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Impulsive Saint (All Saints Security Series Book 2)

Page 21

by Jess Bryant

  “You ready for me?”

  Ashtyn bobbed a nod, “Ye-yes.”

  She knew he was only talking about her body. He didn’t want to go too fast. He knew she was sore and he didn’t want to push. But in her head, she heard his question for so much more than that.

  Was she ready for everything he could offer her? Ready to be with a man like Tyler that was so different from what she’d thought she wanted in a partner? Was she ready to truly admit that what she felt for him was more than just gratitude or friendship or lust, but it was the kind of true and lasting love that she had yearned for her whole life?

  Her mind wasn’t sure of the answer to any of it but her heart answered for her.

  “Please, Tyler. More.” She gasped as he plunged his fingers deep and thumbed her clit at the same time. “I’m close.”

  “I know, I can feel you hovering right on the edge.” Tyler whispered. “You’re so damn tight, squeezing my fingers, trying to keep me inside. You know it’s where I belong don’t you, Ashtyn?”

  “Yes.” she cried out in loss when he suddenly moved his hand away.

  For a strange moment she felt utterly bereft at the loss. As if nothing and nobody would ever be able to make her whole again. But just as quickly as the panic formed, Tyler soothed it away with the thrust of his cock.

  “Yes!” she gasped the word, her back arching, pressing her hips back to meet his thrust as he buried himself deep inside of her. “Oh God, yes. Yes. Yes!”

  “So perfect.” Tyler grunted as he began to piston his hips, his hand still intwined with hers gripping tight now, as if he needed to be grounded just as much as she did.

  Ashtyn completely lost control. Her body bucked, slipping and sliding against his as he took her apart and then put her back together. It didn’t take long. She’d already been so close and her body was already primed for him so when he hit that sensitive spot inside of her that made her cry out his name and brushed his thumb over her clit at the same time, she shattered into a million pieces.

  Her body, mind, and heart. It all fell to pieces and without her guard up she could see clearly for the first time that no matter if they got to Vegas today, tomorrow or next week, that she wasn’t going to be ready to let this man go. She couldn’t be sure what her future looked like. She would have to deal with her past first before she could start building that future. But she knew one hundred percent, without a doubt, that Tyler was more than just her present and her future self, wherever she might go, whoever she might become, wanted Tyler right there beside her.

  “Mmm.” His deep hum of satisfaction brought her back to reality, where he was curled around her, holding her beneath the steady stream of warm water in the shower of a dingy motel in Arizona. “You okay?”

  “Better than.” She smiled, turning in his arms to kiss him softly.

  “You make me crazy.” He smiled in return, pressing his forehead to hers. “I wasn’t as gentle as I should have been. You must be sore.”

  “Well, the idea of riding on the motorcycle for the next 8 hours certainly doesn’t sound appealing right now.” she joked and he chuckled.

  “We could always spend the day here, get some rest, and keep going tomorrow.”

  She raised an eyebrow, “You’d do that? Just… relax here with me and waste the day instead of hitting the road?”

  “I can’t think of anything I’d like better than to waste the day with you, Ashtyn.” He kissed the tip of her nose and her heart went all shaky again.

  “But the Grand Canyon…” She searched his face questioningly.

  “We can go see the Grand Canyon tomorrow.” He smoothed her hair back and cupped her face, “It’s not going anywhere and, just for the record, neither am I.”

  She smiled, leaning up to kiss him again. That was all she’d needed to hear. She let him pull her back under the water and soap them up, rinsing them thoroughly before carrying her out of the shower and back to bed. He dried her gently with one of the rough hotel towels and then tucked her back between the sheets, crawling in with her and holding her against his chest.

  And right there, in that moment, in a dingy motel room in the middle of nowhere, Ashtyn finally felt like she had found the place where she belonged.


  It took them three more days to reach Las Vegas and though Tyler’s phone was beeping almost consistently now with demands from his oldest brother for updates, he was ignoring Vaughn and the rest of the outside world.

