focus on pleasing her instead of worrying about keeping myself from coming too soon. Once I realized I didn't have to worry about myself, I put all my attention on making sure Becky had a fantastic orgasm, and it was fantastic. Trust me, Dr. Colson, she doesn't know that I masturbated, but she appreciates it.”

  The two of us share a laugh as I jot down a note about Sean. Applies recommendations well, even when out of his comfort zone.

  “Fantastic,” I say once I’m done writing. “It’s interesting, Sean, you actually have something in common with me.”

  “I do?”

  “Yes. You're a giver,” I begin to explain. “You find pleasure in knowing you're pleasing your partner. Even if sex feels good to you, you feel it’s missing something if you realize it’s not amazing to her. I applaud you, because most men aren't like that. Most men are selfish and only focus on themselves. Sort of a, “I got mine, you better get yours,” kind of attitude is what usually keeps men from satisfying their partners, and that mindset plagues relationships. You, on the other hand, want to satisfy your partner first, and now that you have this little tool in your back pocket, you’ll be able to take all the time you need to please Becky. Congratulations, because I feel like you've taken a really big step in your therapy.”

  Sean smiles from ear to ear, appreciating my pride in his progress. “Thanks, Dr. Colson. It was great, and it's been awesome ever since. We've had sex a few times since then, and it’s been amazing every single time. I’ve only had to masturbate twice, but it’s working to perfection.”

  “Awesome,” I say with a smile and a head nod. “Now, just make sure you're not going overboard with it, and you’ll be good to go. I don't want you to come in here and tell me you're addicted to porn in our next session.”

  Sean lets out a boisterous laugh, one that I know is powered by how happy he is with the results of his sessions with me. “I’ll keep it under control, I promise.”

  “Okay, so then what’s next for us?” I ask. “What hurdle are we going to leap over next?”

  “Well, I don't know, really. Things have gotten so much better, I’m not sure there’s much left. I just want to keep this going.”

  “I see.”

  Sean suddenly stops, pausing to think. He places his hand on his chin and scrunches his forehead before deciding to speak again. “Now that I think about it, there's something new that came out of all of this.”

  “Great. What’s that?” I ask.

  “Becky, she’s showing me something new about her. I noticed that she's sending me these signals that are a bit foreign to me. Signals that say she likes sex a little rougher these days, definitely rougher than she used to.”

  “Well, evolution happens to everyone in different ways. A lot of people find themselves much more open to exploring different types of sex and better ways to reach orgasm. It tends to grow the older we get. What types of things are you noticing?”

  “Well, she’s becoming more vocal, for one,” Sean explains. “But I am too, so I shouldn't be surprised about that. But, I also noticed that she likes to be choked. It’s actually something I forgot to mention in our first session. It was one of the first changes I noticed a while back, and now she seems to like it when I come on her. First, it was her ass and back, now it seems she doesn't care where it is, as long as I do it. Since our last session, I’ve come on her tits, her ass, and even her face. We’ve never done that before, but she seems comfortable asking me to do it now.”

  “Are you not comfortable with it?” I wonder out loud.

  “I’m fine with it,” Sean says, which puts me at ease. “Like you said earlier, if it makes her happy, I want to do it. So, wherever she asks me to do it, that’s where I’m going to do it. I guess I’m just surprised at the change.”

  “Okay. Well, keep in mind that Becky is probably just as surprised at your changes as you are with hers. We all go through changes in life, and as we get older, we grow into our sexuality and want different things, and just because those things are new or out of the norm doesn't mean that they're wrong. If you ask me, I’d say they're right. From what I gather, the two of you are growing together. Now, you have the rare combination of a friendship and a great sexual relationship with Becky. You should be proud.”

  Sean smiles and sits back
on the couch. “I am proud. This has been awesome. I guess I’m just concerned about maintaining it.”

  “You don't have to worry. You already have the recipe to keep things going just the way they are.”

  “I do?”

