Big Man’s Happily Ever After

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Big Man’s Happily Ever After Page 27

by Wylder, Penny

  “If I get married. . .” My voice trails off, hoping she puts the pieces together.

  “Oh,” she says, with surprise in her voice, “I didn’t even know you had a girlfriend. Well if your girlfriend—”

  “I don’t have a girlfriend.”

  Gil’s brows fold in and she tilts her head. “Then that can’t work out. You don’t have anyone to marry.”

  “Well, not necessarily. . .” I say, looking up at her confused eyes.

  “I’m lost here. Who will you marry?”

  “Maybe you and I can get married?” I finally suggest.

  Immediately she laughs out loud and drops her head. “You’re funny, Ryon. Married. . .” she says, still laughing.

  “I am serious,” I say, holding the sheet in place as I swing my legs off the table. “If we get married, I can stay without any issues. No one can send me back to Canada, I’ll be able to keep up with my therapy, and not abandon the life I’ve worked to build here.”

  “Are you really serious? You want me to marry you?”

  Nodding, I stand up straight. The sheet sticks to my hips and wraps around my cock. Her eyes drop to my waist, growing as large as saucers. And I like it, I like the look on her face. She’s enticed, she’s excited, she’s in awe.

  “Obviously it would just be on paper. I know it’s asking a lot, but you’d be my savior.” I take a step closer and lick my lips. Her eyes haven’t left my dick, so I give my hips a little jerk. Gil inhales a sharp breath as she lifts her eyes to mine and realizes just how close I actually am.

  “What do you think?” I ask her as she drops her eyes to the floor and lets out the breath she’s been holding in. Reaching out my hand, I gently grip her chin and tip her head up. “Will you help me?”

  She’s quiet. Very, very quiet. Her fingers are playing with her lips, and she’s staring right at me. Except, she’s not staring at me, she’s staring through me, thinking, running my words through her head. I wish I could peak inside and know what she was thinking. Clenching my jaw, I just wait for her to speak. I’ve said enough, and I already know I’m asking too much of her. Why would she ever agree to something like this?

  It’s a crazy request, but it never hurts to ask. I want to stay in the United States so badly, and deeper down, in a place where it’s hard to admit it, I know I also want to get closer to Gil.

  “All right,” she finally says, swallowing hard. “I’ll do it. I’ll help you.”

  “Wait, you will?” I ask, my tone full of surprise.

  “Yeah, I will. I’ll marry you so you can stay. But,” she quickly interjects, “it’s only because I want to help you heal. I can’t do that if you’re not here, and I don’t want you to lose the opportunity to be part of your comeback story. I mean, when I get you back on the field, people will know my name.”

  “Thank you, thank you so much.” Releasing the sheet, I grab her hands and smile. The sheet slips off my hips, and pools around my feet, exposing my dick.

  Her gaze dips down, and her breathing increases. Gil covers her mouth and clears her throat as she throws her eyes to the ceiling.

  “Um,” she hums as she points down. “You uh, might want to. . .”

  “I know, but there’s no shame here, baby. Besides, aren’t you curious what you’re future husband is packing anyway?”

  She thins her lips and chuckles nervously. “Fake husband. Don’t get any ideas, Ryon, because you’ll be sadly let down if you think I’m going to sleep with you. I’m going above and beyond as your physical therapist, but that’s our relationship. Patient and therapist. That’s all.”

  “We’ll see,” I say with a smirk as I grab the sheet off the floor and set it on the table. Grabbing my clothes, I pull them on, all while she stares off at everything that isn’t me naked. “All right” I say, as I check myself out in the mirror and catch her eyes in the reflection. “Let’s get today’s session going. No need for that massage. I feel better already.”

  This has to work. I need it to.



  I can’t stop glancing to my left.

  He’s right here, I’m actually in his car, on my way to marry him. It’s surreal. I almost expect to wake up in bed and for all of this to be another dream.

  This can’t be real, it just can’t be.

  Am I actually doing this? Is this something Gillian Sannow would do?