  Something had happened in that motel in Flagstaff. Something big and life-changing and he wasn’t ready to face what it meant for him after this journey was over. He didn’t think Ashtyn was either. So instead of talking about it or about their feelings or about the future, they’d spent the past few days making love every chance they had, riding the motorcycle for shorter periods of time just so they could stop and talk over a meal at a roadside diner, and thoroughly enjoying the beauty and simplicity of the big world around them even as they existed only for each other inside their little bubble of happiness.

  He wasn’t sure what was going to happen when this trip was over. When they had to go back to the real world, to Nashville, when Ashtyn had to face her father and he was forced to face Vaughn and account for his every action. Ashtyn had said she didn’t want to think about the past or about the future, that the present belonged to them and that was enough. He was trying desperately to believe her but every extra day, every hour and minute, that he got to spend with her only cemented his feeling that he didn’t want the end of this road trip to be the end of them.

  The timing was all wrong, he knew that. Ashtyn might not want to admit that she was vulnerable having just run away from her only serious adult relationship, but she was. He could very easily just be the rebound, the guy she used to get her where she wanted to go, a nice memory she told her friends about somewhere in the future while she drank martinis at the country club and wondered if this wild trip had ever really happened or if it had all been a dream. But he hoped and prayed each time he kissed her, touched her or got to be on the receiving end of one of her smiles, that he was more than that to her and that she knew she was more than that to him.

  He was in love with her. He thought maybe he had been for a while now. It wasn’t simple or easy but it was the truth. He’d never really been in love with a woman before now, he realized. He’d thought he was, sure. But compared to what he felt for Ashtyn, all of those previous women paled in comparison.

  He’d told Hunter time and again that he didn’t want to settle down. He wasn’t a one-woman kind of man. He wasn’t the kind that settled down with a wife and made a family and did a regular nine to five job where he was home in time for dinner and soccer games on the weekends. But damn if he didn’t want exactly that with Ashtyn someday.

  Only he loved her and that meant what he wanted wasn’t important. He only wanted her to be happy. He could wish and hope that she would love him in return but if she didn’t, he knew he would have to let her go. That was love and that was how he knew that what he felt for her was bigger than anything else he’d felt in his life.

  It was also why he was planning to make the most of this part of this last stop of their trip. No more roadside motels. No more barely edible diner dinners. For their time in Las Vegas he had gone all out.

  He’d checked his bank account while they were at the Grand Canyon and sure enough, there was a tidy little sum deposited that had to be courtesy of the Echols family. He hadn’t bothered checking the account before because he’d had no intention of spending the money on Ashtyn. First because he’d been set on showing her the rough side of a road trip in an effort to convince her to go back home and then, even once he softened, because using her parents’ money to pay for the rooms where he fucked their daughter had seemed wrong. He hadn’t touched a single penny of their money during this trip, especially not after he’d started sleeping with Ashtyn, but he figured if he was going to get paid for this then the least he could do was use the money to
give Ashtyn the Las Vegas experience of her dreams.

  He’d booked the hotel on his phone. He’d bought tickets for shows and concerts he thought she might enjoy. He’d even asked the concierge service at the hotel to do some shopping on their behalf and outfit them with everything they’d need for their stay since they’d been wearing the same few pairs of jeans and t-shirts for nearly a week now.

  When he pulled the motorcycle to a stop in front of the hotel, Ashtyn scrambled off behind him. He’d felt her tap his shoulder a few times as he moved them in and out of traffic and through the infamous Strip. He had known she was likely questioning where they were going and he’d wanted it to be a surprise. When she pulled her helmet off and gaped at him with an awed almost child-like expression of glee, he knew he’d made the right decision.

  “We’re staying here?”

  “Yep.” He grinned back at her.

  “You’re joking.”

  He chuckled as two valets came forward. The first unsnapped his bag from the motorcycle. The second gave him a ticket and then proceeded to coax the bike out of the front door to park it for him. The valet with the bag offered to take Ashtyn’s bag as well and she eyed him curiously as she handed it over.

