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Page 3

by Jessika Klide

  *No Sir. Not your place. I got this.*

  *Ok. Love you, son. Out here.*

  Aurei cuts his eyes at me. "Need some help?"

  I glance at him but don’t give him eye contact. "Nope."

  Zita: *I’ve been bombarded tonight with questions from my friends about an American woman you were seen with. Why didn’t you tell me you have found someone and that you were bringing her to Rome? According to my friends, she is from Vegas. I thought you were still in Alabama? Are you bringing her to the Villa too?*

  *I have. I was. I am.*

  *Ok, Son. Looking forward to seeing you again and meeting her for myself. Love you, dear.*

  *Love you too, Zita. Out here.*

  I quickly find his app and open it. While I go through the motions of syncing our accounts, my mind digests what I’ve just read. I finish as Aurei pulls into a parking spot. He looks at me and I tell him. "Done. Our phones are one too."

  He smiles and leans over to me. His hand cups my chin and holds my lips in place. He puts his mouth on mine and pushes his breath into it as he whispers. "Remember that. US." His tongue touches the edge of my lips and I suck, drawing it into my mouth. He gives it up and his hand slips behind my head, gripping my hair. I gently massage his tongue and it relaxes me. I sigh, pushing the calmed air out my nose. The warmth of my breath mixes with the warmth of his skin and it reminds me of a gentle summer breeze as it blows back onto my face. I smile and release my grip on his tongue. He puts our foreheads together and sighs too, blowing his sweet warm breath down my face.

  He kisses my forehead and I feel his reassurance with the simple gesture.

  "I love you, Maximus Aurelius Moore."

  "Ditto, Wild Thang." He kisses my forehead again and then pulls away to open the door.

  "I trust you more than I’ve ever trusted anyone too."

  His beautiful smile beams at me before his beautiful beast of a body uncoils and he stands. Not taking my eyes off him, I watch as he walks like the god he is around to my door. When he opens it, I take his hand and stand. He opens his fingers and I slip mine in.

  Walking up to the house, cinched to my man, my mind talks. Our lives are so opposite, so complicated, there will always be turmoil. Just be yourself, be polite, be sweet, be brave, be bold ... I sigh. Just be in love with Aurei.

  At the stone steps though, my heart starts to race. When Aurei puts his hand on the door knob, he pauses and looks at me. Words are meaningless at this point. Now we stand together and we show the world, starting with his family, the truth. He gives me that killer wink as the Diva passes by with her head held high and enters Big Al’s mansion.

  We enter a large foyer and then walk into the expansive living room area. It has a certain warmth to the layout. It looks more like a lodge than a house. The walls are full windows with a view of the exercise area and the stables. The furniture is a mix of couches, love seats, and recliners of heavy leather, with lots of colorful throw pillows, coffee tables, and lamps. No one is here so Aurei walks straight into a dining room. A delicious aroma fills the air. The heavy rustic table is elegant wood and very large! There is no one here either and no place settings.

  Aurei tells me with a sly grin. "I don’t think anyone else has arrived yet."

  We continue through to the kitchen. When Aurei swings the doors open and we step through, everyone inside immediately stops talking and stares at us surprised that someone is here is evident on all over their faces.

  Aurei’s voice is light and happy. "Ciao, Marco! Breakfast smells delicious. What are you cooking? We are hungry."

  A big man with a full apron and chef’s hat drops his knife and opens his arms wide. The other two men and women with aprons on welcome us with big grins. Marco comes around the island and walks towards us. "Maximus! What a surprise? We weren’t expecting you until tomorrow." They hug, slapping each other on the back, swapping sides, then he pushes Aurei away. "Ah! Magnifico! You have found a beautiful one. No?" He walks around sizing me up.

  "Sì, My Bella Signorina. Where is Zita? I need to check in before we eat."

  "Zita and Bob are in Venice. They will not return until tomorrow afternoon with the rest of the family." His eyes twinkle at me, but he fake frowns when he says. "She is skinny. Come." He takes my hand and leads me to a bar stool.

