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Page 7

by Jessika Klide

  Chapter Ten

  I sink into one of the chairs on the porch and think about our truly complicated situation and the fact that it just got even more so with the news that Zita is handing over the reins to Aurei. What will his new job as CEO of the Liotine Oil Industry entail? We will just have to take our relationship step by step. I’m glad he’s hired Quintus though. He is fully capable of dealing with the media sharks and I know they will love him too, hungering and hanging on his every charming word. He is a fucking badass hottie! And even though I told Quintus I wasn’t the story, I know I will always be the story lurking beneath the story. The press will always be watching for me to fuck up, but I’m a badass hottie too and I know how the game is played. I chuckle. I got this.

  I take a deep breath, put my arms up in the air and stretch, then a big yawn takes over. I see My Fucking Golden God laying in the bed snuggling with his Titty Bare. Nap time. Gathering his pants from the porch railing, I go back inside. I slip quietly into the bedroom and gently close the door. Listening, I hear Aurei’s soft snores are still coming from the bed. I tiptoe back to the dressing room, take a hanger off the rack for his jeans, then take them to the bathroom and hang them up to dry. I return to the dressing bench and fold all our clothes, then take his shirt off and stack it neatly on top. I stop at one of the mirrors to give my body my habitual visual exam, checking for any little thing a dancer would consider a flaw. I smile when I see my collar. I know that I will never be unfaithful to Aurei. He’s my hero on so many levels. I leave the sitting room and walk to the bed confident and complete again in our Us.

  When I look down on Aurei’s angelic self, I realize that I’ve not examined him up close and extremely personal. I want to know every freckle, mole and birthmark you have, Mr. Moore. I want to know your body as well as I know my own. Let’s see what perfect perfection you truly are.

  Picking up his massive arms, I slowly remove Titty Bare from his grasp.When she slides free, I drop her over the edge of the bed and crawl back on my all fours to start my treasure hunt. He is snoring with a rhythm that says he is out cold.

  I low crawl down to his feet to start there. I sit Indian style and pick up one foot first, then the other and examine them. His toes are proportional, evenly spaced and curved down from big to small geometrically. His ankles are sharp and well defined. Strong bone structure. His feet are ... I giggle at the simple word that comes to mind ... normal. HA! They are not normal. They are perfectly proportioned! Come to think of it. I lean over and look at his entire body with an artist/architect’s eye. His body reflects the golden ratio! And his golden ratio pleases me aesthetically! I snicker, having to bite my bottom lip to keep quiet. He IS a Golden God! I look up at the door and smile. He is a Golden Bear!

  I set his perfect foot down and scoot my ass to sit at his thighs. His legs are beautiful, bulging beasts, with golden hair that curls and glistens. I keep scooting up on the bed to his torso. Ah! His golden torso! His dick lays limp against his hip and his scrotum is relaxed. I’ve seen it up close and already very personal and there is nothing less than perfection here. I’m tempted to lick him lengthwise, but he is sleeping so soundly I truly hate to wake him. There will be plenty of time for licks later. What’s that? I lean down and look close at his skin. I notice a small scar on his hip flexor muscle on his right side. It’s less than an inch long. One. I count. I get on my all fours again and continue my close examination. Making sure I don’t miss anything this small, I lean over him and put my nose inches off his skin again. I almost face plant onto his flat stomach and snickering hard, I lose it while I recover my balance. Hey, there’s a couple more. Curious now, I begin to look for these small scars that look more like nicks from a knife than an accidental injury. None are large enough to be noticeable without a close up inspection and none look anything more than a single slice from a sharp blade. By the time I am examining his right arm for them, I’m convinced they are battle scars. There are multiples on his right upper arm. I crawl around to his left side to search for them there. I find a larger one on the left side of his waist but that’s the only one on that side.