  “Welcome to the Bellagio, Mr. St James.” He gave a curt nod. “Mrs. St James, please follow me and I’ll get you checked in so you can go straight up to your room. We’ve been expecting you.”

  Ashtyn made big eyes at him and he swallowed a chuckle as he moved to her and threw an arm around her shoulder. She wrapped her arm around his waist as if it was the most natural thing in the world. They followed a few steps behind the valet as he led them inside but Tyler kept his voice purposefully low.

  “Just go with it. I may have told them we were newlyweds so we could get a suite at such late notice.”

  “That is…” Ashtyn grinned up at him slyly and shook her head, “Brilliant.”

  “I thought so.” He kissed her cheek quickly and then pulled away, “Wait right here while I get our room keys and all that taken care of and then we can go upstairs and take a shower, wash the road off and figure out what we want to do for dinner.”

  “Tyler, wait…” Ashtyn grabbed his hand, holding him close, “You know you don’t have to do all this right? I’d be just as happy in a roadside motel as long as I was with you. All of this big spender stuff, I don’t need it.”

  “I know you don’t need it, but you deserve it.” He kissed her again softly and then winked as he pulled away, “If we’re going to finish the bucket list, we gotta do it right.”

  Tyler retreated to the desk to check them in and was shocked at how easy it all was. A flash of his ID, a swipe of his credit card and suddenly he was Mr. St James and his luggage was being taken to the suite where he was assured all of his purchases were awaiting his arrival.

  Just as he was thanking the nice woman for all her help, his phone buzzed in his pocket again and he groaned. He pulled it out to see another text message from Vaughn. He glanced to where Ashtyn stood, back to him now, taking in the sights, and figured since it was the first time in days she hadn’t been glued to his side it was safe enough to shoot back a quick message of his own.

  He typed quickly, letting Vaughn know that they’d made it to Vegas and that Ashtyn was safe, healthy and happy. He told Vaughn he’d seen the payment hit his account and was using the money to let Ashtyn enjoy the city. He gave him the name of the hotel to pass along to her parents in case they were worrying but also told him that they should all leave them be for a few days and that he would be in touch just as soon as Ashtyn decided what their next move should be.

  He waited a second to see if Vaughn would respond but when bubbles didn’t immediately pop up to tell him Vaughn was typing he shoved the phone into his back pocket.

  “Hey, whatcha doing?” Ashtyn made him jump as she slid an arm around his waist. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to startle you.”

  “No. It’s fine.” He pulled her closer, “I was just letting my family know we made it to Vegas so they’ll stop worrying about us being on the road.”

  “Oh.” Ashtyn’s smile fell a little and she sighed, “Maybe I should do the same.”

  “Totally up to you. I know you’ve been keeping your friend, Kelly, up to date.”

  “Kelsey.” she corrected.

  “Right, Kelsey. You’ve been keeping her updated on where we are so she knows I didn’t murder you and leave you on the side of the road, right?”

  “Yes.” Ashtyn laughed. “And I asked her to update my parents because I wasn’t ready to talk to them but…”

  “But?” he prompted when she trailed off.

  “Maybe I’m ready now.”

  She didn’t sound sure about that undertaking so he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her towards the bank of elevators, “You don’t have to decide right now. Let’s get settled in first. Get cleaned up and grab something to eat, then you can see how you feel about calling home.”

  “That’s sounds like a good plan.”

  He leaned down to whisper in her ear as the elevator doors closed behind them, “Besides, I want to fuck you in a bed that doesn’t squeak and I don’t want you thinking about your parents when I do.”

  Her cheeks flushed the prettiest shade of pink and she giggled, hiding her face against his chest when a couple of other people on the elevator turned to look at them. Tyler couldn’t seem to stop grinning. He loved being out in public with her, knowing he had every right to touch her, knowing people would look at them and think she was his. He wanted to enjoy it all for a little while longer before the real world came crashing back in on them.