  It doesn’t matter, because I’m here.

  The wind blows through the open windows, causing my hair to whip around my face, and knock me out of the trance I’m in.

  Ryon is bopping his head to the music playing on the stereo as he looks straight ahead, seemingly unaware of my own confusion and shock. How can he act like this is just a normal drive? He doesn’t look like he has a care in the world.

  I can’t believe I’m doing this. . .

  I’m marrying Ryon Daniels.

  The highway is getting busier as we drive into the morning rush. We’re on our way to Las Vegas and I’m still wondering how I ended up in this car. It’s like my body is moving without consulting my brain. This is not me. This is definitely something I would never do normally, but I want to help him. I feel compelled to do what I agreed to for him. To heal him. To give him back his life. His talent.

  Ryon has a chance to recover and do great things in the world of baseball. I don’t want to see him lose this opportunity to regain everything he’s lost.

  His lips move, mouthing the words to the song. I’m in awe that he’s so relaxed about this. It’s like we’re just going out for lunch.

  I can’t stop watching him. The way his lips silently sing the lyrics, the way his hair is getting ruffled by the wind, and his eyes glisten like deep pools. I can see flecks of amber and gold in his green eyes, and there’s a light shadow of stubble across his jaw.

  He’s tall, dark, and handsome. . . How the hell do I ignore what he’s doing to my body?

  Butterflies begin to flutter in my belly, and my hands are getting clammy. My heart is racing a mile a minute, and I can’t stop my mind from turning.

  What the hell am I doing?

  Why did I agree to this?

  Fuck, he’s so sexy. Does he plan on us living together?

  How is this going to work?

  How is he in bed? The thought makes my clit pulse slightly as I let my eyes move down his arms, wondering how tight he’d hold me, and how his fingers would really feel on my body.

  I’m nervous about this, but there’s also a sense of excitement. This is wild. It’s everything I’ve avoided for years. I’ve always taken the predictable, safe, smart path. This is a rush like nothing I’ve ever experienced before.

  And I like it.

  “What?” he asks, suddenly aware that I’m staring at him.

  Clearing my throat, I turn to look out my window. “How far away is Las Vegas from us here in Lake Tahoe?” I ask.

  “Seven hours or so, depending on traffic. Not too bad actually. We can get there, do our thing, and be home by tomorrow morning.”

  “Tomorrow? I thought this was a one day thing?”

  “Well, I mean we could, but that’s a lot of driving. We can leave super early though, be back before lunch.”

  “I have clients in the morning, Ryon. You do realize you’re not my only one, right?”

  “Don’t you worry your pretty little head about anything. I took care of everything for you.”

  “What do you mean you took care of everything? How did you take care of it?”

  He flicks his eyes in my direction and laughs. “I know people, Gillian, and some of those people owe me a favor or two.”

  “So, is that how this is going to work? You want something, and you’re just going to take matters into your own hands without even asking me?”

  “See? We sound like we’re married already!” That gives him a big laugh, but I’m not in the mood for jokes. Is he serious right now? He changed my schedule without even consulting me?

  “I’m se
rious, Ryon. You can’t just cancel my clients. This my career, and it’s important to me. And my patients are important to me too. They need my help just as much as you do.”

  “Relax, Gil. I got Cal to cover your patients. No one is missing any therapy. I promise.”

  “Cal? What did you tell him? Did you tell him we were doing this?”

  “Relax, Gil. I didn’t tell him anything. I told him your phone was dead, but that you were taking me to do some rock climbing to strengthen my shoulder.”

  “And he fell for that?” I ask, arching a brow.

  “He thinks it’s some new strategy you want to try and I’m your guinea pig.”

  Pursing my lips with a little smirk, I veer my stare. “Well. . . I guess that’s okay for tomorrow, but from here on out, you don’t stick your nose in my business. Don’t forget. I’m doing you a favor. Start acting like it.”

  “I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to cause any issues, I just wanted to make this as easy as possible for you since you’re doing me this favor. It means a lot, it really does. I’ve wanted to play baseball for as long as I can remember.”

