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Page 5

by Jessika Klide

  We should celebrate that performance!

  I walk back to the front door to ask him if he would like a glass of wine. The view is to die for. He is facing the pasture standing in the entryway leaning against the post. The towel is draped around his neck over his shoulders. His jeans are hanging on the railing to dry. The rain has stopped and there is only a slight drizzle. The heel of his foot rests against his shin causing his cute ass to be cocked to the side. It looks spank-able, but I’m not going there ever again. I’ll settle for squeezable, I grin.

  He looks down as he says, "Moore here." Then listens to whomever. "That’s right.... It was…. No, I’m glad he told you. He’s the pitch man in our partnership. What do you think?" He frowns listening then chuckles. "I knew when I heard the first time." He smiles, looking up. "I’m glad you agree. Do you think my idea is a viable venture?" He frowns again and listens attentively. "This will not effect that contract." He drops his face and looks at the ground. "Yes, I agree.... I had no idea how special." He chuckles, grinning. The crinkles are in the corner of his eyes.

  He is so fucking cute standing there naked, discussing business. The naked businessman. Sounds like a concept for Reality TV, Naked Negotiations. I grin at the thought. I might be on to something! Aurei’s grin turns into his beautiful smile and my heart melts.

  "If they agree, start immediately with the legal formalities and move forward with the production too. I’ll take care of this end." His face looks radiant, then he laughs out loud and looks up. "Maybe so, but I am also an excellent negotiator…. I look forward to working with you as well." Lightning strikes in the distance and his halo flashes. "Yes, Karma, I’m starting to believe in it.... Moore, out here." He ends the call and in the distance the thunder rumbles. His focus remains on the conversation and he is lost in thought. His eyes squint slightly at the wet grounds then he stifles a yawn.

  He hasn’t slept in over 24 hours. Poor Sugar Bare needs a nap!

  When the next yawn hits him, he stretches his arms up over his head, and enjoys it fully, arching his back and pushing up on his toes. He doesn’t notice me when I step beside him, so I bump him with my butt. When he drops down off his toes, one arm drapes around my shoulders and he looks down at me. His happiness shines on my face and I grin up at him, then I stare straight ahead and tell him, "Her."

  "Pardon me?" His brow furrows, totally confused by my unexpected comment.

  "Her. Karma is female."

  I see his eyebrows raise out of the corner of my eye. "Are you sure about that?"

  "Absofuckinglutely," I tell him confidently as I look out at the wetness with him, then I ask, "Would you like to share a nice, relaxing, glass of wine with me?"

  "That sounds good." "Bring it to the bedroom.

  I twirl around, and tell him as we head back inside together. "I’ll bring it to the bedroom. You’re tired. Go lay down and rest."

  When he turns toward the Master’s Suite, his phone dings and I watch his cute naked ass twitching side to side as he walks down the hall, texting to someone.

  Maybe it’s Steve again about the wedding. I smirk, remembering another text from him last night on the way back to the hotel as I search for wine glasses and a cork screw.

  *We were thinking a simple ceremony at your farm if that’s ok.*

  I typed for Aurei while he drove. *Of course. When?*

  *Gaby’s not telling her parents until after the deed is done so I gotta move quick before she changes her mind.*

  Gaby took Steve’s phone: *I’m not changing my mind! I’m not the one who couldn’t decide!*

  Steve took it back: *I knew she was the one. Tell her.*

  Me for Aurei: *He knew.*

  Gaby: *You bros stick together, I swear! You know my parents don’t like him and I don’t want to deal with all their drama so the sooner the better.*

  Steve: *They like Steve fine. They don’t like that Gaby loves Steve.*

  Aurei and I exchanged a look and we cracked up at their discussion. Aurei explains, "They argue all the time."

  Gaby: *They don’t like that Steve broke Gaby’s heart, and Gaby couldn’t get over him. Anyway.... Neither of us wants to deal with all their drama.*

  Steve: *I’m gonna be a man and stand up to them for her, but not until after we tie the knot.*

  Gaby: *Def not until after.*

  Me for Aurei: *When?*

  Gaby: *Oh! LOL! Wednesday. I’m off.*

  Me for Aurei: *Which Wednesday?*

  Gaby: *This Wednesday.*

  Aurei and I exchanged another look. I confirm which Wednesday with him. "Does she mean this Wednesday? Like in a week?"