  Sitting on the bed now staring down on his perfection, I wonder how he got them and I wonder if he has any on his back. Knowing I will wake him if I try to flip him over just to look, I decide the best option is to give him a full body massage. Moving to sit between his raised arms, I position his head between my knees and place my finger tips on his temples, starting a soft steady, rotating motion. His snoring stops and a soft moan escapes, but he doesn’t wake. His breathing doesn’t change so I move the motion down his jaw. The scruff of whiskers is rough on my fingers. I continue down his neck and make my way to his pecs. Having massages on a regular basis as a dancer, I understand the knots that occur from overwork or just stress and when I arrive, I dig my fingertips into the plentiful meat and circle as I flex. He groans and his eyelids flutter, then he moves his arms down by his sides. I keep working the mass and he drifts back to sleep. When his perfect pecs are knot free, I roll them between my hands and increase the blood flow. He moans and I know I’m doing him some real good. Encouraged now more by his needs than my own curiosity, I move to his deltoids, then down his arms, repeating my massage technique. Hovering over his body, kneeling, I use my pole dancer core strength and grip to accomplish my goal. When I reach his hands, I put my thumbs on the meat of his thumb and dig in.

  "Ah!" Escapes from his mouth and I look to see if he is awake. I giggle silently, because the view he would see if he opened his eyes now is of my pussy hovering over his face, but he is still sleeping. I kneel back down and slide my hands up under his back and dig deep. He moans loud and opens his eyes. I lean down and peck his lips. "Roll over, please."

  He flips over so I can continue unimpeded. I knead and rub down the length of his spine while my eyes scan his skin. I am struck again by how broad his back is compared to how narrow his hips are. I see two more tiny scars. I shift my position to his side and kneeling over him, I mash my hands into his lower shoulder muscles while he moans occasionally when I hit a spot that feels particularly good. Grasping, gripping and gorging, my hands manipulate his massive muscles. Then I straddle him, sitting on his ass and I push then pull with the heels of my palms stretching his spine from his lower back just above his ass to his arching broad back. He exhales a groan and inhales a moan the entire stroke.

  The massage, which started as a way to simply examine his skin with the added benefit of touching him, has turned into an almost religious experience for me. Not only because I am kneeling, then bowing, but also because my energy is transferring into him. The healing strokes are melding my spirit to his, connecting us as I concentrate on his muscles and the feel of them underneath the surface of his skin. I can literally sense the knots of stress before I find them. Confirming them with my fingertips, I rub the tight tension, working to release them and relax him. When I feel good about the way he feels and his moans subside to soft snores again, I back off his ass and slide down to his thighs. I sit lightly on them as I drag my hands to his buttocks, and put the heels of my hands on each side of his ass. Leaning my full weight on them, I move my hands from inside to outside in a big circular motion over his entire fucking muscle, pinching and pulling it.

  "Ah! Damn." He whispers, then he constricts them and they become so tight I can’t move them.

  I have to wait for him to relax so I can continue. While my hands are inactive, I notice something so endearing it makes my eyes twinkle then tear up. There is a curly Q, a tiny cowlick, of golden hair on his lower left ass cheek right where the buttock ends and the leg begins.

  OMFGG! That is the cutest thing ever!

  I put my finger on it and roll it around. It’s too precious for words. Placing my hands on either side of his ass cheek, I manipulate it by squishing it.

  "Humph," he groans.

  "You worked these hard last night, didn’t you?" I ask him, then move to the other side.

  "Humph," he groans again.

  "I have to get you ready for a repeat performance tonight." I tell him as I work him over real good.

  "Ummhmm." He answers and eventually relaxes enough I can work the knots out.

  "That’s better," I whisper when I’m confident they are gone. I part his legs and move to sit between his calves. I rub his legs with a combination of long strokes and countering massage manipulation. I finish with his feet, bracing them one at a time against my breast while I rub his arches, the balls of his feet and between his toes with my thumbs. Gently laying them down when I’m done, I feel good I have made him feel good from head to toe.