  Aurei pulls one out next to me and sits down too. He leans on his forearms and talks while Marco marches back around to his station, barking orders to his staff. They jump into action and begin opening the refrigerator, cabinets, drawers and putting cookware on the stove. The whole kitchen comes alive again with activity. "Marco, allow me to introduce my girl, Siri Wright. Siri, this is Marco DeFranco. He has been the Liotine Family Chef for 30 years. He can cook anything. He can even make broccoli taste good."

  Marco laughs as he turns to face us. "Keep it crisp, bury it under a mound of cheese and this boy will eat it, but when he was young, it was a different story."

  Aurei leans over to me and his eyes have that crinkle to them as he laughs. "Marco loves to tell this story called…."

  "The Hidden Broccoli." Marco launches into his tale of how he told a picky four year old one day to coax him to eat the vegetable.

  I’m giggling through the entire story. When the 'tale of the dragon who tries to steal the buried treasure of broccoli hiding under a mound of cheese which would ensure the captive Princess would never escape, and the sword wielding hero who figures out the only way to save the Princess was to eat through the barrier of cheese and consume all the broccoli so the dragon had to go elsewhere for food' comes to an end, I ask. "And that worked? The little boy ate all his broccoli?"

  "No." Marco chuckles and his big belly shakes. "The little stubborn boy pushed his food around during the entire tale, not taking a single bite."

  I tilt my head and look at Aurei. "But you said Marco can even make broccoli taste good."

  "He can."

  When I look back at Marco, he says. "Then I told him. 'You will eat all or no dessert.'" He wags his finger at me, demonstrating the emphasis he gave the little Aurei. "No Chocolate Soufflé for you until every bite is gone."

  "Ah!" I giggle.

  Aurei chuckles. "Marco’s specialty dish is Chocolate Soufflé."

  "And it is to die for?"

  "Yes. It is."

  "Now, dear, what would you like for Marco to cook for you?" He waves his hand across the kitchen.

  Aurei cocks his head and turns his face to mine. He whispers his warning. "Choose wisely."

  My eyes twinkle at him. "I already have."

  Aurei kisses my nose.

  Marco continues. "You may have whatever your heart desires."

  "I already have that too." I say loud enough for Marco to hear as I stare into those gorgeous green eyes that make me feel alive.

  Aurei’s lips part in a sweet, beautiful flash of brilliance before they pucker up and lay on mine. When he withdraws, he turns his twinkling eyes to Marco and tells him. "She’ll have my usual."

  Marco’s beaming grin lights up the room. "Ah. Like minds are a good thing, but like pallets are even better."

  I giggle again at him as he gives his staff the order and turns to the stove. I watch the synchronized dance play out in front of me. I had no idea cooking was an art form. Before long omelets of steak, green onions, cherry tomatoes, sprinkled heavily with cheese, and covered with some delicious smelling gravy are placed on two plates. Then he adds some slices of bacon, a piece of toast, and tops it with a corkscrew slice of orange. Placing them before us, he wags his finger. "You will eat all or no Chocolate Soufflé for you."

  I giggle. "Challenge accepted." I put my napkin in my lap, take my fork and begin to make his eyes dance with delight.

  "She eats good for a little one, no?"

  "I forgot to mention she is a dancer."

  Marco grins. "Ah! She will burn many calories for you, my friend." Then he goes back to doing what he was doing when we walked in, giving his assistant the final okay on the
menu for the party. It sounds like he is feeding a small Army.

  Aurei listens, then asks him. "How many will be attending?"

  "The list stands now at 200."

  My jaw drops and I cut my eyes at Aurei. "Damn! You do have a big family!"

  Everyone laughs then Marco explains. "The Celebration has been open for the media and their guests." He beams at me. "Perhaps to show off his new girl." He nods at Aurei and winks.

  "Perhaps." Aurei slips his hand down between my legs and his pinky finger tickles my crotch, wiping the look of panic off my face and making me grin. His smile is full of 'us' as he leans in for a peck. His soft and firm kiss warms my heart.

  Marco begins to sing as he turns back to the kitchen staff. He leans over them, giving them directions with hand gestures, or patting them on the back. His rich voice fills the kitchen with "I Have But One Heart" by Dean Martin.

  What a sweet song choice to sing. If he sees the love between us, the others will too. Stop worrying and own our truth!