  He smiles and looks at me for a second, then goes back to talking as he looks out at the highway.

  “My father was relentless. Always trying to push hockey down my throat.”

  “Was he that bad?” I ask.

  “Terrible. I grew up in this little town, Fort Severn. The only way in during the summer was by float plane, and in the winter, when it was ploughed, we had one road.”

  “Seriously? I can’t even imagine being secluded like that.”

  “I mean, don’t get me wrong, everyone knew each other, and they were there if you needed them, but I wanted more.” Tapping his thumb against the steering wheel, he glances in the mirrors and changes lanes. “And my father, he just used to push me and push me to play hockey. The entire town went crazy for hockey. You were in skates before you could walk. There was nothing that could stand in the way of hockey games in Fort Severn. So my dad played, my uncles played, my grandfather played. So of course, in his eyes, I needed to do the same.”

  “He didn’t want you to play baseball at all?”

  “Ugh,” he sighs and rolls his eyes. “My father wouldn’t even let me pick up a bat for years. I used to have to lie to him about where I was going during the summer. I’d tell him I was going fishing, then I’d go meet up with a few friends and we’d play baseball in any open field we could find.”

  “So how did you get him to change his mind?”

  “I didn’t. He still hates that I chose baseball over hockey.” Ryon chuckles, twisting to look at me and giving me his award winning smile. “But getting into the major leagues made him complain about it a little less.”

  Giggling, I nod. “I think that would do it for me too if my kid was drawn to something I didn’t approve of. It might not be what I envisioned, but hey, you’re pro, so you must me be really talented.”

  “Exactly. He still throws out these subtle insults when I talk to him or visit. Things like, ‘Oh you got the MVP award, that’s good. . . it’s not the Stanely Cup, but I’m proud of you.’” He says it with a laugh and a smile, but I can see a trace of hurt lingering in his eyes.

  “Ah, so he gives you a little jab with a compliment. Sounds like one of my older brothers.”

  “Older brothers? Plural?” he asks.

  “Yeah, six to be exact.”

  “Well, that changes everything. Maybe we should turn around and go get their blessing for our marriage. I don’t need to get my ass kicked on top of this shoulder injury and the possibility of getting ousted from the country.”

  Laughing out loud, I point a finger at him. “That might blow up in your face. Running off is absolutely the best option. Ask any of them, and you won’t just have an injured shoulder, you’ll have broken legs too.”

  “Six, wow, I’m an only child, so I have no idea what your childhood was like.”

  “It was amazing and really, really loud. We were all so close growing up. It was actually one of my brothers who inspired me to become a physical therapist in the first place . Geoffry, he’s the second oldest, he was an incredible football player. He stood out even in the Pee Wee league! Played on every team he could and made varsity every year. At the beginning of senior year, he scouted by a college recruiter. . .” Letting my words drift off, I feel Ryon shift his eyes to me.

  “Did he get drafted? Is he some big shot football player for the Dolphins or something now?”

  “Actually, no.” Cupping my hands in my lap, my mouth folds down. “In his senior year of college, he was on his way home from a friend’s house, when a drunk driver crossed the line and hit him head on.” Ryon’s brows arch high and I can see the distress on his face. “He survived, but he was never the same. It ended his football career and destroyed the future he’d imagined for himself. He never regained full mobility of his right arm, and he has a permanent limp when he walks. It changed everything for him. His entire identity had been built around his physical skills, and when he couldn’t play anymore, when he couldn’t even walk down the street without it being obvious he was permanently injured, he lost all confidence. But it sent me on this path, and it brought physical therapy to me. I want to help anyone I can, and I want to give them back their lives. I couldn’t help my brother, but I want to give a chance to other athletes out there. The chance that my brother never got.”

  “That’s an athlete’s worst nightmare. I’m really sorry he had to go through all that. Although I can’t say I’m sorry it led you down this path, to knowing you and having you as my therapist.” He grins, a full, hearty grin that makes my heart melt. “And you’re helping so many people. You found your calling.”