  "Can we make it back in time?"

  "Affirmative. We can leave Sunday."

  Gaby: *I know it’s really short notice, but can you make it?*

  Me for Aurei: *Not a problem, Gaby Girl.*

  Gaby: *Love ya, Aurei! And thank you! Gaby Gone Girl!* And Gaby signed off.

  Me for Aurei: *Bachelor party Tuesday.*

  Steve: *Yes. But Gaby wants a joint one.*

  Me for Aurei: *Not a good idea, Bro!*

  Gaby again: *I’m not letting him play around anymore! He’s mine! Ask Seary oops I mean Siri if she will dance for us. She’s the only one I trust. I KNOW she is untouchable!*

  We both laughed again at the phone and I told Aurei. "I’m down with it, if you are?" I saw hesitation in his eyes. "I’ll put Gaby center stage for Steve to lust after. Trust me. I got this. It’s a routine Fucking Fantasy."

  His eyes softened. "I do trust you. Just keep your dance rated R for my local bro’s."

  Me for Aurei: *She says yes.*

  Gaby: *Fantastic! Here’s SteveO again.*

  I grin thinking about the capital O she typed. Clever nickname. Steve gives her BIG orgasms. I knew I liked Gaby. I have to get my ass out in the courtyard tomorrow and dancer-cise! It’s been entirely too fucking long!

  I find an electric wine bottle opener. Perfect!

  When I open the refrigerator, I call out to Aurei. "Do you want white or red?" He doesn’t answer. "I vote white." I stick my head inside to choose one. There are a lot of different kinds. While I like wine, I’m not really a connoisseur. Examining the different labels, I see Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling, GewürztraminerI, Friulano, Ribolla Gialla, Verduzzo, Friuli, Trentino and Alto Adige. Riesling. I reach inside and pick the Riesling. I know it is sweet. I set it on the counter and proceed to open it then pour two glasses. I hope they realize a joint prenup party means both female and male strippers. I should text Cat to schedule some girls and touch base with the Chippendales for me and see who’s up for it. This short notice I will have to call in some favors to get a good lineup. I cork the bottle with a stopper, and return it to the refrigerator then head down the hall thinking about the logistics nightmare of schedules, commitments, flying commercial, hotel accommodations, etc. As I push open the door to the Bear Cave, I have an epiphany. It would be so much easier to fly the whole Alabama crew out to Vegas instead. Gaby and Steve could get married in one of the wedding chapels after the party and return home 48 hours later as Man and Wife. Problem solved!

  When I enter the bedroom, I’m excited to share my idea with Aurei, but the sight I see is one of the sweetest I’ve ever seen. The curtains of the bed are pushed back, tied to the corner posts and there in the middle of the bed lays my Golden God with his hair sticking out in all directions from the towel tousling, laying spread eagle, and snoring softly using his Titty Bare for a pillow.

  "Poor pooped Sugar Bare!" I set the wine glasses down on a table, and walk to the bed to admire him. His phone, laying in his open hand, dings and lights up with a text. I quickly grab it to turn the sound off and see that the text is from Paul. It reads. *NP bro.*

  Knowing I shouldn’t, but knowing I will anyway, I scroll to read the text messages between them.

  Aurei: *Thanks for the update. Sedating Steve is a good idea. Will fly to Alabama on Sunday. Talk Monday.*

  Paul: *Steve is one nervous cat. Maybe we should consider sedating him.*

  Paul again: *Ruth is out of rehab. She’s a lesbian! She apologized for using you as cover all these years and was just really angry Siri fucked that up. She knew if it got out her parents would disown her. Damn Holy Rollers! Can’t be gay in LA. She’s living with a girlfriend named Rachael. Said it was the best thing to ever happen to her.*

  Aurei: *Bro, update.* I chuckle with his clear concise communication.

  I take his phone back with me to the table with the wine glasses, set the phone down and drink my wine, mulling over the news. Hmm. Ruth’s real issue was trying to hide being gay? Damn, am I losing my touch? I should have picked up on that. Well, I was territorially jealous! Makes sense she would stalk the one guy who she knew she would never land though. Mr. Untouchable.