  The words describe giving your heart to that one lifelong love and I feel a little better about my predicament. As I listen to the comforting lyrics delivered by his rich baritone, I relax and realize I’m starving. I eat every bite, cleaning my plate. When I push it away, I see Aurei’s eyes crinkle.

  "You were hungry."

  "And I love Chocolate Soufflé." I tell him as I place my napkin on top.

  Marco comes over to examine our plates.

  "Ah! Very good, Bella Signorina." He winks at me and beams at Aurei. "She does indeed have a dancer’s appetite."

  "I cleaned my plate. May I have your Chocolate Soufflé?" I ask innocently.

  "Sì. Come back at 2 and I will serve you my signature dish. It is the best your mouth will ever taste." He boasts without bragging.

  "I’ve eaten some pretty tasty Chocolate Soufflé in Vegas." I say with a hint of skepticism, teasing him.

  Aurei’s eyes flare with concern when he recognizes the mischievous twinkle in my eye.

  He huffs, a tad offended. "It will be better!"

  I smile at him. "I tell you what, Marco. If it’s as good as you two say it is, I will offer an apology by dancing for you." I pat the bar top.

  Boom! Aurei’s eyes flash thunder at me.

  "Eccellente!" Marco beams. "I will clear the bar for your dance."

  Aurei rises quickly and takes my arm, leading me outside under a porch filled with chairs and tables. When the door closes behind us, he locks his green gaze on me. "What exactly are you planning?"

  "I thought I would get on the bar and give him some Coyote Ugly."


  I laugh. "Relax, Aurei! I will tone it down for him."

  Aurei’s stare doesn’t waver. "You are NOT dancing on the bar for Marco."

  I put my hands on my hips. "I’m dancing on the bar and I’m doing my Coyote Ugly dance. He will love it!"

  "No Coyote Ugly on the bar."

  I swat him. "Mr. Moore, I’m not only a dancer, I’m an entertainer."

  "Siri?" He warns me.

  "Aurei?" I stand up to him. "I’m dancing on the bar. I’m dancing my Coyote Ugly dance. Deal with it!"

  I stomp off the porch and stand with my arms folded under my squished tits. He walks up to stand next to me.

  "I am an entertainer." I state firmly.

  "I know that."

  "Do you? Do you truly understand that? I don’t think so, because if you did, you wouldn’t be giving me a hard time right now."

  "I don’t have a choice, do I?"

  "No. You don’t. I’m dancing on that bar for Marco and I’m dancing my Coyote Ugly routine, because he will absolutely love it!" I look at him without wavering. "To be honest with you, I’m almost insulted we are having this conversation at all. I dance because I love it, but I entertain because they love it."

  He puts his arm around me and hugs me into him. "And you’re all about those happy faces."

  I sigh and put my arm around him too, "Exactly."

  "Come on. Let me show you the stables."

  Chapter Five

  We walk along the path next to the fence railing of the exercise paddock and I ask questions to curious not to. I discover they own about 20 horses of various breeds. They are purely pleasure horses for their enjoyment.

  When we arrive, Aurei shakes hands with a small man who isn’t much larger than I am, then he introduces me to Paolini. "He runs the Ranch. Excuse me just a second," Aurei says and walks away.

  Paolini explains. "He’s looking for his horse, but he won’t find him. We haven’t brought him in yet."

  "I was raised on a ranch." I tell him. "Tell me about your daily operation while we wait for him then."

  "Ah! Very good." Paolini says, then launches into their daily routine on the ranch as we watch Aurei looking into each stall.

  When he returns, he asks. "So where is Caesar?"

  Paolini grins. "He’s still out to pasture. We are going to round him up later on today and give him a bath. He will be ready for you in the morning."

  "Has anyone ridden him since I’ve been gone?"

  Paolini chuckles, "Hell no. I couldn’t persuade anyone to try and my hip won’t allow me to anymore."

  Aurei laughs, "I’ll be prepared for the worst then. Which pasture is he in?"

  Paolini points and says. "The back forty, boss."

  "We’re gonna walk down there. I want to show Siri the training area."

  "Take a rope and halter. You never know with him. He may have missed you enough to come to you."

  "I will."

  "Nice to meet you, Siri."