  “Of course. Sean, all you need to do in order to please Becky and keep up with changes she might be going through is to communicate with her. Ask her what she wants, and then oblige her. You’re a giver, so your goal is to find out what she wants, and then give it to her. Don't burden yourself with trying to guess what she wants. If you don't want to ask in a normal conversation, then wait until things get hot in the bedroom. Once you're both hot in the moment, ask Becky what she wants you to do. Once she’s told you, it’s on you to memorize it. Once she tells you once, you’ll always know what she likes, and you can bounce around her ideas to please her in different ways. The beauty of it is that once you know all that she likes, you’ll never get it wrong.”

  “That’s genius,” Sean says with a smile as he nods his head. “You're right. The way things are going right now, asking her what she wants won't be a problem. I’ll definitely do that.”

  “Great,” I say, just before glancing at my notes for the final topic of today’s session. “Now, what about Dr. Bishop?”

  Sean freezes. His eyes lock onto me before shifting down to the floor and pausing there. Underneath all of this happiness was the last bit of frustration Sean had, and he hasn't addressed it up to this point. Our therapy sessions, however, are about more than just sex. There’s a deeper issue that must be dealt with.

  “I hadn't really thought too much about it,” Sean says, his voice suddenly losing half of its strength. “I just figured if I was finally satisfying her in bed, she wouldn't be thinking about Dr. Bishop.”

  “And that may be true, but are you still thinking about Dr. Bishop?”

  After clearing his throat and nervously scratching his head, Sean answers, “Yes, but I’m not sure what to do about that.”

  I sit back in my seat and tilt my head. “You know what you need to do. It’s no different from finding out what Becky wants in bed. Why burden yourself by guessing or trying to bury it? You can dig a hole and throw the issue beneath the dirt, but it’ll always be there, haunting you just below the surface. You don't want to sabotage the progress you've already made. So, my next prescription for you, Sean, is to ask Becky about her relationship with Dr. Bishop. Tell her how you feel, and let her inform you. Remember, all you can do is ask her, after that, you have to trust her answer. Personally, I think asking Becky about Dr. Bishop and finding out about their relationship is the last and most significant step for you. If you're able to cross this bridge, I think you’ll find all the things you've been searching for waiting for you on the other side.

  “So, it’s a simple question now, Sean, and that question is, ‘Can you fully communicate with Becky, even about a difficult topic, such as this?’”

  Sean looks nervous, almost to the point of being scared. Watching him, I can barely tell if he’s breathing, but this is huge for him, and he needs a little push to get over the hump. It takes persistence and perseverance, so I don't let up.

  “Well, Sean,” I say, crossing my arms over my chest. “Can you?”


  ~ Malcolm ~

  When I arrive at Cheddar’s, the clock reads seven-fifty-five. The parking lot is full, and I see couples walking hand in hand as they make their way towards the entrance of the restaurant, but Ava stands out in the crowd.

  She’s wearing an all-black dress that’s form-fitting, with black high heels that look much too tall to be comfortable, but she makes it look easy. Her brown hair is hanging in waves around her shoulders, and her glossy lips are drawing attention as she looks at me. Her brown eyes are almost haunting, and she keeps them on me as I approach, rocking the same black pants and black button-up I wore to work. I chose this outfit before I ever setup the evening with Ava, but somehow we match and look like one of those couples who dresses similar on purpose.

  I let out a sigh as I step towards Ava. Why couldn't she have worn a potato sack to dinner with a hairdo that was butchered by a terrible stylist just before coming here? Why couldn't she be hideous, instead of looking like every man’s fantasy? I’ve noticed more than one husband sneaking glances in her direction, hoping his wife doesn't see. Ava is stunning, but none of the men who are passing her know her like I do, so I’m the only one who approaches her with bright red caution signs flashing in my mind.

  “Hey,” I say in greeting with a half smile.

  Ava leans in for a kiss, and I turn my face so that her lips land on my cheek.

  “Hey,” she says, keeping her face close to mine. Before Ava can reach up and touch me, I pull away, and Ava smiles like she’s amused by my struggling. “I already got us a table. Come on.”

  Ava leads the way as the two of us go inside. There's a bit of a waiting list, but we walk past them on our way to a booth Ava works her way into. I sit in the booth on the opposite side and make sure to keep my hands tucked under the table so she doesn't reach over and grab them. We’re not a couple, and I make sure to repeat those words in my head over and over again.

