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Burgers and Bodies

Page 7

by Gretchen Allen

  Acting faster than she was able to think, Joss picked up the rock and threw at the window, hoping it would break. She hadn’t considered that there would be an alarm and was thankful when there wasn’t.

  “Mmmm… Mmmppffh…” Andy tried talking through the tape over his mouth.

  Joss took off her shoe, running it along the window to knock out the rest of the broken glass. She stepped back and took a running leap, grabbing on to the window and somehow wriggling herself inside, and taking the tape from Andy’s mouth.

  “Oh, my gosh. Are you okay? What happened? Where is Gloria?”

  “Not here. She went to get me something to eat. She’s only been feeding me once a day. We need to get out of here. Now! That woman is insane!”

  “How long has she been holding you here?” Joss asked, freeing Andy’s hands.

  “Since the day Natasha was found. She thinks I killed her and now she wants to kill me. She’s been telling me about all the ways she can think of to kill me, and how to make a clean getaway. She just sits here on her computer all day, reading to me from the internet all the different ways people can be killed,” Andy said, ripping the ropes from his legs. “I’m telling you, she’s crazy, and we need to get out of here. Let’s go out the front before she comes back. She always comes through the back door, so if we’re quick, she won’t see us or notice the broken window right away.”

  Andy and Joss ran to her car, getting in and peeling out of the parking lot, putting their seatbelts on as they went.

  “We have to go to the police!” Joss said, making a turn.

  “Can’t we go back to Lemon Bay? I want to get as far away as possible from here. Please,” Andy begged.

  “Fine, but we’re going right to the police station when we get back. Or the hospital, you need to get checked out,” Joss said, eyeing the cuts on Andy’s face.

  “I can’t believe this. The love of my life is killed, and I get kidnapped by her crazed cousin.”

  “The love of your life? You obviously aren’t talking about your wife,” Joss asked without thinking.

  “Ouch.” Andy nodded, rubbing his wrists. “I know I’m a bad guy. I like women. I don’t make good choices. You don’t need to remind me.”

  “You’re right.” Joss felt bad for the guy. “You really think Gloria killed Natasha?”

  “It wasn’t the first person on my mind, but after this, it’s hard to deny it.”

  “Who was the first person on your list?” Joss asked, thinking of Crystal.

  “Judy Faun. Natasha’s business partner. The night of the party, after well, you know… I went to Crystal’s house to talk. We are separated, but she deserved an explanation. Once I was done there, I went back home to Natasha who also deserved an explanation, because I know she saw me leave with Crystal. I saw her watching us as we drove away and I never should have left. When I got back to the house, I saw Judy’s car still there. I didn’t want to try talking to Natasha with Judy there, so I just left. I went and got a room at Lemon Bay Hotel.”

  “Why couldn’t Judy have been there as a friend, sitting with Natasha after you took off?”

  “I’m not sure I’d call them friends. Judy barely tolerated Natasha. They ran their business like champions, but what went on behind closed doors was a whole other story.”

  The two drove in silence the rest of the way. Joss hadn’t replied to Andy, and it was clear Andy was tired, and stressed out and just wanted to relish in his freedom.

  “We’re here,” Joss said, pulling into the police station. “Come on.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Joss had heard through the grapevine that Gloria had been found and brought in for the murder of her cousin Natasha Farrell. It turned out that no matter what Andy or anyone else thought, the police had everything taken care of. Verona was annoyed, but thankful that Joss had found Andy and brought him in to talk to her.

  Luke had given Joss the day off, joking that she deserved it for all the pain and suffering that the catering event had caused her. Her plans were to meet up with Ryan later in the day and talk over dinner about their trip to Jamboree Junction. It had been a long time since Joss had an entire day off with nothing to do, so she decided to go check out the animals at the shelter at the request of Bridget. Even if she didn’t adopt an animal, she thought that maybe she could visit and play with them for a little while. The idea of fluffy dogs and cats seemed soothing, and that’s just what she needed right now.

  The shelter wasn’t far from Joss’ house, so she decided to walk after checking the weather app on her phone. It called for rain, but it was a slim chance, so she figured she’d carry her umbrella and hope for the best. She walked slowly, enjoying the neighborhood that she’d lived in for the last seven years. It was easy to let her mind begin to worry about what was going to happen with her living situation. She loved the area, and her neighbors, and wasn’t sure that she wanted to leave at all. Joss made a promise to herself to work out some numbers to see if there was any possible way for her to purchase the home from Brandon herself. As she tried calculating the details in her mind, Joss stopped walking. The shelter was up one more street, but Natasha’s house was to the left. She didn’t want to be weird or morbid, but she wanted to see the house. Making the turn, she walked down High Street, pausing in front of Natasha’s home.

