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Logan's Promise

Page 9

by Nancy Howard

  She now understands why he said this to her, and the void she's filling for them. They lost Jenny and miss her dearly, and Logan figures that for now she can help them with their grief of loss by being here for them. As she told John she could never replace Jennifer, and she can't of course. But maybe Logan is the right medicine for the Sandersons, just like they may have come into her life at the right time, too.

  As thoughts of happiness swirl in Logan's head she ascends the stairs, and goes to her room, she is completely unaware of Catherine's presence in the parlor.

  MEANWHILE BACK AT THE livery stable Jay sees John, he wants to talk to him about why he hired Logan and Gavin to take care of the rustling problem he's having.

  “John, you got a minute,”

  “Jay, yes. What's on your mind?”

  “I got back very late last night, and I learned just a bit ago that you hired Logan to do security work, to stop the rustlers.”

  “I did do that, and I just now hired her boyfriend Gavin Sloan, too. Is there a problem?”

  “Well, I was just wondering why you didn't run it by me first?”

  “You were gone with the sheriff's posse, and I didn't have an opportunity to talk to you about it.”

  “If you would have waited and talked to me, maybe I could have gone out there with one or two of the boys, and watched for awhile.”

  “Well sir, that would not have worked out. You're the foreman here and your job is to keep the cowboys, and cattle in the places I want you to put them. You've got enough on your plate. Besides Logan and Gavin can provide the proper security out there that we can't.”

  Jay stands there, and realizes that he has no grounds to argue with John about hiring Logan and Gavin. His mind is made up about them.

  John sees Jay just standing there, and asks, “is there anything else?”

  “No.” He says, and quietly walks away, thinking more and more about the job at the Running 'B.


  The next morning Jay Canter mounts up and heads straight for Henry Baker's ranch. When he heard that John had hired Logan and Gavin to take care of the cattle rustling problem at Sanderson’s Hill, it made him angry. Jay has been disgruntled working for John, because he feels that Sanderson has lost confidence in his ability to do the job of ranch foreman. Jay wants more authority over the day to day operation of the ranch, but John has yet to relinquish it to him. He's even asked John to let him take over running the entire operation. A request that seems to fall on deaf ears each time he brings this up to John. This whole scenario doesn't set well with Canter, and now with the hiring of Logan and Gavin, this all seems to be coming to a head in his mind.

  Jay has heard of Logan and he doesn't want her or Gavin at Sanderson's Hill, but he realizes that he has little to say about it now after talking with John. He doesn't like it that the Sandersons seem so suddenly taken by Logan. Letting her stay with them at the ranch house, while she works at the ranch. He doesn't like her, Period. Or Sloan for that matter. But knows that until he can secure the foreman's job at the Running 'B', he will have to work with them.

  Today he rides hard and fast to Henry Baker's ranch house, where he feels like he’s wanted. After all when he starts working here he will be close to Brittany, which will make the pot of working at the Running 'B' even sweeter.

  Baker has offered him the same job at his ranch, and at a considerable higher amount of money.

  Riding onto the property, Canter sees Baker out next to the main corral. He rides up to him and dismounts.

  “Jay, what brings you over here at this time of day? John's not keeping you busy enough?”

  “Well sir, I came by because I want to talk to you about your offer to me to be your ranch foreman. If it is still something you want me to do?”

  “Of course, of course. Let's walk, and talk about this. Shall we?” Henry says politely. “Why the sudden change? The other day when I mentioned this to you, you really weren't sure you wanted to leave John.”

  “Well, that's all changed, and I think, I am ready to go to work for you. That is, if what you offered me the other day still stands?”

  “It does. So what has John done to cause you to take me up on my offer?”

  “He's taking more control of the running of the ranch from me, on a daily basis.”

  “Oh, how so?”

  “Well, It's like he's lost confidence in my ability to do my job. And to top it all off he has hired Logan Kincaid, and Gavin Sloan, both bounty hunters, to solve the rustler problem out on the mesa.”

  “Logan Kincaid, I've heard of her. But who is this Sloan?”

  “Another bounty hunter—he's Logan's boyfriend. They're really into each other.”

  “I didn't think John liked bounty hunters.”

  “He doesn't. But apparently he sees some sort of value in them, especially when it comes to catching cattle thieves.”

  “Is that so. Well Jay the job is yours, but I'm not quite ready for you to come over and work for me yet. I have some business dealings to take care of with my current foreman, and that will take about three more weeks. Does that still work for you?”

  “Yes it does.”

  “You'll be okay with the bounty hunters under your watch until then.”

  “I am, but Mr. Baker, you gotta understand they ain't under my watch at all. John hired them, and he supervises them. I don't have any control over Logan, or Gavin and what they do.” Jay pauses, and looks around, and then asks. “Anyway, Mr. Baker, Uh... is Brittany around?”


  That night after dinner, it is late and John is still in his office doing paperwork. Something he hates doing more than anything. Logan has already gone off to bed, as Catherine walks in to tell him about what she saw happen between Logan and Gavin that afternoon.