  “I did, I just wish he got the care he deserved. I think if he had one on one care from the beginning, he might be in a different position right now. Looking back on his recovery, I see so many missed opportunities. But I was a kid. I wouldn’t gain that knowledge for years, and then it was too late to help him.”

  “Well, I’m thankful I have you to make me better.” He points his finger, swirling it in the air. “Hey, can you pass me my phone? I stuck it in the front pouch of my backpack.”

  “Oh yeah,” I say, unzipping the bag at my feet, and pulling out his phone. “Here you go.”

  Handing it over to him, he attempts to plug in the charger cord, but drops it between his legs. “Shit.” He leans over slightly, trying to grab it while keeping his eyes on the road. “Damn it, I can’t find it. Do you see where it fell?”

  Glancing at the floor between his feet, I can see the very edge of it under his seat. “It’s tucked in there pretty good.”

  “Am I close?” he asks, feeling the floor with his hand.

  His hand jumps around, just missing it. “You’re right there, a little bit further back.”

  “Over here?” As he moves his hand, he accidentally jerks the wheel, and the car swerves. “Ah, shit.” He steadies the wheel and puts the car back in the center of the lane.

  “Here, let me grab it for you.” Leaning over the center console, I reach my arm under his leg.

  I’m feeling around on the floor between his feet, when the car hits a bump, forcing my face to slam into his lap. I’m struck on the cheek and dazed for a second as my brain processes what just happened.

  I just got up close and personal with Ryon’s dick.

  Jerking my body upright, Ryon has a little smirk on his face. I sit still, eyes wide, completely aware of how big and thick his cock is. My skin buzzes with excitement knowing that just sitting beside me like this turns him on so much.

  “Sorry,” he says, but he doesn’t really sound apologetic. “I know you’re my physical therapist, but you’re also a pretty gorgeous woman, and well, more than just my shoulder reacts to you.”

  I don’t know how to respond to this. I make a series of ums and ohs, but aside from that, I’m at a total loss on how to respond. I’m also lost in my head, replaying those brief s
econds when I felt his cock against my cheek.

  Ryon breaks the awkward silence. “It’s not every day I have a beautiful woman with her face between my legs,” he chuckles. “And if I’m honest, you do that to me every time you give me a massage.”

  “Oh, well, that’s natural. It happens to a lot of people, and most therapists aren’t fazed by it at all.”

  “It’s never happened to me before, and I’ve had a lot of massages over the years since playing baseball.” He thins his lips as he adjusts his hand on the wheel. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Um, yeah, sure.” I can hear the hesitance in my voice. I’m still a little flustered that I just got a face full of his cock, and now he wants to talk about it!

  “Are you ever turned on by our sessions together?” he asks, glancing at me out the corner of his eyes.

  I don’t answer, I can’t. I’m not a good liar, and I have no idea what to say. The answer is yes. Yes, I get turned on. Yes, I think about him taking control of me. Yes, I want him to fuck me. And the feeling is new. I haven’t experienced it with other clients before.

  We drive in silence for a few minutes, until Ryon puts the blinker on and pulls off into a desolate, rundown rest stop. He pulls the car into one of the spaces, and reaches down to get his phone himself. Plugging it in, he sits it in the cup holder, and turns in his seat to face me.

  “Maybe we should take a little driving break. Stretch our legs, work out the kinks. . . have a little fun?”

  “Fun?” I ask, but I know exactly what he’s getting at. The look in his eyes, the grin on his face, and the fact his cock is still hard tells me what he wants.

  My stomach is in my throat and my body is getting hot and tingly. I’m wet. I can feel it as my thighs close instinctively, trying to ease the throb in my clit.

  “Yeah, fun,” he says sweetly, smirking as he lifts his hand to sweep a loose strand of air behind my ear. “I mean, you’ve seen most of me, I think it’s time we even the score.”

  I swallow hard. The lump bobs in my throat and Ryon’s smile gets bigger.

  Holy shit.


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