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Alonzo and Melissa; Or, The Unfeeling Father: An American Tale

Page 37

by Daniel Jackson and I. Mitchell

came out near the road 1851/70 situated 1870 When he came near the road John stared in amazement 1851/70 John started in amazement her aunt is gone into the country and has not returned 1870 her aunt has gone ... John informed him that she was there about sunset 1870 ... he was there about sunset He returned in about half an hour 1870 He returned in half an hour the latter had taxed the former of improperly endeavoring 1870 ... with improperly endeavoring He told them all that had happened since he was there, of which, before, they had heard nothing. At the houses of Mr. Simpson and Vincent 1870 He told him all .... At the house and she wished to marry somebody else 1811ff and she wishes to marry somebody else Alonzo did not long hesitate what course to pursue 1870 Alonzo did not hesitate long ... the idea could not pluck the thorn from his bosom 1851/70 ... from his own bosom I have got considerable money at command 1870 ... at my command He answered, that perhaps all might yet come right 1870 ... come to right his resources had not yet failed him 1851/70 his resources had not failed him he reached Killingsworth 1870 ... Killingworth through the night was wrecked with severe pain 1851/70 ... racked with severe pain it might prove an injury to her if she was there, and could answer no valuable purpose if she was not 1811ff ... if she were ... if she were not he could not distinguish her features 1870 he did not distinguish her features he now had a side view of her face, and was more than ever convinced that it was Melissa 1870 he had a side view of her face, was more ... he found it was Melissa's cousin 1811ff he found it to be Melissa's cousin "Do you not think," said Mrs. Wyllis, "that she resembles their cousin Melissa, who resided there some time ago?" 1870 ... her cousin Melissa ... what course to pursue, he was at a loss to determine upon. 1811ff what course to pursue, he was at a loss to determine. Alonzo felt no strong curiosity farther to examine her features 1870 Alonzo felt no curiosity ... An incident tended to confirm his resolution 1851/70 ... this resolution her fine eyes were closed for ever 1851/70 her fine eyes had closed for ever and shook the trembling frame of Alonzo 1811ff and shocked the trembling frame of Alonzo the sun of peace may yet dispel the glooms of these distressful hours 1870 ... dispel these distressful hours the death list arrested his attention 1870 the death list attracted his attention Died, of a consumption ... 1804/11: DIED, of a consumption on the 26th ult. at the seat of her uncle, Col. W****** D----, near Charleston, South-Carolina, whither she had repaired for her health, Miss Melissa D----, the amiable daughter of J**** D----, Esq. of *******, Connecticut, in the 18th year of her age. 1851: Died, of a consumption, on the 26th ult. at the seat of her uncle, Col. W. D--, near Charleston, South Carolina, whither she had repaired for her health, Miss Melissa D----, the amiable daughter of J---- D----, Esq. of *******, Connecticut, in the eighteenth year of her age. 1870: Died, of a consumption, on the 26th ult. at the seat of her uncle, Col. W. D----, near Charleston, South Carolina, whither she had repaired for her health, Miss Melissa D----, the amiable daughter of J. D----, Esq. of ------, Connecticut, in the eighteenth year of her age. The fanciful part of our readers may be ready to cast it aside 1811ff ... may cast it aside the geni which animated and enlivened it 1811ff the _genius_ which animated and enlivened it Arouse your hero. Call to his aid 1811 Arouse your hero: call to his aid 1851/70 Arouse your hero? call to his aid to what pathos of grief and wretchedness 1811ff to what paths of grief and wretchedness regions where my guardian angel is gone 1811/51 regions where my guardian is gone nature triumphed over disease of body, he slowly recovered 1811 body--he 1851/70 body, and he an uncle who resided near Charleston in South Carolina [See _Barometer_ No. 110.] 1811 [FOOTNOTE] See page 39. 1851/70 NO FOOTNOTE roved, he knew not whether [sic] [for "whither"] 1811ff where the _dircle_ sung mournfully in the grass 1811ff ... on the grass through which they had passed, were recalled to his mind 1851/70 ... were called to his mind His fancy saw her--felt her gently leaning on his arm 1870 His fancy saw her--he felt ... Again was he enraptured by the melody of her voice 1811ff Again he was enraptured ... the first time he saw her at her cousin's [See _Barometer_ No. 105. See also allusions to this scene in several subsequent parts of the story.] 1811/51 [FOOTNOTE] See page 7/8. See also ... 