  She sets down just in time to hear him swear about the paperwork, “Damn numbers. I can't get em to work out.”

  “It's late. Can't it wait until tomorrow, John? You're very tired.”

  “I'm afraid it's going to have, too, and you're right I'm exhausted. I'm getting to damned old to do this Cath. I need to find someone to run this place, so you and I can kick back and enjoy life for a change.” He pauses, looking at his wife who he's been married to for over thirty-five years. And by now he knows that the look on her face tells him that she has something to discuss with him. So he asks, “so my dear, what's up? I thought you'd done as Logan has, and gone off to bed?”

  “No, it's really Logan that I want to talk about. Her and Gavin.”

  “Oh? What's going on?”

  “It's nothing bad. Actually, it is quite the opposite, but first, I wanted to ask you if you had the chance to ask Logan about her intentions, today?”

  “I did.”


  “And, I will say, that girl has had one hell of a tough life.”

  “I figured that. Why else would she become a bounty hunter?”

  “She told me some stuff today about her father, and how he abused the hell out her growing up. He stripped her and beat her, and starved her. According to Logan, he was nothing but a mean sadistic drunk.”

  “He beat her?” Catherine said, in disbelief.

  “Yes, and from what she told me many, many times. Though, I will tell you Cath, I felt like she wasn't telling me everything that he did to her. I think she was keeping some of the worst details to herself. Which is okay with me, considering she doesn't know us all that well yet.”

  “She must not have felt comfortable telling you everything—not at this point, anyway.”

  “That's true, and she doesn't impress me as the type to dump all of her problems on anyone.”

  “Maybe after she's been here for a time, and wants to stay. Maybe she'll have enough trust to talk to me about what happened,” Catherine says.

  John shakes his head in agreement. “To answer your question about what we discussed last night. She has every intention to quit being a bounty hunter. I told her my thoughts on what I think abou
t her doing it, and how dangerous it is for her.

  “And what did she say?”

  “She agreed with me. She told me the only reason she's agreed to help Gavin capture Hogg and his bunch, is because she loves him and doesn't want to see him to get killed by Hogg. I also told her she was welcome to stay here with you and I, as long as she desires. I let her know that being here, and working at this ranch is an opportunity for her to change her life. The way she told me wants. too. She told me she’d like to stay and do that. She wants to settle down and be just a regular girl.”

  Catherine says, “that's so great to hear."

  John shakes his head in agreement.

  “So, what did you want to tell me about Logan and Gavin?”

  “I wanted to tell you what I saw her and Gavin do, after she got back to the ranch this afternoon. Gavin walked with her up here to the house, apparently to get his horse and gear. And I watched them for awhile as they stopped out here by the front door. I could hear everything they said, John.”

  “You were eavesdropping, my dear. Shame on you,” he teases her.

  “Yes I was, and it was,” she stopped talking, and smiles.

  “Was what?”

  “It was so beautiful. You're right. They are in love with each other John. They held each other and kissed several times.”

  “That doesn't surprise me at all. She told me she loves him, and is sure he loves her, too. They're young Cath, he's a good looking guy, and as for Logan...well we both know how beautiful she is. Last night at dinner we all saw how lovely and engaging she can be. They must find each other irresistible. Maybe they've finally decided to settle down with one another.”

  “I think that you're right. And I must admit as I watched them John, I had tears in my eyes.”

  John sets and looks at Catherine and listens, knowing what she is about to say.

  “I thought to myself, that could very well have been our Jenny out there on the porch with a young beau, today. Falling in Love, like Logan is with Gavin. It was like she was all of a sudden alive again, when I saw the two of them kiss each other. They are so beautiful together, and I am so happy for them, especially Logan. And after hearing what you just told me about her upbringing. I'm so happy that she's here, John.”

  She pauses.

  “Am I getting too close to her, way to fast? After all we both know what she does, and has done. But her being a bounty hunter, doesn't seem to matter to either of us. I wonder are we already trying to replace Jenny with her? Is that what I'm doing?”

  “No, I don't think so. And all of that doesn't matter anyway. She seems to be looking for stability, and maybe we are looking for a daughter figure. Maybe it's something that all three of us want. I'm not sure just yet. But one thing I do know my dear, is that you've brightened up so much, just since she arrived here with us yesterday.”

  “You know Jane could see it last night. She said that she could see that Logan’s being here is filling a void. The void left by Jenny dying.”

  “Yes and for both of us, maybe it's a void that needs to be filled.”

  Having Logan around makes Catherine feel good. John is right. There's another female here now, and while she knows that Logan has been hired by John to catch cattle thieves. She has her here on the ranch, and she hopes down inside that Logan will stay. Because already Catherine very much wants to keep her here, if she can.


  Three Weeks Later

  John is up bright and early as he usually is. But this morning he's not at the breakfast table drinking coffee, he's already in his office working diligently. He looks up to see Logan coming down the stairs, and he motions for her to come in.

  “Well, good morning Missy," he says to her, cheerfully.

  “Morning," She says, softly. Still trying to shake off the grogginess of sleep.