  Admiring the view of his long, straight, thickly muscled legs, and his big muscular ass sticking up that blocks the view of his narrow waist, but not so high that it hides his broad, thick shoulders, I think, Adonis must have looked like this.

  Smiling at the view of his balls peeking out from between his legs, I take the tip of my finger and stroke the soft skin, teasing him. I’m surprised there is no response from him whatsoever. There is only his deep breathing and his soft, relaxing snore.

  He was one tired baby. I kiss his ass and roll my finger around his curly Q, then roll off the bed and retrieve Titty Bare. I lift Aurei’s arm, pushing her under him. He pulls her to him, and puts his head on her as he rolls onto his side.

  He is one sweet man.

  I make a quick pit stop back to the bathroom and notice when I pass that my clothes have magically appeared hanging on the rotating rack. My Black and Blue Baby is the first thing I see followed by my White Fox Fur.

  Good that means my bras are here too and we won’t have to bind my girls in the morning. But it also means someone hung them up! I def can’t walk around outside naked again.

  As soon as I reenter the bedroom, it turns dark and grey as the storm clouds block the sun. Walking to the French doors, I open one to listen to the song of the rain. It is pounding the ground. Going out onto the patio, I listen for a little while. My mind drifts to Piper and her comment when she left Vegas that she missed the rain. We were polar opposites, she and I. Probably why we got along so well. I love the sun, and she the rain.

  "The rain is cleansing." She argued with me.

  "It just makes me sad." I told her. Sitting there watching the rain, I slip into a melancholy mood.

  I wonder what Piper is doing these days. I smile a sad smile. I hate we lost touch. Life is just so busy! Time slips away from you.

  I think about what a shame it was to have lost someone like Whitney Houston so young. She was so special. People shouldn’t forget her.

  The rain slows.

  I’m going to incorporate more of her songs into my show. It did feel good to sing like that, maybe I should consider actually singing too. I’ll ask Cat what she thinks when I get back.

  I see a soft flash of lightning and hear the low rumble of thunder in the distance again. I stretch and yawn, then make my way back into the bedroom. Climbing up into the bed, I curl up beside Aurei, facing him, nose to nose. Watching him sleeping, so peaceful, so angelic, I stroke his face with my fingers. His skin is so soft and his beard is too. My fingers massage his temple lightly, then I play with his hair. His eyelids flutter, and they open into a small slit. I place my fingers on his lips and trace them as I tell him, "Shhh, Sugar Bare. Sleep. I just want to treasure this moment with you before I fall asleep in your arms."

  "Mmhm," He says, then puckers his lips, but he falls back to sleep before I can kiss them.

  He’s home and he sleeps with the knowledge that he is safe. Deep and restful. Cherishing his features, loving his face, I think about his love. It fills my heart more completely than I ever imagined being in love with someone could ever do. I thought my life was rich before, but now I know what real riches are. To think that some people have love, then lose it. How lonely that must be. I feel a pang of pity for them and then I feel the weight of our situation settle on my heart.

  Aurei: CEO. Billionaire businessman. Family fortune.

  Me: Seary. Surreal. Stripper. Vegas Star Entertainer.

  Heavy rain starts to fall again outside as another storm erupts and "It Will Rain" by Bruno Mars starts to run in my mind.

  My fingertip traces a line down from Aurei’s heart shaped lips over his chin, past his Adam’s apple to his pecs and over to where his heart beats. Then traces a heart on his skin there. The words to the song make my heart ache with the truth of them. How do people survive broken hearts? The cold hard truth saddens me. Drugs. Opiates. I get it now, but nothing can heal that hurt. Nothing.

  My heart clenches itself and tries to stop the pain it feels as I realize a broken heart from our situation is a very real possibility. We haven’t faced the real world yet. We are still in our utopian phase where everything is seen through a distorted prism. How will we ever make Us work? I’m a carefree Vegas stripper for all practical purposes and after this weekends announcement he’ll be a billionaire businessman. Our lives are so completely different, yet we are so much alike. How will we make it work? And if we can’t, how will I ever survive without him? I sigh deeply, then turn my back and nestle up to him to spoon. Pulling the covers up, I drape his arm over me, then make him hold me tight while the tears of doubt slide out of my eyes and wet his arm.