1870 NO FOOTNOTE his former bliss and anxiety, where every countenance would tend to renew his mourning, where every door would be inscribed with a _memento mori_ 1870 the scenes of his former bliss and anxiety, where every door would be inscribed with a _memento mori_ the breezes rustled from their woody coverts 1811ff the breezes rushed the willderness [sic] of its waters 1811ff its wilderness of waters A new scene now opened to Alonzo 1811ff A new scene was now opened to Alonzo [QUOTATION] Blue tumbling billows, topp'd with foam 1851/70 Blue trembling billows ... The _dingy scud_ first flew swiftly along the sky 1811ff The dirgy scud ... It appeared to be of about equal force and dimensions 1811ff It appeared to be of equal force and dimensions the ship went down and was for ever buried 1870 the ship went down and was buried as there existed no parental or other impediments to our union 1811ff as there were no ... the friend and intimate of my angel in my absence. They were now almost every day together, so that I had frequently opportunities 1811ff the friend and inmate ... 1851/70 ... frequent opportunities promised to obey her injunctions 1811ff proceeded 1870 injunction No, it was not this that caused you to perjure your plighted vows 1811ff No, it was not that which ... I had worked up my feelings almost to the frenzy of distraction 1870 I worked up my feelings ... gently pressed in the hand of the stranger 1870 ... in the hands of the stranger a little arbour, at a few yards distant from where I was 1811ff a little arbour, a few ... 1851/70 ... where I sat "I forgive you, Henry," she said, "I forgive your mistake," 1851 "I forgive you," Henry, she said, "forgive your mistake" I made no defence; was condemned to death 1851/70 defence; and was frequently enter the prison to console and comfort him [here alone, the 1804 form is "console" rather than "consolate"] But the grief that preyed at his heart had wasted him to a skeleton 1851/70 ... to a mere skeleton trusting in the mercy of his Creator through the merits of a Redeemer 1811ff ... the sufferings of a Redeemer were loose and could easily be removed 1851/70 were loose and could be easily removed every article of which he cut into narrow strips 1811 ... narrow slips a piece of long timber 1811ff a long piece of timber as useless encumbrances without his clothes 1811ff as a useless encumbrance ... You must have experienced a severe gale indeed 1870 You have experienced ... The sailor mused a few minutes 1870 The sailor mused for a few minutes Alonzo entered it to see how the sick and disabled American prisoners were treated 1811ff ... and disabled prisoners were treated [FOOTNOTE] were treated with much more humanity than those who were imprisoned in America 1870 ... imprisoned at Halifax and other places in America he now found that he had lost his leg 1870 he now discovered ... it is possible I have been undesigningly accessory 1811ff ... undesignedly accessory to render him more comfortable. Beauman replied that he was not: "For the comforts of life," said he 1870 to make him more 1811ff the comforts of this life 1811 replied he he would fall into incoherent mutterings 1851/70 ... muttering a natural stone was placed at its head 1870 ... at his head bearing a large trunk on his shoulder, and directing Alonzo 1811ff ... and directed Alonzo not with a view to returning to America; he had yet no relish for revisiting 1811ff of returning 1870 ... he had no relish for revisiting Of this Alonzo gave a minute account 1811ff Of this Alonzo gave him a minute account Alonzo enquired for the name to whom the note was addressed 1870 ... the man to whom ... Alonzo gave his employer no room to complain 1870 ... no reason to complain Alonzo dressed himself in deep mourning 1870 Alonzo dressed in deep mourning he took it up and found it to be a curiously wrought purse 1870 ... a curious wrought purse what he esteemed most invaluable 1811ff wh
at he esteemed most valuable Lost, between the hours of 9 and 10 last evening, in the _Rue de Loire_ 1811ff nine and ten ... Loir [_sic_] had hitherto taken no notice of what had passed 1870 ... of what passed a letter from his father, while he was at the army 1811 while at 1851/70 while with Last evening I lost the miniature which I suppose you have found 1870 ... which I suppose you to have found which I probably dropped on replacing in my pocket 1811ff ... on replacing it in my pocket it has become a most precious and invaluable relique 1811ff ... and valuable relique The next morning as they were about to part 1811ff ... about to depart and sighed as ardently for some other trifle 1811ff and sighed as earnestly ... turns to some other source to supply the vacuum 1811ff ... to supply _vacuum_ Stripped of all but their intrinsic

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