  "You too, Paolini."

  Rope and halter slung over Aurei’s shoulder, we walk down towards the trees behind the stables. As soon as we enter them, the noise from the world evaporates into peacefulness. Only an occasional song of a bird joins the sound of Aurei’s deep voice as he tells me stories of his summers growing up among his cousins. I walk blindly forward with my head turned, watching him going in and out of the shadows. The rays of the sun kiss his hair and flash his halo, then they disappear, leaving only darkness, only to reappear in an instant.

  That’s how he is. The light and dark are equally the reality of Aurei.

  I smile at him and he stops talking. "What? Am I rambling on too much about myself?"

  I stare at him without answering and he stops in the sun to study me studying him. His dark eyebrows cut his face in two, defining his angular features. His straight nose is accentuated by the light. The sun rests on his broad shoulders and the shadows enhance the angle falling down to his narrow waist. "No, I can’t get enough of you."

  "I was talking too much about myself." He looks sheepishly at me. His perfect lips turn up into a perfect smile and his white teeth almost glow with the brightness of the sun. He takes the halter and rope off his shoulder and switches sides.

  "I want you to know, Maximus Aurelius Moore, that I’m truly happy right now. Walking peacefully with you in the woods of Italy. It’s like I fell into a dream and if I am dreaming, Sugar Bare, I don’t ever want to wake up. My heart sings with the joy of being in this moment."

  "Come here." He commands.

  His soft green gaze fills my eyes with peace and love, and his beautiful smile greets me with hope and happiness as I obey, collapsing onto his chest. He reaches one hand around. "Oui!" He pinches my ass and I jump closer to him.

  "You’re not dreaming. This is real." His hand cups my ass and holds me against him.

  "That feels real...." I giggle. "Big."

  He lowers his lips to mine and whispers. "Shh. Don’t move. Caesar is watching us."

  "What?" I whisper too.

  "Caesar is watching us." He says again. "He is standing in the shadows behind you."

  "Where?" I start to turn my head and look.

  "Don’t move means don’t move." He tells me with a soft voice as he forces my mouth back to his and sticks his tongue between my teeth.

  I try to focus on the
delightful feeling of him filling me, but I’m more curious about Caesar. I open my eyes to see Aurei looking out at the woods so I release his tongue. "Is he still there?" I ask in my own soft voice.

  "Yes. When I release you, slowly glance back. Try not to spook him."

  When he lets me go, I do as I’m told. "I don’t see anything but blackness."

  "Look down at the ground for his hoofs. Can you see them?"

  "Oh yes, there he is." I can see his hoofs standing in a pool of sunshine. Following them up, I can barely make out the outline of a black beast standing still as a statue. I whisper, "He’s a big boy."

  "Yes, he’s a Friesian Horse. He stands 17 hands." Aurei relaxes his embrace and I turn slightly to look at this monster horse.

  I hear him snort air like a deer. "He’s a cautious one."


  "How do you catch him?"

  "We usually herd him up, but he might come to me when we go to the practice field."

  "Do I need to do anything to help?"

  "No. He either will or he won’t."

  "He’s not trained like a dog then?" I can’t help the poke.

  Aurei chuckles, "No, only Flash comes when you whistle."

  "That’s right because I’m the Horse Whistler." I say, making Aurei chuckle again.

  We casually stroll down the path, arm in arm, and I glance back. When Caesar steps out of the shadows into the sunshine, all I can say is, "Holy Hades."

  He is a beast! His long, arched neck holds his well-chiseled head high. His shoulders are powerful, and he measures every inch of 68 inches at the withers. His compact, muscular body is followed by strong, sloping hindquarters. His thick mane and low-set tail are long and wavy, but unkempt, and full of twigs. Still, "Grandeur" is the first word that pops into my brain as he makes his way to the path. When he steps onto it, I see his long, silky hair on the bottom half of his legs.

  Wow! He is every bit a stud as his master. "Aurei, he is black and beautifully wild." I whisper as I turn to watch the elegance and grace of this magnificent beast following us. "And Caesar suits him."

  "I’m afraid I have neglected him trying to tame another Wild Thang’s tail. He needs a bath and a brush. Bad!" He winks that killer wink.


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