  The crime scene tape was down, and the house looked silent. The lawn was a bit overgrown, and there were items placed near the mailbox and on the porch. Things like stuffed animals, candles, signs, and cards were laid everywhere. Joss couldn’t help but remember the night of the catering event. Andy had told Crystal that he was there for a memorial for a coworker. Joss realized the irony of it all, seeing everything set-up to memorialize Natasha. She knelt, looking at the things that were laid behind the mailbox, thinking that she should have sent some flowers or something. Soon, if not already, Andy would be back at the house. She wasn’t sure if he’d be living there or not, but someone would have to go through everything of Natasha’s.

  Life had been so crazy for Joss lately, but nothing compared to losing someone you loved. She felt for Andy, and Judy, and Natasha’s grandfather. She made a mental note to talk to Jack as soon as she could, thanking him for coming to her. Without that bit of information, who knows what would have happened to Andy.

  Apparently, Joss had spent more time at Natasha’s than she planned, either that or the weatherman was wrong, because the rain was already starting. Suddenly, in the midst of a downpour, and an umbrella that refused to open, Joss dashed under the carport on the side driveway. She needed shelter and would try to stay there until the rain passed, or she could get her umbrella to function properly. Messing with the button that made the umbrella pop up, Joss squeezed it too hard, and a piece of the plastic broke, flying across the ground. She took a few steps, trying to retrieve it when she saw something that made her shudder.

  A bicycle with a piece of red linen in the chain. Red linen that matched the diner’s table runners. Joss got closer, bending down to look at the bike, being cautious as not to touch anything, when she heard someone let out a laugh. Maniacal as it was, Joss turned. She was face to face with Marni, Judy and Natasha’s assistant.

  “What are you doing here?” Marni asked.

  “I could ask you the same thing,” Joss challenged. “Have you seen this bike? It has something on it, and I’m worried it has something to do with Natasha’s murder. Do you know who it belongs to?”

  “You just don’t give up, do you? I suppose it’s a good quality to have. Maybe not in this situation.” Marni snickered.

  “I want to make sure nothing was missed. What if…”

  “You think I haven’t been keeping an eye on you all this time? I tried planting the seed. Tried telling you that Judy and Natasha were fighting, but it didn’t stick. No. You had to traipse around looking for more clues. I thought for sure you’d blame the wife, because well, who wouldn’t in this situation? Then, when I told Gloria that I thought it was And
y, she went off all crazy, and I thought that would stop you. But here you are. Still not giving up.” Marni stepped closer, wet hair in her face and make-up streaking down her cheeks.

  “What are you talking about? I’m not here looking for clues. I was walking by and decided to stop to look at everything that people put here for Natasha,” Joss asked, backing up. “What are you doing here, Marni?”

  “Picking up my bike,” she replied, an evil look coming over her face.

  “Your bike?” Joss asked, heart pounding. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

  The rain was beginning to slow and Joss wasn’t sure if she should run or try to protect herself in case Marni was planning something.

  “Don’t be dumb. Of course I am. I hated Natasha. She didn’t want Judy to hire me. She wouldn’t let me make any jewelry unless she designed it and approved the pieces after the fact, and even if she deemed them worthy, I still wasn’t allowed to sell them under her name. She was using company money for private things, and she walked all over Judy. It wasn’t fair, and Judy was nothing but kind to me from the beginning. Natasha had it coming. If I didn’t kill her, someone else would have.” Marni raced toward Joss; hand raised.

  “Joss! Duck!” Dina screamed.

  Joss acted fast and did what she was told, watching Marni get hit and fall to the ground in pain. She took her phone, calling the emergency number she knew all too well.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Dina, come in,” Joss said, gesturing to her living room.

  “Thanks. I wasn’t sure you’d let me.” Dina stepped passed Joss.

  “Are you kidding? Who would have thought that one of those crazy things you wear on your feet would have saved my life?” Joss chuckled. “You’re always welcome here.”

  “It’s not nice to tease people, ya know,” Dina said, smiling. “I’m glad you’re okay.”

  “Me, too. How did you know I’d be there?” Joss asked. “Please tell me you weren’t following me again. I mean, I’m happy you were there and all, but watching people is kinda creepy.”

  “I wasn’t. I was driving to your house and took a wrong turn because the rain was so bad. I didn’t even know you were there at first. It wasn’t until I pulled over to wait out the storm when I saw you. When the rain started to slow down, I got out to talk to you, and when I saw that woman charge at you, I knew I had to do something.”

  “You really saved me,” Joss said gratefully.

  “Right place, right time, is all.” Dina shrugged.

  “Wait a minute. Why were you going to my house? You haven’t spoken to me in over a week.”