  The sweet liquid lights a small fire in my gut and I begin to relax and unwind. I smirk again at his nickname. If ever two souls were destined for each other, it is us. If Ruth has moved in with her lesbian lover, then she’ll be fine. The truth will set her free and love does heal a multitude of sins. This is good news. One less thing to worry about.

  So Steve is nervous as a cat. Maybe I’ll dance as a cat in a full black latex cat costume, complete with a whip for a tail. Gaby would probably like the whip. I chuckle softly. Not so sure Steve would though.

  I put my empty wine glass down and decide to drink Aurei’s too.

  I need to text Brutus to let him know about Ruth and I should text Cat and James about the bachelor party.

  Aurei’s phone dings and I jump startled. Shit! I forgot to turn the ringer off.

  Aurei stirs, then shifts Titty Bare so that he is hugging her tight to his body. He’s just too damn cute!

  I grab his phone and slide the lever to vibrate only, and read the incoming text.

  Darren: *Tell Siri Angela can’t wait to share her new pole moves. She’s been studying her performance from the party. Let’s get together when y'all return. We can discuss the new venture details over dinner. We are so excited about the possibilities.*

  I like them a lot!

  I set the empty wine glass down and walk over to the bed to gaze upon the most beautiful man in the world. He looks so peaceful when he’s sleeping. It’s hard to imagine the Dark Deity that can thunder across his features. A yawn comes over me and I stretch fully while I enjoy it. Then I strip off the t-shirt, drop it on the floor and remove the ace bandage, letting it unwrap and fall at my feet. My tits sigh with relief at being set free. I cup them and I rotate them around, circulating blood flow. Kicking my shoes off, they flop on top. As I wiggle out of my jeans, I giggle remembering Aurei’s cute 'shuck my jeans' dance. When I step out, I look down at the mess my clothes made and realize if I don’t put them away in the closet, Aurei is such a neat freak, he will wake and clean up after me.

  Nope. Not going to happen.

  Grabbing them up, I carry them into the closet to put with his. Then I remember his are still out on the porch. I grin. I’ll really impress him. I’ll go get his and fold them too!

  Chapter Eight

  Tiptoeing out of the bedroom, I make my way naked and totally unafraid to the porch. When I pull open the front door, I trot across it to the railing to get Aurei’s jeans. Out of the corner of my eye, I’m startled by the appearance of a man a little younger than myself wearing only a small speedo swimsuit. He nonchalantly walks behind me and blocks my retreat. I stand dumbfounded and gawking. "Holy Fuck!" escapes my lips and the words hang between us. Then a smug smirk slips across his handsome features. He is obviously pleasantly surprised to have caught me stark naked on the porch.

  We stare sizing each other up. He is without a doubt a close runner up to the most handsome man I have ever laid eyes on lying in the bedroom sound asleep and yet he is the complete polar opposite. His black hair is shaved crisp on the sides and fades into the top which is 6 to 8 inches long and dangles off one side with big, beautiful, black bouncing curls.

  TD would kill to have soft, natural curls like that!

  His dark chocolate eyes are clear and penetrating, but not beady. They are honest and open. He in no way projects creeper. He projects beautiful badass. He’s the kind of man women love to hate and hate to love. That smug smirk is sexy as fuck and they love it, but hate it too. As much as they would like to deny his charisma, they can’t and it pisses them off. He draws them to him like flies to honey.

  His dreamy brown eyes are framed by perfect black eyebrows and luscious long lashes. His dark beard is trimmed and well maintained at a 1/4" scruff, but the under skin is lighter than the rest of his face, indicating he has recently shaved off a longer, heavier beard. I bet he rocks a full beard.

  His lips are a soft, pearly pink color and form a perfect, precise heart shape. They are pooched out slightly as we size each other up. Kissable deliciousness! When a slow sexy smile spreads across his face, I see straight, bleached white teeth. They stand in sharp contrast to his dark skin tone and nearly sparkle with perfection.

  His bronze colored skin is smooth and silky soft. He exudes health and fitness. He is a little under 6’ tall and in boots, I’m sure he towers over and intimidates the hell out of both men and women. His broad shoulders cut down sharply to a small waist, and his legs are slightly bowed, with thighs that dominate. He is rock hard, bulky and ripped!

  Absofuckinglutely gorgeous!