  “Missy, get yourself a cup of coffee, and come back in here. Maybe you can help me with this problem.”

  She did so and returns to the office, coffee cup in hand and John tells her to pull up a chair. He wants to see if she could spot a mathematical error of his, and help him get his numbers to come out right. He handed her the paper he's been working on and a pencil, and Logan looked at it. Then she laid it on his desk, and after about twenty seconds she quickly corrected his mistake.

  “There, now it's right,” she says. Looking at him and smiling.

  “Just like that.”


  “What did I do wrong?”

  “Your multiplication wasn't right, so I fixed it. Nine times six is fifty four, not fifty. That's what was wrong. Anything else?”

  “No. I know you're really good with arithmetic and that you've had all that schoolin' and all. That's why I had you come in here and help me again like you did the other day.”

  “Yeah, I took Trigonometry in school, too,” she says. Smiling at him.

  “Triga what?” He says, grinning at her. “Thank you Missy.”

  “Anytime,” she says, smiling and leaves the office. Taking her cup of coffee with her and going out the door.

  After Logan left, John watched her. As soon as she was outside, she is joined by Gavin as usual. Her ability to work with numbers impresses John very much, and it's got him to thinking that maybe he has found that someone to help him in the office. Maybe even learn to run the ranch. He knows Logan has only been here a little more than three weeks, but she has already become a big part of the ranch, as well as his and Catherine's lives.

  Just then Catherine entered the room, she has just come down the stairs. She and John greet each other with a hug and a gentle kiss, as they always do. Then he looks back out the window.

  “What are you watching,” she asks him?

  “Those two,” he says, pointing out the window at Logan and Gavin.

  “You're doing it, too,” she says, with a smile. As they look out the window together, just in time to see Gavin kiss Logan on her cheek and put his arm around her. Causing John and Catherine to look at each other and smile, watching the two of them.

  “I just had Logan come in this morning to see if she could help me with my arithmetic again. And like the other day it took her about twenty seconds to catch my mistake, and correct it.” He pauses, then says. “Do you remember our conversation from the other night? I said, I wanted to find someone to learn to do all of this, and maybe take over running this ranch. Well, by-golly Catherine. Maybe, just maybe, I found that someone. She just told me she took Trigonometry in school. Hell, I don't even know what that is. We both know she's smart as a whip, and has finished school. I want to ask her if she would like to come in here and learn to run this ranch. So what do you think about that?”

  Catherine smiles, “I think that would be a wonderful idea, John.”

  Catherine is thrilled to hear John say he wants to offer Logan the position of learning to run Sanderson's Hill. It is something that down inside of her she knows that if Logan wants the job. Then it will solidify her staying here with them.

  “Good. I'll wait until dinner tonight to say something, that way I know she can absorb it all. I also want Jay and Gavin to hear about my decision. I'd normally do this in private, but I'm thinking of this as not just a business decision Cath, but also as a family decision. I also think it's important for the two of them as well as Logan to know about these changes I have in mind. Don't you agree?”

  “I do John, I agree with everything you just said. And you're also right calling this a family decision.”

  LOGAN AND GAVIN MAKE the two hour ride out to the mesa, as they have done for the last three weeks. Once there they spend most of their time, talking to each other, and of course making love. They have spent hours on end talking about what is important to each of them, and what they really want out of life. Logan is very outspoken at describing her desires for her future. She knows she has Gavin's attention now, and that they both want to settle down with each other.

  Today after their usual ride around the property, they dismount
and set down on the hill side looking out over the New Mexico countryside. The sky is a deep azure blue, with puffy clouds building over the Sangre De Cristo Mountains in the distance.

  Logan leans back on her elbows, and straightens her legs, crossing them. Gavin sits down next to her Indian style, as he usually does and pulls a blade of grass to chew on.

  “I've wondered something about us,” she says.

  “What's that?”

  “Why now? I mean we rode together for what three years, and now here we are, finally. You know?”

  He looks at her shaking his head in agreement.

  “It's just the right time, I guess,” he says.

  “And I'm glad it is, Gavin.”

  “Yeah, me, too.”

  “What we do is dangerous, for both of us. John is right about that you know.”

  “I know,” he says. Again agreeing with her. Then he says, “those two—John and Catherine, they love you already. You know that don't you?”

  “Yeah I do.”

  “Me and everybody at the ranch see the way they treat you, like a..”

  “A daughter,” she says, finishing his sentence for him. “I don't mind, Gavin. I don't mind it at all. Maybe it's the right time for them and me, just like it is for me and you. Maybe it's time for them to get their daughter back. Though I'm no replacement for Jennifer and I've told John that.

  “What does he say to that?”

  “He knows, and he doesn't want me to be her replacement either. He told me that he and Catherine just want me, to be me.”

  Gavin listens as she continues.

  “And I'll be their daughter for them, for as long as they want me to be, Gavin. They are sweet, loving, generous people, and they deserve to be happy. And if I can make them happy by filling a void left in their lives by Jennifer's passing, then I'll do it.”


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