  His parents have to accept me, us. They have to love me too. They have too! The rain outside falls as I stare into the darkness. I can’t lose him. My Mama was right. I can’t breathe without him. I will love him forever.

  Chapter Eleven




  Where has the sun gone?



  I am tired. So tired.

  My arms ache.



  I’m a prisoner?

  I am.

  A low growl.


  My breath stops. My heart halts.

  Listen! There is something there!

  An outline of ... an animal!

  Movement. Clinking. Chains.

  My mind screams!

  Blink. Focus.

  Where is it? What is it?

  There! On the wall. A beast.

  Squint. Focus.

  Chained to the wall.

  Ah! It is beautiful!

  Tall. Towering.

  Bold. Brave.

  Beautiful Beast!

  It roars!



  No. Surrounded. Creatures circling.

  It needs my help!

  Struggling. Caught.

  Chained. Trapped.

  Silence. Stillness.

  Deafening darkness.

  Heavy labored breathing.

  A Bear!

  Cries. Lonely.

  Tears. Despair.


  Keys jingle. Metal moves on metal.

  Chambers unlock. One. Two. Three.

  Click. Click. Click.

  The door opens.

  A shadow. A silhouette. A savior!

  An Angel?

  No halo.


  No robe.


  No wings.


  The Bear beckons.

  Click. Click. Click.

  Panting. Anticipating.

  Eerie echoes.

  click. click. click.

  The Angel halts before the Bear.


  Dirty dancing.

  Power. Passion.

  Demanding. Commanding.

  Dirty dancing.


  Dirty dancing.

  Strong. Stunning.

  Dangerous! Delicious!

  Dirty dancing.


  Dirty dancing.

  Battling. Rattling. Roaring.

  Breaking. Bondage. Free!

  Dirty dancing.


  Caged! Trapped!


  Bites! Claws!



  The Angel sings.

  The Bear croons.

  Just. Like. That.


  Caged! Trapped!



  Sacrificed. Sanctified.



  The Angel dances.

  The Angel sings.




  My eyes pop open and I gasp from the rattling windows. The booming sound of the thunder dies away. My heart is racing ninety to nothing! Bewildered, I lay dead still, panting. Sweet Zeus! Father of the fucking Gods! I try to gather my wits. Aurei’s strong arms reach out to me and pull me to him. I lay there knowing I’m safe and secure as long as my hero holds me and I wait for the panic attack to subside.

  When I’m relatively calm again, I hear the rain still pounding outside through the door I left open. The wind is howling too and I hear a banging noise outside. I should close the door. The storm is getting worse.

  Easing out of his arms undetected, I tiptoe across the floor and close the door. Right when I turn my back to it, lightning strikes overhead followed by another loud "KABOOM!" I flee to the bed with all the circling creatures biting at my heels. Diving on it, I bury myself under the covers, and crawl up into Aurei’s strong arms again. He is sound asleep now and doesn’t squeeze me. I use his bicep for my pillow and I stare out into the darkness, afraid. Then I remember Titty Bare and I reach for her to cuddle. Aurei wakes enough to replace her with another pillow, then he pulls me tight against him again. I feel much better. I take a deep breath, hold it, than let it out with a big "WHEW!"

  Aurei chuckles and slides his always semi-hard rod into the crack of my ass to hold. I smile knowing he will always protect my tender parts. He whispers in my ear after he places a sweet loving kiss on it. "Breathe, baby. Breathe with me, Sweet, Wild Thang. Slow down. Nice and slow.”

  I close my eyes and breathe with his rhythmic breathing as his breath blows in my ear. Like the first time we did this, it helps to stabilize me, and I smile to the dark as his calmness seeps into me and I tell it.


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