  The waiter comes over and takes our orders, both of us going for the chicken fried steak with a glass of white wine, and before I know it, we’re alone, and the air around us feels twice as thick as normal.

  “It’s nice to see you again, Malcolm” Ava says, speaking first because she seems to be the more comfortable of the two of us.

  I take a moment to gather myself before speaking. I’ve dealt with Ava in the most intimate of ways, so being here with her now shouldn't be a big deal to me. The problem is that I’m concerned with the possibility of her being a stalker, so now I’m more nervous than normal. Nonetheless, I exhale and reply with confidence.

  “It’s nice to see you, too,” I say. “It’s been a little while. How have you been?”

  “I've been good. Thinking about you a lot,” Ava replies, teasing me.

  I have to shake the thought of her touching herself out of my head before going on. “So, as I said in our texts, there's something we need to discuss, Ava, and it’s important that we get to the truth of the situation. If we don't, I’m not sure we can keep seeing each other.”

  Ava adjusts in her seat and pushes her hair behind her shoulder. The entire movement looks much sexier than it should, and I realize now that my attraction to this woman is stronger than I have acknowledged. Seeing her here now reminds me a lot of when we first met. Admittedly, I’ve never been able to control myself when it comes to Ava.

  “Umm, so you know I’ve been curious about a situation that happened a few days ago,” I go on. “There was a car parked outside of my house with its headlights on. You'd been texting me that night, asking if you could come over, and I wasn't in the mood for company after a long day at work and a particularly difficult session, so I told you not to come. When I started heading for the stairs, I saw a car that looked a lot like yours parked by my mailbox. The vehicle was definitely a Nissan just like yours. The only thing I’m unsure about is the color of car. I’ve asked if it was you before, and you told me it wasn't. But, I need you tell me where you were that night, because I’m having a hard time believing it wasn't you, Ava.”

  Ava squirms in her seat a bit, but the look on her face never wavers. She stays focused with a look of seduction in her eyes. I think to break eye contact with her because I can feel myself being drawn in, but that’s not who I am.

  “I already told you, Malcolm,” Ava says. “I was at home, and you know exactly what I was doing.”

  “I know what you told me you were doing, but I don't know if I believe that.”

  “You don't believe that I was at home, lying on my bed with my Magic Wand vibrating between my legs while I thought about you?”


  Before I can stop them, thoughts of Ava massaging her pussy flood my brain. Image after image come racing in, playing in my head
like a perfectly dirty compilation, and my body responds by rushing blood into my cock.

  “Umm,” I stammer, trying to control myself and not give in to Ava like I’ve done so many times. “Ava, if you were at my house because you were expecting me tell you it was okay to come when you asked, then just say that. It’s okay. If you were anticipating being there, I won't be mad at you. I just want to know the truth, Ava, because if it wasn't you, then I’d be concerned about that. I’d have a reason to be worried, actually. So, you can put my mind at ease by just admitting it was you.”

  “I told you, Malcolm, I was at home, coming all over my bed to thoughts of you. I wished I was with you, but I had to settle for the memories of what we’ve done in the past—what you've done to me. I wasn't at your house.”

  I know she’s lying, but the more she says, the less my body cares. My mind is still in the fight, but the needs of my cock are hard to resist.

  I let out a sigh of frustration. “Ava…”

  Ava suddenly starts to scoot to the end of her seat. Without another word, she steps out of the booth and comes over to my side, forcing me to slide over to make room for her. I want to protest, but my mouth doesn't speak the words. The smell of her perfume has me wrapped up and it’s like I’m in a warm blanket on a snowy day—I don't want to leave.

  “Look, Malcolm,” Ava says. She leans forward on her hand and stares into my eyes. “I know where this is going, and I do have something to admit. I admit that I’m addicted. I’m addicted to this.” Ava’s free hand shoots underneath the table and grabs ahold of my stiffening cock. By the time I think to do something about it, it’s too late.

  “There, I admit it,” Ava continues. “I’m addicted to your cock, and to our sex. I can't get enough of it. When I’m at home, I daydream about the way you fuck me. I fantasize about your cock, and the way you can bring me to orgasm like no one has ever been able to. No one I’ve ever been with has ever come close to you, and I can’t get enough of it. I’m obsessed. There, I said it.


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