  But the best part of this handsome hunk is the bad boy vibe he wears and totally owns. His piercings are not in his ears, but rather a diamond stud through a nostril, a very small, very thin, very tasteful horseshoe shaped ring through his nose and both damn nipples have diamond barbells.

  Fuck! He is fine! He oozes sex appeal.

  My body’s natural, hyper-charged sex appeal responds to his and the air is thick with sexual tension. Although I recognize the danger I’m in, naked, I cannot hide my body’s response from his devouring eyes as my tits harden and my pussy tightens as my own eyes feast on him.

  His tattoos are killer wicked too! Kept within the boundaries of a suit, his ink is incredible art. I stare because I can’t help but admire them. In the center of his chest are three skulls and over them are the words, SPEAK NO, HEAR NO, and SEE NO. Underneath the center skull is the word EVIL. The ink forms the letters by blocking out the outlines with solid black, except the words NO, and the letters V and L in evil, which are red. There is an angel on one shoulder and a goddess on the other. Under the angel is an 'all seeing eye' and under the goddess is a dove. The filler between are roses and stems with thorns. His arms are completely sleeved. His abs are free from ink, but are so ripped they form hard distinct symmetrical lines and look like the rungs on a ladder. On his left ribcage is a picture of Marilyn Monroe, making me smile.

  Everyone loves Marilyn! Sister Sexpot I call her.

  Under Marilyn’s picture on his waist is praying hands and dropping down below his navel and resting next to his "v" are a sexy set of red lips that look like someone kissed him there and left red lipstick or are asking for a kiss to be placed right there.

  On his right ribcage in red letters is the word LOVE. It’s stacked LO over VE. And I notice the O is italicized. No doubt for Orgasm. I smirk and lift my eyebrows amused.

  No doubt he knows how to deliver on that innuendo.

  Under the word love, and across from the praying hands sits the butt of a gun on his hip. The revolver points to his package.

  No doubt he’s quick to unholster his weapon and shoot it.

  I lick my lips to camouflage a grin at my own pun. Then I have to lick them for real when I notice his cock is growing and heading straight for the red lips. The ink placement is perfect.

  He is one cocky son of a bitch! I like him.

  When I look back up to his eyes, they are smiling at me and his lips hold a 'sexy as fuck' sideways grin now. He is accustomed to being ogled and has obviously been waiting patiently for me to finish my visual appraisal.

  Now, he slowly r
eciprocates the visual scrutiny, taking his sweet time too. When he spies my blue heart, my hands twitch.

  It used to be my badge of honor, now it feels like something sacred and he is violating it.

  His eyes look up to mine, and I tell him with them. That belongs to someone else. I look at the door behind him, then frown. You shouldn't be looking there. You shouldn’t be looking at all. I put my hands over it.

  Undaunted he stands, eyeing me, challenging me to make the next move. Both of us beautiful; both of us bold. I wonder who will blink first.

  Then he speaks and his tone is chocolatey velvet too. "Holy. Fuck. Yourself." His English is perfect and has a Texas drawl.

  Swoon worthy.

  I brace myself when he breaks his stance. The thought of dancing away never crosses my mind, I’m so determined to own the moment. But the power of his pounce makes my pussy lurch ... hard. In three aggressive strides, he is on me and when he stops, pulling up just inches short from touching me, he creates a vacuum of air. Like shields being deployed, my skin becomes super sensitive and the heightened awareness turns me on as he proves his dominance as an alpha male facing down an alpha female and winning. Then he slowly leans towards me, and my breathing stops while my heart beats furiously in my chest. I stand my ground and stare up into his deep chocolate eyes, not blinking, but not winning either. I feel his aura as his skin approaches mine. He floods my defenses but I maintain my grip. He stops just shy of touching me and I wait for him to say something. His eyes relax and soften, but he doesn’t move. My body becomes aware it has been denied oxygen in this battle of wills, and demands a breath. I open my mouth and suck air down, involuntarily taking a large chest full. The very tips of my tits brush his chest. My nipples leap to life from his scorching heat. Seared and excited, the sensations flood my psyche further and he whispers to me knowing how badly I am turned on and exactly how tuned in I am to him right now. "You must be the girl everyone is talking about."

  I feel the wild child wanting to shake free, but I hold on tight and lean away, forcing my tits back, straining not to arch my hips into his. He leans with me.


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