  “I was feeling guilty. You have to leave your house, the woman you did a catering job for was killed, and to think, had I not been acting like a five-year-old, it would have been my catering job. I just felt bad I guess, and I wanted to apologize to you for acting that way.”

  Joss put her arm around Dina. “That’s kind of you. I appreciate the apology and you saving me from Marni. It was a crazy day for sure. I can’t believe she was the one that killed Natasha.”

  “Did you ever hear anything more about it?” Dina asked.

  Joss nodded. “The night of the event, after everyone left, Andy went back to talk to Natasha but saw Judy’s car there and didn’t want to talk with her there. It turned out that Judy was there but not consoling Natasha like I originally thought. She left the house after I did to pick up Marni who was upset after not being invited to the event. She’d had a few too many drinks to console herself, and needed a ride home. After Judy got her, she had to stop back by Natasha’s because she forgot her purse and didn’t want to be driving without her license. Marni was still with her, and she claimed she had to use the restroom. She went into the house, unbeknownst to Natasha, telling Judy she locked the door behind her. I guess she never really locked it and ended up coming back later that night to kill her.”

  “Wow,” Dina said, shaking her head in disbelief. “She admitted all of that?”

  “I guess she lost control and couldn’t hold it all in any longer. I’m just surprised she wasn’t a little more careful. When I saw her bike with a piece of the table runner on it, I couldn’t believe she didn’t notice it, or if she did, why she’d leave it there like a souvenir or something.”

  “What a crazy thing. I’m sorry it all happened to you.”

  “Thanks,” Joss said, smiling.

  “That’s what friends are for,” Dina said.

  “Are we friends again?” Joss asked.

  “I saved your life, Joss. You owe me.” Dina grinned.

  “You owe me a shift at work, then. Remember the day you walked out? You’re lucky you weren’t fired.”

  “I know. I know. I was wrong; you don’t have to rub it in,” Dina said, sticking out her tongue. “So, what are you doing for the rest of the day? Want to do something?”

  “I’m supposed to hang out with Ryan, but…”

  “Okay. Cool. I get it. You should definitely see him. We can make plans for some other time,” Dina said quickly.

  “Actually, I have an idea. Ryan and I are thinking of going to check out the new theme park that opened a couple of hours away. How about you come with us?” Joss asked.

  “And be the third wheel? I don’t think that sounds like a very good idea.” Dina frowned.

  “What about if Richie comes too?”

  “What?!” Dina shouted. “Why would you even suggest that?”

  “Oh, come on. You know you like him,” Joss said.

  “I mean, maybe a little. But there is no way he feels the same. We are two totally different people.”

  “That’s what makes the world go round, Dina. We all like different things, and have different beliefs and that’s okay. You’ll never know unless you try. I asked Ryan out, remember? If I can do it, so can you.”

  “I don’t know,” Dina said, sounding unsure.

  “You got this. I’m not worried at all. I’m almost positive he’ll say yes.”

  “Really?” Dina asked, perking up.

  “How about you call him and find out? I’ll call Ryan and let him know and we can go on a double date. It’ll be fun!”

  “Thanks, Joss,” Dina said.

  “Anything for a friend,” Joss replied, giving Dina the biggest smile she could.

  Life was back to normal for Joss, and it felt good. She couldn’t wait to see Ryan, and get back to work now that Dina was speaking to her again. The next time someone said she had to do a catering job by herself, though, she was definitely going to decline.

  The next morning, Joss stepped into the diner, rubbing her tired eyes. She’d stayed up late watching movies with Ryan and it was one of the best, and most relaxing nights she’d had in a long time, so it had been more than worth it. She went straight to the coffee pot, and poured herself a cup. Walking into the kitchen, Joss removed the special coffee creamer that she stored at the diner from the fridge, and laughed out loud. On the bottle was a bright pink sticky note, no doubt from Dina.

  Richie said YES!

  Also by Gretchen Allen

  Sundae Afternoon Series

  Book 1: Triple Dipped Murder

  Book 2: Melt Down Murder

  Book 3: A Twist of Murder

  Book 4: Caked in Murder

  Book 5: Shivers of Murder

  Book 6: A Flurry of Murder

  Book 7: Two Scoops of Murder

  The Day and Night Diner

  Book 1: Pancakes and Pleas

  The Cozy Tales of a Professional Mermaid

  Book 1: Criminals and Coral

  Holly and Evergreen

  Book 1: The Final Sleigh

  Author’s Note

  I’d love to hear your thoughts on my books, the storylines, and anything else that you’d like to comment on—reader feedback is very important to me. My contact information, along with some other helpful links, is listed on the next page. If you’d like to be on my list of “folks to contact” with updates, release and sa
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