Descend- First Steps
Page 17
Jay wasn’t sure what to say at that point. He had loved what they just did but wasn’t looking for too many emotional entanglements. Heck he didn’t know how things were gonna work with both Amelia and Huong, even without anyone thinking they were falling in love. She must have taken his silence in a negative way. “Don’t worry, I’m not asking for anything. I know that you are with Amelia. If she gets mad about this you can blame it on the water or just on me. She already hates me.”
“Huong, I am with Amelia, but not like you think. We are partners. We have an agreement to look out for one another. I want to find a way for all of us to survive here, but Amelia is helping me realize that to do that I need a team.”
“I would like you to be on that team, but understand that I can’t invite you to it without Amelia’s consent. We are equal partners and I won’t ever betray her.”
“This wasn’t betraying her?” Huong asked nervously.
“No, we protect each other and support each other first before anyone else, but we aren’t boyfriend, girlfriend or anything like that.”
“I think I would like to be on your team, but are you sure that you can trust Amelia?”
Jay squeezed her tightly and then lifted her up so that he could see her face. “Absolutely, with my life. She may be untrusting and cynical, even rude at times, but when she tells me a thing is true, I believe her. She would just refuse to answer if she didn’t want to tell the truth, but we are agreeing not to have any secrets now. She saved my life in the jungle and together we were able to train our abilities far beyond what I could do before.”
“By the way, I don’t know what that was, but it was crazy. When I had you in my mouth, it was almost like I could feel your pleasure. It was coming off of you in waves.”
Jay said, “I think that may possibly be a new skill that I got after my second awakening, but it will take some testing to figure that out.”
Huong spoke in an exuberant rush as she answered, “Well sign me up to help with that research.” It was impossible to see if she blushed in the fading light but the way she shifted her weight back and forth screamed that she was embarrassed for sounding so eager.
Jay didn’t know what to say back that wouldn’t sound lame so he tried and failed. “Well given how good you seem to be at research I’m sure you could help out.”
Huong got up and pulled her shorts and panties on again, straightening her clothes. “Maybe we should go in separately. That way it won’t be too obvious what we were doing.”
Jay was glad that it was getting dark enough to hide the small grin that he had. He didn’t believe for one second that there was any chance they hadn’t been overheard. Meek and mild Huong had been practically screaming out her pleasure once she lost control. “You are right, that is probably a good idea.” He then awkwardly waved at Huong as she walked away.
He began to wonder what sort of lecher he was that he couldn’t get enough of staring at the girls around him. They were each beautiful in their own way and that was just as evident as they walked away as it was when seeing their faces, staring into their eyes or perhaps a little lower. Each was unique in their own way and Jay just sat there appreciating the graceful way that Huong glided away from him.
Finally he sighed, stretching his arms up. That had definitely been a better stress reliever than working out. Then as if speaking to the air he said, “You can come out now.”
The darkness hid the shimmering in the air that normally signaled the dropping of Amelia’s visual shroud dropping. “How did you know I was there?” she asked as she walked over to stand next to him looking down at him with her usual disdain.
“You know that sometimes my precognition lets me sense you. I wish that I could control it but beggars can’t be choosers. The real question is just how long were you watching?”
“Why, are you worried that I’m gonna be upset?”
“Honestly, I’m not sure how to respond to that. The deal we made says that you shouldn’t be but the way that you interact with Huong says that maybe you will be. So are you gonna answer me. I’ve answered both your questions but you have yet to answer mine and now I want to add another. Are you jealous?”
Jay stared at her intently even if the darkness did defuse the effect of his stern look somewhat. “Fine, let’s just say that I was watching long enough that if I had a camera, I could have made quite the video. As far as being jealous, why would I be jealous?”
Most of the time he just accepted her rude way of speaking to him as he knew, or at least thought that at her core she was a good person if untrusting for some reason. This time though he was not going to let her off the hook so easily. “No, you can’t answer my question with a question. Look, I didn’t betray you. If you were here, you even heard me tell her that you are my partner and I will have your back. I don’t know what has happened to you in the past to make you so bitter but don’t take it out on me. I’m on your side and no matter what happened with Huong, that doesn’t mean that I don’t want you.”
Amelia stepped up squatting down next to him and pushed her finger into his chest. “That’s right, you don’t know anything about my past. Don’t presume to have me figured out.”
“Amelia, I still need you. Since you asked me to become partners with you, I have begun to hope we can survive or even find a way out of this. You are an amazing woman and I still want to be partners with you. Do you still want that?”
The pause in the air was heavy before she finally said, “Yes, it makes sense. You are still my best option.”
“Does that mean that the first time I’m not your best option that you are going to drop me?”
“No. You are right. That wasn’t the right way for me to say it. We are really a team. I guess I just didn’t think that I was going to have share you so soon. I mean I knew it was gonna happen but just thought that maybe we would get to have more fun together alone.”