  They were the last two people on the elevator by the time it reached their floor so Tyler held the door and motioned Ashtyn to go in front of him. She made a joke about him acting like a gentleman so of course he responded in the most childish way he could imagine. He picked her up and threw her over his shoulder in a fireman’s hold, striding to their door all the while ignoring her demands to be put down and even the little squeeze that she gave his ass when he unlocked the door and let them into their room.

  “You really do have a thing for my ass.” he teased as he twisted her around so her feet hit the floor.

  “I have a thing for all of you.” she shot back, kissing him quickly.

  “Back at ya, sweetheart.” He turned her by the shoulders and pushed her further into the room, if it could even be called that. “Look at that view.”

  Ashtyn gasped and he grinned as he followed her into the room. As she went to the large floor to ceiling windows to look out over the city, he took note of the insanely expensive suite. Just inside the door there was a small kitchen area with a fully stocked bar, an island and stools. Closer to the windows was a living area that included a large sectional sofa, a giant television hung on the wall and even a desk and office space tucked neatly against another wall. A door to his right showed a bedroom that rivaled his entire apartment back home and he assumed the two doors in there led to an equally extravagant closet and bathroom.

  Instead of going to look at either, he followed Ashtyn to the windows and wrapped his arms around her waist, “What do you think?”

  “It’s incredible.” She leaned back against him and whispered softly, almost reverently. “Thank you, Tyler.”

  “You don’t have to thank me. This was your trip, your bucket list. I’m just here to help make your dreams come true.”

  She turned in his arms, meeting his gaze with a warm light in her eyes that nearly undid him, “You have, so many times in so many ways, I only wish I could return the favor.”

  “You already have. You’re my dream, princess.” he admitted, leaning down to brush a kiss across her lips.

  “If you’re going to insist on keeping that nickname, I’m going to start calling you Prince Charming.” she teased and he chuckled.

  “Don’t you dare.”

  “Maybe just when we’re alone then.” She pressed closer to him and his cock took note. A m
ischievous smile spread across her pretty face. She smirked, “Does Prince Charming want to come out and play?”

  He groaned, “You are not calling my dick, Prince Charming.”

  “Mmm, whatever you say.” Her hand went to his groin, stroking him through his jeans.

  “Ash…” he warned, “Keep that up and I’m liable to fuck you right here against this window where half the city could see if they looked.”

  She moaned slightly, squeezing him harder, “Promise?”

  He nearly choked on the air in his lungs, “Are you serious? You want that?”

  “I want you, right here, right now. Show me how much you want me.” she whispered, hands going to his zipper as she flicked the button of his jeans open.

  “Fuck, you’re going to be the death of me.”

  “Like I said before, what a lovely way to go.” she teased before going to her knees in front of him.

  They didn’t make it to the bed to test if it squeaked or not. Tyler took her right there in front of the windows, just like he’d promised. The thrill of not quite public sex driving both of them so crazy it didn’t last long but was explosive as dynamite. Once they’d both climaxed and managed to regain some of their sanity Ashtyn laughed.

  Tyler hugged her to him, “What’s so funny?”

  “We didn’t even make it to the bed to see if it squeaks or not.”

  “There’s always next time.” he chuckled as he lifted her into his arms and carried her towards the big bedroom to do just that.


  Ashtyn smiled as she pulled on one of the new outfits that Tyler had chosen for her. Rather, that a Bellagio stylist had chosen for her on Tyler’s dime. He’d surprised her when they pulled up in front of the fancy hotel but he awed her when he’d shown her the closet full of designer clothes for her to choose from. When he’d pulled her close and told her she deserved nothing but the best, her heart had slipped a little further out of her grasp.

  She looked at herself in the floor length mirror and marveled. She didn’t look anything like the girl that had spent nights in dusty motel rooms and rinsed her clothes in bathroom sinks over the last week. But she also didn’t look like the girl that had fled Nashville in an extravagant wedding gown either.


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