Jay eased up on her a bit. “I sorta feel guilty for having fun with more than one girl but truth is I didn’t create this situation and I’m as affected by whatever is in the water as anyone is. For whatever it’s worth, you are the first part of the team. The one who created Team Jay. It should probably be Team Amelia.”
Her finger pressed into his chest again but more playfully this time. “And don’t you forget that. I’ve got first dibs. Speaking of which it looks like she wasn’t able to take care of everything.”
It was a testament to how far Jay had come in just three days of risking his life that he hadn’t even tried to pull up his pants when Amelia appeared out of nowhere. Now whether due to his enhanced metabolism or whatever he was already sporting another erection.
“I can’t stand it when people only do half the job.” With that she dropped onto her knees and leaned over him, lowered her head, and without another word engulfed his cock into her warm mouth. Jay nearly choked on his tongue. Her movement had been so smooth and had caught him completely off guard. He had no idea how he had gotten this lucky.
What she said next though nearly made him lose it. She pulled away from him, looking up at him as she said, “Huong tastes pretty good, maybe we will have to keep her on Team Amelia.”
Before he could respond she was back to her enthusiastic ministrations and words were the last thing on his mind. Jay stuck with the commitment he had made in his head to not compare Amelia and Huong. Instead he just lived in the moment, enjoying what happening. She ran her tongue up his shaft and then once again plunged her mouth down on him fully.
Something more stirred within Jay though. He had already let Huong take the lead earlier, partially out of surprise and partially out of fear of driving her away. With Amelia he knew that not only could she handle him venting some aggression but that she actually enjoyed it. If she wanted to be a naughty girl he was more than happy to oblige her.
He put his hand against the back of her head and with a strength he never would have had before his awakenings he used just his cor
e muscles to lift his body up and onto his knees even while he held Amelia against him. His cock never left its warm haven as he shifted and she found herself on all fours with Jay thrusting his pelvis forward. Had it been light enough you would have been able to see the shape of his shaft outlined as her throat bulged.
She took it like a champ though as he fucked her face giving vent to his passions. The deep guttural sounds she made through her stuffed mouth only encouraged him to higher levels of intensity. Yet he had already cum twice and so had enough control to decide that this wasn’t how he wanted to finish. He wanted a perfect union with her so they could both enjoy it completely.
Jay lifted her up kissing her mouth passionately and showing that he was just as into this as she was. Then spun her around. With his strength it was ridiculously easy to move her around like a rag doll. Once her backside was to him, he pushed her forward onto all fours as he yanked her shorts and panties down. The way which she raised her legs to help him undress her only spoke to her eagerness and urged him on more.
She whispered back at him, “Don’t worry I’m protec….” but her words were cut off as his first thrust sheathed him deep within her and turned her words into a gasp and then into a moan of pleasure. As he built a rhythm her body started to buck back in wanton abandon as low guttural purring sounds escaped her lips, more like a lioness than a pet kitty.
Jay respected that about her. She was fierce and independent and if he wanted to fuck her, he needed to prove each time that he was man enough to take her. It was an entirely new way of thinking for him but he found that happening a lot around Amelia. Her body started to quiver faster than he would have thought possible and Jay had a stray thought that maybe he should be trying out his Sensual Projection skill rather than hoping it had an ambient effect.
Before the training early in the day Jay wasn’t sure he could have split his focus enough to on utilizing a PSI skill while still focusing on the heavenly envelope his cock was sealed in. Still he was able to activate the skill or at least he was pretty sure he was. It felt like it and in confirmation Amelia’s body lurched almost drunkenly in response. Jay doubled the effect and she moaned loudly, no longer able to restrain herself.
Her orgasm began rocking her body as she squeezed down on him like a velvet vise. Still he didn’t let up. He increased the tempo of his thrusts as she became impossibly tight around him and even managed to triple his skill’s effect. Amelia collapsed onto her chest, her arms apparently having gone limp and still the crescendo of his passion built. He was moments away but he wanted to get all that he could out of this like her repeated convulsions on his member told her she was.
When he finally erupted it was from deep within the center of his being, not unlike when he was trying to draw out stamina. The wave of pleasure caused all of his muscles to lock up at once. A moment later he collapsed on top of Amelia, not because he was too fatigued but simply because his body had gone rigid beyond his ability to control.
It took Jay at least a couple of minutes to recover. When he did, she still hadn’t moved. He pushed forward with his head and kissed her cheek. Even in the dark he could tell that she was drooling and for a moment he worried that she actually had seized or something.
Gently running one hand along her shoulder and the other against her face, he asked, “Amelia, are you okay?”
Her silence worried him till she let out a deep breath and made to speak but no further sounds came out. Unsure what to do, Jay helped her sit up and smiled at her encouragingly. She shook her head and he immediately asked, “What’s wrong? Should I take you to one of the healers?”
Then she leaned into him and squeezed her arms around him. As she regained her strength she asked, “What the fuck did you just do to me?”
Feeling the confidence that only a man who knows he has well and truly satisfied his partner can feel, Jay replied, “I think you answered your own question. I just fucked you.”
“You're lucky that I’m completely drained after that because otherwise I’d have to slap you for that. You know what I mean. At first it was just the normal passion, like what I felt last time and trust me that was great but this was something different. I could feel your pleasure too. It washed over me, a wave of desire and put every nerve in my body on edge but in a good way. Not only could I feel each thrust into my body but I also felt what you did. I felt the bliss that my body gave you each time you entered me. It just kept ramping up more and more till I had trouble telling where you began and I ended.”
Jay listened to her words. He heard the throaty passion she exuded. “So I guess it worked.”
“Uh, yeah. You better never stop doing that to me. I uh… I don’t know how to explain it, but it’s gonna be addictive.”
“It’s not like you are gonna have to twist my arm,” Jay said. Then taking a deep breath, continued, “I don’t want to open this up again, but I have to know if we are okay, really okay.”
“Yes, you can invite the plant girl onto Team Jay, but she has to agree to be part of the team the same as you and I did.”
“Of course, and not cause I’m trying to find another bedmate but I think we need to start looking for a fourth. We got way too close to death today and I think we need to have a full team. That way we can watch each other’s backs.”
By this time, Amelia had managed to get dressed again and Jay had been doing the same as they spoke. Her last words before heading back to the bungalow were, “Fine, but I get first dibs.”
Chapter 30 - In the Light of Day
The next morning Amelia explained to Jay that it turned out to be a good thing he spent a couple hours outside of the bungalow as the girls had taken turns bathing and while undoubtedly in close quarters the aphrodisiacs might have taken over many of them were not ready for that. Before he came in they had a discussion about sleeping arrangements and given there were 8 people but only 4 beds it was obvious that sharing was going to have to happen.
She told him that she had made it clear that she was sharing a bed with Jay. “You should have seen them then. Every single one of them wanted to share the bed with you but some of them protested. Ava, Emma, and Charlotte kept saying they didn’t know you well enough but I could watch their lips tremble, especially later when you were taking a bath. You probably don’t know how close you were to getting jumped by a bunch of girls fighting over you.”
“We really are going to need to do something about the water but the cost of buying enough purifier would be significant each day. In this heat with our activity level we are going to need at least a gallon of water per person. That would cost us over 1000 credits a day.”
“Well from what I hear about Liam’s bungalow it turned into an old-fashioned orgy in there,” Amelia laughed as she spoke.
Their conversation was cut off at that point as Jasmine was calling for everyone. He could only vaguely hear her voice from near the base of the ziggurat but somehow knew it was her. It was as though there was a preloaded emotional content and he felt excited to answer the call without knowing why. A part of him realized that this must be her emotional skill, the one which made her such a natural leader. Another part of him simply didn’t care and just basked in the feeling of excitement.
He looked over at Amelia who was frowning but still joined him in walking with everyone else to where Jasmine was calling for them. Everyone was dressed but there were a few people who looked like they desperately needed a cup of coffee. When she came into sight Jay realized that the rest of the council was with her. He hadn’t even realized that Huong had left their bungalow. Jay asked himself if this was going to be a problem. There would be an advantage to have her on their team if she was still on the council, but would her priorities be split?
“Good morning, everyone!” Jasmine shouted out. Immediately all eyes were on her and Jay was once again taken in by her breathtaking beauty. “The council has some announcements but most importantly, for the first time since we have been on this island, no one died las
t night.”
A weak cheer went up from everyone but it probably lacked the enthusiasm that Jasmine had been going for as she then added, “I know it was crowded last night but you really need to let that sink in. No one died last night. We are down to 55 out of our original 100. We have to treat every life as precious.”
This time she must have added some emotional oomph with it because Jay found himself clapping and smiling before he even realized what he was doing. He shook his head trying to free himself of her influence. It was clearly stronger than he had anticipated and he had to wonder just how much she had progressed in that skill. Judging how much he had shot up in his skills by a few hours of concentrated practice, she could have made tremendous progress if as he suspected she had been using the skill non-stop.
“Now we need to have three uncomfortable discussions. Not really sure which is the worst of them but I am going to try and deal with the most serious one first,” Jasmine said, her tone growing serious and a feeling of concern grew on the faces of all those around Jay.
“As you know, we need credits to live. I am not going to candy coat this. The only way to get those credits is to go into the dungeon. Yesterday we had 10 people who were brave enough to do so. Of those 2 died and 2 were seriously injured but survived and are now fine.”
“Wait, so you want us to take a 20% chance of dying?” one voice called out.
Another asked, “If even the guys with weapons struggled then how are we supposed to survive?”
There was a general murmuring and Jay looked around at panicked looks on faces. For some reason, Jasmine was allowing them to vent out their frustrations. Then apparently after she felt enough time had passed she said, “Not a one of us asked to be here. That doesn’t change the reality here. If any of you find a food source or a way to get credits without going into the dungeon then let me know. Otherwise it is either go into the dungeon or starve.”